IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#772: Arrives in South Pole( four asked ticket!)

A 150 meter hull, the 20 odd/surplus Mi side width, the middle assembles the machineries of two curls to turn the arm, the front section is providing the helipad, above is carrying polar version meter/rice- 8 helicopters. The side of hull uses white Qi to write three large characters on the red bottom 一百五十米长的船身,二十余米的舷宽,中部装配着两座卷曲的机械扭臂,前段配备着直升机停机坪,上面搭载着一架极地版米-八直升机。船身的侧面用白漆在红底上写着三个大字 [The Pathfinder]! 探路者号 This is not only the name of this polar inspection vessel, is the name of entire South Pole inspection group. 这既是这艘极地考察船的名字,也是整个南极考察团的名字。 Does not have any grand ceremony, after Jiang Chen the members of 20 many inspection groups go on board, [The Pathfinder] then low-key left the harbor, across the equator, goes far away toward the south. Until after all personnel go on board, these crew discovered with amazement, originally and famous Future Group Chairman of the Board on same ship. 没有什么隆重的仪式,包括江晨在内的二十多名考察团的成员登船后,探路者号便低调地驶离了港口,穿过赤道,向着南方远去。直到所有人员登船后,这些船员们才惊讶的发现,原来自己和大名鼎鼎的未来人集团董事长在同一艘船上。 I called Jiang Chen, has known very much obviously. You work normally well, I do not have other what meaning on the ship, is builds to go to South Pole to have a look along the sailboat.” “我叫江晨,很显然诸位已经知道了。你们正常工作就好,我在船上也没有别的什么意思,就是搭个顺风船去南极看看。” The ship started, group head of inspection group held the simple brief, all crew participated, Jiang Chen has not done that specialness, made self introduction of simple at the meeting. After a few words saying, he then turned around to return to oneself room, left behind in the cabin the astonished people. 船开了,考察团的团长举办了个简单的介绍会,所有船员都参加了,江晨也没有搞那个特殊,在会上做了个简单的自我介绍。一句话说完后,他便转身回到了自己的房间,留下了船舱内惊愕的众人。 After breaking up, the younger sister who four carry out the survey gathered in one, went to the cafeteria to bring something from the kitchen to the table. 散会后,四个搞测量的妹子聚在了一起,前往食堂打饭。 On road, four female student quickly then gossip. 在路上,四名女生很快便八卦了起来。 „, That...... is he real Jiang Chen?” “诶诶,那个……他是真的江晨吧?” Is that on television?” “就是电视上的那个?” Future Group Chairman of the Board, has many market value 100 billion big company......, but he why on our ships?” A female record operator covered the mouth, the surprise stared in a big way the eye. 未来人集团董事长,拥有多家市值千亿的大公司……可是他为什么会在我们这艘船上?”一名女记录员捂住了嘴,诧异地瞪大了眼睛。 With Chairman of the Board on a ship, god, this, this really is expansion of Korean drama!” In another female student eyes exudes the small star to say. “和董事长在一条船上,天啊,这,这简直是韩剧的展开!”另一名女生眼中泛着小星星地说道。 Awakes quickly, Qian Qian, should take a drug.” Standing bosom friend, handed in front of the lunch box her seriously. “快醒醒,倩倩,该吃药了。”站在旁边的闺蜜,一本正经地将饭盒递到了她面前。 Repugnant! Dies!” That was called is the Qian Qian female student, is blushing, makes an effort to pat under bosom friend. “讨厌!去死啊!”那个被唤作倩倩的女生,红着脸,使劲拍了下闺蜜 ...... …… Is close to the 10,000 kilometer from the equator to South Pole, at the [The Pathfinder] maximum 18 speeds, the time that this goes to must have two weeks probably. 从赤道到南极接近一万公里,以探路者号最高18节的航速,这一去的时间大概得有两个星期。 Until this time, Jiang Chen realized, does not take Ayesha is a how wrong decision. Some Ayesha in side, he at least did not use faced lonelily bored to the night. Where looks like the present, he all day only pleasure, brings Phantom Helmet to lie down in the bedroom, played online game with Quantum Communications Satellite ii. 直到这时,江晨才意识到,不带上阿伊莎是个多么错误的决定。有阿伊莎在旁边,他至少不用面对孤单无聊对的夜晚了。哪像现在,他整天唯一的乐趣,也就是带着幻影头盔躺在卧室,用量子通讯卫星的ii玩玩网游了。 On entire inspection vessel the quantity few pity of female lifeform. First Star Ring Trading soldier all male, again next, in research workers of these engineering course births, basically male. The only four female researchers are very actually interesting about him, but Jiang Chen has no interest and they exchanges the sentiment. 