IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#775: Two explosions

If must say that which places here has is quite similar to Last of Days that side Sanctuary, that will be it will also not then preserve any live person probably. 如果要说这里与末世那边的避难所有哪些地方比较相似,那大概便是它同样不会保存任何活人。 Swastika Flag sign frozen in ice crystal, like locked in the coffin. Roughly a 5~6 meter wide iron gate stands in the corner of stone wall, is only left over the upper limb that the snow buries a seam. 万字旗的标志被冰封在了冰晶中,就像被锁进了棺材里。约莫五六米宽的铁门立在石壁的角落,被积雪掩埋的只剩下上缘的一道缝。 Regardless how to think, here is unlikely to have the live person. 无论怎么想,这里都不太可能存在活人。 Certainly was anything makes a mistake...... told me, boss, our Alps of present Northern Hemisphere, rather than in the Earth southernmost.” Looks at that Swastika Flag, soldier said in the communication frequency low voice. “一定是什么搞错了……告诉我,头儿,我们现在北半球的阿尔卑斯山,而不是在地球的最南端。”看着那个万字旗,一名士兵在通讯频道里小声说道。 Garrett also stared in a big way the eyes, looks at that sign in gate unbelievable. He has heard Nazi and South Pole Sanctuary story actually, but really has not actually been serious that story. But sees at present, actually subverted his three views. 加雷特也瞪大了双眼,难以置信地看着门上的那个标志。他倒是有听说过纳.粹南极避难所的故事,但却从来没将那故事真的当回事儿。只不过眼前所见,却是颠覆了他的三观。 Treasure hunt, buried treasure about Third Reich.” From the polar vehicle, Jiang Chen opened the communication screen saying that said with a smile. “寻宝,关于第三帝国的宝藏。”从极地车上下来,江晨打开了通讯屏道,笑着说道。 After long time, Garrett jumps a word. 半晌后,加雷特才蹦出来个词来。 This is how possible.” “这怎么可能。” However this is the fact.” Jiang Chen shrugs, other, time not early, if not want to treat here is too long, we hurry to start to work.” “然而这是事实。”江晨耸了耸肩,“另外,时间不早了,如果不想在这里待太久,咱们赶紧开始干活吧。” Although in the heart has a lot of issues, but Garrett swallows back the issue. 虽然心中有着一肚子问题,但加雷特还是将问题咽了回去。 Returns to by the car(riage), he and several soldier took out the military engineer spade, with the help of mechanical exoskeleton, wields and windmill the spade results, quick then this steel hard ice layer dug a pit. 回到车旁,他和几名士兵取出了工兵锹,在机械外骨骼的帮助下,将锹挥地和风车似得,很快便将这钢铁般坚硬的冰层上刨出了一个坑来。 Half meter thick, wiped under the snow dregs on face probably, Garrett touched under the iron gate with the military engineer spade, the mouth hiked up the white fog, also possibly was one meter...... damn, this frozen did not seem like the steel.” “大概得有半米厚,”抹了下脸上的雪渣,加雷特用工兵锹碰了下铁门,嘴边飘起了白雾,“也可能是一米……见鬼,这门已经被冻的不像是钢铁了。” What does that seem like?” “那像是什么?” Like stone.” “像石头。” By by the polar car(riage), Jiang Chen smiles. 靠在极地车旁,江晨笑了笑。 Gale is howling as before, leaves the time of people is not many. 狂风依旧在呼啸着,留给众人的时间不多。 In the gate could not see the thing that the loop and grips and so on, has not as if planned to open after closing. 门上看不到锁眼和握把之类的东西,似乎在关上之后就没打算打开了。 Inserts the glacier facing this iron gate, Jiang Chen orders with the most primitive method 面对这嵌入冰川的铁门,江晨下令用最原始的方法 Demolition. 爆破。 Right, on direct blasting explosive. Although has to cause the avalanche risk, but this without doubt is quickest and safest method. So long as blasting explosive arrival of amount used control, this risk should also be able to reduce to is lowly right. 没错,直接上炸药。虽然有着引起雪崩的风险,但这无疑是最快和最稳妥的方法。而且只要炸药的用量控制的到位,这个风险应该也能降低到最低才对。 Garrett is promises him. Once in Iraq and he of Afghan service, was nothing less than adept regarding the use of bomb. However uses this gadget in the environment of the world of ice and snow, to be honest, he does not have many bottoms. 