IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#782: Old friends

9 : 00 am, Country of Xin National Energy Board held the press conference to announce, Country of Xin will establish first Nuclear Power Station in the Koro Island tender, for alleviating in island day by day tense electric power pressure. At present, this/should project had adopted the approval of International Atomic Energy Agency, will be responsible for undertaking construction by Star Ring Trading. Phili side indicated in noon today, strongly condemned Country of Xin Nuclear Power Station, calls it Star Ring Trading to develop the plot of nuclear weapon, this act will further deteriorate the eastern South Asia situation.” “昨日上午九点,新国国家能源局召开新闻发布会宣布,新国将在科罗岛招标建立第一座核电站,用于缓解岛上日益紧张电力压力。目前,该项目已经通过了国际原子能机构的认可,将由星环贸易负责承建。菲方在今天中午表示,强烈谴责新国核电站,称其为星环贸易发展核武器的阴谋,此举将进一步恶化东南亚局势。” Regarding this, the Star Ring Trading spokesman responded, Country of Xin developed Civilian Nuclear Technology to be fair. Moreover, Nuclear Power Station will use Light Water Reactor, rather than can make the plutonium 9 heavy-water reactors forever.” “对此,星环贸易新闻发言人回应称,新国发展民用核技术合情合法。另外,核电站将使用轻水反应堆,而非能够永远制造钚九的重水反应堆。” It is expected that Nuclear Power Station will finish by the end of this year. According to the Star Ring Trading aspect public project detail, after this/should Koro Island Nuclear Power Station finishes, will undertake the Country of Xin 59% electricity demands, for replacing the steam power plant on island.” “预计,核电站将于今年年底前完工。根据星环贸易方面公开的工程细节,该科罗岛核电站完工后将承担新国59%的电力需求,用于取代岛上的火力发电站。” Develops Civilian Nuclear Technology about Country of Xin, the United States White House spokesman takes a stand, the US is surprised about the International Atomic Energy Agency careless decision. However this morning, some anonymous Congressman said, they west Pacific Ocean the small country for this had quarrelled for enough ten hours on the board, the quarrel not only came from between two parties, Democratic Party also presented the different sounds, this situation is really rare......” “关于新国发展民用核技术,美国白宫发言人表态,美方对国际原子能机构草率的决定感到吃惊。不过就在今天上午,某不愿透露姓名的国会议员称,他们已经为这个西太平洋的小国在会议桌上争吵了足足十个小时,争吵不但来自于两党之间,民.主党内部也出现了不同的声音,这种情况实属罕见……” „The China aspect develops Civilian Nuclear Technology to express support to Country of Xin, enjoys the convenience of nuclear energy in the peaceful frame is the power of the world personal name. The Russia aspect to the Pacific Ocean situation expressed that does not care......” 华国方面对新国发展民用核技术表示支持,在和平的框架内享受核能的便捷是全世界人名的权力。俄国方面对太平洋局势表示不关心……” Because civil nuclear fuel is very difficult to transform as the nuclear fuel of weapon level, even must transform, still needs to pay the enormous price, considers some gains don't equal the loss from various aspects. Therefore internationally only controls military nuclear fuel and centrifuge and other core technologies and materials, but famous Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty also merely is only the limit military nuclear technology. 因为民用核燃料很难转化为兵器级的核燃料,即使非要转换,也需要付出极大的代价,从各方面考虑来说都有些得不偿失。所以国际上只控制军用核燃料和离心机等核心技术和材料,而著名的《核不扩散条约》也仅仅只是限制军用核技术。 Although so, wants to construct Nuclear Power Station legitimately, needs through the International Atomic Energy Agency verification. 可虽说如此,想要合法建造核电站,也需要通过国际原子能机构审核。 Whether legitimate has Nuclear Power Station, what testing is a diplomatic strength of country, as well as scientific and technical strength. The latter after absorbing counted 100,000 to immigrate, Country of Xin has the ability in this aspect, however the former just completed the regime change country regarding this, is actually quite deficient. 