IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#784: Wasted Earth Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden is situated by Dianshan Lake, the standing tall and erect vault covers these several square kilometers lands, six grid materials of graphene knitting are reflecting the light halo, is deriving the energy from the thin sunlight. 伊甸园坐落于淀山湖旁,高耸的穹顶将这数平方公里的土地笼罩,石墨烯编织的六网格材料反射着淡淡的光晕,从稀薄的日光中汲取着能量。 Outside vault, a desolateness. 穹顶之外,一片荒芜。 But in vault, fine spring day. 而穹顶之内,鸟语花香。 really like garden.” 简直像花园一样。” The butterfly is flashing the wing, has flown from the flowering shrubs, is looking at the present beautiful scene, Jiang Chen voiced such as is opinions. 蝴蝶扑闪着翅膀,从花丛间飞过,望着眼前的美景,江晨不由发出了如是的感叹。 The flowers and plants zoology and botany in this Garden of Eden, through the code that recycles from the gene bank, returns to original state with the artificial incubation technology. According to the Lin Ling's view, if he thinks, even can raise several dinosaur in the back garden. 这座伊甸园内的花草动植物,都是通过从基因库中回收的编码,用人工孵化技术还原出来的。根据林玲的说法,如果他想的话,甚至可以在后花园里养上几只恐龙。 Hee hee, did I say?” Wears the one-piece dress, Sun Jiao walks by Jiang Chen, smilingly is holding his hand, „, although Virtual Reality can also simulate these environment, but the feeling in reality is really more substantial.” “嘻嘻,我说吧?”穿着连衣裙,孙娇走在江晨旁边,笑眯眯地挽着他的手,“虽然虚拟实境也能模拟这些环境,但果然还是在现实中的感觉更充实呢。” The tall building scattered in circular space, the greenery and lawn embellishes in the building open areas. The central tall building seems the great tower of the world tree, is supporting world of this independence beside Last of Days. The ring-like path is circling the top connection buildings, is similar to the artware in fairy tale like that only beautiful. 高楼错落在圆形的空间内,绿树与草坪点缀在楼房空地之间。中央的高楼就好似世界树的巨塔,支撑着这个独立于末世之外的世界。环状的道路盘旋着将一座座楼房的顶部连接,就如同童话中的艺术品那般唯美。 Walks by Jiang Chen's, the Sun Jiao lip angle is blooming the smile, is introducing this Garden of Eden all. 走在江晨的旁边,孙娇的唇角绽放着微笑,介绍着这座伊甸园的一切。 Aerial parts only occupy Garden of Eden life space 20, broader space in underground. The 12 place numerical control planter tower will complete the cultivation of crops, it is expected that the quarter output may be over 50 tons to feed, do you have are listening to me to speak?” “地上部分只占伊甸园生活空间的20,更广阔的空间在地下。十二座数控种植塔将完成农作物的耕种,预计季度产量可达到50吨以上喂,你有在听我说话吗?” By cheeks that the Jiang Chen's look looks at slightly red, Sun Jiao said in a tone with a touch of charmingly angry. 江晨的眼神看的脸颊微红,孙娇语气略带娇嗔地说道。 High and low is taking a look at beautiful woman, after Jiang Chen hesitated the moment, finally said the feelings in heart. 上下打量着身边的美人,江晨沉吟了片刻后,最终说出了心中的感想。 „, Always did not feel that you put on the appearance of skirt to be strange.” “唔,总感觉你穿裙子的样子怪怪的。” Hears the Jiang Chen's words, the Sun Jiao willow eyebrows raises up immediately, pinched in his waist wickedly. 听到江晨的话,孙娇柳眉顿时竖起,恶狠狠地在他腰间掐了一把。 Snort! Do you want dead?” “哼!你想死吗?” The Jiang Chen pain shouted one exaggeratingly, avoided the attack of Sun Jiao. 江晨夸张地痛呼了一声,躲开了孙娇的攻击。 At this time, Xiaorou walked up, looks two people that created a disturbance covered the mouth chuckle. 这时,小柔走上前来,看着打闹的二人不由掩嘴轻笑。 Cannot bully elder sister, to overcome regarding the anxiety of skirt type of light clothes, elder sister spent very big time to be determined not to put on !” “不可以欺负姐姐哦,为了克服对于裙子这种轻飘飘的衣服的不安,姐姐可是花了很大功夫才下定决心穿上唔唔!” You are talking nonsense anything Sun Jiao to cover the mouth of younger sister from behind, on the face were hanging the terrorist|terrifying smiling face. “你在瞎说些什么”孙娇从后面捂住了妹妹的嘴,脸上挂着恐怖的笑容。 