IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#769: Three good news

The discussion of first day ended very much happily. 第一天的洽谈很愉快地结束了。 After the hotel that returns to stay, Wu Weiye telephones with his Boss immediately. Next day, Victoria Construction Company adjusted 2 Construction Boat and 2 reconnaissances from Xiangjiang this section with the helicopter, as well as specialized construction team, transferred several around the Pannu nine island coastal water, conducted the investigation sea bed structure with outlining construction route and other work. 回到下榻的酒店后,吴伟晔立刻和他的老板通了电话。次日,维多利亚建筑公司香江本部调来了二艘工程船、二架勘察用直升机、以及一支专业的施工团队,绕着帕努九岛附近海域转了好几圈,进行勘查海床结构与勾画施工路线等工作。 Three days later, Victoria Construction Company drew up the design proposal macroscopically, and determined the project length and route, and reference budget offer, Wu Weiye takes one pack of 5 centimeters thick documents immediately, found Jiang Chen. 三天后,维多利亚建筑公司拿出了宏观上的设计方案,并确定了工程长度和路线,以及参考预算报价,吴伟晔立刻拿着一叠五厘米厚的文件,找到了江晨 This is the plan that our company takes, the tunnel from Palau Archipelago northernmost Garin Island, across Koro Island, end in Ange Island, connects other six islands through the leg. The tunnel entire journey uses the transparent graphene outer covering, 319 km in length, the bidirectional 12 traffic lane, goes in the tunnel is the same in seabed with the travel! The project concept map here, I will make a bet, the Pannu seabed highway will definitely leave a good name in modern architecture history!” The Wu Weiye facial expression is excited, is striking one's chest pledges to Jiang Chen. “这是我们公司拿出来的方案,隧道从帕努群岛最北端的佳林岛出发,穿过科罗岛,末于安加岛,通过支路连接其余六岛。隧道全程采用透明的石墨烯外壳,全长319公里,双向十二车道,在隧道行驶就和行驶在海底一样!工程概念图在这里,我敢打赌,帕努海底高速公路肯定将在现代建筑史上留名!”吴伟晔的神情激动,拍着胸脯向江晨发誓道。 Entire journey transparent Seabed Tunnel, this not only as the Country of Xin transport hub, will also become together the world-famous 319 km in length scenic site. Under the attraction of light, the school of fish will dwell in the nearby of seabed pipeline. Is enjoying the travel of Pannu, while is watching the beautiful scene of out of the window, this absolutely is rare enjoyment. 全程透明的海底隧道,这将不仅仅作为新国的交通枢纽,还将成为一道举世闻名的全长319公里的旅游景点。在灯光的吸引下,鱼群会栖息于海底管道的附近。一边享受着帕努之旅,一边观看着窗外的美景,这绝对是一种不可多得的享受。 Jiang Chen has taken the design proposal in Wu Weiye hand, read two conveniently, nods satisfied. 江晨拿过了吴伟晔手中的设计方案,随手翻看了两眼,满意地点了点头。 It seems like he to the vision is good, this Victoria Construction Company truly can be competent this project. 看来他对的眼光不错,这维多利亚建筑公司确实能够胜任这个项目。 Building cost of projects probably how many?” “工程造价大概多少?” The graphene pipeline that construction uses is responsible for providing by the Future Heavy Industry aspect, does not include in the middle of the project cost. Our engineers' budget offer to this Seabed Tunnel is 10,170,000,000 USD, does not surpass 12,000,000,000 USD.” “施工用的石墨烯管道由未来人重工方面负责提供,不计入工程成本当中。我们的工程师对这条海底隧道的预算报价是101.7亿美元,不超过120亿美元。” On average about each kilometer 2- 300,000,000 Renminbi, this price suitable small advantage. Is counted Future Heavy Industry that side cost, graphene material of project use also affects on 500,000,000 USD completely. 平均每公里二-3亿人民币左右,这个价格已经相当的便宜了。算上未来人重工那边的成本,工程全部使用的石墨烯材料也就5亿美元作用。 Very good, this project gave you, I will send out the Future Heavy Industry technician to enter your teams temporarily, as the graphene material technology consultant.” Jiang Chen signs in the letter of intent, then returned the intention statement to the hand of Wu Weiye, „before tomorrow, hit the contract to my C CEO, the day after tomorrow begins construction, can achieve?” “很好,这个工程就交给你们了,我会派出未来人重工的技术员暂时进入你们的项目组,作为石墨烯材料的技术顾问。”