IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#779: Does not keep the living witness

The polar car(riage) speeds along in the snowfield, is raising the billowing snow dust behind. 极地车在雪原上飞驰,在身后掀起滚滚雪尘。 Jiang Chen holds the steering wheel, swept yellow chose/point on eye vehicle-borne gps. 江晨扶着方向盘,扫了眼车载gps上的黄点。 A 100 many kilometers appearance, at his present vehicle speed, about an hour should be able to arrive. 还有一百多公里的样子,以他现在的车速,一个小时左右应该就能到了。 Power Armor had been taken down by him, threw on the back seat, waited for open far to throw into storage space by him. That thinks of the 1 g Antimatter suitcase it is said that also threw into storage space by him. 动力装甲已经被他取下,原本扔在车后座上,等开远了就被他扔进了储物空间。还有那个据说装着1g反物质的手提箱,也被他扔进了储物空间 Directly across Wilkes Land, after arriving in George V Coast, Jiang Chen gradually slowed down the vehicle speed, pressed down the button of opening trunk, simultaneously put out a hand to select on holographic screen that the wrist watch sprang under. 直接穿过威尔克斯地,抵达乔治五世海岸后,江晨渐渐放慢了车速,按下了开启后备箱的按钮,同时伸手在腕表弹出的全息屏幕上点了下。 Trunk separating, expose left hid in the drone terminal, as well as roughly one National People's Congress's small wide wing fixed wing drone Falcon z- 2, No. 27 Camp product. 后备箱弹开,暴.露出了掩藏在其中的无人机终端,以及约莫一人大小的宽机翼固定翼无人机猎鹰z-二,27号营地出品。 On the road, Jiang Chen stopped the times car(riage), replaced the drone terminal in polar car(riage) trunk. The Hummingbird Drone detection ability mainly manifests in the short distance, if the goal situated in the broad sea, is the fixed wing drone detection efficiency is higher. 在来的路上,江晨停了次车,更换了极地车后备箱中的无人机终端。蜂鸟无人机的侦查能力主要体现在近距离上,如果目标位于广阔的海上,还是固定翼无人机侦查效率更高。 Falcon z- 2 turned toward the Ross sea to fly a distance, arrived in the goal sea area quickly. Just like Jiang Chen expects, the goal has left the original position. 猎鹰z-二向着罗斯海飞了一段距离,很快抵达了目标海域。正如江晨所预料的,目标已经离开原来的位置了。 However are not related, from the conclusion communication to the present is about two hours, even if two hours it accelerated to 20 from 0 the ship instantaneously, still most ran the 60~70 kilometer. The Jiang Chen polar region car(riage) stopped by the coastal snow mound, the Jiang Chen squatting lower part of the body traces by the small penguin, the attention will then place completely with the wrist watch of drone taper joint on. 不过没关系,从结束通讯到现在不过两个小时而已,两个小时就算它将船从0节瞬间加速到20节,也最多跑出个六七十公里。江晨极地车停在了海岸边的雪丘旁,江晨蹲下身摸了摸靠过来的小企鹅,然后便将全部注意力放在了与无人机终端连接的腕表上。 Falcon circled two around the goal sea area, then locked on the goal quickly. 猎鹰绕着目标海域盘旋了两圈,很快便锁定了目标。 That is a polar inspection vessel, seems like from the outward appearance with other inspection vessels is not different, when Falcon z- 2 opens the life detection installment, actually discovered on that ship is close to the 200 many life sources. 那是一艘极地考察船,从外观看上去和其它考察船也没什么两样,但是当猎鹰z-二打开生命探测装置,却在那艘船上发现了接近两百多个生命源。 Regarding a polar inspection vessel, some so many people are not obviously normal! 对于一艘极地考察船来说,有这么多人显然不正常! Has established the goal, Jiang Chen takes out amphibious mechanical exoskeleton that the diving used from storage space immediately, put on outside of coldproof clothing. After inspecting the equipment, his deep breath the one breath, jumped fiercely to the sea. 已经确定了目标,江晨立刻从储物空间中取出了潜水用的两栖型机械外骨骼,穿在了防寒服的外面。检查完装备后,他深呼吸了一口气,猛地跳向了海中。 Piercing was cut off coldly beside the coldproof clothing, Jiang Chen turned on the back propulsion device, is maintaining about 5 meters water depth, on the direction straight line toward map goes forward. 刺骨的寒冷被阻隔在了防寒服之外,江晨打开了背后的推进装置,保持着五米左右的水深,向着地图上的方向直线前进。 ...... …… In the captain, Griffin sits before the table, reads on the map that mark in the black circle of South Pole center, twisted the brow gradually. 船长室内,格里芬坐在桌前,看着地图上那个标记在南极腹地的黑圈,渐渐拧起了眉头。 There is the Third Reich heritage, their Freemasonry once tracked down buried treasure about one century. 那里就是第三帝国的遗产,他们共济会曾经追寻了将近一个世纪的宝藏。 Has not thought that unexpectedly was really given to decode by him, it seems like Mr. Rothschild said right, this Jiang Chen truly not simple.” The finger strikes gently on the map, Griffin by the chair, looked to the ceiling. “没想到居然真被他给破解了,看来罗斯柴尔先生说的没错,这个江晨确实不简单。”手指轻轻敲打在地图上,格里芬靠在椅子上,看向了天花板。 Since Mr. Rothschild had told your Jiang Chen not simple, why I do not understand you also to do very much.” “既然罗斯柴尔德先生已经告诉了你们这个江晨简单,我不是很懂你们为什么还要作死。” The ice-cold touch pasted on the neck, Griffin was startled suddenly. When does not know, his back is standing a whole body to cover the person of black battle dress, this moment correct use dagger is arriving at his throat. 冰冷的触感贴在了脖子上,格里芬陡然一惊。不知何时,他的背后正站着一名全身覆盖着黑色作战服的人,此刻正用匕首抵着他的喉咙。 I urged you not to make to injure to my action.” The black-clothed person said with a smile, simultaneously pressed two points dagger downward. “我劝你别做出会伤到自己的举动。”黑衣人笑着说道,同时将匕首往下压了两分。 Feels that to prick the sharpness of flesh, Griffin volume forward slip over drop of cold sweat, put out slowly inserted touches the right hand of spear/gun in the pocket, put both hands on the table. 感受到那刺入肌肤的锋利,格里芬额前滑过一滴冷汗,缓缓拿出了插在兜里摸枪的右手,将双手搁在了桌上。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Who am I?” The black-clothed person smiles, „, when asked that others name, shouldn't first identify one's role when first coming on stage?” “我是谁?”黑衣人笑了笑,“在问别人名字的时候,不是应该先自报家门吗?” Griffin Tours, group head of France South Pole inspection group......” arrived at dagger on throat to tighten two points, Griffin shiver stopped the words. 格里芬·图尔斯,法国南极考察团的团长……”抵在喉咙上的匕首又紧了两分,格里芬颤抖地停止了话语。 Do not install with me, the waste time,” the black-clothed person did not say patiently, South Pole inspection vessel? Goes to the South Pole inspection to need to bring the spear/gun and bullet(s)? I finally for your one time, actually you am, why must attack me.” “别和我装了,浪费时间,”黑衣人不耐烦地说道,“南极考察船?去南极考察需要带枪和子弹?我最后为你一次,你们究竟是谁,为什么要袭击我。” You...... are you Jiang Chen?” The Griffin surprise opened opening eyes. “你……你是江晨?”格里芬诧异地睁了睁眼。 Jiang Chen is pinching dagger speechless, said lightly, I count to three, after three seconds, I will cut away your right ear, then my again several one time.” 江晨无言地捏着匕首,淡淡地说道,“我数到三,三秒后我会切掉你的右耳,然后我会再数一次。” You are playing with fire, you know that you are opposing with whom?” “你在玩火,你知道自己在和谁作对吗?” Three.” However Jiang Chen has not paid attention to him. “三。”然而江晨并没有理会他。 Drop of cold sweat before the Griffin volume falls. 一滴冷汗从格里芬的额前滑落。 Don't this.” “别这样。” Two.” “二。” His both hands start to shiver, the pea-sized beads of sweat seep out before the volume. Disregarded all these, Jiang Chen read the last number lightly. 他的双手开始颤抖,豆大的汗珠从额前渗出。无视了这一切,江晨淡淡地念出了最后一个数字。 One.” “一。” Is Freemasonry! Puts, lets off me! I was also incited......” Griffin to hit am trembling to confess my status. “是共济会!放,放过我吧!我也只是受人指使……”格里芬打着哆嗦坦白了自己的身份。 Freemasonry? What gadget is that?” Jiang Chen stares slightly, knits the brows to say. 共济会?那是什么玩意儿?”江晨微微一愣,皱眉道。 When the Jiang Chen plan further asked anything, the gate of captains cabin transmitted the kā chā sound suddenly. Meanwhile, on the ceiling transmits zī zī that” the balloon leaks air sound. 就在江晨打算进一步问些什么的时候,船长室的门突然传来了咔嚓的声响。