Was covered Xiaorou that was quiet by Sun Jiao, sobbed several with the pitiful expression, praying for rescue the vision went to Jiang Chen. 孙娇捂住嘴的小柔,用可怜兮兮的表情呜咽了几句,将“求救”的目光投向了江晨 Has saying that although grows to seem like in a mold to carve, but Xiaorou wears the skirt absolutely not to have her elder sister that obvious being out of sorts feeling. Compared with skirt, that type tears away half of cowboy hot-pants with operating the lapel pities is more suitable her style. 不得不说,虽然长得像是一个模子里刻出来的,但小柔穿着裙子则完全没有她姐姐那种明显的违和感。比起裙子,还是那种撕去一半的牛仔热裤与开襟恤更适合她的风格。 However since becomes Madam Marshal, she was few such clothing. 不过自从成为元帅夫人之后,她就很少这么着装了。 The entrance, passed to eliminate Yao Yao and Lin Ling of fungus room also with. The former filled curiously to here all, is sizing up the flowers and plants in this Garden of Eden full of enthusiasm. But as Lin Ling of designer, then raised the small nose proudly, is explaining about this Garden of Eden to Yao Yao. 入口处,通过除菌室的姚姚林玲也跟了上来。前者对这里的一切都充满了好奇,正兴致勃勃地打量着这座伊甸园内的花花草草。而身为设计者的林玲,则是骄傲地扬起了小鼻子,向姚姚讲解着关于这座伊甸园的一切。 Also pure Yao Yao, can satisfy her small vanity. 也只有单纯的姚姚,能满足她那小小的虚荣心了。 Arrived under the central tower following the main road, the group mounted the sightseeing elevator. 顺着主干道来到了中央塔下,一行人登上了观光电梯。 As the elevator rises slowly, Jiang Chen looked at the scene outside graphene insulation, the corners of the mouth is bringing back wiped the happy expression. 随着电梯缓缓上升,江晨望着石墨烯隔层外的光景,嘴角不由勾起了一抹笑意。 From now on, here will become on this piece of Wasted Earth most to make the place that one yearns. The seed of civilization will start to sprout from here, along trade route that transports the food, approaches a farther place the Fire Seed transmission of civilization. 从今往后,这里将成为这片废土上最令人向往的地方。文明的种子将从这里开始萌发,沿着一条条输送食品的商路,将文明火种传递向更远的地方。 But he, is this city Master. 而他,便是这座城市主人 From Office of central tower, to distributing the numerical control planter tower in corner, to underground life space in this harmonious atmosphere, the whole family resulted in like spring tour from strolled again this Garden of Eden. 从中央塔的办公室,到分布在角落的数控种植塔,再到地下生活空间就在这融洽的氛围中,一家人如同春游似得从将这座伊甸园逛了个遍。 Stayed on the 3rd in Last of Days, Jiang Chen returned to the present world in mid May. 末世停留了三日,江晨于五月中旬回到了现世。 Before walking, he called Cheng Weiguo, Zhao Gang, Wang Zhaowu and the others, told the buildup program. The threat of Northern United District approaches day by day, the prosperity of powerful armed ability better protection area. 走之前他召集了程卫国赵刚王兆武等人,将扩军计划吩咐了下去。北方联统区的威胁日益逼近,只有强大的武装才能更好的守护疆域的繁荣。 If the war breaks out, Hongcheng will become the frontline of Northern United District and exchange of fire. 如果战争爆发,洪城将成为北方联统区与交火的前线。 Before Jiang Chen leaves Last of Days, Zhao Gang brings Third Army to start off, goes to Hongcheng to construct the defense line. The deployment including Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery and laser anti-missile Artillery System equipment, the sand city the deployment sentry post investigates along Wu City and area simultaneously, focuses on the Northern United District trend. 江晨离开末世之前,赵刚已经带着第三兵团上路,前往洪城构筑防线。部署包括五十式电磁炮、激光反导系统在内的设备,同时沿武市、沙城一带部署岗哨侦查,紧盯北方联统区的动向。 After returning to the reality, Ayesha brought the good news. 回到现实后,阿伊莎带来了好消息。 Specter Agent in Hungarian small village, found that before Germany that is hiding Wiley Society tracing Vice Prime Minister Mr. Evelyn. 幽灵特工在匈牙利以东的小村庄内,找到了那位躲藏着维利会追踪的德国副总理埃夫林先生。 Since Germany New Choice Party mounts the stage, his day does not feel better. Germany Federal Government filed the charges of total 11 charges to him, simultaneously suspected he on suspicion of planning in view of the murder of Dehaut two countries President, and must go to return to Germany to answer a charge immediately. 