整艘考察船上雌性生物的数量少的可怜。首先星环贸易士兵全都是男的,再其次,这些工科出生的科研工作者里面,也基本上都是男的。仅有的四个女研究员倒是对他挺有意思,不过江晨却没啥兴趣和她们交流感情。 Is playing online game all the way, blows the sea breeze, this time also is quick. 一路上玩着网游,吹吹海风,这时间到过得也算是快。 Although has the manager account number, but Jiang Chen has not gone to use, but registered numerous ordinary. Trivial archer, starts to play from 1 level upward. Has saying that this method also very has the pleasure. Especially some people in front of him install to compel, opens to hang secretly, extracts one to attach demon arrow one arrow second to kill. 虽然有着管理员账号,但江晨也没去用,只是普普通通地注册了个猥.琐的弓箭手,从一级开始往上玩。不得不说,这种玩法还挺有乐趣。尤其是有人在他面前装逼的时候,偷偷开个挂,抽出一支附魔箭一箭秒杀。 This feeling, the really acid is crisp. 这感觉,简直酸爽。 Played for two weeks, knew several interesting netizens, but Jiang Chen had not stated clearly own status. When [The Pathfinder] was close to Antarctica, this plays he to estimate that also on place on the side, no opportunity bumped. 玩了两个多星期,认识了几个有趣的网友,不过江晨一直没有明说自己的身份。等到探路者号接近了南极洲,这游戏他估计也就放在一边了,没什么机会去碰了。 Final three days, the temperature starts gradually becomes cold, on the water surface starts to see the floating ice, the Pathfinder inspection group has left Antarctica to be very near. Even by Jiang Chen to the body and spirit, a little could not shoulder, changed the thick coldproof clothing honestly. 最后的三天,气温开始渐渐变冷,等水面上开始能看到浮冰时,探路者考察团已经离南极洲很近了。即使是以江晨对的体魄,也有点扛不住了,老老实实地换上了厚厚的防寒服。 These coldproof clothing may be the gadget of Sixth Block garment factory product, seeming like similar to the down clothing, but is more solid than the down clothing. Sponge results in the cotton block to clamp the warming silk, may through the touch-screen adjustment temperature of bowl section. When sends the clothes, these preliminary examination personnel are unable to put down, wishes one could to exchange at the scene. 这些防寒服可都是第六街区制衣厂出品的玩意儿,看上去和羽绒服差不多,但却比羽绒服结实。海绵似得棉块中夹着增温丝,可通过碗部的触屏调节温度。当发衣服的时候,那些科考人员可是爱不释手,恨不得当场就换上。 Goes to the polar preliminary examination each time is a nightmare, a class/flow nasal mucus wishes one could to live in the nose frozen, observation station of which country goes to is so. But if had this coldproof clothing, although the nasal mucus will be frozen as before, but at least the body was more comfortable. 每次去极地科考都是一场噩梦,流个鼻涕都恨不得冻住鼻子,无论是去哪个国家的考察站都是如此。可如果有了这防寒服,虽然鼻涕依旧会被冻住,但至少身子是舒服多了。 Very lucky, has not met any difficult to deal with glacier all the way, 很幸运,一路上没有遇到什么难对付的冰川, [The Pathfinder] bypasses Scott Island, smooth advanced the Ross sea, went to the United States Hallett station to conduct the simple supplies. Properly speaking, these observation station in principle are the non- foreign sales supplies, as long as has the exception. 探路者号绕过斯科特岛,顺风顺水的开进了罗斯海,前往美国哈利特站进行了简单的补给。按理来说,这些考察站在原则上是不对外出售补给的,但凡是都有例外。 Captain Marshall Keller the first time was not ran obviously South Pole, he was very familiar with here situation. 船长马歇尔·凯勒显然不是第一次跑南极了,对于这里的情况他很熟悉。 Here, the mutual help is the unwritten custom. The sea level is easy to ice up, who possibly meets the condition that the tender is late. If you have the unnecessary commodity on hand, sold to others to be equal to rescuing others' life. Naturally, the price slightly will be expensive/noble on a little.” “在这里,互相帮助是不成文的规矩。海面容易结冰,谁都可能遇上补给船晚点的状况。如果你手头有多余的物资,卖给别人就等于救了别人的命。当然,价格可能会稍稍贵上那么一点。” Completed the supplies, is binding and Polar Bear equally thick American lies by the parapet, is greeting to the ship on person. 完成了补给,一个裹着和北极熊一样厚实的美国人趴在栏杆旁,对着船上的人打了个招呼。 Hey, fellow, where do your clothes make? My meaning is...... wears such thin clothes, isn't really cold?” “嘿,伙计们,你们的衣服是从哪里弄来的?我的意思是……穿这么薄的衣服,真的不冷吗?” When shouted these words, what he used was the State of Ohio voice, just in Jiang Chen here inspection group had the immigration of ancestral home State of Ohio, therefore shouted with a smile greatly. 在喊这句话的时候,他用的是俄亥俄州的口音,刚好江晨这边的考察团里有个祖籍俄亥俄州的移民,于是笑着大喊道。 