能否合法的拥有核电站,考验着的是一个国家的外交实力,以及科技实力。后者在吸收了数十万移民后,新国已经具备了这方面的能力,然而前者对于这个刚刚完成政权更迭的国家来说,却是相当缺乏的。 Golden Apple that if can use without the egg with one, trades this diplomatic accomplishment from the hand of Freemasonry, Jiang Chen from various significances is not owes. 如果能用一枚毫无卵用的金苹果,从共济会的手中换来这个外交成果,从各种意义上江晨都不算亏。 After Star Ring Trading announced that starts the Nuclear Power Station construction three days, a private plane from Germany descended at the Koro Island airport. 就在星环贸易宣布开始核电站施工的后三天,一架来自德国的私人飞机降落在了科罗岛机场。 At the invitation of Jiang Chen's, Carmen Rothschild came personally. 应了江晨的邀请,卡门·罗斯柴尔德亲自来了一趟。 Meeting time, both sides have not gone to raise South Pole very much tacitly is not happy. mercenary of Freemasonry employment killed five Sea Lion, but Jiang Chen the mercenary soldier slaughter that Freemasonry sent a cleanness. Although Freemasonry has not done to understand, actually Jiang Chen how achieves. Properly speaking, Star Ring Trading should not have to be beforehand right in the South Pole deployment troops. 见面的时候,双方都很默契地没有去提南极发生的不愉快。共济会雇佣的佣兵杀了五名“海狮”,而江晨共济会派去的雇佣兵屠了个干净。虽然共济会至今没有搞明白,江晨究竟是怎么做到的。按理来说,星环贸易应该没有事先在南极部署兵力才对。 The Koro Island airport, Jiang Chen stands by the runway, side puts on Ayesha of western-style clothes, but is several bodyguard who brings sunglasses. 科罗岛的机场,江晨站在机场跑道旁,旁边是穿着西服的阿伊莎,而身后是几名带着墨镜的保镖。 In the Ayesha hand is raising suitcase, inside thinks of is Rothschild Household, or entire Freemasonry long-awaited most precious object 阿伊莎手中提着的手提箱,里面装着的便是罗斯柴尔德家族,或者说整个共济会都梦寐以求的至宝 Can communicate future Golden Apple. 能够沟通未来的金苹果 Although it cannot now. 虽然它现在已经不能了。 Carmen is standing behind is that black person bodyguard, Jiang Chen remembers as before his name was Johnson. Besides this bodyguard, Jiang Chen also saw that Bavaria Manor senior steward Saidis. 卡门身后站着的依旧是那个黑人保镖,江晨记得他的名字叫强森。除了这名保镖之外,江晨还看到了那个巴伐利亚庄园的老管家赛迪斯 We met, my old friend.” Carmen welcomed with a smile. “咱们又见面了,我的老朋友。”卡门笑着迎了上来。 Yes, my old friend.” On the Jiang Chen face has the smile, actually bites friend word very much heavily. “是啊,我的老朋友。”江晨脸上带着微笑,却是将朋友这个词咬得很重。 Obtained the Jiang Chen's look to hint, Ayesha went forward two steps, dispatched the suitcase. 得到了江晨的眼神示意,阿伊莎上前两步,递出了手提箱。 Johnson sees that wants to replace own Boss to go forward to take, but was actually lifted the hand to prevent by Carmen. 强森见状,想代替自己的老板上前去拿,不过却是被卡门抬手阻止了。 The result the suitcase from the hand of Ayesha, Carmen turned on the box, looks that inside that Golden Apple corners of the mouth brought back wiped the smile. 阿伊莎的手中结果了手提箱,卡门将箱子打开,看着里面的那个金苹果嘴角勾起了一抹微笑。 Saidis went forward, bringing the white gloves to pick up Golden Apple, took out the magnifying glass of ring size from the pocket, is studying to this Golden Apple some little time, returned in the suitcase it. Arrived at side Carmen to whisper two, this senior steward fell back on Carmen behind. 赛迪斯上前,带着白手套拾起了金苹果,从兜里取出了戒指大小的放大镜,对着这个金苹果研究了好一会儿,才将它放回了手提箱中。走到卡门身旁低语了两句,这位老管家退到了卡门的身后。 „Did appraisal work complete?” Continuously Jiang Chen that looks in side, asked with a smile. “鉴定工作做完了?”一直在旁边看着的江晨,笑着问道。 Right, Mr. Jiang Chen has the sincerity very much, it seems like our transactions were closed.” “没错,江晨先生很有诚意,看来我们的交易算是完成了。” The smile is saying, Carmen while extended the right hand, 一边微笑地说着,卡门一边伸出了右手, Since you had known, I do not conceal. I am the Freemasonry 33 levels of members, if you are willing to join us, you are also 33 levels.” “既然你已经知道了,我也就不隐瞒了。