IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#780: Return

Attacker is Poison Arrow Mercenary Corps, subordinates in the registration in Madagascar Arrowhead Military Company. 袭击者毒箭佣兵团,隶属于注册在马达加斯加箭头军事公司 Then, before this company, somewhat celebrates a holiday with Country of Xin. Philippines once hired him to take the military action to Country of Xin, begins to commit murder on the avenue blatantly, tries to kidnap Jiang Chen. Although dispatched Koro Island that team of people rolled to extinguish on the island, afterward Jiang Chen also through propping up the way of Country of Moro libration organization dismembered this gangster country, but regarding this military company situated in Africa, he had not cared. 说起来,这家公司以前就和新国有些过节。菲国曾经雇佣其对新国采取军事行动,在大街上公然动手行凶,试图绑架江晨。虽然派往科罗岛的那队人被团灭在了岛上,后来江晨也通过扶植摩洛国解放组织的方式肢解了这个流.氓似的国家,但对于这个位于非洲的军事公司,他一直没怎么放在心上。 This time they are employed in Freemasonry, to exploring polar region Jiang Chen and the others in launched the attack, caused five Sea Lion dead in battle, but other five people also received the wounds in varying degrees...... the blood debt to menstruate to recompense. 这次他们受雇于共济会,对探索极地的江晨等人发动了袭击,造成五名海狮阵亡,而其余五人也均受不同程度的伤……不过血债已经血偿。 Asked after several captive mouths with Truth Serum information, Jiang Chen ended their pain. 吐真剂从几名俘虏口中问出了情报后,江晨结束了他们的痛苦。 With EMP cleaned up the polar inspection vessel on electronic device, after ceasing the located possibility, Jiang Chen arrived at the distant seas this ship. Put down the speed boat on ship, installs the blasting explosive after the deck it sinks, he then drives the speed boat to return to side of shore polar region car(riage), took in the speed boat storage space, he then drove the polar car(riage) to return to the camp. emp清理掉了极地考察船的上的电子设备,杜绝了被定位的可能后,江晨将这艘船开到了远海。放下了船上的快艇,在甲板上安装炸药将其炸沉后,他便开着快艇回到了岸边极地车的旁边,将快艇收进到了储物空间中,他便开着极地车返回了营地。 Facing inspection group group head the inquiry about Sea Lion Special Forces casualties, Jiang Chen has not made any response, but used a pretext to meet the storm. 面对考察团团长的关于海狮特种部队伤亡的提问,江晨没有做任何回应,只是推说遇上了风暴。 Although Garrett and the others the wounds, how do not seem like hail to create...... 虽然加雷特等人身上的伤口,怎么都不像是“冰雹”造成的…… After returning to Antarctic Gull Observation Station, Jiang Chen returned to the ship directly, will then then close in own room. 回到南极鸥考察站后,江晨直接回到了船上,然后便将自己关在了自己的房间里。 Freemasonry, Rothschild, Arrowhead Military Company, Golden Apple and 1 g Antimatter...... all these keywords pestered in one, he needs well under the reorganization now these information, simultaneously ponders the future countermeasure. 共济会罗斯柴尔德箭头军事公司金苹果、1g反物质……所有这些关键词都纠缠在了一起,他现在需要好好整理下这些情报,同时思考今后的对策。 Freemasonry?” Jiang Chen is pinching the ring in hand, observes trace that on is facing. 共济会吗?”江晨捏着手中的戒指,观察着上面对的纹路。 This ring picks from that Griffin, two opens the mouth relative V character, as well as middle capital letter g. Only is looks at this design, Jiang Chen could not see that what reason why comes, wants to come this to be the symbol of Freemasonry and so on thing. 这个戒指是从那个格里芬手上摘下来的,两个开口相对的“v”字,以及中间的大写“g”。光是看着这图案,江晨根本看不出什么所以然来,想来这应该就是共济会的标志之类的东西。 Shakes the head, Jiang Chen placed the ring one side. 摇了摇头,江晨将戒指放在了一边。 What a little can determine, between Rothschild and Freemasonry have the relation inevitably, moreover his goes to the South Pole goal, may is Rothschild tells Freemasonry. In this regard, can obtain from thinking aloud of Griffin. 有一点可以确定的是,罗斯柴尔德共济会之间必然存在联系,而且他此去南极的目的,很有可能就是罗斯柴尔德告诉共济会的。