IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#776: Lost of the Void( asked monthly ticket!)

The explosive sound that transmits regarding outside, Jiang Chen and Garrett look at each other in blank dismay, both sides can see that to wipe dignifiedly from the respective look. 对于外面传来的爆炸声,江晨加雷特面面相觑,双方都能从各自的眼神中看到那抹凝重。 „Outside I have a look.” Garrett the rifle palate, „, if bumped into the situation......” “我去外面看看。”加雷特步枪上膛,“如果碰上了突发情况……” Authorizes to open fire, defends the entrance.” “批准开火,守住入口。” Garrett deeply inspires, nods to say. 加雷特深吸了一口气,点点头道。 Understood.” “明白。” Then, he mixes in a big way the mechanical exoskeleton power, in the mixture limit the power hub of titanium alloy skeleton, is not inferior the speed of vehicle to dash about wildly to the direction of archway entrance. 说完,他将机械外骨骼的功率调制最大,同时也将自身钛合金骨骼的动力枢纽上调制极限,以不亚于车子的速度向拱道入口处的方向狂奔过去。 Looks the direction that Garrett is leaving, Jiang Chen frowns slightly. 望着加雷特离开的方向,江晨微微皱起了眉头。 Actually in the ear from Koro Island, he expected that at that moment possibly some people follow. Let alone several main victorious nations have a saliva to Golden Apple, Rothschild these ancient household, revealed greedy of not covering up to the root of Third Reich authority. 其实早在从科罗岛出发耳朵那一刻起,他就预料到可能有人跟着。别说几个主要战胜国对金苹果都有所垂涎,就连罗斯柴尔德这些古老的家族,对第三帝国权柄的根源都表露了不加掩饰的贪婪。 Even if cannot obtain Black Technology, can listen to Future to the opinion of history. Compares the former, even can say, the latter is more attractive. Even if Butterfly Effect has blown scattered about the history, three big camp declare bankruptcy, aborts. That that only saves only, remains the influence at the military League level, but has not entered a deeper level. 哪怕不能从中得到黑科技,也能听听未来人对历史的见解。相比起前者,甚至可以说,后者更有吸引力些。即便蝴蝶效应已经将历史吹得七零八落,三大阵营一个宣告破产,一个胎死腹中。唯一仅存的那个,也只是将影响力停留在军事同盟的层面,而没有进入更深的层面。 Even so, history that Future knows, can be the reference that here future will develop. The forthcoming issue can avoid, the potential danger can contain in the cradle, although being prescient in this political economy is unable precisely to some domain or the industry, but regarding the great person of control power, is enough! 即便是如此,未来人所知晓的历史,也能作为这边今后发展的参考。即将出现的问题可以避免,潜在的危险可以遏制在摇篮,这种政治经济上的先知先觉虽然无法精确到某个领域或行业,但对于掌控大权的大人物来说,已经足够了! However they have not understood actually as before Golden Apple is anything. 然而他们依旧没有明白金苹果究竟是个什么东西。 They communicate at all is not Future, but fiercer existence. 他们沟通的根本不是什么未来人,而是更为厉害的存在。 These enter the Void person, does not know how long had, they possibly only live for one second compared with Last of Days that side person, possibly also needs the long over ten thousand years compared with the Earth life span. Regarding humanity of material level, they are pure quantum state Specter. 那些进入虚空的人,已经不知道存在了多久,他们可能只比末世那边的人多活一秒,也可能比地球的寿命还要长上万年。对于物质层面的人类而言,他们是纯粹的量子态的幽灵 But Specter, does not have Death this concept...... 幽灵,是不存在死亡这个概念的…… Stepped into the basement, Jiang Chen saw, a computer. 踏入了地下室,江晨看到了,一台电脑。 Right, it truly is a computer, although there is a small house is so big, bare. The pipe of reveal outside engine case has the arm is so thick. 没错,它确实是电脑,虽然有小房子那么大,裸.露在机箱外的管子有胳膊那么粗。 If Jiang Chen did not remember incorrectly, the earliest computer was born in 1946, but in this year, the second war had ended was right. 如果江晨没记错,最早的计算机诞生在1946年,而这一年,二战已经结束了才对。 Lost Black Technology? Is these things?” “失落的黑科技吗?仅仅是这些东西吗?” Muttered is saying, Jiang Chen walked toward the room. If this inside is hiding secret only then these, that can only say, he these two weeks of journeys wasted completely on a meaningless tombstone. 