自从德国新选择党上台后,他的日子就不好过了起来。德国联邦政府对他提起了共计11项罪名的诉讼,同时怀疑他涉嫌策划了针对德奥两国总统的谋杀,并要去其立刻返回德国应诉。 Evelyn is obviously impossible to return to Germany to answer a charge, if he this time went back, perhaps cannot go to the court, died of the accident/surprise of Wiley Society manufacture. 埃夫林显然不可能返回德国应诉,他如果这时候回去,恐怕上不了法庭,就死于维利会制造的意外。 By the influence of Rothschild Household in Europe, does not have any country will provide political refuge for him. Russia perhaps is promising he to provide the political refuge interest, but in Hungarian border he, simply is without means to go to the Russia border. 罗斯柴尔德家族在欧洲的影响力,没有任何国家会为他提供政治避难俄罗斯或许有为他提供政治避难的兴趣,但正在匈牙利边境上的他,根本没有办法前往俄罗斯边境。 From the beginning was being looked by the Specter Agent person, he also thinks that is the Wiley Society person comes. Until was dispatched European with agent of its contact to indicate the status afterward, he calm, and set own request 一开始被幽灵特工的人找着,他还以为是维利会的人找上了门来。直到后来被派往欧洲与其接触的特工表明了身份,他才冷静了下来,并且提出了自己的要求 He hopes that we deliver to the Russia border him, Russia had agreed provides political refuge for him.” Ayesha reports to say to Jiang Chen. “他希望我们将他送到俄罗斯边境,俄国已经同意为他提供政治避难。”阿伊莎江晨汇报道。 Russia?” Jiang Chen feels the chin, is lost in thought. 俄国吗?”江晨摸着下巴,陷入了沉思。 Now he has two choices, escorts to Russia him, provides the aid by Russia to him. Another brings back to Country of Xin him directly, provides the support by Future Group to him. These two options can make the trouble to Rothschild in the Germany layout, but the latter can avoid Future Group prematurely having no consideration for face with Freemasonry obviously directly. 现在他有两个选择,一个是将他送往俄国,由俄国对他提供援助。另一个是将他直接带回新国,由未来人集团对他提供支持。这两个选项都能对罗斯柴尔德德国的布局造成麻烦,不过后者显然能够避免未来人集团过早与共济会直接撕破脸。 Although looks like in Jiang Chen, that moment when the South Pole sound of gunfire resounds, the smiling face between both sides has torn to pieces. 虽然在江晨看来,当南极枪声响起的那一刻,双方之间的笑脸就已经撕破了。 Sent to Russia to be right him, Natasha?” “把他送去俄国对了,娜塔莎呢?” „Will she come back from Russia probably the day after tomorrow, what issue has?” Ayesha looked puzzled to Jiang Chen. “她大概后天从俄国回来,有什么问题吗?”阿伊莎困惑地看向了江晨 No,” Jiang Chen shakes the head, the corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression, brought back to Koro Island Evelyn, I [The Droplet 1] taking advantage of you, will trouble you to go to one personally.” “没什么,”江晨摇了摇头,嘴角勾起了一抹笑意,“将埃夫林带回科罗岛,我会把水滴一号借你,麻烦你亲自去一趟了。” Existence of [The Droplet 1] temporarily is a secret, at present a small number know. Currently has the [The Droplet 1] driving jurisdiction, only has Ayesha and Jiang Chen two people. At present the world's most sonars are unable to detect its existence, moreover ultra-high cruising speed, enables it to arrive in Europe in a short time, that Mr. Vice Prime Minister meeting. 水滴一号的存在暂时是个秘密,目前只有少部分人知道。目前拥有水滴一号驾驶权限的,也只有阿伊莎江晨两人而已。目前世界上绝大多数的声呐都无法侦测到它的存在,而且超高的巡航速度,也使得它能在短时间内抵达欧洲,将那位副总理先生给接回来。 hears word, Ayesha purses the lips to smile, said in a soft voice. 闻言,阿伊莎抿嘴微笑,轻声说道。 Where matter, is not troublesome.” “哪里的事,一点也不麻烦。” When she is about to leave, Jiang Chen also stopped by calling out her suddenly. 就在她准备离开的时候,江晨突然又是叫住了她。 Right, matter.” “对了,还有件事。” Ayesha has turned around, the vision that will inquire goes to him. 阿伊莎转过身,将询问的目光投向他。 Mr. Vice Prime Minister sees [The Droplet 1] before again, remembers that first knocks down him.” To be continued “再副总理先生看到水滴一号之前,记得先把他打晕。”未完待续
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