IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#770: VRgame gets online!

Last good news, Phantom Helmet about Future Technologies. 最后一个好消息,是关于未来人科技幻影头盔 In early April, Future Technologies held a special VR games industry summit in Los Angeles Silicon Valley branch company, invited global over a hundred well-known game manufacturers, signed VR Technology Sharing Agreement. 四月初,未来人科技洛杉矶硅谷分公司召开了一场特殊的vr游戏行业峰会,邀请了全球上百家知名游戏厂商,签署了vr技术分享协定 At the beginning of last year, Future Technologies requested to open the development tool of VR software by all parties, because did not have the necessary training organization, therefore major game manufacturers, when conducted affiliated game the VR platform transplanted, the progress is extremely slow. Moreover besides Microsoft, Sony, Seagate and Ubisoft these big manufacturers, few has that financial resource to rent the server that Supercomputer takes itself to play. 早在去年年初的时候,未来人科技就应各方要求开放了vr软件的开发工具,然而因为没有配套的培训机构,所以各大游戏厂商在将旗下游戏进行vr平台移植的时候,进展极其缓慢。而且除了微软索尼、世嘉、育碧这些大厂商外,几乎没人有那个财力租一台超级计算机作为自家游戏的服务器。 Also therefore, until April of this year, in the market does not have one as before besides " Divine Grade Continent » large-scale VR game. 也正是因此,直到今年四月份,市面上依旧没有一款除了《神级大陆》之外的大型vr游戏。 However now this aspect will end quickly. 不过现在这种局面很快就将结束了。 According to signing VR Technology Sharing Agreement, Future Group will send out the technology consultant to major game company, trains one batch to be able proficiently to use the foundation for them the technician of VR development tool. But Future Group in the form of technology appraised as capital stock, will hold the game company 5% stocks of these participation agreements. This 5% stocks, will make Future Technologies capture a seat in various game company Board of Directors. 根据签订的vr技术分享协定,未来人集团将向各大游戏公司派出技术顾问,为他们培训一批能够熟练使用基础的vr开发工具的技术员。而未来人集团将以技术入股的形式,持有这些参与协定的游戏公司5%的股份。这5%的股份,将使得未来人科技在各游戏公司董事会获得一个席位。 However Future Group pledged, only exercises the limited voting rights on Board of Directors. 不过未来人集团承诺,在董事会上只行使有限的投票权。 Meanwhile, Phantom Helmet in the latest renewal, joined vrgame this icon in the menu contact surface, although at present is only a black convention, after selecting, is only the ball comes out to ask respectfully the anticipation. 与此同时,幻影头盔在最新一次更新中,在菜单界面加入了vrgame这个图标,虽然目前只是个黑框框,点开后只是弹出来个敬请期待。 the localization of vrgame is similar steam on pc, the user can through the vrgame purchase game. All company that joins Technology Sharing Agreement, will obtain to ally the qualifications of vrgame. Regarding other games of company sale, Future Technologies only gathers 20% of total sales volume to use for the channel fee/spent, as well as collects the relatively inexpensive rent according to the server resource occupancy quantity. vrgame的定位类似于pc上的steam,用户可以通过vrgame购买游戏。所有加入技术分享协定公司,都将获得加盟vrgame的资格。对于其它公司销售的游戏,未来人科技只收取总销售额的20%作为渠道费,以及根据服务器资源占用量收取相对低廉的租金。 For technical reasons, Future Group blocked the possibility of pirating on the channel thoroughly . Moreover the VR game is the development direction of next time game, therefore vrgame application, once were promoted, immediately arouses the interest of innumerable game manufacturer. 因为技术原因,未来人集团在渠道上彻底封死了盗版的可能性,而且vr游戏本来就是下个时代游戏的发展方向,所以vrgame应用一经推出,立刻引起了无数游戏厂商的关注。 Some announced at own company shareholders' meeting really directly, puts in the entire energy into the development of VR game, totally gives up the pc domain that pirates to run amuck. 更是有甚者直接在自家公司的股东大会上宣布,将全部精力都投入到vr游戏的开发中,彻底放弃盗版横行的pc领域。 Meanwhile , to promote of vrgame also made the China game manufacturer see the hope of rise. At the beginning of 2000, China emerged many splendid Stand-alone Game, including meteor butterfly sword and ancient Jianqi Tan, sword to seal/confer Molu wait/etc.. However these were once hopeful can with the writings that the Japan game enterprise competes, died in the hand of person on one's own side without exception. Even the entrance has not walked, was pirated the small dish playing the bankruptcy. 