IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#783: Magnetic Confinement Method

Very marvelous phenomenon. 很奇妙的现象。 Roughly in the wrist/skill thick or thin transparent vacuum tube, is floating quiet blue light ball. If approached the careful observation also to discover, between this light ball both sides and vacuum tube inside two-poles, but also is connecting thin, if the electron beam of gossamer. 约莫手腕粗细的透明真空管中,漂浮着一个幽蓝色光球。如果凑近了仔细观察还能够发现,在这光球的两端与真空管内侧的两极之间,还连接着细若游丝的电子束。 At this moment, this vacuum tube is placed on the Lin Ling's experiment table. 此刻,这个真空管正摆在林玲的实验桌上。 This is the first time that Jiang Chen experienced, actually Antimatter is what appearance. 这还是江晨第一次见识到,反物质究竟是个什么样子。 To be honest, after seeing the material object, with he estimates some differences. He thinks Antimatter should be the profound black, has not actually thought of it unexpectedly brightly somewhat glaring. 老实说,当见到实物后,和他预想中的还是有些出入。他原本以为反物质应该是深邃的黑,却没想到它竟然亮的有些晃眼。 „Is this Antimatter?” Jiang Chen referred to the vacuum tube on table, asked to Lin Ling. “这就是反物质?”江晨指了指桌上的真空管,向身旁的林玲问道。 Lin Ling with looking at the idiot vision glanced his one eyes, coughed mysterious, opened the mouth to show off. 林玲用看白痴地目光瞟了他一眼,故弄玄虚地咳了咳,开口卖弄了起来。 Use injects the small canonical angular momentum the electron beam, in has plasma of dense core in the metallic pipe of absolute vacuum forms.” “利用注入小正则角动量的电子束,在绝对真空的金属管内形成的具有稠密核心的等离子体。” plasma?” Hears big pile of technical expressions, Jiang Chen feels some big immediately. 等离子体?”听到一大堆专业术语,江晨顿时感到有些头大。 However Lin Ling as if appreciates his such expression very much, on the lovable small mouth is hanging self-satisfaction, was more obvious. 然而林玲似乎很欣赏他这样的表情,可爱的小嘴上挂着的得意,更是明显了。 Right, you can the light ball understanding of this illumination to wrap the shell of Antimatter, are making the side black granule that no rule is swinging in the center of this vacuum spherical shell, is Antimatter that in the usual significance said. We are usually called this method, Magnetic Confinement Method.” “没错,你可以将这个发光的光球理解为包裹着反物质的壳,在这个真空球壳的中心做着无规则摆动的极黑粒子,就是通常意义上所说的反物质。我们通常将这种方法称为,磁约束法。” After saying, Lin Ling also supplemented the sentence badly with a smile. 说完后,林玲还坏笑着补充了句。 Although only then 1, but the flash can cancel from the map this area.” “虽然只有一,但一瞬间就能将这一带从地图上抹去哦。” The Jiang Chen brow jumped jumping fiercely, but has not revealed in the Lin Ling estimate actually such fear expression. 江晨眉头猛地跳了跳,不过倒是没有露出林玲预想中那样害怕的表情。 Places here, won't have the problem in security?” “就这么放在这里,不会出现安全上的问题吗?” Security problem does not need to be worried, this plasma is very stable, even it can be said that makes people puzzled perfectly, when the fellows in these Void how to achieve.” “安全问题不用担心,这个等离子体很稳定,甚至可以说是完美让人不禁困惑,那些虚空里的家伙时怎么做到的。” Can't achieve by the technologies of 22 centuries?” Some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises looked to Lin Ling. “以22世纪的技术做不到吗?”江晨有些意外地看向了林玲 Lin Ling shakes the head. 林玲摇了摇头。 Let alone forms so unusual plasma spherical shell, pulls out the absolute vacuum this vacuum tube, regarding 22nd Century is not an easy matter. Even Cosmos is not an absolute vacuum. The dark matter that the material that except that we can see, we could not have seen, wants to fall rejection that these thing do not keep, absolutely is not an easy matter.” “别说是形成如此奇特的等离子球壳,就是将这个真空管抽成绝对真空,对于二十二世纪来说都不是一件容易的事。要知道,就算是宇宙也并非绝对真空。