与此同时,天花板上传来气球漏气的“滋滋”的声响。 Jiang Chen looked to Griffin, saw only in his pupil not to have the half a point to fear again, what replaces it is nearly frantic smiling face. 江晨看向了格里芬,只见他的瞳孔中再无半分恐惧,取而代之的是近乎狂热的笑容。 Obviously, the expression was he installs. 很显然,刚才的表情都是他装出来的。 While a Jiang Chen god time, he pressed down the switch on oneself watch. The captains cabin was blocked, withstand/top the gadget that Minister and Extinguishing Fire nozzle looks like very much, starts to spout the gas gas. 趁着江晨一愣神地功夫,他按下了自己手表上的开关。船长室被封死,顶部长得和灭火喷头很像的玩意儿,开始喷出瓦.斯气体。 Sees Satan to go together.” Griffin is smiling Yin sadly, disregards arrived in the blade in own throats. “一起见撒旦去吧。”格里芬阴恻恻地笑着,无视了抵在自己喉间的刀刃。 Facing Griffin no fear, Jiang Chen sneered, received dagger. 面对毫无惧色的格里芬,江晨冷笑了下,收起了匕首 skill of no high order.” 雕虫小技。” 3 highly explosive anti-tank grenades fell on the ground, is in front of Griffin, Jiang Chen activate(d) Optical Stealth on exoskeleton, vanished in the room. 三颗高爆手雷掉在了地上,当着格里芬的面,江晨启动外骨骼上的光学隐形,消失在了房间中。 Under the Griffin alarmed and afraid vision, his activate(d) cross over, was separated from this room. 紧接着,在格里芬惊惧的目光下,他启动穿越,脱离了这个房间。 Bang! 轰! The flame propagation that blasts out the gas gas, expedited a more violent explosion, washed away the windows and doors just like the heat wave of entity, coerced the thick white fog to leap up the deck. Was whinned by the crew of burn carelessly is pouring in one side, the first mate hurry directs the crew to put out a fire. 炸开的火焰引燃了瓦斯气体,催生了更为猛烈的爆炸,宛如实体的热浪冲毁了门窗,裹挟着浓浓的白雾蹿上了甲板。被不慎烧伤的船员哀嚎着倒在了一边,大副慌忙地指挥着船员救火。 mercenary on ship charged into fully-armed captains cabin that has the explosion, but they close to the staircase, had not then been suppressed the bunker by the hail of bullets of dropping from the clouds. 船上的佣兵则全副武装地冲向了发生爆炸的船长室,不过他们还没靠近楼梯,便被从天而降的弹雨压制回了掩体。 bullet(s) jumps in the steel, is playing pingpong the symphony. 子弹在钢铁间跳跃,演奏着乒乒乓乓的交响乐。 Withstand/Top the orange red spear/gun flame, Jiang Chen is going out from the smog, that steel armor is similar to the Hell Knight armor, is brandishing named bullet(s) Sickle, is harvesting colorful lives. 顶着橙红色的枪焰,江晨从烟雾中走出,那身钢铁装甲就如同地狱骑士的铠甲,挥舞着名为“子弹”的镰刀,收割着一具具鲜活的生命。 With lingering on faintly sound of gunfire, pitiful yell sound continuously. In order to avoid the strafe of this Rotary Machine Gun, the crew on deck cannot choose the exact way because of flurry jumps into the sea, however wears the down clothing to jump to float in the sea of ice piece, actually has no difference from the suicide. 伴随着不绝于耳的枪声,惨叫声此起彼伏。为了躲避这转轮机枪的扫射,甲板上的船员纷纷慌不择路地跳海,然而穿着羽绒服跳进漂浮着冰块的海中,和自杀其实没什么区别。 Cannot swim ten meters, they will pass out because of the coldness, finally sinks to seabed to be drown to death. 游不出十米,他们就会因为寒冷而失去知觉,最终沉入海底溺死。 Dies!” “去死吧!” mercenary resisted bazooka, deducted the trigger to this Jiang Chen. 一名佣兵火箭筒抗了出来,对这江晨扣下了扳机。 Ten several orange yellow trajectories passed through the body of that mercenary unsuspensefully, back vortex engine spraying, Jiang Chen then dodge rocket missile of this non- guidance, lifted Rotary Machine Gun to grind with the concentrated fire firepower very much easily simultaneously ruthlessly. 十数条橙黄色的弹道毫无悬念地贯穿了那名佣兵的身体,背后涡旋引擎喷射,江晨很轻而易举地便闪开了这枚非制导的火箭弹,同时抬起转轮机枪用攒射的火力狠狠地碾了回去。 The blood has flowed from the bow to the stern. 血从船头一直流到了船尾。 When the Rotary Machine Gun spear/gun smoke diverges, in the entire deck could not have seen a live person...... 转轮机枪的枪烟散去,整个甲板上已经看不到一个活人…… Then is the cabin!( To be continued.) 接下来是船舱!(未完待续。)
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