加雷特是这么向他保证的。曾经在伊拉克阿富汗服役的他,对于炸弹的使用不可谓不娴熟。不过在冰天雪地的环境里使用这玩意儿,老实说,他心里也没多少底。 Is considering the angle of amount used and demolition of blasting explosive, Garrett the strip bomb will paste, in this did not know on the thick iron gate. Gestures to this ally, then he pressed down the switch. 斟酌着炸药的用量和爆破的角度,加雷特将条状的炸弹贴在了这不知多厚的铁门上。对这身旁的战友打了个手势,然后他按下了开关。 The flame twinkle, the explosive sound was submerged in the wind and snow, the heavy/thick shutter was exploded reversed to inside. 火光闪烁,爆炸声被淹没在了风雪中,厚重的门板被炸倒向了里面。 Very lucky, has not caused the avalanche. 很幸运,没有引起雪崩。 Black archway continuously deep place to lead to snowy mountain, even the flashlight photo goes, still looks does not bottom. Inside is sending out stale smell, making one suspect, actually in this to have air that may be for the biological survival. 黑黢黢的拱道一直通向雪山的深处,即使是手电筒照去,也看不见底。里面散发着陈腐的气味儿,让人不禁怀疑,这里面究竟有没有可供生物生存的空气。 Sea Lion Special Forces soldier completed the combat readiness, took down the field equipment from the polar vehicle, activate(d). the retinal imaging in chip, in the entrance was placed the fight stance nanometer 海狮特种部队士兵做好了战斗准备,从极地车上取下了战斗装备,启动了纳米芯片中的视网膜成像,在门口摆好了战斗姿态。 Garrett gestures to nearby soldier, that soldier nods, in arm touch-screen selected, activate(d) polar car(riage) back Drone Hive. 加雷特向旁边的士兵打了个手势,那名士兵点头,在手臂的触屏点了下,启动了极地车背后的无人机蜂房 Hung the searchlight, hummingbird is taking the lead to crash in the black bunker. In the situation of tactical camera bunker, direct feedback on retina. Jiang Chen has not implanted the nano chip, therefore opened the total information image on wrist watch. 挂着探照灯,蜂鸟率先冲进了黑黢黢的地堡。战术摄像头将地堡内的情况,直接反馈在了视网膜上。江晨没有植入纳米芯片,所以打开了腕表上的全息图像。 „Is air content normal? Really is accidental/surprised...... has not discovered the mechanism/organization trap, had not discovered that the live person...... can enter?” Garrett asked. “空气含量正常?还真是意外……没有发现机关陷阱,也没有发现活人……要进入吗?”加雷特问道。 Preparation enters. Before then, first draws in our car(riage)s the gate, outside do not place gives to bury. Garrett follows I, others defend in the entrance.” “准备进入。在此之前,先将我们的车拖进门里,别放在外面给埋了。加雷特跟着我,其余的人守在门口。” Yes!” “是!” Issuance of order, the Sea Lion special troops move immediately, poured into the black archway two polar car(riage)s, defends in the entrance. 命令下达,海狮的特种兵们立刻动了起来,将两辆极地车倒进了黑黢黢的拱道,守在门口。 Although guard, but here on their group , the penguin cannot even see one. Reason that keeps the entrance soldier, mainly Jiang Chen does not think expose too many information in the front of average person. As for Garrett, Jiang Chen is self-confident he is not impossible to betray itself, after all he can stand here, is to the merit of titanium alloy skeleton he exchanges. 虽说是守卫,但这里也就他们这一行人,连企鹅都看不到一只。之所以将士兵都留在门口,主要还是江晨不想暴.露太多情报在普通人的面前。至于加雷特,江晨自信他不可能背叛自己,毕竟他能够站在这里,都是自己给他换上的钛合金骨骼的功劳。 Then, two people in tandem walked in the black black archway. Garrett took over control of the drone control, and should Jiang Chen's request to switch off the ordinary soldier camera jurisdiction. 就这样,两个人一前一后的走在了黢黑的拱道。加雷特接管了无人机的控制权,并且应江晨的要求关掉了普通士兵的摄像头权限。 Always felt here too calm.” Garrett carries rifle, the vision is taking a fast look around in the black black corner discretely. “总觉得这里太安静了。”加雷特端着步枪,目光谨慎地在黢黑的角落扫视着。 Otherwise? I had not expected will meet the live person here, few people can live the last century is so long.” Walks in behind, Jiang Chen is confirming in Code Book through the wrist watch the constructional drawing about this bunker, while spoke thoughtlessly the response to say. “不然呢?