IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#777: Presenting from Void

B...... world line?” “b……世界线?” Looks at that bronze metal machinery, Jiang Chen is muttering asks. 望着那古铜色的金属机械,江晨喃喃自语地问道。 What make his accidental/surprised is, the opposite as if can hear his sound. 让他意外的是,对面似乎能够听到他的声音。 In silent space has not resounded the sound that any essence has, that metal friction sound, seems like resounds through directly in his brain. Exchange beyond this dimension is very marvelous, marvelous is unable to describe in the spoken language. 寂静的空间中没有响起任何实质存在的声音,那金属摩擦般的声音,似乎是直接响彻在他的脑子里。这种次元外的交流很奇妙,奇妙的无法用言语来描述。 Jiang Chen knows only, he stands can hear here, he stands the words that here spoke to be heard. 江晨唯一知道一点,他站在这里能听见,他站在这里说的话能被听见。 That is all. 仅此而已。 Yes, B World Line.” The clang of metal made that sound take the faint trace ice-cold, but actually could not listen to the sentiment of happy anger to fluctuate from his sound, „, if our past time definitions were A, then you were B, parallel line that millions of C, D and E...... two can never intersect, the navigation that because failed one time connected in one. Also makes us does not exist, and everywhere Specter.” “是的,b世界线。”金属的铿锵让那声音带上了丝丝冰冷,不过从他的声音中却听不出喜怒的感情波动,“如果将我们过去的时间定义为a,那么你们就是b,还有千千万万个c、d、e……两条永远不会相交的平行线,因为一次失败的航行而连接在了一起。也让我们成为了不存在着,而又无处不在的幽灵。” This is Code Book your masterpieces?...... If you can see in my hand the thing.” Jiang Chen took out Code Book from storage space. “这个密码本是你们的杰作吗?……如果你能看到我手上东西的话。”江晨储物空间中取出了密码本 I have said that we are ubiquitous, looks from Void to the three dimensional world, here all resembles writes on the paper.” That sound said with a smile. “我说过,我们无处不在,从虚空中看向三维世界,这里的一切都像写在纸上。”那声音笑着说道。 „...... Is Void several?” “……虚空是几维?” Void is not physical existence Cosmos, non- upfront, is not reverse side, but is the unstabilizing factor of dissociation in crevice. Therefore, we do not have the dimension the concept.” 虚空不是物质存在的宇宙,既非正面,也非反面,而是游离在夹缝中的不稳定因素。故,我们不存在维度的概念。” Doesn't have the dimension the concept? 不存在维度的概念? Jiang Chen felt that some big, is only makes him understand dimension concept enough has had a headache, this person...... Specter of this quantum state also says with him now, oneself does not have the dimension the concept. 江晨感觉有些头大,光是让他理解维度这个概念就已经够头疼的了,现在这人……这量子态的幽灵又和他说,自己不存在维度的概念。 That...... what's your name ? “那个……你怎么称呼?” You can call me not to have, can call my ghost, or Specter.” “你可以叫我无,也可以叫我鬼,或者幽灵。” I called you Specter to be good,” Jiang Chen reorganized under the mentality in the brain, asked that the confusion in heart, why I want to know, why you must launch the Klein Particle broadcast at Earth of this dimension, what goal made?” “那我还是叫你幽灵好了,”江晨在脑子里整理了下思路,问出了心中的困惑,“我想知道为什么,为什么你要向这个次元的地球发射克雷恩粒子广播,这么做有什么目的吗?” Goal type of thing has certainly.” Specter replied with the light sound, we chose the spokesman, the civilization guidance to the correct direction, greeted Doomsday decisive battle, finally defeated Foreign End, this was our goals.” “目的这种东西当然有。”幽灵用平淡的声音回答道,“我们选择代言人,将文明引导向正确的方向,迎接末日决战,最终击败异端,这就是我们的目的。” Foreign End...... you refer to......” 异端……你指的是……” In the Jiang Chen heart loomed a clear(ly) to become aware, all clues by a rope substring in one, were finally completed a complete puzzle. These Void lost people, reason that spare no effort is transforming, is guiding the history of this world, with the named Golden Apple bait, stirs up the wing of butterfly...... 江晨心中隐隐出现了一丝明悟,所有的线索被一根绳子串在了一起,最终完成了一副完整的拼图。这些虚空遗民,之所以不遗余力地改造着,引导着这个世界的历史,用名为金苹果的诱饵,煽动蝴蝶的翅膀…… Neighbor 20.5 light years away, once with me and others, actually and others greeted the entirely different destiny with me simultaneously Foreign End.” Specter replied in a soft voice, verified the Jiang Chen's guess. “20.5光年外的邻居,曾与我等同时出发,却与我等迎接截然不同命运的异端。”幽灵轻声答道,印证了江晨的猜测。 However what Jiang Chen is still puzzled is, motive that they do that. 然而江晨依旧困惑着的是,他们这么做的动机。 