除了我们所能见到的物质,还有我们所见不到的暗物质,想要将这些东西一个不留的剔除掉,绝对不是一件容易的事。” After stopping the moment, looks at this space to manage, Lin Ling is then muttering. 停顿了片刻后,望着这个正空管,林玲接着喃喃道。 Although the atom is electric neutrality, but will have the weak magnetic moment. Stands in the back of material, Antimatter similarly is also so. Through using the special magnetic field, can achieve the Antimatter restraint in certain space. Although very surprising design humanity can trace regarding the observation of Antimatter in the 20 th century, but until 2 centuries later, no one can achieve Antimatter as before stores up in such plasma.” “虽然原子是电中性的,但也会有微弱的磁距。站在物质的背面,反物质同样也是如此。通过采用特殊的磁场,就可以做到将反物质约束在一定空间内。很令人惊讶的设计虽然人类对于反物质的观测可以追溯到20世纪,但直到2个世纪后,依旧没有人能做到将反物质储存在这么一个等离子体内。” With Antimatter how makes the weapon?” Jiang Chen asks his most issue of concern immediately. “用反物质做武器如何?”江晨立刻问起了他最关心的问题。 Strength is astonishing, but I urged you not to use the weapon of interstellar time on Earth.” Lin Ling slanting Jiang Chen, theoretically, does not exist to defend the thing of Antimatter group, any will be annihilated by the material of Antimatter contact rapidly, and transforms the energy 100 qualities, by the form release of high-energy gamma ray. Raises while convenient, hydrogen bomb only has 0.7 mass energy transformations. The Ruin Earth words, only need 1 Antimatter to fall on the ground probably, this is also the reason that Antimatter is listed as forbids the research project.” “力量惊人,不过我劝你别将星际时代的武器用在地球上。”林玲斜了江晨一眼,“理论上,不存在能够防御反物质团的东西,任何被反物质接触的正物质都会迅速湮灭,并将100的质量转化成能量,以高能伽玛射线的形式释放。顺便一提,氢弹只有0.7的质能转换。毁灭地球的话,大概只需要一的反物质落在地上,这也是反物质被列为禁止研究项目的原因。” Listens to Lin Ling's to explain, Jiang Chen is knows why Lost of the Void analogied this thing to hope finally. 听完林玲的解释,江晨算是知道为什么虚空遗民将这东西比喻为最后的希望了。 So terrorist|terrifying lethality, if can have the Antimatter weapon, Earth Civilization might as well be able with a Harmony civilization war 20.5 light years away! 如此恐怖的杀伤力,若是能拥有反物质武器的话,地球文明未尝不能与20.5光年外的和谐文明一战! Seemed like sees changing countenance on Jiang Chen face, Lin Ling reminded his one low voice. 似乎是看出了江晨脸上的动容,林玲小声提醒了他一句。 Do not be excited, these people in Void gave us a sample, the fabrication technology related technology, our foundations are zero.” “不过你也别太激动了,虚空中的那些人只是给了我们一件样品,无论是制造工艺还是相关技术,我们的基础都是零。” Starting from nothing? All right, I believe your ability!” Jiang Chen hā hā said with a smile, patted the Lin Ling's shoulder, „the research of Antimatter gave you!” “从零开始吗?没事,我相信你的能力!”江晨哈哈笑道,拍了拍林玲的肩膀,“反物质的研究就交给你了!” What do not give me! I am still studying you to give my belt/bring person cross over topic now! Moreover even I, regarding the foundation of Antimatter this type of thing still am zero, I suggested that you ask research direction deviation some the physicists in aspect to do this matter. Moreover, the research extracts Antimatter should better outside the outer space, does the experiment in this aspect in the surface is very dangerous?” Lin Ling protested. “别什么都交给我啊!我现在还在研究你给我的带人穿越的课题呢!而且就算是我,对于反物质这种东西的基础也是零好吗,我建议你去找些研究方向偏向这方面的物理学家来搞这事儿。而且,研究提取反物质最好在外太空,在地表上做这方面的实验是很危险的好吗?”林玲抗议道。 Regarding Antimatter this type of thing, Lin Ling does not have more means that but she helped Jiang Chen design a research approach. 对于反物质这种东西,林玲也没有更多的办法,不过她还是帮江晨设计了一条研究思路。 Is divided into three parts the topic. 将课题分为三个部分。 How the first part is studies makes the absolute vacuum the vessel, for wrapping Antimatter the storage of plasma. 