IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#773: Ice-breaking landing

Cold wind like the blade, takes the land as the block, regarding all living things is the fish. Ten thousand li (0.5 km) flying snow, makes Hong furnace the vault of heaven, dissolves the myriad things for the silver......” “冷风如刀,以大地为砧板,视众生为鱼肉。万里飞雪,将苍穹作洪炉,溶万物为白银……” When saw the snowflake that everywhere dances in the air, in the storm howls such as the fog shape white wall, Jiang Chen unrestrainedly remembered gold/metal Old Lord these words. 当看到那漫天飞舞的雪花,在风暴中呼啸成一道道如雾状的白墙时,江晨情不自禁地就想起了金老爷子的这句话。 The good luck as if to use up, by George V Coast, [The Pathfinder] met the snowstorm that blows from the polar region. 好运气似乎用光了,在乔治五世海岸旁,探路者号遇上了从极地刮来的暴风雪。 Pea-sized ice piece guāng dāng guāng dāng pounds on the inspection vessel, but itself for [The Pathfinder] of bad weather design, how by the storm of this rank being thrown into confusion? 豆大的冰块咣当咣当地砸在考察船上,不过本就是为恶劣气候设计的探路者号,岂会被这种级别的暴风给乱了阵脚? Which because does not determine the eye of wind, Captain Marshall to prevent the [The Pathfinder] side turns, directly the spacious ice-breaking bow swayed to the direction that the storm blew, then moored the waiting storm in the past. 因为不确定风眼在哪,马歇尔船长为了防止探路者号侧翻,直接将宽大的破冰船头摆向了风暴刮来的方向,然后下锚等待风暴过去。 Waits also to wait, group head of inspection group simply the inspection group and crew will gather in one, 50 suspended five tables personally, got down the hot pot in the cafeteria. California person who several could not eat the hot pepper burnt straight stuck out one's tongue, brought in the laughter of others. 等着也是等着,考察团的团长干脆将考察团和船员们都聚在了一起,五十来个人摆了五桌,在食堂下起了火锅。几个吃不了辣椒的加州人被辣的直吐舌头,引来了其他人的笑声。 Outside is blowing the storm, the room inner point the hot pot, this feeling also is really not general carefree. 外面刮着暴风,屋内点着火锅,这种感觉还真不是一般的畅快。 Very long has not eaten the hot pot Jiang Chen, the first time spicy so carefree, first even/including was having several bowls of food. Looks that Chairman of the Board is so popular, the members of inspection group also let loose, has lovable little girl also to take another helping of rice to him. Presents regardless of white black yellow, can Chinese Language. Everyone eats the meat while drinks, chatted very merrily. 很久没吃过火锅了的江晨,第一次辣的如此畅快,一连着吃了好几碗饭。看着董事长如此亲民,考察团的团员们也放开了许多,有个挺可爱的小姑娘还一直在给他添饭。在座无论白的黑的黄的,都会汉语。大伙儿们一边吃肉一边喝酒,聊得好不快活。 However Garrett they actually tenacious has not drunk. 不过加雷特他们倒是固执的没有喝酒。 Special Forces warrior as Sea Lion, protecting the Jiang Chen's security is their first important matter. Let alone not drinks, eats meal must the changing shifts of rigid discipline. Although somewhat loves dearly these warrior, but Jiang Chen has not said anything. 身为“海狮特种部队战士,保护江晨的安全是他们的第一要务。别说是滴酒不沾,吃饭都得纪律严明的换班。虽然有些心疼这些战士,但江晨也没多说什么。 The discipline is the discipline, to soldier, the discipline is higher than all. 纪律就是纪律,对士兵而言,纪律高于一切。 Since this is the team that Garrett brings, then all are decided by him. Jiang Chen is very clear, oneself this Chairman of the Board gesticulates casually, will only add to the chaos to others. 既然这是加雷特带出来的班子,那么一切都由他说了算。江晨很清楚,自己这个董事长随便去指手画脚,也只会给别人添乱。 Then, the storm has continued next morning. 就这样,暴风一直持续到了第二天清晨。 [The Pathfinder] received the anchor chain, adjusted the direction, continued to go forward along George V Coast. 探路者号收起了锚链,调整了航向,继续沿着乔治五世海岸前进。 ...... …… In the captain, Captain Marshall is hanging the cigar, looks the position that on the map draws a line knits the brows slightly. 