Why is?” He asked oneself confusion exports, „, if you had been imprisoned in Void, interfered with the matter of three dimensional Cosmos, what advantage to you also had?” “可是为什么?”他将自己的困惑问出了口,“如果你们已经被囚禁在了虚空,干涉三维宇宙发生的事,对于你们来说又有什么好处吗?” According to viewpoint that Lin Ling once put forward, they were blocked in Void, has not known existence of Life and Death regarding the outside world. Does not have the concept of time there, they had turned into non- material Specter, becomes them of this shape, the relation of root real world should also be cut off was right. 根据林玲曾经提出的观点,他们被封锁在了虚空之中,对于外界来说已经是不知生死的存在了。在那里没有时间的概念,他们早已变成了非物质的幽灵,成为这种形态的他们,根现实世界的联系应该也随之断掉了才对。 If you are held responsible the motive, we could disappoint you.” That bronze machine, seems like one pair from the eye pupil that in Void finds out, is not not gazing at fixedly front the tiny person sadly happily, does not have any reason, merely is when because I and others that quarter of withering away, this as the Purity person. If others withered away, we will also dissipate as the Specter significance, therefore we hope that you can last, that is all.” “如果你是问动机,那我们可能要让你失望了。”那古铜色的机器,就好像是一双自虚空中探出的眼眸,无悲无喜地瞪视着面前渺小的人,“没有任何理由,仅仅是因为当我等消亡的那刻,此身为纯正的人。如果尔等消亡,吾等作为幽灵的意义也会随之消散,所以我们希望你们能够存续,仅此而已。” We once selected Dictator, in our opinion, the political power that only then rules as a dictatorship has the determination with Foreign End decisive battle.” “我们曾经选中了一位独裁者,在我们看来,只有独裁的政权才有着与异端决战的决心。” However it is a pity that prop plan fail. We donate their science and technology, has not turned around the entire situation the trend. Electric Age and Atomic Age gap not just manifests in the physics, manifests in the scientific research mentality. We once donated the original bullet(s) fabrication technology, but until the last minute, they also completed the depuration of enriched uranium merely.” “然而遗憾的是,扶植计划失败了。我们赠予他们的科技,并没有扭转整个战局的走向。电气时代原子时代的鸿沟并非仅仅体现在物理学上,更是体现在科研思路上。我们曾将原子弹的制造工艺赠予他们,但直到最后一刻,他们也仅仅只是完成了浓缩铀的提纯。” When Specter said here, Jiang Chen remembered in u submarine that in the New Zealand oceanic trench discovered, as well as in the suitcase that above discovered. If Third Reich early one year, even if were a half year completed this early miracle weapon, the history may slide to another direction. 幽灵说道这里的时候,江晨想起了在新西兰海沟中发现的u型潜艇,以及在上面发现的手提箱。如果第三帝国早一年,哪怕是早半年完成了这件“奇迹武器”,历史都可能将滑向另一个方向。 If we have not guessed wrong, the matter that afterward had you should know.” “如果我们没有猜错,后来发生的事你应该已经知道了。” When hears these words are right, Jiang Chen can feel that eye is looking at itself, by that bronze machine. Swallowed a spit, he nods to reply slowly. 当听到这句话对的时候,江晨能够感觉到,那只眼睛在看着自己,透过那古铜色的机器。咽了口吐沫,他缓缓点了点头答道。 Yes.” “是的。” Continued silent for two seconds, ceiling above transmitted slight trembling. Jiang Chen looks fiercely upwardly, several wisps of wall ashes fell, let his subconsciously retreat two steps. 沉默持续了两秒,天花板上面传来了轻微的震颤。江晨猛地向上看去,几缕墙灰落了下来,让他下意识地后退了两步。 From this explosion sound, outside seemed like hits, can actually be able to be who? 从这爆炸声音来看,外面似乎是打起来了,可究竟会是谁? Leaves our time is not many, Klein Particle in Void thin to certain boundary. Sometimes unilateral outpouring really very helpless, but well was you found here. Why although does not know, but you can hear each note that I said that even does not draw support from Golden Apple.” Metal sound light language final words, „that since you can find here person only, we should donate you final hope.” “留给我们的时间不多了,虚空中的克雷恩粒子稀薄到了一定的境界。有时候单方面的倾诉真的很让人无奈,但好在是你找到了这里。虽然不知道为什么,但你能听见我所说的每一个音符,即便是不借助金苹果。”金属音轻语着最后的话语,“那么,既然你是唯一能找到这里的人,我们理应将最后的希望赠予你。” Final hope? What do you plan to give me?” Jiang Chen took a look at a ceiling, the bulk dust falls from above, it seems like that the tactical situation in ground was even more intense. “最后的希望?你打算给我什么?”江晨瞅了眼天花板,大块的尘土从上面掉落,看来地面上的战况愈发的激烈了。 