我是共济会33级会员,如果你愿意加入我们,你也是33级。” Regarding 32 levels of Scotland ritual Freemasonry, according to the contribution of Freemasonry or society, can rise by way of the highest Parliament evaluation to 33 levels, this is symbolizing the Freemasonry highest glory, generally will only award around the world has the extensive influence person. 对于32级苏格兰礼共济会员,根据其对共济会或者社会的贡献,可以经由最高议会评定能够升到33级,这象征着共济会最高的荣耀,一般只会授予在世界范围内拥有广泛影响力的人。 For example is grasping bank of 1 trillion capital, for example some country President...... 比如掌握着万亿资本的银行家,比如某国总统…… Exempted, I was one who opposes the belief of God.” Jiang Chen is saying false smile, gripped his hand. “还是免了吧,我是无神论者。”江晨皮笑肉不笑地说着,握住了他的手。 That also is really regrettable.” Carmen shrugs. “那还真是遗憾。”卡门耸了耸肩。 The reason of one who opposes the belief of God this rejection is only a excuse, Freemasonry has been separated from the category of religion, even no longer rigidly adheres to the race and skin color. Jiang Chen does not want to join, Carmen has not demanded again. 无神论者这个拒绝的理由只是个借口罢了,共济会早就脱离了宗教的范畴,甚至不再拘泥于人种和肤色。江晨不想加入,卡门也就没再强求。 Obtained Golden Apple from Jiang Chen here, Carmen had not stopped, then after he said goodbye rides to board the airplane, left Koro Island. 江晨这里得到了金苹果,卡门没做停留,与他告辞后便乘上飞机,离开了科罗岛 Looks the direction that the Rothschild airplane leaves, Jiang Chen narrowed the eye slightly. 看着罗斯柴尔德飞机离开的方向,江晨微微眯起了眼睛。 Ayesha.” 阿伊莎。” Yes.” “是。” Makes Specter Agent of Europe move, finds a person for me.” “让欧洲的幽灵特工动起来,替我去找一个人。” Who?” “谁?” Evelyn, Germany Vice-president, after” stopped the moment, Jiang Chen then supplemented the sentence, „before or, Vice-president.” 埃夫林,德国副总统,”停顿了片刻后,江晨接着补充了句,“或者说,前副总统。” Before Munich attended the auto show, Jiang Chen had once rescued his life. Although does not know whether he is also living now, but can find his words, perhaps he can become breach that topples Rothschild Household. 以前在慕尼黑参加车展的时候,江晨曾救过他的命。虽然不知道他现在是否还活着,但能够找到他的话,或许他能够成为扳倒罗斯柴尔德家族的突破口。 Compliant.” Ayesha should say in a soft voice. “遵命。”阿伊莎轻声应道。 Although this transaction successfully ended, but mountain ridge of both sides has definitely had. The words of present stage, explore Golden Apple that South Pole Fortress and research regain, will certainly divert Freemasonry lots of energy. After they set aside the hand comes, or discovered that they discovered after oneself used so many political capital resources only to trade useless rotten apple, they inevitably to Future Group will do some not happy matter. 这笔交易虽然圆满结束,但双方的梁子肯定是已经结下了。现阶段的话,探索南极堡垒和研究失而复得的金苹果,必将会牵制共济会大量精力。而等到他们腾出手来后,或者说发现等他们发现自己用如此多的政资资源只换来了一块没用的烂苹果后,他们势必会对未来人集团做些不愉快的事。 Jiang Chen does not know how long this time probably is, but he must prepare sufficient before then, deals with this to have sufficiently about United States political situation Freemasonry, as well as this world's richest household...... 江晨不知道这个时间大概是多久,但他必须在此之前做好充足的准备,应对这拥有足以左右美国政局的共济会,以及这个世界上最富有的家族…… After the meeting of Rothschild ended, Jiang Chen also returned to the home, activate(d) cross over returned to the villa situated in Last of Days. 罗斯柴尔德的会面结束后,江晨也返回了家中,启动穿越回到了位于末世的别墅。 The Golden Apple matter comes to the end, currently he also has a more important matter to process. 金苹果的事告一段落,现在他还有更重要的事要处理。 For example, weighs approximately 1 g Antimatter about that......( to be continued.) 比如,关于那重约1g的反物质……(未完待续。)
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