与此同时,vrgame的推出也让华国的游戏厂商看到了崛起的希望。在2000年初的时候,华国还是涌现了不少出色的单机游戏,其中包括流星蝴蝶剑、古剑奇谭、刀剑封魔录等等。然而这些曾经有希望能和日国游戏企业一争高下的大作,无一例外都死在了自己人的手上。连国门都没走出去,就被盗版碟给玩破产了。 Lives only reluctantly the present immortal sword series, did to sell the deal that the mood encircled money run. 唯一勉强活到现在的仙剑系列,也干起了卖情怀圈钱跑的勾当。 However now this condition can end. 不过现在这种状况可以结束了。 All VR games base on the Future Group server to operate, any will not have the server renting application of copyright registration to strike back. Moreover, lets theme issue that some game manufacturers are worried about, can obtain the perfect solution on vrgame. 所有vr游戏都是基于未来人集团的服务器进行运行,任何没有版权登记的服务器租赁申请都会被打回。另外,让部分国家游戏厂商担心的题材问题,在vrgame上也可以得到完美的解决。 Translation Artillery System that the platform brings, lets the language at all is not the issue. The game that even if you play cannot cross examining internally , can definitely sell in Country of Xin, conquers the global market. But in Phantom Helmet loophole, the player who also causes other areas, can circumvent to purchase at the game that Country of Xin sells. In other words, is good enough, even if sells in population 100,000 Country of Xin that so long as your game does, the sales volume can break hundred million as before. 平台自带的翻译系统,让语言根本不是问题。哪怕你做出来的游戏在国内过不了审,也完全可以在新国发售,征服全球市场。而幻影头盔中的“漏洞”,也使得其他地区的玩家,可以翻墙购买在新国发售的游戏。也就是说,只要你的游戏做的够好,哪怕是在人口不过十万新国发售,销量依旧能破亿。 Cremated these people of section also to run up to Country of Xin to burn your server to be inadequate? 难道焚化部的那些人还能跑到新国烧了你的服务器不成? When according to WTO about the virtual product service relevant provision, bridges over sells the game exempts the tariff, therefore this does not have the problem that avoids taxes. 根据世贸组织关于虚拟产品服务相关规定,跨过卖游戏时免关税的,所以这也不存在避税的问题。 What can foresee, in the next several years, in Phantom Helmet will certainly emerge a number of high-quality VR games, from Future Technologies establishing a new school the pattern, toward pattern transformation of all flowers blooming together. 可以预见的是,在未来的数年内,幻影头盔中必将涌现一批质量优秀的vr游戏,从未来人科技独树一帜的格局,向着百花齐放的格局转变。 ...... …… Microsoft Games Studio, abbreviated mgs, is Microsoft capitalization child company, with x affects x waves of 360 game machine development and release games for windos -based the PC. The development game related to from rts to rpg and other domains, the representative works includes «Age of Empires» that people are familiar, «Fairy Fable», «Country Rise», «Halo», as well as «Freelancer», calls it the world's first richly main engine game company is not overrated. 微软游戏工作室,简称mgs,是微软的全资子公司,为基于windos的个人电脑与x波及x波360游戏机开发与发行游戏。其开发游戏涉及从rts到rpg等多个领域,代表作包括人们耳熟能详的《帝国时代》、《神鬼寓言》、《国家崛起》、《光环》、以及《自由枪骑兵》,称之为世界第一“有钱”的主机游戏公司也不为过。 This industry summit, Future Technologies invited certainly mgs, but mgs C CEO Aiden Nelson also shows due respect for the feelings very much flew personally California. 这次行业峰会,未来人科技当然邀请了mgs,而mgs的ceo艾登·纳尔森也很给面子的亲自飞了一趟加州 After attending the Silicon Valley VR games industry summit, the Aiden calm face went out of the conference site, flies back to United States Washington state Redmond without delay immediately, raised the suitcase to go to Microsoft Headquarters directly. 参加完硅谷的vr游戏行业峰会后,艾登沉着脸走出了会场,二话不说立刻乘飞机飞回了美国华盛顿州雷德蒙德市,提着行李箱直接去了微软总部 Gave secretary the suitcase, he takes the briefcase to stand in the C CEO Office entrance, deeply inspires, pushes the door to walk. 将行李箱交给了秘书,他提着公文包站在ceo办公室门口,深吸了一口气,推门走了进去。 As he expected, C CEO Satya Nadella is in the work. When sees Aiden to pass through the gate, Satya put the pen in hand in one side, looked up to him. 如他所预料的那样,ceo萨蒂亚·纳德拉正在办公。