关于这一点,从格里芬的自言自语中就可以得出。 At this time, the entrance resounded the knock. 这时,门口响起了敲门声。 Who?” “谁?” Is I, Marshall.” Out of the door broadcast the Marshall sound. “是我,马歇尔。”门外传来了马歇尔的声音。 Comes , the gate has not locked.” “进来吧,门没锁。” Opens the door, Marshall enters in the room, looks that Jiang Chen's is somewhat nervous. 推开门,马歇尔走进屋内,看着江晨的神色有些紧张。 Changing individual will be anxious, particularly sees the special troop who these are wounded, as well as that five load into the remains in corpse bag, moreover actually went out about the 24 hour to do anything to know nothing to these people. 换个人都会紧张,尤其是看到那些负伤的特种兵,以及那五具装进尸袋里的遗体,而且对这些人出去了将近二十四小时究竟干了什么一无所知。 „Do you, you look for me?” “您,您找我?” Jiang Chen looked at Marshall one, he read out the nervousness from his pupil. 江晨看了马歇尔一眼,他从他的瞳孔中读出了紧张的情绪。 However Jiang Chen has not cared, but smiles, after stop moment, said with the tone moderate, prepares, 5 childhood, returned to Koro Island.” 不过江晨并没有在意,只是笑了笑,停顿片刻后,用缓和地语气说道,“准备一下,五小时候出发,返回科罗岛。” Gawked slightly, Marshall then asked. 微微愣了下,马歇尔接着问道。 „The people of that inspection group?” “那考察团的人呢?” Why should.” Jiang Chen said. “该干啥干啥。”江晨说道。 The Freemasonry goal merely is he, have no reason to cause complications to attack observation station, internationally noisy flash news. At this time if he stays here, instead will bring the danger to the people of these inspection groups. Now only he must do is, returns to Country of Xin as soon as possible. Only then there, is the absolute safety place. 共济会的目标仅仅是他,没有理由会节外生枝地攻击考察站,在国际上闹个大新闻。此时若是他留在这里,反而会给这些考察团的人带来危险。现在他唯一要做的就是,尽快返回新国。只有那里,是绝对安全的地方。 But......” “可是……” Although many issues want to ask, but the intuition told Marshall, at this time any unnecessary words not say to well. Known more is more dangerous, in the movie may develop. 虽然有很多问题想问,但直觉告诉马歇尔,这时候还是什么多余的话都不要说为好。知道的越多越危险,电影里可都是这么演的。 „...... Is.” “……是。” All puzzled changed to a word, the Marshall nod complied with the sound, turned around to leave the room. 所有困惑都化作了一个单词,马歇尔点头应了声,转身离开了房间。 Next morning, [The Pathfinder] prepares to return. 次日清晨,探路者号准备返航。 In such, the people of inspection group regarding staying here filled the deep anxiety. This type came from in anxiously to the unknown fear, they do not know that actually Jiang Chen met anything in the South Pole center, did not determine whether oneself will also meet. 在发生了那样的事后,考察团的人对于留在这里充满了深深的不安。这种不安源自于对未知的恐惧,他们不知道江晨南极腹地究竟遇见了什么,也不确定自己是否也会遇上。 After one pondered over, Jiang Chen decided finally ordering makes observation station evacuate temporarily. 经过一番思忖,江晨最终还是决定下令让考察站暂时撤离。 Although the Freemasonry person does not have ordinary researcher of truth to these inspection groups to act, but since they planned that explores Fortress of South Pole center, will register in Goodenough inevitably, both sides have the possibility of meeting. 虽说共济会的人没道理对这些考察团的普通科研人员出手,但既然他们打算去探索南极腹地的堡垒,就势必会在古迪纳夫角登录,双方还是有碰面的可能。 Happen to from June one month, the night phenomenon will also make South Pole at the appointed time extremely exceptionally cold, here climate will no longer suit the development research program. Now evacuates, merely was only early one month. 正好距离六月份也就一个多月了,届时极夜现象会让南极变得异常寒冷,这里的气候将不再适合开展科研活动。现在撤离,也仅仅只是早了一个多月而已。 After the equipment locks, He Gaoyang finally boards the polar inspection vessel, Captain Marshall received the anchor chain, ordering [The Pathfinder] to start to set sail, ahead of time concluded the tour of this short South Pole. But actually to bump into the matter of what danger regarding oneself in South Pole, the Jiang Chen's explanation was met the fully-armed kidnapper, these people know that he will go to South Pole, therefore is deliberately waiting for him in South Pole...... 