Special gift, it weighs approximately one gram, for delivers to the reality from Void it, we used enough for half a century.” “特别的礼物,它重约一克,为了将它从虚空送到现实,我们用了足足半个世纪。” The machine top searchlight shines, the ray scattered in the corner of basement. There is putting a suitcase, seems like old style that. But Jiang Chen does not doubt, inside possibly thinks of what nb gadget. 机器顶部的探照灯亮起,光芒撒在了地下室的角落。那里放着一个手提箱,看上去是老式的那种。但江晨丝毫不怀疑,里面可能装着什么nb的玩意儿。 We called it Antimatter.” “我们称它为反物质。” ...... …… The tactical situation in surface is exceptionally intense, does not know that is whose Raven mouth manifests a spirit, this group of unidentified arming also really have the reinforcement. 地表的战况异常激烈,不知道是谁的乌鸦嘴显了灵,这伙不明武装还真有增援。 Although cannot compare Sea Lion to be well-equipped, but weaponry in this group of person hands also calculates on Elite. Not only adapts to the snowy area circumstances rifle, various types of grenade launchers, bazooka, even was the mortar greeted. 虽然比不上海狮装备精良,但这伙人手中的武器装备也算的上精锐了。不只是适应雪地环境的步枪,各种榴弹发射器,火箭筒,甚至是迫击炮都招呼了上来。 Occupied a commanding position to hit to be caught off guard, tries squad that moves to go around the enemy and attack from behind from the side also to be hit lost the contact, withstood/top is also shot dead in the head in the entrance soldier misfortune. Be forced, Garrett must order to cut back the defense line, position from snowy area drawing in archway. 被居高临下打了个措手不及,试图从侧移绕袭的小队也被打得失去了联络,顶在门口的士兵也有一名不幸头部中弹身亡。迫于无奈,加雷特只得下令收缩防线,将阵地从雪地拉到了拱道内。 The stack applies in the German arm force obsolete equipment of archway side gate, carves the half track of anchor coat of arms to be towed, although the machine gun could not have used, but is used to act as the bunker to have more than enough to spare. 堆放在拱道侧门的德军老旧装备派上了用场,刻着铁十字纹章的半履带被拖了出来,虽然机枪已经用不上了,但用来充当掩体还是绰绰有余的。 Shit! They hit the chicken blood!” On the forehead kept the blood, Garrett is clenching teeth to exchange the cartridge clip, pasted behind shaking a caterpillar, found out rifle to open fire to counterattack. 谢特!他们是打了鸡血吗!”额头上留着鲜血,加雷特咬牙换上了弹夹,贴在震个不停的履带车后面,探出步枪开火还击。 Ten people, only have five now. Leon is missing, Cairns leads two brothers to defend the flank, wants to come is also more unfortunate than fortunate. But how opposite soldier actually kills unable to kill probably, at least ten people have poured under his spear/gun, plan that the opposite party has not actually retreated slightly. 十个人,如今只剩下了五个。莱昂下落不明,凯恩斯带着两名弟兄去守住侧翼,想来也是凶多吉少。而对面的士兵却好像怎么杀也杀不完,已经至少有十人倒在了他的枪下,对方却丝毫没有撤退的打算。 Is thinking the brother who these died, in the pupil of Garrett glitters the anger, the tooth is almost biting. 想着那些死去的弟兄,加雷特的瞳孔中闪烁着怒火,牙齿几近咬碎。 Without a doubt, they had been compelled the dead end. 毫无疑问,他们已经被逼到了绝路。 But at this moment, they are protecting the rear area, heard the sound of footsteps suddenly. 可就在这时,他们保护着的后方,突然传来了脚步声。 That sound of footsteps is heavy and powerful, along with the collision sound of steel. 那脚步声沉重而有力,伴随着钢铁的碰撞声。 Looked at that the thing of going out from the shadow, Garrett is staring in a big way the eyes dull. Not only he, other soldier also sees that form of tunnel deep place dumbfoundedly, suddenly lost the spoken language. 望着那从阴影中走出之物,加雷特呆呆地瞪大了双眼。不只是他,其它士兵也都瞠目结舌地看着隧道深处的那道身影,一时间失去了言语。 Do not think so me, found in inside.” “别这么看着我,在里面找到的。” That is Power Armor! 那是动力装甲 Garrett recognizes it, because he has undergone the related training. 加雷特认得它,因为他接受过相关训练。 But why will Power Armor appear here? 动力装甲为什么会出现在这儿? Had not explained that also does not need to explain. 没有解释,也不需要解释。 To behind the raising hand arm, Jiang Chen shake-out Rotary Machine Gun of right arm. Fluttering about bullet|warhead only left behind white mark on his front armor, cannot injure his half a point. Takes a look the eye crawled behind the bunker to wounded person, looks to cave entrance that bullet(s) fluttered about, his corners of the mouth twisted the mouth sidewise wiped to grin fiendishly. 对着身后扬了扬手臂,江晨抖出了右臂的转轮机枪。纷飞的弹头只在他的前装甲上留下了浅浅的白痕,根本伤不到他半分。瞅了眼匍匐在掩体背后对的伤员,望向了子弹纷飞的洞口,他的嘴角咧开了一抹狞笑。 Game, formally starts.”( To be continued.) “游戏,正式开始。”(未完待续。)
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