喃喃自语地说着,江晨向着屋内走去。如果这里面藏着的秘密只有这些,那只能说,他这两个多星期的旅途完全浪费在了一座毫无意义的墓碑上。 But when he steps into the flash in room, the signal light on machine, then shone towering. 可就当他踏入屋内的一瞬间,机器上的信号灯,突兀地便亮了起来。 The red light grading opens, does not know that hides where electric power Artillery System, delivered the electrical energy for this machine. Grating buzz the whining noise let Jiang Chen retreat two steps, but quick then returned normally...... 红色的灯光次第打开,不知藏在何处的电力系统,为这台机器送上了电能。刺耳的嗡鸣声让江晨后退了两步,不过很快便回归了正常…… Or thorough is not normal. 或者说,彻底的不正常了。 When that hoarse electric current sound gets up, Jiang Chen stared in a big way unbelievable the eyes, fell into the delay thoroughly. 当那嘶哑的电流音响起,江晨瞪大了难以置信地双眼,彻底陷入了呆滞。 Hello, the compatriot on B World Line...... can restore to contact with you happily......” “你们好,b世界线上的同胞……很高兴能与你们恢复联络……” A little Jiang Chen made a mistake. 有一点江晨搞错了。 This he meow at all is not the computer, but is an intercom that spans the dimension...... 这他喵的根本不是什么计算机,而是一台跨越次元的对讲机…… ...... …… Bang! 轰! Ten send the 40 mm grenade across the snowstorm, the intensive explosion was overspreading the Fortress entrance instantaneously, blasted open the billowing broken snow. Combined the cold ice fragments, the breast white smog flash was embezzling entrance nine Sea Lion. 十来发40mm枪榴弹穿过暴风雪,密集的爆炸在瞬间铺满了堡垒的入口,炸裂了滚滚碎雪。混杂着冷冽的冰屑,乳白色的烟雾一瞬间吞没了门口九名“海狮”。 Confirmation strikes to kill.” Observed the heat source to vanish from the thermal imagery, lead that person was saying to mouth. “确认击杀。”从热成像上观察到了热源消失,领头的那人对着嘴边的麦说道。 Enters the bunker.” “进入地堡。” Receives.” That person of lead puts out a hand in helmet, finished the communication. “收到。”领头的那人伸手点在头盔,结束了通讯。 Meanwhile, on opposite ramp, eight form that wears the polar camouflage clothing stood, is carrying rifle to the Fortress entrance direction by the past. 与此同时,对面的雪坡上,八道穿着极地迷彩服的身影站了起来,端着步枪堡垒入口的方向靠过去。 The face was being obstructed solid, on the arm does not have the national flag, rifle is entangling the white cloth strip. 脸被严严实实地遮着,臂膀上没有国旗,就连步枪都缠着白布条。 From their movement of tactical and passing clouds and flowing water, these people obviously are not the rookies, Special Forces of which country's if not, that inevitably is experienced mercenary. 从他们的战术和行云流水的动作来看,这些人显然不是菜鸟,如果不是哪国的特种部队,那就必然是身经百战的佣兵 However, Sea Lion, although internationally nameless, is actually not a vegetarian! 然而,“海狮”虽在国际上无名,却也不是吃素的! Is working as eight rifle that is carrying the thermal imagery, steps into that piece by the flash of snowy land the white fog covers, the sound of gunfire made a sound towering. 当着八个端着开了热成像的步枪,踏入那片被白雾所遮盖的雪域的一瞬间,枪声突兀地响了。 The orange yellow trajectory tore the smog, even drops to the ground without enough time, that eight mercenary Sea Lion had then made into the screen by prepared well. 橙黄色弹道撕裂了烟雾,甚至来不及卧倒,那八名佣兵便被早已准备好的“海狮”打成了筛子。 The defense of mechanical exoskeleton is not cracks a joke, although the grenade exploded people caught off guard, but also was created the minor wound to several unlucky fellows at most, was far from anything to obstruct greatly. 机械外骨骼的防御可不是开玩笑的,枪榴弹虽然炸了众人个措手不及,但顶多也就是对几个倒霉的家伙造成了轻伤,根本谈不上什么大碍。 The leading troops all extinguished, ambush the Sea Lion unclear military equipment to be hit to be caught off guard, but they then responded quickly, several firebases lean toward immediately the firepower the direction of Fortress entrance. 先头部队全灭,伏击海狮的不明武装被打了个措手不及,不过他们很快便反应了过来,几个火力点立刻向堡垒入口的方向倾斜出火力。 Damn! Where this fellows brave!” Sea Lion falls down behind the snow drift, received the ally the motion bunker that makes an effort to fling, inserted in the ground ruthlessly. “该死!