当看到艾登进门,萨蒂亚将手中的笔搁在了一边,抬头向他看了过去。 Situation how?” “情况如何?” Aiden spread out the hand, does not know how should reply, but took out a document from the briefcase. 艾登摊开了手,不知道该如何回答,只是从公文包中取出了一份文件。 This is the VR technology share agreement that side Future Technologies gives. The fruit that they give is very delightful, but condition......” “这是未来人科技那边给出的vr技术分享协议。他们给出的果子很甜美,但条件……” Thought for quite a while, Aiden put out a word. 想了半天,艾登才吐出了一个单词。 „Very harsh.” “很苛刻。” Satya does not seem to heard words, took the document to read, pushed the eye on bridge of the nose. 萨蒂亚仿佛没有听见手下的话,取过文件翻看了下,推了推鼻梁上的眼睛。 After a half hour, Satya put down the document in hand, takes up to put in nearby pen, was signing own name finally. 半小时后,萨蒂亚放下了手中的文件,拿起搁在一旁的笔,在最后签上了自己的名字。 Good.” “不错。” Satya looks at that name, swallowed a spit. 萨蒂亚看着那个名字,咽了口吐沫。 „Can we really make them control stock mgs? Although is only 5% stocks......” “我们真的要让他们控股mgs吗?虽然只是5%的股份……” Changes an angle to think, pays 5% stocks to make mgs go on living, this was also a good result.” Satya snort/hum the sound, shook the head with a smile. “换个角度来想,付出5%的股份就能让mgs活下去,这也是个不错的结局了。”萨蒂亚哼了声,笑着摇了摇头。 Give away mgs5% stocks, was equal to spending 5 hundred million to join this agreement. Only hundred million can trade to march the Virtual Reality domain possibility with 5, how this buys and sells saw that does not calculate owes. Let alone, Microsoft does not have too many choices. 让出mgs5%的股份,等于花了五个亿去加入这个协议。只用五个亿就能换来进军虚拟实境领域的可能,这笔买卖怎么看都不算太亏。更何况,微软也没有太多的选择。 the promotion industry of VR equipment shuffles probably, in this time shuffles, even if the market value 1 USD small workshop, might become in the future market value 10 billion big company of takeover VR games market. What we definitely know is that the game manufacturers of these small scale definitely sign without hesitation, if Microsoft hesitated at this time, mgs even possibly by these small company in the VR domain casting off distance. vr设备的推出就好像一次行业洗牌,在这次洗牌中,哪怕是市值一美元的小作坊,也有可能成为未来制霸vr游戏市场的市值百亿公司。可以肯定的是,那些小规模的游戏厂商肯定是毫不犹豫地签了字,如果微软这时候犹豫了,mgs甚至可能被那些小公司在vr领域给甩开距离。 Let alone in the agreement, Future Technologies also pledged, will pay certain compensation regarding market value high company. This compensation mainly manifests in training the incline of resources, big company has richer reserve of capable people, but Future Technologies will also send out more technology consultants to go to help they to be familiar with the development tool. 更何况协议中,未来人科技也承诺了,对于市值高的公司将作出一定的补偿。这种补偿主要体现在培训资源的倾斜上,大公司拥有更丰富的的人才储备,而未来人科技也将派出更多的技术顾问去“帮助”他们熟悉开发工具。 In any case was the whole families. 反正都是一家人了。 Mgs next strategic target, will confuse nerat to transplant to vrgame on. The only request, seizes the sandbox games market, snatches in all company front!” “mgs下一个战略目标,将迷nerat移植到vrgame上。唯一的要求,占领沙盒游戏市场,抢在所有公司的前面!” Microsoft spends the 2,500,000,000 USD purchase fan nerat, is prepared to be used on recently launched hololens, however the hololens sales volume has proven them in the VR domain first battle disastrous defeat. 微软25亿美元购买的迷nerat,原本是准备用于新推出的hololens上的,然而hololens的销量已经证明了他们在vr领域的首战惨败。 Will confuse nerat to transplant to the platform of competitor, in some sense, this is equivalent to one to admit defeat in disguised form. But changes an angle to think, this is also a choice. After all with occupying Future Group of overwhelming superiority dies to knock on the VR equipment, is really not the wise action. 将迷nerat移植到竞争对手的平台上,从某种意义上,这相当于一场变相认输。但换个角度来想,这也不失为一种的选择。毕竟和占据绝对优势的未来人集团在vr设备上死磕下去,实在不是明智之举。 But...... this really? 可是……这样真的好吗? Took up the agreement, looks at group C CEO that unemotional face, Aiden cannot bear ask finally. 拿起了协议,看着集团ceo那面无表情的脸,艾登最终还是忍不住问道。 This really?”( To be continued.) “这样真的好吗?”(未完待续。)
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