IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#768: Seabed Highway

However pondered is very long, Jiang Chen also thinks that does not understand actually this providing against contingencies refers to anything. 然而思考了很久,江晨也想不明白这“以防万一”究竟指的是什么。 Actually to give Third Reich leaves behind Fire Seed, is for other what? 究竟是为了给第三帝国留下火种,还是为了别的什么? Moreover this Fortress opens the blueprint, actually the state head whether sent people to go to Antarctica, and deferred to the instruction of Lost of the Void to construct that Doomsday Fortress still is not possible to know. Moreover on the position on this chart, this Fortress seems to be neglected in the snowstorm all year long. In such place actually whether to survive, is an unsolved mystery. 而且这座堡垒只是张设计图,元首究竟是否派人前往了南极洲,并按照虚空遗民的吩咐修建了那座末日堡垒也尚不可得知。而且就这张图上的位置来看,这个堡垒似乎终年湮没于暴风雪中。待在这样的地方究竟能否生存下去,也是个未解之谜。 Can go to South Pole to look? 要去南极看下吗? This idea towering reappearing in the Jiang Chen's mind, and once started , it can hardly stop is inflating. 这个主意突兀的浮现在了江晨的脑海里,并一发不可收拾地膨胀着。 Sanctuary may be unable to control the trend of war, most provides a barely managing to maintain a feeble existence tomb for the loser. Regardless how to think, does that is pointless. However lost people in Void will not insert a useless information in this information for no reason, they did that definitely has their truth...... 避难所可左右不了战争的走向,最多为失败者提供一个苟延残喘的坟墓。无论怎么想,这么做都是没有意义的。然而虚空中的遗民不会平白无故地在这段信息中插入一段没用的信息,他们之所以这么做了,肯定有他们的道理…… What can be? 可会是什么呢? ...... …… Next day, has played enjoyed oneself to the full Jiang Chen in Penglai City, bringing Ayesha and Xia Shiyu to return to Koro Island together. 次日,已经在蓬莱市玩尽兴了的江晨,带着阿伊莎夏诗雨一同回到了科罗岛上。 Because the reason on work, Natasha then sat the day before the evening charity reception boards the airplane, returned to Moscow. Therefore in the flight of this return trip, only has Jiang Chen their three people. 因为工作上的原因,娜塔莎在慈善晚会的前一天便坐上飞机,回了一趟莫斯科。所以这次返程的航班上,只有江晨他们三个人。 Returned to the island, the Xia Shiyu first matter is goes home to put the baggage, but the second matter then went to Future Building. A week has not made great strides forward the Office gate, the work under accumulation affirms and hill equally is high. Although her assistant can help her process some documents, but involves the issue on group direction of management, actually under must come to decide by this pillar. 回到了岛上,夏诗雨第一件事是回家放行李,而第二件事便是去了未来人大厦。一个星期没有迈进办公室的门,积累下的工作肯定得和小山一样高了。虽然她的助手能帮助她处理掉部分文件,但很多涉及到集团经营方向上的问题,却必须由她这个主心骨来下决定。 Jiang Chen brought Ayesha to return to the villa, after short rest, started to bustle about. 江晨带着阿伊莎返回了别墅,在短暂的休息之后,也开始忙碌了起来。 At the same time, he is making the preparation for the tour of South Pole. But on the other hand, he was still planning to construct a Seabed Highway tunnel recently, connects a whole the Pannu nine islands. Then, people went on a journey do not need to go by car to travel by boat simultaneously, is driving to go to the Country of Xin random corner directly. 一方面,他在为着南极之行做着准备。而另一方面,他最近还在计划着修建一条海底公路隧道,将帕努九岛连接成一个整体。如此一来,人们出行也不需要同时坐车坐船了,直接开着车就能前往新国的任意一个角落。 Must be rich, first builds roads, this is the truth of eternal unchanged. If there is such Seabed Tunnel, can become a whole the Palau Archipelago nine islands continually, will then produce the huge promotion results regarding the economy of entire Country of Xin. 要想富,先修路,这是万古不变的真理。如果有那么一条海底隧道,能将帕努群岛的九座岛屿连成一个整体,那对于整个新国的经济都将产生巨大的推动效果。 If nothing else, once this tunnel completes, the Country of Xin automobile demand affirms rises a rank. 别的不说,这条隧道一旦建成,新国的汽车需求量肯定得上升一个等级。 