IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#774: The castle on Antarctica

To be honest, in April not the suitable achievement to inspect the South Pole day. 老实说,四月份并不适合作为考察南极的日子。 December 22 of every year the winter solstice, South Pole presents the polar day, the whole year, in February the light illuminates in January/one month in a big way, is most suitable to go to the South Pole traveling or inspects. Waited till June 22 summer solstice, the vertical incident solar rays Tropic of Cancer, South Pole will welcome the night, 24 hours in night. 每年12月22日冬至,南极出现极昼,全年一月、2月份光照亮最大,最适合前往南极旅游或者考察。等到了6月22日夏至,太阳直射北回归线,南极将迎来极夜,24小时处于黑夜中。 The present is in mid April, after entering the South Pole circle, Sun hangs above the sea level is not far, as if possibly falls to be the same momentarily. 现在是四月中旬,进入南极圈后,太阳就悬在海平面上方不远,仿佛随时都可能落下一样。 However Jiang Chen may not have that patience to wait till next year. 然而江晨可没那个耐心等到明年。 Ten meter/rice machineries turn the arm to launch, container deployment in the white coast. The crew of inspection group also rides the skiff that on the inspection vessel is putting down, coast that landing this snow and ice cover one after another. 十来米长的机械扭臂展开,将一座座集装箱部署在了白色的海岸上。考察团的船员也乘着考察船上放下的小艇,相继登陆这冰雪覆盖的海岸。 Before going on board, everyone with the vacuum cleaner, swept clear each corner in upper pocket very much voluntarily, avoids the seeds or other lifeform is brought to South Pole. This registers the iron rule that South Pole inspection must consciously observe, South Pole ecology Artillery System is exceptionally frail, must take strict precautions against the ecology disaster that the species invasion brings. 在登船前,所有人都很自觉地用吸尘器,清扫了身上兜里的每一个角落,避免有种子或者其他生物被带到南极。这是登录南极的考察员都要自觉遵守的铁则,南极的生态系统异常脆弱,必须严防物种入侵所带来的生态灾害。 Made finally these terrible business, Jiang Chen rides the last class of skiff, mounted Antarctica Continent. 总算将这些麻烦事弄完了,江晨坐着最后一班小艇,登上了南极洲大陆 Received the Country of Xin national flag from these exciting inspection group member hands, under cheering of people instigates, Jiang Chen inserted in this white wilderness high place this luxuriant blue flag. 从这些兴奋的考察团团员手中接过了新国的国旗,在众人的欢呼怂恿下,江晨将这蔚蓝色的旗帜插在了这片白色荒漠的高处。 Symbolizes the nine stars of Palau Archipelago nine islands to flutter against the wind, but is surrounding the palm leaves of these nine stars, the one who is symbolizing this is the victory. 象征着帕努群岛九岛的九颗星迎风飘扬,而环绕着这九颗星的棕榈叶,象征着这的是胜利。 „Our Country of Xin first South Pole observation station, Chairman of the Board names, everyone, you said that is?” Inspection group group head named He Gaoyang, said excitedly. “咱们这新国第一座南极考察站,怎么也得董事长来命名,大伙儿,你们说是不是?”名叫贺高阳的考察团团长,兴奋地说道。 Right! Right! Asked Chairman of the Board to bestow the name!” Immediately some people blow the whistling response to say. “对!对!请董事长赐名!”立刻就有人吹着口哨响应道。 hā hā, or called Future observation station to consider as finished simply!” 哈哈,要不干脆就叫未来人考察站算了!” Did not have the creativity......” “太没创意了……” Facing the enthusiasm of members, Jiang Chen smiles, seriously pondered the moment. 面对团员们的热情,江晨笑了笑,认真思考了片刻。 By his giving a name ability, only feared that cannot find out any good name. Future? This name he was about to be tired. The inspection group is not an enterprise, is only the scientific research inspection unit, does not need to make that is like his chain store. 以他的起名能力,只怕想不出什么好名字来。未来人?这名字他都快听腻了。考察团不是企业,只是个科研考察单位,没必要弄得向他的连锁店一样。 Called Antarctic Gull!” “就叫南极鸥吧!” seagull is the Palau Archipelago national bird, even after regime change, has not changed. It is said first arrives in Palau Archipelago that sea area Colonist, was rescued a life by seagull officially, therefore arrives in Palau Archipelago Colonist to present seagull for Envoy of God at first and so on. 海鸥帕努群岛的国鸟,即便政权更迭后也没有变化。据说最先抵达帕努群岛那片海域的殖民者,正式被海鸥救了一命,所以最初抵达帕努群岛殖民者们将海鸥奉为上帝的使者云云。 