IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#771: This really?

This really? 这样真的好吗? The similar issue, Xia Shiyu and Ning Huajian have at least asked Jiang Chen one time. 同样的问题,夏诗雨宁华建都至少问过江晨一次。 However Jiang Chen's replied that is also very simple, although some places are not very specialized, but convinced these two efficient subordinates in the general situation. 然而江晨的回答也很干脆,虽然有些地方不够专业,但在大局上还是说服了这两位得力部下。 Only by our company, VR this cake we gnaws the 100 year, is impossible to gnaw. Then, we might as well invite many company to join, makes in a big way this cake, then comes the chief surgeon by us, cuts this cake.” “只靠我们一家公司,vr这块蛋糕我们就是啃上一百年,也不可能啃完。如此一来,我们不如邀请更多的公司加入进来,将这块蛋糕做大,然后再由我们来主刀,切这块蛋糕。” At the large network game, we are maintaining the position of absolute monopoly as before. Using Quantum Computer is the game provides the online service, most game manufacturers can only withstand the limited online function, wants to achieve «Divine Grade Continent» that scale is absolutely impossible.” “在大型网络游戏上,我们依旧保持着绝对垄断的地位。使用量子计算机为游戏提供联机服务,大多数游戏厂商只能承受有限的联机功能,想要做到《神级大陆》那种规模是绝无可能的。” Strategically, I favor to continue the Future 1.0 strategy. Gives up the type numerous and diverse small-scale game, concentrates on is in the position of absolute monopoly in the high-end games market, displays the pinnacle the user coherency, then develops the peripheral market, for example live broadcast, for example electronic skill.” “在战略上,我更倾向延续未来人1.0的战略。放弃种类繁杂的中小型游戏,专注在高端游戏市场占据绝对垄断的地位,将用户粘性发挥到极致,然后开拓周边市场,比如直播,比如电子竞技。” Moreover most essential, in our hands grasps global only Quantum Computer to take the server. Only if they spend the high price to do business at a loss to rent the ncsa server, otherwise they cannot leave us forever. Their operation costs grasp forever in our hands, we only need to keep the advantage then, rather than kicks the runway the opponent completely.” “而且最关键的,我们手中掌握着全球唯一的量子计算机作为服务器。除非他们花大价钱赔本去租ncsa的服务器,否则他们永远离不开我们。他们的运营成本永远掌握在我们的手中,我们只需要保持优势即可,而不是将对手全部踢出跑道。” Determined Future Technologies after VR domain next strategy, Ning Huajian starts to form the vrgame project section immediately, completes to the development of vrgame. On the other hand, dispatched various company technology consultants also to elect. 确定了未来人科技在vr领域的下一步战略后,宁华建立刻开始着手组建vrgame项目部,完成对vrgame的开发。另一方面,派往各公司的技术顾问也都已经选了出来。 All technicians who dispatch the foreign country must replace stricter confidentiality agreement, to guarantee that will not be poached. After one year of training period ended returns company, these dispatch the overseas to the technology consultant will raise in salary to be promoted, as to going to compensation of overseas work. 所有派往外国的技术员都要更换更严格的保密协议,以确保不会被挖走。在一年培训期结束后重新回到公司后,这些派往国外对的技术顾问将被加薪升职,作为对远赴海外工作的补偿。 Future Technologies beforehand one side places, Future Group to about establishing the application of South Pole science observation station United Nations submits has passed. The project of application includes three temporarily: Polar geologic structure exploration, hydrological environment exploration, as well as combustible ice relevant research. 未来人科技的事先放在一边,未来人集团联合国提交的关于建立南极科学考察站的申请已经通过。申请的项目暂时包括三项:极地地质构造勘探,水文环境勘探,以及可燃冰相关研究等。 Verification flow simple, is actually acted to submit by United Nations member nation Country of Xin very much, according to the procedure/program goes through the motions can pass. After all to the member nation, the United Nations binding force is minimal, without has the substantive effect on the South Pole ecological environment, any country can establish observation station in South Pole. 