However although the words so, constructing tunnel of this day are actually not the easy matter. 不过话虽如此,修建这天隧道却不是什么轻松的事。 Constructs the Seabed Tunnel method to have, typical mainly divides four types, probably the azure island Xiamen and other place of the drills explode the law and Xiangjiang the mechanical boring machine law and Japan of settling tube law and English Channel shield-driven construction. 修建海底隧道的方法有很多,具有代表性的主要分四种,像是青岛厦门等地的钻爆法、香江的沉管法、英吉利海峡的掘进机法、日国的盾构法。 However these four methods have a common ground. 然而这四种方法都有个共同点。 That is expensive/noble! It is not general expensive/noble! 那就是贵!不是一般的贵! Takes China for instance, is being planned to build Dalian-Yantai High Speed Rail Seabed Tunnel audience 1 kilometer, the building cost of projects reaches as high as 2 60,000,000,000 Renminbi, each kilometer average construction cost surpasses 2,000,000,000! Even if minus High Speed Rail each kilometer 129 million cost, but constructs such a pipeline, as before is the terrorist|terrifying digit! 华国为例,正在筹建中的大连至烟台高铁海底隧道全场一公里,工程造价高达二600亿人民币,每公里平均造价超过20亿!哪怕刨去高铁每公里1.29亿的成本,只是建那么一个管道,依旧是个恐怖的数字! But this budget, but also is only the conservative estimate! 而这预算,还只是保守的估计! If must connect completely the Pannu nine islands, but incessantly 1 kilometer that simple. Southernmost Ange Island and Koro Island straight distance exceeded 150 kilometers, is equivalent to Wanghai to the Hang City distance. 若是要将帕努九岛全部连接起来,可不止一公里那么简单。最南端的安加岛科罗岛的直线距离就超过了150公里,相当于望海杭市的距离。 Conservative estimate, if must complete this to be able Pannu nine island completely connections Seabed Tunnel, under the sea of highway the part at least must want 300 kilometers. If this project contractor to the China architecture business, the entire project did little saying that must spend Jiang Chen 60 billion USD. 保守估计,若是要建成这座能将帕努九岛全部连接的海底隧道,高速路的海下部分至少得要个300公里。若是将这个工程承包给华国建筑商,整个工程搞下来少说也得花掉江晨六百亿美元 60 billion USD, my goodness, this money enough reconstructed two Penglai City! Even Future Group is rich, but cannot illuminate this flower law obviously. 六百亿美元,好家伙,这钱都够再建两个蓬莱市了!就算未来人集团有钱,但显然也不能照这个花法。 However was good because of Future Heavy Industry made the breakthrough on graphene technology, semiconductor graphene and high-intensity Nanomaterials these two domains, can say that the whole world had no family/home scientific research institution is the Future Group Material Science Laboratory opponent. 不过好在未来人重工石墨烯技术上取得了突破,半导体石墨烯和高强度纳米材料这两个领域,可以说整个世界都没哪家科研机构是未来人集团材料学实验室的对手。 And, applies the graphene board on Future Building, is reduces the Seabed Tunnel construction cost the breach. If can take the Seabed Tunnel outer wall with one type compared with the steel Tenacious material, the progress of entire project without doubt relaxed many. 其中,应用在未来人大厦上的石墨烯板,便是压低海底隧道建造成本的突破口。如果能够用一种比钢铁更坚韧的材料作为海底隧道的外壁,整个工程的进展无疑将轻松的多。 In early April, Future Heavy Industry through the form of public bid, chose the partner registration from global over a hundred architecture company in Xiangjiang Victoria Construction Company. This architecture company once was the Xiangjiang design and constructed two Seabed Highway, had very deep attainments in the settling tube law construction technique. 四月初,未来人重工通过公开招标的形式,从全球上百家建筑公司中选择了合作伙伴注册于香江维多利亚建筑公司。这家建筑公司曾为香江设计并施工两条海底公路,在沉管法施工技术上拥有很深的造诣。 Considering the settling tube law was more suitable to display the graphene material performance, Jiang Chen finally chose this company as the partner. 考虑到沉管法更适合发挥石墨烯材料的性能,江晨最终选择了这家公司作为合作伙伴。 After competitive tender success, Victoria Construction Company sends out engineer Wu Weiye in Seabed Tunnel aspect immediately, goes to Country of Xin and Future Heavy Industry aspect contacts, the discussion applies the graphene material Seabed Tunnel construction plan. 