我也没期望过会在这里遇上活人,很少有人能活上一个世纪那么久。”走在后面,江晨一边通过腕表确认着密码本中关于这座地堡的构造图,一边随口回应道。 Has had many views regarding the state head final whereabouts, has gone through the related material before Jiang Chen. 对于元首最终的去向一直都有很多种说法,在来之前江晨查阅过相关的资料。 1943 was the east line battlefield turning point, the Kursk campaign ended, the Italy campaign to be like a raging fire, domineering Germany fell into the abyss that crashed fast henceforth. Also since that year, that speech talent has not given any speech again. 1943年是东线战场的转折点,库尔斯克战役结束、意大利战役如火如荼,原本强势的德国从此跌入快速崩盘的深渊。也正是从那年开始,那个演说天才再也没有发表过任何演讲。 Some people said that he truly died, was fired the ash with his mistress Eva by 20 l gasoline together. Also some people said that he rode u submarine to go to South America, is sympathizing with Nazi the small town of Argentina to spend one's last years the life. Also some people said that he went to South Pole, leads more than 200 scientists of disappearance, as well as several thousand are loyal to his party. Guard soldier. 有人说他确确实实死了,和他的情.妇爱娃一起被足足20l汽油烧成了灰。也有人说他乘坐u型潜艇去了南美,在同情纳粹的阿根廷的小镇终老一生。也有人说他去了南极,带着消失的200多名科学家,以及数千名忠于他的党.卫队士兵 The first view was approved by the mainstream viewpoint, then two types took the flavors of some conspiracy theories. But since even Golden Apple and Code Book this two kinds thing exists, what but also there is impossible? In brief behind this leafed door anything possibly has, even if bumps into 22 centuries Black Technology, even has not seen the gadget, Jiang Chen was still psychologically prepared. 第一种说法被主流观点所认同,而后两种则带上了些许阴谋论的味道。可既然连金苹果密码本这两样东西都存在,还有什么是不可能的呢?总之这扇门背后什么都可能有,就算是碰到22世纪的黑科技,甚至是从来都没见过的玩意儿,江晨也做好了心理准备。 However what regrets, this he walked all the way probably smoothly, it is expected that trap same has not appeared with the mechanism/organization. Both sides of archway can see many side gates, some are life space, some are the garages. Inside stops is piling up the tool, is stopping the construction vehicles, even is the caterpillar band chariot...... 不过遗憾的是,这一路上他好像顺风顺水地就走了过去,预想中的陷阱和机关一样也没有出现。拱道的两旁可以看见不少侧门,有的是生活空间,有的则是车库。里面停着堆放着工具,停着施工车辆,甚至是履带战车…… Although the living facility is very complete, but actually does not seem like some people have lived the trace. 可虽然生活设施都很齐全,但却不像是有人生活过的痕迹。 The end of archway is a staircase, started from here on being able to receive outside signal. 拱道的尽头是一座楼梯,从这里开始就收不到外面的信号了。 Garrett then and Jiang Chen exchanged under the look, has been continued instruction forward after latter there, the drone terminal from outside Drone Hive there, shifted after behind drone backpack. 加雷特回头和江晨交换了下眼神,从后者那里得到继续向前的指示后,将无人机的终端从外面的无人机蜂房那里,转移到了身后的无人机背包上。 Is drone first explores the way as before, later two people in tandem went to the staircase. 依旧是无人机先探路,随后两人一前一后下了楼梯。 In the end of staircase, is a password door. However is very obvious, here electric power Artillery System had collapsed, therefore Jiang Chen did not need to worry for the matter of password, is making Garrett start to get ready directly to demolish the work, oneself returned to the staircase. 在楼梯的尽头,是一扇密码门。不过很显然,这里的电力系统早就崩溃了,所以江晨也不用为密码的事发愁了,直接在让加雷特开始准备爆破工作,自己回到了楼梯上面。 However when he blasts out the password the instance, actually resounded two explosives. 不过当他炸开密码的瞬间,却是响起了两声爆响。 From below, Garrett successfully demolished the password gate. 一声是来自下面,加雷特成功爆破了密码门。 But another, as if from outside......( to be continued.) 而另一声,似乎来自外面……(未完待续。)
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