IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#781: Makes the pen transaction

Freemasonry, the meaning of wording is Free Stonemason, took shape in the 18 th century Britain, was a belt/bring religious color fraternity organization, is at present the world's hugest secret organization, they said that publicized the universal love, benevolently, moral excellence, pursued the humanity survival significance, his member covered in the world many renowned people and statesmen. The origin at present not the definite view, according to its guiding principle literature «Freemasonry Charter» first «History» explanation, Freemasonry stemmed from 4000 B. C., they said that as this/should hidden later generation, thoroughly understood the Heaven and Earth nature and Cosmos mystery. 共济会,字面之意为“自由石匠”,成型于18世纪的英国,是一种带宗教色彩的兄弟会组织,也是目前世界上最庞大的秘密组织,他们自称宣扬博爱、仁慈、美德,追求人类生存意义,其成员涵盖世界上众多著名人士和政治家。其起源目前并没有确定的说法,根据其纲领文献《共济会宪章》第一部《历史篇》的解释,共济会起源于公元前4000年,他们自称为该隐的后人,通晓天地自然以及宇宙的奥秘。 Is born at the beginning of Freemasonry, the question and opposition are then lingering on faintly, most famous is day of Bishop can with the Freemasonry century war. The initial plot questioned that during the France Great Revolution, Freemasonry was suspected supported movement that overthrows the monarchy. But to the mid-19 th century, the Morgan event initiated United States * aid met the movement, 共济会诞生之初,质疑和反对之声便不绝于耳,最著名的便是天主教会与共济会的世纪战争。最初的阴谋质疑来于法国大革命期间,共济会被怀疑支持了推翻君主制的运动。而到了19世纪中期,摩根事件更是引发了美国的*济会运动, Meanwhile, according to the unreliable hearsay, around the world many secret societies, has the deep origin with Freemasonry. 与此同时,根据不可靠的传闻,世界范围内诸多秘密结社,都与共济会存在着较深的渊源。 For example Wiley Society...... 比如维利会…… Moreover, the hearsay * the biggest supporter of aid meeting, is Rothschild Household. 另外,传闻*济会的最大支持者,正是罗斯柴尔德家族 „...... According to the unreliable hearsay, in all previous United States President only has Lincoln and Kennedy is not the Freemasonry member.” Stands before the desk of study room, Ayesha reports the information that about Freemasonry Specter Agent collected to Jiang Chen. “……据不可靠传闻,历届美国总统中只有林肯肯尼迪不是共济会成员。”站在书房的书桌前,阿伊莎江晨汇报了幽灵特工搜集到的关于共济会的情报。 Therefore they did die? I thought that compares the hearsay, these news are more like the conspiracy theory in novel.” By the chair, Jiang Chen built the finger on the chin. “所以他们都死了?我觉得相比起传闻,这些消息更像是小说里的阴谋论。”靠在椅子上,江晨将手指搭在了下巴上。 Three days ago, he returned to Koro Island under escorting of Star Ring Trading frigate. For serveral days he has treated in this villa, simultaneously dispatched Europe and North America Specter Agent, collected the information about Freemasonry. 三天前,他在星环贸易护卫舰的护送下回到了科罗岛上。这些天来他一直待在这间别墅里,同时将幽灵特工派往欧洲和北美,搜集关于共济会的情报。 Some are the smoke shell, some are the conclusive truth.” Ayesha said discretely. “有些是烟雾弹,有些是确凿的真相。”阿伊莎谨慎地说道。 Right, how the key lies in we screens these information.” Jiang Chen sighed, sat from the chair, could not bear scold, thinks was goes to South Pole to relax, but has not thought that annoyed one pile greatly troublesome.” “没错,关键在于我们怎么甄别这些情报。”江晨叹了口气,从椅子上坐了起来,忍不住骂道,“原本以为是去南极散散心,但没想到惹了一堆大麻烦。” Arrived at Jiang Chen gently behind, Ayesha stretched out the arm link to live in his neck, said at the ear gentle voice. 轻轻地走到了江晨身后,阿伊莎伸出胳膊环住了他的脖子,在耳边柔声说道。 I will solve troublesome all for you.” “我会替您解决所有麻烦。” The gentleness of Ayesha makes the Jiang Chen mind ripple slightly, the lip angle bloomed wiped the smile. 阿伊莎的温柔让江晨心神不由微微荡漾,唇角不由绽放了一抹微笑。 