将设备锁好之后,贺高阳最后登上了极地考察船,马歇尔船长收起了锚链,下令探路者号开始启航,提前结束了这短暂的南极之行。而对于自己在南极究竟碰上了什么危险的事儿,江晨的解释是自己遇上了全副武装的绑匪,那些人知道他会去南极,所以刻意在南极等着他…… Very forced reason. 很牵强的理由。 He does not know that such explanation can whether be convincing, but at least can reduce some unnecessary speculation. 他不知道这样的解释能否让人信服,但至少能减少些不必要的臆测。 After going back, he will tell that the person signs the confidentiality agreement to the member and [The Pathfinder] of these inspection groups crew, presses this matter. 等回去后,他会吩咐人给这些考察团的团员和探路者号的船员们签保密协议,将这件事压下去。 Two weeks of flight is very long , is very calm and steady. Jiang Chen also thinks will encounter Freemasonry besieges and pursues to block off, but they have not encountered any trouble in fact, except for the storm of several thunder. 两个星期的航程很漫长,却也很安稳。江晨原本还以为会遭到共济会的围追堵截,但事实上他们并没有遭遇任何麻烦,除了几场电闪雷鸣的暴风雨。 Griffin that ship was sunk, the Freemasonry person does not even know that Jiang Chen and the others have left South Pole. When they detected that Griffin has died, little said is also two weeks later. But polar inspection vessel of search that submersion, on several days and even several months of time according to moral behavior possible flower. 格里芬的那艘船被炸沉,共济会的人甚至不知道江晨等人已经离开南极。等他们察觉到格里芬已死,少说也得是两个星期后了。而搜寻那艘沉没的极地考察船,根据人品可能花上数天乃至数个月不等的时间。 Even if they through the intelligence analysis knew immediately Jiang Chen has left South Pole, they still have to search for the Jiang Chen's trail faced with two choices on Pacific Ocean, concentrates on investigating on Fortress of that South Pole center. 即使他们在第一时间通过情报分析得知江晨已经离开南极,他们也将不得不面临两个选择是在太平洋上搜寻江晨的踪迹,还是将全部精力放在调查那个南极腹地的堡垒上。 As long as is the normal people will not choose the former, because this is almost not mission that is possible to complete, even if with the aid of the satellite, wants to locate a merely hundred meters inspection vessel in the wide and open sea level, is not an easy matter. But if chose the latter, they are also doomed to have achieved nothing. 但凡是正常人都不会选择前者,因为这几乎是不可能完成的任务,即便借助卫星,想要在广袤无垠的海面上定位一艘仅仅百米长的考察船,也并非一件容易的事。可如果选择了后者,他们也注定将一无所获。 The suitcase that thinks of Antimatter had been taken away by Jiang Chen, in the entire bunker can enter the equipment of museum except for a big pile, only then that can in the lost people exchange with Void transmit station. 那个装着反物质的手提箱已经被江晨拿走了,整个地堡中除了一大堆可以进博物馆的装备,就只有那个能与虚空中的遗民交流的“电台”了。 Jiang Chen transmit station has not carried off that Specter had told him clearly, they do not have the sufficient energy to interfere with the more remote future. But that 1 g Antimatter, is they can render on B World Line the final assistance of people. 江晨并没有将那“电台”带走,“幽灵”已经明确地告诉了他,他们已经没有足够能量去干涉更遥远的未来。而那1g反物质,便是他们所能给予b世界线上人们的最后的帮助。 After demolishing some components, he then left the basement. 在拆除了部分零件后,他便离开了地下室。 transmit station keeps here that can confuse the line of sight of Freemasonry on the contrary, their some energy diverts, in that has lost the function on the machine. 将那个“电台”留在这里,反倒可以混淆共济会的视线,将他们部分精力牵制在那台已经失去作用的机器上。 However compares from the humanity inside trouble, those who make Jiang Chen care, he presenting that” obtains from Void there. 不过相比起来自人类内侧的麻烦,更让江晨在意的是,他从虚空那里得到的“馈赠”。 That weighs approximately 1 g Antimatter, perhaps hopes......( to be continued.) 那重约1g的反物质,或许就是希望……(未完待续。)
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