审核的流程其实很简单,由联合国成员国新国出面提交,按照程序走个过场就可以通过了。毕竟对于成员国来说,联合国的约束力微乎其微,只要没有对南极的生态环境造成实质性的影响,任何国家都可以在南极建立考察站 The premise is, you must have that technology and budget. 前提是,你得有那个技术和预算。 ...... …… At the end of April, Jiang Chen returned to that side Last of Days to supply a granary. Meanwhile, Lin Ling reported a good news to him excitedly, from beginning construction to the present quick two years of Garden of Eden, must finish finally! 四月末,江晨末世那边补给了一下粮仓。与此同时,林玲激动地向他汇报了一个好消息,从动工到现在已经快两年的伊甸园,总算是要完工了! Garden of Eden finishes, means that the production of Last of Days food can be self-sufficient. 伊甸园完工,就意味着末世食物的生产能自给自足了。 With completely close biosphere, will become Garden of Eden that in Last of Days has truly, under the NAC's leadership, derives the nutrient from Wasted Earth, rebuilds the pre-war prosperity, sprouts the seed of civilization. Survivor on Continent will also face the choice that has to consider. 与外界完全封闭的生物圈,将成为末世中真正存在的伊甸园,在nac的领导下,从废土中汲取养分,重建战前的繁荣,萌发文明的萌芽。大陆上的幸存者也将面临一个不得不考虑的选择。 Actually to north, is to south? 究竟是向北,还是向南? What can foresee, in the near future, by Jiang Chen Marshal leadership New Asia Cooperation Organization( NAC) with bragging PAC legitimate Northern United District, will erupt one inevitably establishes the sovereignty North and South War. 可以预见的是,在不远的将来,由江晨元帅主导的新亚洲合作组织(nac)与自诩pac正统的北方联统区之间,势必将爆发一场奠定统治权的“南北战争”。 Also therefore, even Suhang Province returns stably, the military government has not reduced the order in defense. Occupied Yizhou Expedition Force to continue to south, conformed with Survivor of Pan-Asia Cooperation center, jointly coped with from the northern threat. 也正是因此,即便是苏杭省回归稳定,军政府也没有削减在军工方面的订单。占据了夷州远征军将继续向南,整合泛亚合作腹地的幸存者,共同应对来自北方的威胁。 Before returning to present world, Jiang Chen handed over two days of tax grains according to the convention. 在回现世之前,江晨按照惯例交了两天的公粮。 Although this is a cushy job is not false, but got down for successive two days, he always thought that oneself kidney somewhat could not endure. Especially Sun Jiao and Xiaorou these two young girls, various ep data are as good he, the physical strength in some aspect naturally is also so...... 虽然这是个美差不假,但是这么连续两天下来,他总觉得自己的肾有些吃不消了。尤其是孙娇小柔这两个小妞,ep各项数据丝毫不逊于他,在某方面的体力自然也更是如此…… Returned to the present world, Jiang Chen is sets aside the hand finally, started the preparation of tour of South Pole. 返回了现世,江晨总算是腾出手来,开始了南极之行的准备。 As Continent of all around surrounding sea, the South Pole 50 meters above sea level, are the world's highest continents. Antarctic Continent over 95% were been snow-covered year to year, the thin air, in addition of snow and ice surface reflection to the solar radiation, making here the world's coldest area. The annual mean temperatures usually in- 50- 60 c, may reach- 88 c lowly. It is said here works, wipes a nasal mucus to have risk that tears off the nose. 作为四周环海的大陆,南极海拔50米,是世界上最高的洲。南极大陆95%以上常年被冰雪覆盖,空气稀薄,再加上冰雪表面对太阳辐射的反射等,使得这里成为世界上最为寒冷的地区。年平均气温通常在-50-60c之间,最低可达-88c。据说在这里工作,擦个鼻涕都有扯掉鼻子的风险。 Explores in such place, does not prepare sufficient is very dangerous. 在这样的地点进行探索,不做好充足的准备是非常危险的。 