IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#778: „This is the order.”

„The team loses contacts I Repeat, a team loses contact “a队失去联络重复一遍,a队失去联络” Damn, that is what monster “该死,那是什么怪物” Brings quick Shit bazooka “把火箭筒拿来快谢特 „, My leg “啊,我的腿啊” The war reverses in the flash, was forced into Jiang Chen one group of blind alley, suddenly killed a whole body to cover the steel monster. 战局在一瞬间逆转,原本被逼入死路的江晨一行人,突然杀出了一台全身覆盖着钢铁怪物。∽ …… …… …… …… Mobile network bullet(s) hits on him is itchy same as flexure, Rotary Machine Gun on arm is tearing flesh and blood that prevents its footsteps. 移动网子弹打在他身上和挠痒痒一样,臂膀上的转轮机枪撕裂着阻挡其脚步的血肉之躯。 transmit station is flooding the junction cry of sound of gunfire, after the defense line was broken through, is the pitiful yell of soldier, is the chaotic electricity glides. On the polar inspection vessels these dozens kilometers away, as the cabin of temporary headquarters, everyone fell into silent. 电台充斥着枪声的交鸣,防线被攻破后是士兵的惨叫,尔后是杂乱无章的电流音。就在这数十公里外的极地考察船上,作为临时指挥部的船舱内,所有人都陷入了沉默。 According to the frontline news they can only draw a conclusion. 根据前线的消息他们只能得出一个结论。 Action failure. 行动失败。 But at the same time, in everyone's heart also emerged a question. 而与此同时,所有人的心中也涌现了一个疑问。 Poison Arrow Mercenary Corps belongs to Arrowhead Military Company, top mercenary group, widely enlivens in the Ukraine, Syria and other hot destinations. The equipment or the tactic, Poison Arrow Mercenary Corps can be the impeccable elite. Actually however why, to occupy completely advantage, unexpectedly turned into the one-sided slaughter in the flash 毒箭佣兵团属于箭头军事公司中,实力顶尖的佣兵团,广泛活跃于乌克兰叙利亚等热点地区。无论是装备还是战术,毒箭佣兵团都算得上是无可挑剔的精英。然而究竟是为什么,原本占尽优势的局面,居然在一瞬间变成了一边倒的屠杀 Is it possible that 莫非 In the inspection vessel, the people look at each other in blank dismay, everyone saw from the eyes of opposite party wipes deep dreading. 考察船内,众人面面相觑,所有人都从对方的眼中看到了一抹深深的忌惮。 Is it possible that Jiang Chen had found anything in that Fortress, with enough time for example Nazi has not used miracle weapon 莫非,江晨在那座堡垒中已经找到了什么,比如纳粹还没来得及使用的“奇迹武器” This also pulled.” Thin and tall Jews falls the hat on the table, pulled the somewhat dry and hot collar, Fergus, goes to hit the low point the air conditioning, was too hot.” “这也太扯了。”一名瘦高的犹太人将帽子摔在桌上,扯了扯有些燥热的衣领,“弗格斯,去把空调打低点,太热了。” Yes.” Was called is the Fergus person deeply to inspire, nods anxiously, toward placing near window the remote control walks. “是。”被唤作弗格斯的人深吸了一口气,紧张地点点头,向着放在窗边的遥控器走去。 At this moment, the transmit station that side transmitted the grating fricative, fell to be picked by whom in the wheat of ground probably. Before long, the opposite broadcast the hoarse sound, making everyone present turn very quiet. 就在这时,电台那边传来了刺耳的摩擦音,就好像掉在地上的麦被谁捡了起来。不一会儿,对面传来了沙哑的声音,令在座的所有人都不由屏住了呼吸。 zī zī hehe, good evening.” 滋滋呵呵,晚上好。” Continued silent for several seconds, no one makes noise the reply. 沉默持续了数秒,没有人出声回答。 Did not speak to look like you not to plan and me greets.” “不说话看来你们是不打算和我打个招呼了。” Doesn't matter, I will look for you.” “没关系,我会去找你们。” Moreover, congratulates you. If you hold this party to enrage me, you have succeeded.” “另外,恭喜你们。