这帮家伙从哪里冒出来的!”一名海狮扑倒在雪堆后面,接过战友用力甩过来的移动掩体,狠狠地插在了地上。 The tripod spike the snowy area, the alloying plate launches upwardly, keeps off in this Sea Lion front. 三脚架钉入雪地,合金板向上展开,挡在了这名海狮的前面。 Several other also disperse similarly, arranged the bunker in the Fortress entrance, builds rifle to start to counterattack. 另外几名还是也是同样分散开来,在堡垒入口处布置了掩体,架起步枪开始还击。 The ice-cold temperature makes the sound of gunfire start becomes coarse. 冰冷的温度让枪声都开始变得难听。 In such ghost weather, bullet(s) trajectory unusual moving fast, as the snowstorm of howling flies willfully randomly. The tracer shell drags the trajectory that entrains, delimits to make one ascertain that in the open area between both sides the airtight arc, Sea Lion Ripper assault rifle in hand, cannot ask for what advantage even. 在这样的鬼天气里,子弹弹道异常的飘忽,随着呼啸的暴风雪任性地乱飞。曳光弹拖拽的弹道,在双方之间的空地上划出一道道令人捉摸不透的弧线,就算是“海狮”们手中的撕裂者突击步枪,也讨不到什么好处。 The opposite had the advantage in the quantity completely, feeds back the information that from the life radio installment, the opposite little said that also more than hundred people, is Sea Lion over ten times! But Sea Lion won in the equipment, heat source camouflage or mechanical exoskeleton bulletproof ability. 对面在数量上完全占据了优势,从生命射电装置反馈的信息来看,对面少说也有百余人,是海狮这边的十倍以上!而海狮这边则是胜在了装备上,无论是热源遮蔽还是机械外骨骼的防弹能力。 Damn! Cairns, outside anything situation! Who are they?” Has run up to the entrance of bunker, Garrett entered the battle condition quickly, leans on the entrance counterattacks, while loudly exclaimed in the communication screen mileage. “见鬼!凯恩斯,外面什么情况!他们是谁?”已经跑到了地堡的门口,加雷特很快进入战斗状态,倚靠在大门口一边还击,一边在通讯屏道里大吼道。 Was called is the Cairns man is Sea Lion Special Forces vice-captain, however he is also confused at this moment, completely without doing to understand opposite dozen who the outcome is. 被唤作凯恩斯的男人是海狮特种部队副队长,然而此刻他也是一头雾水,完全没搞明白对面打过来的究竟是谁。 I also want to know! But I want us to win some opportunities to know!” “我也想知道!但我想只有我们打赢了才有机会知道了!” Their people were too many! If they circled our flank to trouble! Moreover, we had not been clear whether they have the reinforcement!” Sea Lion loudly exclaimed. “他们人太多了!如果他们绕到了我们侧翼就麻烦了!而且,我们还不清楚他们是否有增援!”一名海狮大吼道。 Hopes not to have “但愿没” ! 咻! The sudden wailing broke that person of words, explodes resounds in the position, the broken snow stuck Garrett and the others unexpected a face. However matter fortunately, has not presented the personnel casualty. 突然一声尖啸打断了那人的话语,爆炸在阵地中响起,碎雪猝不及防地糊了加雷特等人一脸。不过所幸的事,没有出现人员伤亡。 Bah, Shit, they did not fear that explodes the avalanche?” “呸,谢特,他们就不怕炸出雪崩?” Is saying, was a round of mortar pounded! 正说着,又是一发迫击炮砸了过来! The explosion created to Sea Lion greatly was very troublesome, but in because of this snowstorm, the shell of opposite party basically fell on the vacancy well. 爆炸对海狮这边造成了很大麻烦,但好在因为这暴风雪,对方的炮弹基本上都落在了空处。 But continuously for a long time hence, their good luck to use up sooner or later. 但长此以往,迟早他们的好运气会用光。 Garrett not flustered, caught the position of enemy unit from the life signal detection installment, issued the instruction to squad calmly. 加雷特没有慌张,从生命信号探测装置上捕捉到了敌方单位的位置,冷静地对小队下达了指示。 Cairns, you lead two people to circle from one side. Leon, you go to 4 point directions that small hillside, brings your sniper's rifle. Others, cling to tenaciously here with me! Told them with our spears/guns, who was true Elite!” 凯恩斯,你带着两个人从侧面绕过去。莱昂,你去四点中方向的那个小山坡,带着你的狙击枪。其余的人,跟我死守这里!用我们的枪告诉他们,谁才是真正的精锐!” Understood!” “明白!” - - ( Cold was much better, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow erupts!)( To be continued.) (感冒好多了,明天或者后天爆发!)(未完待续。)
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