船长室内,马歇尔船长吊着雪茄,看着地图上划线的位置微微皱眉。 After long time, he took off the cigar, the line of sight of inquiring went to was holding the both arms by one side Jiang Chen. Before ten minutes, this Group's Mr. Chairman of the Board found him, suddenly requests him to change the original registering place, the observation station the position of deployment on map. 半晌后,他摘下了雪茄,将询问的视线投向了抱着双臂靠在一旁江晨。就在十分钟前,这位集团的董事长先生找到了他,突然要求他改变原先的登录地点,将考察站部署在地图上的这个位置。 Why can choose constructs observation station here? The climatic conditions supply the cost, here cannot compare the Ross bay by far.” Clamped the two finger points of cigar the red circle on map, Marshall was asking. “为什么要选择在这里建考察站?无论是气候条件还是补给成本,这里都远远比不上罗斯湾。”夹着雪茄的两根指头点点了地图上的红圈,马歇尔问道。 But the coastal water has the rich combustible ice reservoir.” Jiang Chen shrugs. “但附近海域拥有丰富的可燃冰储层。”江晨耸了耸肩。 seabed has the rich combustible ice reservoir is not false, but this is actually not the reason of deeper level. 海底拥有丰富的可燃冰储层不假,但这却不是更深层次的原因。 Here leaves the Coordinate on Code Book to be recent, is he chooses here real reason. Reason that had not disclosed the news before, now found Captain Marshall suddenly, mostly was worried that on the ship person many mixed, possibly leaked ahead of time. 这里离密码本上的坐标最近,才是他选择这里的真正原因。之所以之前没有透露消息,现在才突然找到马歇尔船长,主要还是担心船上人多眼杂,可能提前泄密。 Acted unreasonably.” Marshall shakes the head, sighs, looked to the first mate, reduced the ship's speed, registered changes!” “太乱来了。”马歇尔摇了摇头,叹了口气,看向了大副,“降低船速,登录地改变了!” Although does not satisfy acting sloppily of Chairman of the Board, who wants him is Chairman of the Board? He is getting now but the wage two times of peer, the light to this wage, he could not say more complaints. 虽然不满意董事长的胡来,但谁要他是董事长呢?他现在领着的薪水可是同行的两倍,光是冲着这份薪水,他也说不出更多的怨言。 Then, [The Pathfinder] turns round in the original route, changes course to turn toward the center navigation of Goodenough to go. 就这样,探路者号在原先的航线上拐了个弯,改道向着古迪纳夫角的腹地航去。 In the sea level is freezing thick, however regarding having the polar inspection vessel of ice-breaking function is actually not the difficult matter. Saw only that spacious bow to run upon the thick ice surface directly, then with its several thousand tons tonnage, crushed the ice surface directly. Like the roller of navigation in glacier, in the frozen sea level, ground a luxuriant blue act. 海面上结着厚厚的冰,然而对于具备破冰功能的极地考察船来说却不是什么难事。只见那宽大船头直接撞上了厚实的冰面,然后用它那数千吨的吨位,将冰面直接压碎。就像航行在冰河中的碾路机,在冰封的海面上,碾出了一条蔚蓝色的行径。 The members of many inspection group stood the bow, pulled out the cell phone photograph. Although their people the first time were not came to the polar region, but their these researcher experience ice breaker ice-breaking opportunities were not many, many people personally are seeing for the first time. 不少考察团的团员都站上了船头,掏出手机拍照。虽然他们有的人都不是第一次来极地了,但他们这些科研人员见识破冰船破冰的机会可不多,不少人都还是第一次亲眼见着。 Similarly stands in the bow also has Jiang Chen. 同样站在船头的还有江晨 This is the first time that he saw how the ice breaker works. 这还是他第一次看到破冰船是如何工作的。 Before he has thought, the ice breaker went to cutting by the bow, has not actually thought in fact, the ice breaker was depends on the terrain to go to pressure again. 以前他一直以为,破冰船是靠船头去“切”,却没想到事实上,破冰船是靠着自身地体重去“压”。 „Very lucky, has not bumped into presses the motionless thick ice layer, we bring the blasting explosive could not use, this was best.” Stands in the cabin of air conditioning, Captain Marshall wiped the perspiration on face, looked that to was pushing Jiang Chen that the gate comes, closes the door quickly, my perspiration quick freezing lived!” “很幸运,没有碰上压不动的厚冰层,我们带着的炸药用不上了,这是最好了。”