如果你们开这场派对是为了激怒我,那你们已经成功了。” „” “” The communication cut off, continued to be very long in the cabin silent, until that deep anxiously and climbed up the heart of everyone scared 通讯被掐断了,沉默在船舱内持续了很久,直到那深深的不安与恐慌爬上了每一个人的心头 We must leave here that thin and tall Jews to stand up immediately, left our seat, „the present walks.” “我们得立刻离开这里”那个瘦高的犹太人站起身来,离开了自己的座位,“现在就走。” Calm, Mr. Oliver.” Sits in the table first man sinking sound said, he is blustering, could not locate by transmit station merely our position.” “冷静,奥利弗先生。”坐在桌子首位的男人沉声道,“他只是在虚张声势,仅仅凭借电台定位不了我们的位置。” Oliver smiles, spread out both hands. 奥利弗笑了笑,摊开了双手。 Calm. What to do then we then should “冷静可以。那么然后呢我们接下来该怎么办” In the cabin fell into again silent. 船舱内再次陷入了沉默。 Yes, what to do then should 是啊,接下来该怎么办 After hesitating long time, that sat in the table first man opens the mouth again. 沉吟了良久后,那个坐在桌子首位的男人再次开口了。 They still in South Pole, requested the reinforcement to the association/will, in any event, must take Golden Apple “他们还在南极,向总会请求增援,无论如何,一定要拿下金苹果 Yes.” Present nods in abundance. “是。”在座的诸位纷纷颔首。 First dismisses.” The men beckon with the hand. “先解散吧。”男人摆了摆手。 The people push the chair to set out, leaves the table before the board. 众人纷纷拉开椅子起身,从会议桌前离席。 That man by the seat, put out a hand to touch under the knuckle of right hand. On his index finger, wears an uniquely-shaped ring, on the ring is carving two but actually V character, inscribes a capital letter in the middle g. 那个男人靠在了座椅上,伸手抚摸了下自己右手的指节。在他的食指上,戴着一枚造型独特的戒指,戒指上雕着两个倒着的“v”字,在中间铭刻着一个大写的“g”。 Fell the intercom on the ground, Jiang Chen was supporting the knee, stood from the snowy area. 将对讲机摔在了地上,江晨撑着膝盖,从雪地上站了起来。 Howling Gale is coercing the ice fragments, blows the Power Armor outer covering makes noise. In his back, the blood this pure white snowy land, dyed shocking red. Corpses pour in the pool of blood, rifle flings lying this way and that in one side. 呼啸的狂风裹挟着冰屑,将动力装甲的外壳刮得哐哐作响。在他的背后,鲜血将这片洁白的雪域,染成了触目惊心的红。一具具尸体倒在血泊中,步枪横七竖八地甩在一边。 Facing T-3 Power Armor high mobile with light weapons protection, these unclear military equipment basic do not have the strength to hit back. Because at the polar environment combat, they simply has not thought will meet the heavy armored unit, only two can pose the threat to Power Armor bazooka, in Rotary Machine Gun by Jiang Chen hand was solved rapidly. 面对t3动力装甲的高机动与轻武器防护,这些不明武装根本毫无还手之力。因为是在极地环境作战,他们根本没有想到会遇上重装甲单位,仅有的两把能对动力装甲造成威胁的火箭筒,也被江晨手中的转轮机枪迅速地解决掉了。 When the Jiang Chen upfront punches these mercenary is completely muddled, remaining five Sea Lion has not been idling, follows behind Jiang Chen's, launched attack to this group of unidentified arming. 就在江晨正面将这些佣兵揍得晕头转向的时候,剩下的五名“海狮”也没闲着,跟在江晨的后面,对这伙不明武装发起了突击。 The allies died one after another, these people were afraid finally, starts to retreat. However Jiang Chen where will let off them, solved the only five half track polar region car(riage)s with bazooka rapidly, lost them of riding instead of walking tool only to escape on foot. 战友接连死去,这些人终于害怕了,开始撤退。然而江晨哪里会放过他们,用火箭筒迅速解决掉了仅有的五辆半履带极地车,失去代步工具的他们只能徒步逃跑。 