江晨在投资意向书上签了字,然后将意向书交还给了吴伟晔的手上,“明天之前将合同打给我的ceo,后天开始动工,可以做到吗?” Does not have the issue!” Wu Weiye says immediately. “没问题!”吴伟晔立刻说道。 That goes quickly.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “那就快去。”江晨笑着说道。 After Wu Weiye walks, Future Group did not complete named Pannu Seabed High Speed Management Company registration of child company, and to this/should child company capital 15,000,000,000 USD. Next day, Victoria Construction Company sends in the contract, was acted to complete signing of seabed highway project by this/should child company. 就在吴伟晔走后不就,未来人集团也完成了名为“帕努海底高速管理公司”的子公司的注册,并向该子公司注资150亿美元。次日,维多利亚建筑公司发来合同,由该子公司出面完成了海底高速公路项目的签约。 Hence, this 12,000,000,000 USD project formally announced begins construction! 至此,这120亿美元的工程正式宣布动工! Just invested several 10 billion on Space Elevator, this little while threw 15 billion USD to Seabed Highway, if placed usually, Future Group definitely could not manage to extract so many floating capital. 刚在太空电梯上投入了几百亿,这会儿又向海底公路投了一百五十亿美元,若是放在平时,未来人集团肯定挤不出这么多的流动资金。 However now, Jiang Chen did not have so many worries. Future Bank from establishing to the present, has 224 90,000 depositors, the total deposits converts USD to altogether have 191,000,000,000 according to the exchange rate. Tightens the lending scope after half a month, squeezes out 15,000,000,000 from Future Bank is the Future Group blood transfusion is not a problem completely! 但是现在,江晨就没有那么多顾虑了。未来人银行从成立到现在,已经拥有2249万储户,存款总额按照汇率换算成美元共有1921亿。经过半个月收紧放贷幅度,从未来人银行挤出150亿未来人集团输血完全不成问题! It can be said that Jiang Chen did not need to worry for the floating capital matter. Only then flows the blood in blood vessel to be sufficient, Future Group this commercial grand beast can start to walk the step of expansion to dash about wildly, is transforming this world at a quicker speed! 可以说,江晨再也不用为流动资金的事发愁了。只有流淌在血管里的血液充足,未来人集团这只商业巨兽才能迈开扩张的步子狂奔,以更快的速度改造着这个世界! Naturally, the premise does not make the significant operation mistake. 当然,前提是不出现重大的经营失误。 On the other hand, Future Bank in the middle of listing procedure. If as expected, should succeed to land the New York stock exchange in mid May, distributes 30% stocks. According to message that Future Bank C CEO returns, now Future Bank is just at the asset verification stage. Happen to loans taking advantage of this 15,000,000,000, makes the high Future Bank market profit, circle more money from the hand of American comes back. 另一方面,未来人银行正在上市程序当中。如果不出意外,应该会在5月中旬成功登陆纽约证交所,发行30%的股份。根据未来人银行ceo返回的消息,现在未来人银行刚好处于资产审核阶段。正好借着这笔150亿贷款,做高未来人银行的市盈率,从美国人的手中圈更多的钱回来。 Processed Seabed Tunnel in Jiang Chen, that side Future Technologies spread three good news. 就在江晨处理完海底隧道的事后,未来人科技那边又传来了三个好消息。 The first good news was Virtual Image Animation Production Company has completed the modeling of Gleiz 581 g planet, according to the data of international astronomy organization friendship support, returned to original state the surface environment style of Gleiz 581 g planet at 1 : 1 proportion. 第一个好消息是虚像动画制作公司已经完成了格利泽581g行星的建模,根据国际天文组织友情赞助的数据,以1:1的比例还原了格利泽581g行星的地表环境风貌。 From this, «Time-Space Iron Curtain» will enter the photography of Second Phase. With the powerful Virtual Reality process technology help, Director Nolan will use the imagination of his powerful and unconstrained style, shows two for the audience Same Source, Different Construction the collision between civilization! 由此,《时空铁幕》的将进入第二阶段的拍摄。在强大的虚拟实境处理技术帮助下,诺兰导演将发挥他天马行空的想象力,为观众展现两个“同源异构文明之间的碰撞! To be honest, although has read the script, but Jiang Chen anticipated very much Nolan this time will bring what shocking movie on the screen for the audience. 老实说,虽然看过了剧本,但江晨还是很期待诺兰这次会在荧幕上为观众带来何种震撼的影片。 