站在开着空调的船舱内,马歇尔船长抹了把脸上的汗,看向了正推门进来的江晨,“快把门关上,我的汗快冻住了!” Jiang Chen friendly smiles, immediately closes behind door, hung the coldproof clothing by the gate conveniently, arrived at his side. 江晨友善地笑了笑,立刻关上了身后的门,随手将防寒服挂在了门旁,走到了他的旁边。 What kind of? With your experience, does this coast suit deploys observation station?” “怎么样?以你的经验,这块海岸适合部署考察站吗?” Topography is passable, but later the supplies somewhat will be perhaps troublesome.” Marshall took a look at the ice surface outside eye piece, took the ball pen to draw the route on the map, must guarantee that here will not be frozen, we must cut a triangle here, then pushed to the open sea...... I to suggest it to push out. The words that blasts directly, international environmental organization will perhaps ask us to trouble.” “地势还算凑合,不过以后补给恐怕会有些麻烦。”马歇尔瞅了眼窗外的冰面,拿起圆珠笔在地图上划了道线,“要保证这里不会被冻上,我们必须在这里切出个三角形,然后将它推向外海……我建议是推出去。直接炸掉的话,国际环保组织恐怕会找我们麻烦。” You looked how to facilitate how to come, I believe your technology.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “你看怎么方便就怎么来,我相信你的技术。”江晨笑道。 Marshall grins to smile, held in the mouth on the cigar the mouth. 马歇尔咧嘴笑了笑,将雪茄重新叼回了嘴上。 Gives me.” “交给我。” ...... …… In the middle of Goodenough, by the sea level that in the shelf ice freezes, [The Pathfinder] pressed strip opens the mouth outward along the triangle. The crew that several wear the coldproof clothing, the skill jumped vigorously on that triangle shelf ice, chiselled ten piles to come out in the outflow boundary of shelf ice with Spike. 在古迪纳夫角的中部,被冰架冻住的海面上,探路者号沿着三角形压了条向外的开口。几名穿着防寒服的船员,身手矫健地跳在了那个三角形冰架上,用长钉在冰架的外缘上凿了十来个桩子出来。 On the ship drops out the graphene cable, these crew hands and feet were deftly solid in nail pierced the string, then returned to the ship. These cables tie up on the mechanical arm of polar inspection vessel, this is the entire ship most solid place. 船上抛下石墨烯缆绳,这些船员们手脚麻利地将绳子在钉子上扎结实了,然后回到了船上。这些缆绳都拴在极地考察船的机械臂上,这是整艘船最结实的地方。 All are ready, hold in the mouth Marshall of cigar to start to increase the horsepower, drives the ship outward. 一切准备就绪,叼着雪茄的马歇尔开始加大马力,将船向外开。 The graphene cable tightens gradually, exudes creak the sound. 石墨烯缆绳渐渐绷紧,发出咯吱咯吱的响声。 At this time, the Jiang Chen surprise discovery, that integer square kilometer ice surface, unexpectedly by this tiny inspection vessel, pulling off a faint trace changed! 这时,江晨诧异地发现,那个数平方公里的冰面,竟然就被这艘渺小的考察船,给拖出了一丝丝松动! Do not look that ice surface area is scary, we only need to it an acceleration, it will run outward.” Marshall said with a smile, referred to out of the window, these cables may really be solid, compared with before us uses is the steel wires, that gadget toughness was too bad, is not only easy to break, but also is easy to injure the person on one's own side.” “别看那冰面面积吓人,我们只需要给它个加速度,它自己就会向外跑了。”马歇尔笑着说道,指了指窗外,“这些缆绳可真是结实,比我们以前用的都是钢丝绳,那玩意儿韧性太差了,不但容易断,还容易伤着自己人。” graphene material.” 石墨烯材料。” Right? The science and technology is really a mysterious gadget.” Marshall grins to say with a smile. “是吗?科技真是个神奇的玩意儿。”马歇尔咧嘴笑道。 The ice surface earth movement of out of the window, on the bow heard the cheers of crew slowly. The members of inspection group had returned to the cabin, [The Pathfinder] will soon land immediately, they should also go back to pack the baggage.( To be continued.) 窗外的冰面缓缓地动了,船头上传来了船员的欢呼声。考察团的团员已经回到了船舱内,探路者号马上即将登陆,他们也该回去收拾收拾行李了。(未完待续。)
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