hā hā! Let alone was cold, puts on this gadget, really with putting on an air conditioning is the same!” 哈哈!别说冷了,穿着这玩意儿,简直和穿着件空调一样!” Was saying at the same time, that State of Ohio man also showed off to pull marking of chest, being very afraid fellow villager could not see clearly the sign of clothes. 说着的同时,那个俄亥俄州的汉子还炫耀地扯了扯胸口的标识,深怕老乡看不清自己衣服的牌子。 Sees only on that impressively printing Future Light Industry Five large characters. 只见那上面,赫然印着【未来人轻工】五个大字。 Good, these five large characters, are he told that the Sixth Block clothing factory hits. However this so-called Future Light Industry, remains at the conceptual phase at present, Jiang Chen in must enter the profit not that rich light industry domain hesitant. 好吧,这五个大字,是他吩咐第六街区的服装厂打上去的。不过这所谓的未来人轻工,目前还停留在概念阶段,江晨一直在犹豫要不要进军利润不那么丰厚的轻工业领域。 Stands that man that side Hallett observation station smacks the lips, looks at Country of Xin inspection group's clothes, eyeful is the colors of envying. 站在哈利特考察站那边的那个汉子咂了咂嘴,看着新国考察团身上的衣服,满眼都是羡慕之色。 Although he cannot recognize the Chinese character, but only feared that now has no American not to recognize Future These three large characters. Didn't know? Turned on the cell phone you to know. Future 1.0 has the terrorist|terrifying market share in smart machine, Future has almost become the synonym of high tech. 虽然他认不得汉字,但只怕现在没哪个美国人认不得【未来人】这三个大字。不认识?打开手机你就认识了。未来人1.0智能机中拥有恐怖的市场占有率,未来人几乎已经成为了高科技的代名词。 Envies to turn over to envy, this gadget cannot envy. 羡慕归羡慕,这玩意儿是羡慕不来的。 Looks at [The Pathfinder] to drive away eagerly, he shakes the head, moves leaps is burying the leg in snow, walks toward the direction of hut. 眼巴巴地望着探路者号开走,他摇了摇头,挪腾着埋在雪中的腿,向小屋的方向走去。 If goes to the extreme to explore, most tourists will choose the Ross sea as the landing area. Because here is the southernmost sea area that on Earth the ships can arrive , is also humanity arrives in Antarctic Continent, to go to a South Pole traditional line through the ships. 如果是去极点探险,大多数游客都会选择罗斯海作为登陆点。因为这里是地球上船舶所能到达的最南部的海域,也是人类通过船舶抵达南极大陆、前往南极点的传统线路。 However Jiang Chen and the others for do not challenge what world, but for explores the Third Reich buried treasure. Therefore after completing supplies, [The Pathfinder] started out the Ross sea directly, along George V Coast, goes forward toward Wilkes Land...... 不过江晨等人可不是为了去挑战什么世界之极,而是为了去探索第三帝国的宝藏。所以在完成补给后,探路者号直接开出了罗斯海,沿着乔治五世海岸,向着威尔克斯地前进…… However matter that the people do not know, in they leave shortly after Hallett observation station, the person who is binding the thick down clothing arrived at the observation station back, pulled out the satellite phone. 然而众人所不知道的事,就在他们离开哈利特考察站不久,一名裹着厚厚的羽绒服的人走到了考察站的背后,掏出了卫星电话。 The lip under shadow put out the curling white fog. 阴影下的嘴唇吐出了袅袅白雾。 They had arrived......” “他们已经到了……” - - ( Morning took the body temperature, although the temperature was high, but the condition was much better, thanked everyone's relations! Allows my small proud, Morningstar I not to go back on word finally, four erupt to offer! When two days of cold is good, we then explode! (早上量了体温,虽然温度高了,但状态好多了,谢谢大家的关系!容我小骄傲一下,晨星我总算是没有食言,四更爆发献上!等过两天感冒好了,咱们接着爆! That, therefore...... accommodates me weak asked a monthly ticket. Our monthly ticket list was exploded, brothers sought the support! 那个,所以……容我弱弱的求个月票。咱们月票榜被爆了,兄弟们求支援啊! Really does not have the bill words, at least in addition our public number. 实在没有票票的话,至少加下咱的公众号吧。 The click increase public number, recognizes Morningstar LL, searches Morningstar to see. The attention several pairs of authors of this thing are very important, have the WeChat schoolmate also to look to be able under the support, only needs to begin to refer, does not spend money. Extremely thanked!)( To be continued.) 点击添加公众号,认准“晨星ll”,搜索“晨星”就能看到。这东西的关注数对作者真的挺重要,有微信的同学还望能支持下,只需要动动手指,不用钱的。万分感谢了!)(未完待续。)
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