Meanwhile he also blessed this friend heartfeltly, can round his dream, became first director who obtained the Oscar best movie to reward the Science Fiction piece. 同时他也由衷地祝福这位朋友,能够圆了他的梦想,成为首个获得奥斯卡奖最佳电影奖科幻片的导演。 The second good news came from VR City. After several months of effort, Future Technologies Game Development Department is conforming with the famous mais game to manufacture company, as well as after designer in r Singapore Studio, completed the manufacture of VR City testing version. 第二个好消息是来自v日ty。经过数个月的努力,未来人科技游戏开发部在整合了大名鼎鼎的mais游戏制作公司,以及r星工作室的设计师之后,完成了v日ty测试版的制作。 Although is only the testing version, but this procedure/program has a city scale. Through going to the capital, Wanghai, New York, London, Paris Sky Eye X1 satellite photography and other big city satellite images, conduct the analysis composition by the intelligent program, more than hundred technical personnel completed the VR City modeling. 虽然只是测试版,但这个程序已经具备了一个城市的规模。通过天眼x1卫星拍摄的上京、望海纽约伦敦巴黎等多个大城市的卫星图像,由智能程序进行分析构图,百余名技术人员完成了v日ty的建模。 Except for having rich foundation architecture, over ten thousand types may for the architecture plan that the user chooses, as well as by brand-new city mission Artillery System of r star design, while filling user public relations demand, provided the rich game content for the user. 除了拥有丰富的基础建筑,上万种可供用户挑选的建筑方案,以及由r星设计的全新城市任务系统,在填补用户社交需求的同时,也为用户提供了丰富的游戏内容。 At present, VR City had opened total a 100,000 quota to the global many country users, being counted is this Software Interaction in measures the qualifications. If there is not had very big problem after the test, this VR City will log in Phantom Helmet in the autumn, downloads for the user. 目前,v日ty已经向全球多国用户开放了共计十万个名额,算作是这款社交软件的内测资格。如果在测试后没有出现很大的问题,这款v日ty将在秋季登录幻影头盔,供用户自行下载。 Regarding this VR City, Jiang Chen can be said as unusual satisfaction, Future Technologies C CEO Ning Huajian, returned to original state perfectly his initial concept. 对于这款v日ty,江晨可以说是非常的满意,未来人科技的ceo宁华建,完美地还原了他最初的构想。 The only regret is, gta7 that he has anticipated, could jump the ticket indefinitely. 唯一的遗憾就是,他一直期待的gta7,可能得无限期跳票了。 Future Group poached the r star 17 staff in the crude way, causing the development work of entire gta7 to stagnate. At that moment this decision time, the Jiang Chen's innermost feelings are very hesitant. 未来人集团以粗暴的方式挖走了r星17名员工,导致整个gta7的开发工作陷入了停滞。当下这个决定的时候,江晨的内心是非常犹豫的。 From Vice City, he is the faithful player of gta series. However now this series actually destroys in his hand, has saying that this is a regrettable matter. 罪恶都市开始,他一直是gta系列的忠实玩家。然而现在这个系列却毁在了他的手上,不得不说这是一件令人遗憾的事。 May regret to turn over to the regret, the decision or the child's play that should make can not. 可遗憾归遗憾,该做出的决定还是儿戏不得的。 Now thinks that he cannot bear shake the head, if the take- to company nod sold the r star to be good at that time, this did not need him to begin to dig the person. If entire digs the r star, by the Future Technologies technological strength, he can definitely make to base on gta of VR platform to continue to do completely. 现在想起来他还是忍不住摇头,如果当时take-to公司点头出售r星就好了,这样也不用着他动手挖人了。如果将r星整个挖过来,以未来人科技的技术实力,他完全可以弄个完全基于vr平台的gta续作出来。 The crime in real New York of complete return to original state, with the Gangster Drug Dealer internecine strife, is driving the race car and police vehicle racing, the speed and fervor of User Experience real version...... the light thinks the tm belt/bring feeling! 在完全还原的真实纽约中犯罪,和黑.帮毒.贩火拼,开着跑车与警车竞速,体验真实版的速度与激情……光是想想都tm的带感! Does not know that the too lifelike crime, can therefore rise the crime rate in reality. 就是不知道太逼真的犯罪,会不会因此而上升现实中的犯罪率。 This is not Jiang Chen can expect.( To be continued.) 这就不是江晨所能预料的了。(未完待续。)
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