Em, always troubled you.” Pinched her hand, Jiang Chen said in a soft voice. “恩,一直以来都麻烦你了。”捏了捏她的手,江晨轻声说道。 The atmosphere is harmonious gradually, however at this moment, the telephone on table is actually inopportune made a sound. 气氛渐浓,然而就在这时,桌上的电话却是不合时宜的响了起来。 Jiang Chen is planning to hang the power failure words, actually sees the name on screen, impressively what writing is Carmen Rothschild this line of characters. 江晨正打算挂掉电话,却见屏幕上的名字,赫然写着的是卡门·罗斯柴尔德这行字。 Hey?” “喂?” „The tour of South Pole how?” 南极之行如何?” I can understand that is playing the fool for you?” Although Jiang Chen is smiling, but the sound was actually gradually cold. “我可以理解为你在装傻吗?”江晨虽然在笑着,但声音却是渐渐冷了下来。 If I am playing the fool, I will not look for you.” Carmen sighed, I acknowledged that I had used you, but I have thought we were the friends, did you feel?” “如果我是在装傻,我就不会来找你了。”卡门叹了口气,“我承认我曾经利用过你,但我一直认为我们是朋友,你觉得呢?” Jiang Chen smiles, shows neither approval nor disapproval to his words, but asked lightly. 江晨笑了笑,对他的话不置可否,只是淡淡地问道。 To avoid many misunderstanding, I thought that we did not want to beat around the bush were quite good. Said your goal, or Freemasonry goal.” “为了避免更多的误会,我觉得我们还是不要在绕弯子了比较好。说出你地目的,或者说共济会的目的。” Golden Apple.” Saw Jiang Chen not to plan and him talked circuitously, Carmen smiles, exchanged the serious tone gradually, also had you in the gadget that South Pole carried off.” 金苹果。”见江晨不打算和他绕圈子了,卡门笑了笑,也是渐渐换上了严肃的语气,“还有你在南极带走的玩意儿。” I could not understand you to say anything.” “我听不懂你在说什么。” Please do not play the fool, Mr. Jiang Chen.” Carmen smiles, we had investigated you, two years ago you had once gone to New Zealand, when there travels, once in the Koror Mandel oceanic trench, discovered submersion u5 submarine. Several months ago we found that submarine, but inside thing does not have. If you do not plan and me beat around the bush, then please show your sincerity to come.” “请不要装傻了,江晨先生。”卡门笑了笑,“我们曾经调查过你,两年前你曾去过新西兰,在那里旅游的时候,曾在科罗曼德尔以西的海沟中,发现了沉没的u5潜艇。数个月前我们找到了那艘潜艇,但里面的东西已经没了。如果你不打算和我绕弯子,那么请拿出你的诚意来。” The Carmen words let fall into silent, it seems like Rothschild Household has been investigating him, this matter dug. 卡门的话让将陷入了沉默,看来罗斯柴尔德家族一直在调查他,就连这种事情都挖了出来。 After short silence, Jiang Chen opens the mouth slowly. 短暂的沉默后,江晨缓缓地开了口。 Golden Apple here right, but why do I want to give you?” 金苹果是在我这里没错,但我为什么要给你们?” Why? You do not know oneself take the outcome is anything.” “为什么?你根本不知道自己拿着的究竟是什么东西。” When Carmen said these words, Jiang Chen was actually laughing at the sound at heart. 卡门说出了这句话的时候,江晨却是在心里嗤笑了声。 Actually is who not to know that thing? The knock-off Klein Particle communicator, little master the item of my cross dimension video call had, one crowd of native also felt all right to say. 究竟是谁不知道那东西?山寨版的克雷恩粒子发信器而已,小爷我连跨次元视频通话的道具都有了,一群土著还好意思说。 Makes the pen transaction.” “来做笔交易吧。” After hearing the Jiang Chen's proposition, Carmen relaxes. Although Freemasonry has not feared anyone, but with the Future Group upfront conflict is really not a good option. Golden Apple after 1943 lost the function, this point is Rothschild Household can confirm that, Jiang Chen should not solve secret to be right. 听到江晨的提议后,卡门松了口气。共济会虽然从来没怕过谁,但与未来人集团正面冲突实在不是个好的选项。金苹果从1943年后就失去了作用,这一点是罗斯柴尔德家族能够确认的,如此说来,江晨应该没有破解其中的秘密才对。 The corners of the mouth brought back wiped the smile, Carmen calm down, said in a soft voice. 嘴角勾起了一抹微笑,卡门定了定神,轻声说道。 Without the issue, how much money you wants?” “没问题,你要多少钱?” Money? Are you cracking a joke?