Antarctic Gull Observation Station, this name won the consistent approval of inspection group. Just hurried that they come, but also without giving this inspection group gives a nice name, He Gaoyang carried out a voting in the group simply, the name of inspection group will also locate the Antarctic Gull inspection group. 南极鸥考察站,这个名字得到了考察团的一致赞同。刚好他们来的匆忙,还没给这考察团取个像样的名字,贺高阳干脆就在团里搞了个投票,将考察团的名字也定位了南极鸥考察团。 Hence, Country of Xin was then established in South Pole first observation station. 至此,新国南极的第一座考察站便宣告成立。 Named Antarctic Gull. 名为南极鸥 With the help of crew, the members of inspection group start to take out from the container the equipment, first erected the radio in the snowy area, then launched and tent general dome house, is the simple and easy harbor...... 在船员的帮助下,考察团的团员们开始将设备从集装箱中取出,先是在雪地中架设了无线电,再然后展开了和帐篷一般的圆顶房屋,接着是简易的港口…… Not far away, the stupid penguin sway stood a row, is supporting the white belly, once for a while under kicked the wing, is surrounding this crowd of stupid humanity. 不远处,呆头呆脑的企鹅摇摇晃晃地站成了一排,挺着白肚皮,时不时扑腾下翅膀,围观着这群愚蠢的人类 In order to avoid having the influence on these lovable animals, observation station as far as possible selected location in place far away from their activities. 为了避免对这些可爱的动物们造成影响,考察站尽量选址在了远离它们活动范围内的地方。 When the members of these inspection groups start to work, Jiang Chen brings Garrett, as well as several Sea Lion the Special Forces member, prepares to go forward to the South Pole center. 就在这些考察团的团员们开始工作的时候,江晨带着加雷特,以及几名“海狮特种部队的成员,准备向南极腹地前进。 „Do you prepare?” Saw that Jiang Chen was about to leave the camp, He Gaoyang put down living in hand, walked up, nearby this blew the snowstorm a moment ago, did not remove time has a rescud possibility, at this time went out......” “你准备去哪儿?”看到江晨准备离开营地,贺高阳放下了手中的活,走上前来,“刚才这附近才刮暴风雪,不排除有再刮一次的可能性,这时候出去……” I go out to transfer the revolutions.” Jiang Chen put out a hand to pat nearby polar car(riage), above had the supplies, even if met the snowstorm, you did not need to be worried.” “我只是出去转转。”江晨伸手拍了拍旁边的极地车,“上面有补给,就算遇上了暴风雪,你也不用担心。” Sees Jiang Chen to insist on to go out, He Gaoyang has not advised again, gazes after two polar car(riage)s to go far away toward the white wilderness. 江晨坚持要出去,贺高阳也就没再劝阻,目送着两辆极地车向着白色的荒漠远去。 ...... …… The headlight projects just like the light beam of essence, well-illuminated of front road photo, two all-terrain vehicles in tandem goes in the road surface, ejects the billowing snow dust backward, goes forward toward the due south. 车灯射出宛如实质的光柱,将前方的路照的通亮,两辆越野车一前一后地行驶在路面上,向后抛出滚滚雪尘,向着正南方前进。 These two named grizzly bear- p3 polar all-terrain vehicles are the Russia product, confirmed its reliable performance on the Siberia icefield. Two heavy/thick big tires have ground the snowy area steadily, any terrain opens access. A car(riage) are most may the place six people, the load supplies be possible to be five tons, even exceeded the load-carrying capacities of some small-scale trucks! 这两辆名为灰熊-p3的极地越野车属于俄国产品,在西伯利亚冰原上验证了其可靠的性能。两座厚重的大轮胎平稳地碾过雪地,无论是什么样的地形都畅通无阻。一辆车最多可座六人,负载补给可达五吨,甚至超过了一些小型卡车的载重量! Garrett holds the steering wheel, took a look at the Coordinate on eye vehicle-borne map, then looked at the eye to sit in Jiang Chen that in the copilot position sat in repose with eyes closed. 加雷特扶着方向盘,瞅了眼车载地图上的坐标,接着又看了眼坐在副驾驶位上闭目养神的江晨 Prefect, can with us disclose that what now under mission was?” 长官,现在可以和我们透露下任务是什么了吧?” Treasure hunt.” “寻宝。” The brow of Garrett pulled out pulling out, looked at oneself Chairman of the Board one crazy. 加雷特的眉头抽了抽,狂汗地看了自家董事长一眼。 Leads ten special troops to go to the South Pole treasure hunt, this Your Mother is also enough willful. 带着十来个特种兵去南极寻宝,这尼玛也是够任性的。 However he has not said anything, shuts up, drives honestly. 不过他没说什么,闭上了嘴,老老实实地开车。 Very unfortunately, does obeisance the Raven mouth of He Gaoyang to bestow, the people also really happened happen to meet the snowstorm on the road. 很不幸,拜贺高阳乌鸦嘴所赐,众人还真就在路上遇着了暴风雪。 The visibility drops to the limit, opened again on the danger, therefore two all-terrain vehicles in tandem stopped in the spacious snowfield, launched the both sides support, fixed the automobile body on the ground. 