Except for one to polar inspection of China ships company purchase outboard, Jiang Chen also prepared from Last of Days equipment that deals with the extremely cold weather much. For example the constant temperature tent, the thaw medicinal preparation, ice-breaking with the bomb, as well as dozens may adapt to various uses in the low temperature Hummingbird Drone. 除了一艘向华国船舶公司购买的极地考察船外,江晨还从末世那边准备了不少应对极寒天气的设备。比如恒温帐篷,融雪剂,破冰用炸弹,以及数十台可在低温环境下适应各种用途的蜂鸟无人机 This batch of goes to South Pole to establish observation station altogether more than 20 people, Star Ring Trading soldier, the scientist, and folk explorer comprised. Considering that this time the main purpose of going to South Pole, Star Ring Trading soldier accounts for the total number of people half, no one knows that can meet what danger in that Fortress. 这一批前往南极建立考察站的一共有20余人,由星环贸易士兵,科学家,以及民间探险爱好者组成。考虑到此次前往南极的主要目的,其中星环贸易士兵占总人数的一半,谁也不知道在那个堡垒里会不会遇上什么危险。 Is accidental except for this 20 person, Jiang Chen also the Garrett belt/bring in side. As for Ayesha, Jiang Chen has not let her with, but makes her tell that Specter Agent subordinate, is focusing on Rothschild that side trend. 除了这二十人意外,江晨还将加雷特带在了身边。至于阿伊莎,江晨没让她跟过来,而是让她吩咐幽灵特工的手下,紧盯着罗斯柴尔德那边的动向。 To go to South Pole is not impossible. The intuition told Jiang Chen, Rothschild this troublesome old friend, is definitely also paying attention to this Code Book. 想要神不知鬼不觉地前往南极根本不可能。直觉告诉江晨,罗斯柴尔德这个麻烦的老朋友,肯定也在关注着这个密码本 After the military action of Kenya, was transforms warrior Garrett to be enrolled Star Ring Trading Sea Lion Special Forces, held the post of this Special Forces captain. All services in Sea Lion soldier, are Elite in Star Ring Trading, the battle efficiencies or the loyalty underwent the strict inspections. These war machine, not only the equipment has massive high-tech weapons, but also entered. the chip in the spinal nerve spot planting, may through the retinal imaging realize the quick tactical command nanometer 肯尼亚的军事行动后,身为改造战士加雷特被编入了星环贸易海狮特种部队,担任这支特种部队队长。所有服役于“海狮”的士兵,都是星环贸易中的精锐,无论是战斗力还是忠诚度都经过了严格的考察。这些“战争机器”不但装备有大量高科技武器,还在脊神经处植入了纳米芯片,可通过视网膜成像实现快捷的战术指挥。 When Jiang Chen called him through Ivan, he bewildered looks at Jiang Chen, expressed the confusion in heart directly. 江晨通过伊万将他叫来时,他一脸茫然地看着江晨,直接表达了心中的困惑。 Goes to South Pole? What does there have?” “去南极?那里有什么吗?” Protects Scientific Investigation Group.” “保护科学考察团。” hears word, the Garrett expression was stranger. 闻言,加雷特的表情更古怪了。 Sends Special Forces to protect South Pole observation station, he has heard such strange matter for the first time. Will the penguin threaten the researcher security? Really was too absurd. 特种部队保护南极考察站,他还是第一次听说过这么古怪的事儿。难道企鹅会威胁科研人员的安全?实在是太荒谬了。 Jiang Chen obviously hit very much saw confusion in his expression, therefore smiles, then said, in surface protects Scientific Investigation Group, in fact, I needed you to lead your person, accompanied me to go to South Pole to handle something. Can encounter the danger unclear specifically, but we must provide against contingencies.” 江晨很明显打得看出了他表情中的困惑,于是笑了笑,接着说道,“表面上是保护科学考察团,实际上,我需要你带着你的人,陪我去南极办些事。具体会不会遇到危险还不清楚,但我们得以防万一。” Garrett look one cold, restrained to this traveling schedule the color of contempt, immediately sets up the correct path. 加雷特神色一凛,收敛了对这次行程的轻视之色,立刻立正道。 Has mission briefing?” “有任务简报吗?” „The mission content is the top secret, after waiting till the destination, I will tell you.” 任务内容是最高机密,等到了目的地以后我会告诉你。” Left behind these words, Jiang Chen set out, walked toward the military compound.( To be continued.) 留下了这句话,江晨起身,向军营外走去。(未完待续。)
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