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “钱?你在开玩笑吗?”江晨笑道。 After stopping the moment, he said lightly. 停顿了片刻后,他淡淡地说道。 Golden Apple can you, but I have two conditions.” 金苹果可以给你,但我有两个条件。” Golden Apple has placed in the Lin Ling's laboratory, now has almost become the ornaments. As accepts the installment of signal one way, Golden Apple can only listen attentively to the sound from Void passively. However Specter in had told him who was clear finally, they do not have the ability to interfere regarding in the future time axis again. 金苹果一直都放在林玲的实验室里,现在几乎已经成为了摆设。作为单向接受信号的装置,金苹果只能被动地倾听来自虚空的声音。然而“幽灵”在最后已经明确的告诉了他,对于往后的时间轴他们已经没有能力再去干涉。 Since Carmen has known that Golden Apple in his hand, the reason of security does not exist. Might as well exchange a bigger benefit with it, Rothschild of province is keeping thinking about his here, can win the time for Future International. 既然卡门已经知道金苹果在他的手上,保密的理由已经不存在了。不如用它去交换更大的利益,也省的罗斯柴尔德在惦记着他这里,同时也能为未来人国际争取时间。 Said.” Carmen said in a soft voice. “说。”卡门轻声说道。 First, Country of Xin becomes Nuclear-possessing Nation.” “第一,新国成为拥核国家。” Trades, this has not resulted in discussed. Even if I want to help you, still root local guild.” Carmen shakes the head to say. “换个吧,这个没得谈。就算我想帮你,也根本帮不了。”卡门摇头道。 Hehe, right? As far as I know, the Freemasonry 60% members distribute in North America, you determined that didn't do by Freemasonry energy what? International Atomic Energy Agency situated in Austria Vienna, I do not believe the influence of Rothschild Household in Europe not to touch this domain. In the France half of Nuclear Power Station shareholder lists has the Rothschild Bank name, did you tell me you unable to accomplish?” The Jiang Chen faint smile said. “呵呵,是吗?据我所知,共济会60%的成员分布在北美,你确定以共济会的能量什么都做不了?国际原子能机构位于奥地利维也纳,我不信罗斯柴尔德家族在欧洲的影响力触及不到这个领域。法国一半的核电站的股东名单里都有罗斯柴尔德银行的名字,你告诉我你办不到?”江晨似笑非笑地说道。 Carmen narrowed the eye slightly, grasped the finger of telephone to move. 卡门微微眯起了眼睛,握着电话的手指动了动。 It seems like you investigate is actually very clear.” “看来你调查的倒是很清楚。” Grasps Intelligence Organization may, not only your one person.” Jiang Chen said lightly. “掌握情报组织的可不只是你一个人。”江晨淡淡地说道。 Continued silent long time. 沉默持续了良久。 Repeatedly after the balance, Carmen opens the mouth to say slowly. 反复权衡之后,卡门缓缓开口道。 I can promise you, International Atomic Energy Agency will approve Country of Xin in possession of nuclear weapons, United States Congress not through on the sanction bill of nuclear issue to Country of Xin......, but has a premise, the nuclear technology that you use is only restricted in the civilian field, the conducted nuclear test must in certain limit.” “我可以答应你,国际原子能机构会认可新国拥核,美国国会不会通过就核问题对新国的制裁法案……但有个前提,你们使用的核技术仅限于民用领域,进行的核试验也必须在一定限度内。” Heard the Carmen compromise, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brings back wiped the happy expression, simultaneously in the heart also raised gradually a vigilance. 听到卡门妥协,江晨嘴角勾起了一抹笑意,同时心中也渐渐升起了一丝警惕。 If Freemasonry really can achieve this degree, then its energy also really cannot be underestimated. 如果共济会真能够做到这种程度,那么它的能量还真不容小觑。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Very good, what then the last request is? I hope that do not go too far.” Carmen adjusted under the sitting posture, grasps the telephone to say. “很好,那么最后一个要求是什么?我希望别太过分。”卡门调整了下坐姿,握着电话说道。 Last request, Golden Apple in my, you takes personally.”( To be continued.) “最后一个要求,金苹果在我这,你亲自来取。”(未完待续。)
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