可见度降至极限,再开下去就危险了,于是两辆越野车一前一后停在了空旷的雪原上,展开了两侧的支架,将车身固定在了地上。 The time, several people do not put out the self-heating dry rations early simply. Inside has to roast the intestines, has the braised beef, the dried fish and food, outside the bread the thermit, pouring to select the water to go in can be intimate. Besides not being able to see vegetables, this meal is very sumptuous. 时间已经不早了,几个人干脆拿出了自热干粮。里面有烤肠,有红烧牛肉,还有干鱼和饭,外面包着铝热剂,倒点水进去就能热熟。除了看不到蔬菜外,这一餐还是挺丰盛的。 After lunch, Jiang Chen looks at the snowstorm that outside the eye piece howled, by continued to sit in repose with eyes closed on the seat. 午餐过后,江晨看了眼窗外呼啸的暴风雪,靠在了座椅上继续闭目养神。 The waiting has continued the evening, this snowstorm passes. 等待一直持续到了傍晚,这场暴风雪才过去。 Two grizzly bear all-terrain vehicles continue to start off, that side Jiang Chen and camp on the road telephones, tonight does not go back. 两辆灰熊越野车继续上路,在路上江晨和营地那边打了个电话,今天晚上就不回去了。 However said is in the evening, 18 points that in 24 hours to 8 point times actually also finger/refer. South Pole of April, the dawn time also on noon a while, the day got dark long time ago, not far away can also see continuously Aurora visionally. 不过说是晚上,其实也只是指的24小时中的18点到八点这个时间段。四月份的南极,天亮的时间也就中午那么一会儿,天早早就黑下来了,不远处还能看见缕缕梦幻般的极光 Looked at Garrett, Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 看了眼加雷特,江晨随口问道。 We already to which?” “我们已经到哪了?” Garrett selected two on the vehicle-borne map, enlarged this region. 加雷特在车载地图上点了两下,放大了这片区域。 We have gone down to the center of Wilkes Land, area the front has the hypsography to be big, has been close to our destinations. We were direct in the past, when the tomorrow's dawn is going?” “我们已经深入威尔克斯地的腹地了,前方一带有地形起伏较大,已经接近我们的目的地了。我们是直接过去,还是等到明天天亮在去?” Perhaps the direct past, we can pass the night in inside.” Jiang Chen said. “直接过去吧,没准我们可以在里面过夜。”江晨说道。 Garrett gawked, has not understood Jiang Chen said passes the night in inside is what meaning. However since is the instruction of Chairman of the Board, he nods, returned on the vision the front road. 加雷特愣了下,没有明白江晨说的在里面过夜是什么意思。不过既然是董事长的吩咐,他还是点了点头,将目光放回到了前方的路上。 Across the plain, the people arrived at one piece by the mountain range that the snow white white snow covers. 穿过平原,众人来到了一片被皑皑白雪所覆盖的山脉。 Front is the mountain, the snowstorm blows to keep there, we go back!” “前面是山,暴风雪在那儿刮个不停,我们回去吧!” Forwards! Listens my, I said that forwards!” “向前!听我的,我说向前!” Urged by Jiang Chen's, Garrett braces oneself, drives all -terrain vehicle to rush in the mountainous region that snowstorms howled. 江晨的催促下,加雷特硬着头皮,开着越野车闯进了那片暴风雪呼啸的山地。 Gale howls, is hitting the glass living that sends out dāng dāng loud! Heavy snow like sea tide, even pinched out the headlight thickly that such as the light beam of entity! Looks at out of the window, sits warriors in car(riage) then can feel that cold wind piercing! 狂风呼啸,将车窗打着发出咣咣铛铛的生响!大雪如海潮,甚至掐灭了车灯那粗如实体的光柱!仅仅是看着窗外,坐在车内的战士们便能感受到那寒风的刺骨! With distance gradual approach, the Jiang Chen heartbeat also gradual acceleration, turned very quiet. 随着距离渐渐接近,江晨心跳也逐渐的加速,屏住了呼吸。 Finally, after passing through layer upon layer wind and snow, the people broke through the shackles of nature, arrived at this piece by the snowstorm is protecting the life-forbidden zone, opened this to be covered dozens years of veil. 终于,在穿过了层层风雪之后,众人突破了大自然的桎梏,来到了这片被暴风雪所守护着的生命禁区,揭开了这被掩盖了数十年之久的面纱。 One bunch of lights, sprinkle in that insert the glacier the cement wall, just like by snow-covered castles. 一束灯光,洒在那嵌入冰川的水泥壁,宛如被冰雪覆盖的城堡。 When sees this by frozen Fortress, everyone turned very quiet...... 当看到这座被冰封的堡垒时,所有人都屏住了呼吸…… Jiang Chen is staring at the great gate in that inserting glacier stubbornly, pinched tightly the double fist, in the eye was glittering excitedly indescribable. 江晨死死地盯着那座嵌入冰川中的巨门,捏紧了双拳,眼中闪烁着难以言喻地兴奋。 Finally, found!( To be continued.) 终于,找到了!(未完待续。)
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