第一个部分是研究如何制造绝对真空的容器,用于包裹反物质等离子体的储存。 How the second part is studies makes this type to be able Magnetic Confinement Antimatter plasma, for wrapping Antimatter. 第二个部分就是研究如何制造这种能够磁约束反物质等离子体,用于包裹反物质 How the third part uses the energetic particle collider to produce the antiparticle efficiently, and collects before its decay with the magnetic field. 第三个部分是如何用高能粒子对撞机更高效地生产反粒子,并用磁场在其衰变之前收集。 How actually to produce Antimatter instead is most simple one step, after all made the counter- hydrogen atomic beam in 20 2014 CERN on the success. That is by 80 antihydrogen constitutions, the 2.7-meter Antimatter beam fluxes, but no one can preserve it, with large-scale manufacture. 其实如何生产反物质反而是最简单的一步,毕竟在2014年欧洲核子研究组织就成功制造出了反氢原子束。那是由80个反氢原子构成的、长达2.7米的反物质束流,不过没人能够将它保存起来,和大规模制造。 These energetic ion accelerator usual every year can only produce several milligamma antihydrogens, but one milligamma is one gram 1 billion 1. 这些高能离子加速器通常每年只能产生几个毫微克的反氢原子,而一毫微克是一克的十亿分之一。 Leaves after the Lin Ling's laboratory, Jiang Chen went to a Fishbone Base community center, will establish the document of new research project group to hand over in the hand of Wang Qing. 林玲的实验室离开后,江晨去了一趟鱼骨头基地的社区中心,将成立新研究项目组的文件交到了王晴的手中。 „The talent who lacks tries to find the solution from Sanctuary, comes out Suhang Province nearby Physics Laboratory sign, Expedition Force will be responsible for the recovery work.” “缺少的人才从避难所上想办法,将苏杭省附近的物理实验室都标出来,远征军会负责回收工作。” Antimatter?” Wang Qing takes the document in hand somewhat to compel ignorant, but since is the request of Marshal, she nods earnestly, good, I will tell. Right, a while ago that side Hongcheng spread the news.” 反物质?”王晴拿着手中的文件有些懵逼,但既然是元帅的要求,她还是认真地点了点头,“好的,我会吩咐下去。对了,前段时间洪城那边传来了消息。” Hongcheng? What news?” 洪城?什么消息?” Compared in a while ago, moved increased much in United City and Qingshan Town Northern United District merchant. Meanwhile, Steel Gear Chamber of Commerce President Wu Qian there also spread the news, these enliven in the Hongcheng Northern United District merchant seem purchasing the steel, Rare Earth and electronic component wantonly, but lacks regarding other interests of cargo performance.” “相较于前段时间,活动在合众城青山镇北方联统区商人增加了不少。与此同时,钢齿轮商会会长吴芊那里也传来了消息,这些活跃在洪城一带的北方联统区商人似乎在大肆收购钢铁、稀土以及电子元件,而对于其它货物则表现的兴趣缺缺。” Purchases the steel?” Jiang Chen hesitated the moment, looked that then said to Wang Qing, raises credits and subcrystal exchange proportion, making us control affiliated several Foreign Species Pasture to increase the output of subcrystal output.” “收购钢铁吗?”江晨沉吟了片刻,看向王晴接着说道,“上调信用点亚晶的兑换比例,让我们控制旗下的几家异种牧场增加亚晶输出的产量。” subcrystal depreciates, uses subcrystal to purchase the cost of steel as the Northern United District merchant of currency to increase without doubt. Although this will have the impact on the economy of native place to a certain extent, but can actually effectively contain the strategic resources that under the market economy creates to flow out. 亚晶贬值,使用亚晶作为货币的北方联统区商人收购钢铁的成本无疑就要增加。虽然一定程度上这会对本土的经济造成冲击,但却能有效遏制市场经济下造成的战略资源外流。 Moreover, increases to Sixth Block the order of ordnance machine shop release, must by the end of this year, the capacity of General factory turn time!” “另外,增加对第六街区的军工厂下放的订单,务必在今年年底前,将军工厂的产能翻倍!” Stopped the moment, Jiang Chen then said. 停顿了片刻,江晨接着说道。 Finally, is ready for war.” To be continued “最后,做好战争的准备。”未完待续
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