However depends on two legs merely, where runs Power Armor 然而仅仅靠着两条腿,哪里跑得过动力装甲 Let alone in snowy area. 更何况是在雪地里。 The matter that then has been able to guess correctly. 接下来发生的事已经可以猜到了。 Scatters in all directions unclear militant who retreats, pours in the Jiang Chen's pursuit in the pool of blood one after another. 四散溃逃的不明武装分子,在江晨的追击中接二连三地倒在血泊中。 However what lets his surprise is, some people escape, actually no one surrenders. He once tried to catch a 1~2 captive, even if cannot ask that their employers, at least can also ask that actually they are that mercenary group, then traces logically. However unfortunate matter, all people who lose the battle efficiency, chose the suicide without exception. 不过让他诧异的是,有人逃跑,却没有一个人投降。他曾试图抓一两个俘虏,哪怕问不出他们的雇主,至少也能问出他们究竟是那支佣兵团,然后再顺藤摸瓜地追查上去。然而不幸的事,所有失去战斗力的人,无一例外选择了自杀。 From the beginning, they have not planned to become the captive 从一开始,他们就没打算成为俘虏 Not far away, Sea Lion is in the battlefield cleanup. Moves the polar car(riage) the corpse, imports in the bunker, looked for a vacant room casually, throws in the corpse the pouring gasoline, finally the point gets angry. Altogether the 200 person, does not have any symbol, can mark their status. 不远处,海狮正在打扫战场。将尸体搬上极地车,运进地堡中,随便找了间空房,将尸体扔进去浇上汽油,最后点上火。一共两百人,没有任何标志,能够标明他们的身份。 They are mercenary, the status are unable to confirm.” Raised rifle, Garrett was arriving by Jiang Chen. “他们是佣兵,身份无法确认。”提着步枪,加雷特走到了江晨旁边。 Although won, but on the face of this veteran cannot see a bit of being survivor of disaster relaxedness. Come time is ten people, but now is only left over five. Including that Sea Lion vice-captain Cairns, dying is the brothers who he leads personally. 虽然赢了,但这位老兵的脸上看不到一丝劫后余生的轻松。来的时候是十个人,而现在只剩下了五个。包括那名海狮副队长凯恩斯,死去的都是他亲手带出来的弟兄。 Quick can confirm.” Jiang Chen smiles, opens holographic screen, advanced the Garrett front the map. “很快就能确认了。”江晨笑了笑,打开全息屏幕,将地图推到了加雷特的面前。 Looks at that on map red, Garrett gawked, asked. 看着地图上的那个红点,加雷特愣了下,问道。 This is “这是” „The position of opposite party headquarters. They could not certainly guess correctly, we can trace the localization radio signal.” “对方指挥部的位置。他们一定猜不到,我们能追踪定位无线电信号。” With several seconds of opposite party headquarters telephone conversation, Jiang Chen had located the position of opposite party on the map a moment ago. Temporarily what can confirm, their positions are located in the sea near Ross bay. Because the Sky Eye-1 satellite cannot photograph here, therefore has no way to confirm that actually temporarily there is anything. 就在刚才与对方指挥部通话的数秒,江晨已经将对方的位置定位在了地图上。暂时可以确认的是,他们的位置位于罗斯湾附近的海上。因为天眼1卫星拍摄不到这里,所以暂时没法确认那里究竟是什么。 However are not related, a while he must go in any case personally. 不过没关系,反正一会儿他要亲自去一趟。 I butchered them Garrett to say with clenched jaws. “我去宰了他们”加雷特咬牙切齿地说道。 No, you lead your person first to return to observation station.” Saying, Jiang Chen looked to the north, I went to be able personally they.” “不,你带着你的人先回考察站。”说着,江晨望向了北方,“我亲自去会会他们。” But Garrett also wants to say anything, but had not said that was broken by Jiang Chen. “可是”加雷特还想说什么,但还没说完便被江晨打断了。
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