竞标成功后,维多利亚建筑公司立刻派出了海底隧道方面的工程师吴伟晔,前往新国未来人重工方面接触,讨论应用石墨烯材料海底隧道建造方案。 Got down the airplane in Koro Island, Jiang Chen immediately welcome him to the Ange Island high-tech industry park. 科罗岛下了飞机,江晨立刻将他请到了安加岛的高科技工业园。 The broad workshop center, is situated one about 12 meters in width, high approximately five meters semicircle barrel archway. The four walls of archway are all over the body transparent, however in the surface actually cannot see the glass the gloss. 宽阔的厂房中央,坐落着一座十二,高约五米的半圆柱体拱道。拱道的四壁通体透明,然而表面上却看不到玻璃的光泽。 Brought Wu Weiye to arrive at side of this transparent archway, Jiang Chen received the hammer from the staff hand, brandished ruthlessly above. 带着吴伟晔走到了这条透明拱道的旁边,江晨从工作人员手中接过了锤子,狠狠地抡在了上面。 Only hears a dull thumping sound, the sound to reverberate in the close archway unceasingly. Wu Weiye looks following the seat of Jiang Chen drop hammer, stared in a big way the eyes shocking. 只听见一声闷响,声音在封闭的拱道内不断回荡。吴伟晔顺着江晨落锤的位子看去,震惊地瞪大了双眼。 This is our samples.” Jiang Chen threw the hammer with a smile in the hand of staff, patted clapped to look to Wu Weiye, tunnel outer wall of graphene material manufacture, ten times of intensity ultra molybdenum nickel steel, vertical ductility strong in all metallic materials, has not solved except for the thermostable issue...... naturally, soaked should not have so many opportunities of fire.” “这就是我们的样品。”江晨笑着将榔头丢在了工作人员的手上,拍了拍手看向吴伟晔,“石墨烯材料制造的隧道外壁,强度超钼镍钢的十倍,纵向延展性强于所有金属材料,除了耐高温的问题尚未解决……当然,泡在海里应该也没那么多着火的机会。” In tunnel likely has the traffic accident, but the traffic accident likely causes the fire, even in seabed.” Is stroking the outer wall of this graphene archway, Wu Weiye while muttered self-examines replies, we can spread the burning inhibitor in the inner wall, this very could be solved......” “隧道内可能发生车祸,而车祸可能引起火灾,即使是在海底。”一边抚摸着这石墨烯拱道的外壁,吴伟晔一边喃喃自语地自问自答道,“不过我们可以在内壁涂上阻燃剂,这个都很好解决……” , Wu Weiye took back the hand, then looked to Jiang Chen, asked earnestly. 顿了顿,吴伟晔收回了手,回头看向了江晨,认真地问道。 This graphene material cost probably how many?” “这种石墨烯材料的成本大概多少?” On this archway, about one meter probably 700 USD.” “就这条拱道,一米大概七百美元左右。” 1.7 m hundred USD, one kilometer that is 700,000 USD, this cost really compared with the steel does not know where the small advantage to! If can save such money on the material, the construction cost of entire project will also be reduced several times without doubt! 一米七美元,一公里那就是七十万美元,这成本简直比钢铁不知道便宜到哪里去了!如果能在材料上省下这么一大笔钱,整个工程的施工成本无疑也会被削减数倍! Thinks of this, Wu Weiye looked that was fiery to the Jiang Chen's vision immediately. 想到这,吴伟晔看向江晨的目光顿时火热了起来。 This type of graphene pipeline, Victoria Construction Company must find the way to do! If can get so far as this high-intensity, the building materials of low cost, Victoria in the global Seabed Tunnel architecture market, will obtain extremely strong market competitiveness without doubt. 这种石墨烯管道,维多利亚建筑公司一定得想办法搞到!如果能弄到这种高强度,低成本的建材,维多利亚在全球海底隧道建筑市场中,无疑将获得极强的市场竞争力。 Did not say the project quality, was only cost one routs the innumerable competitors sufficiently. 不说工程质量,光是成本一项就足以杀退无数竞争对手了。 Victoria Construction Company must establish the long-term strategic partnership with Future Heavy Industry! 维多利亚建筑公司必须和未来人重工建立长期的战略伙伴关系! Wu Weiye has decided secretly, waits for today's traveling schedule conclusion, the hotel that returns to stay at he telephones with Boss, must formidable talks clearly. If this business became, this may be great merit, being promoted gets rich is not the dream has the wood to have! 吴伟晔已经暗暗打定了主意,等今天的行程结束,回到下榻的酒店他就和老板打个电话,务必将其中的利害说清楚。若是这生意成了,这可就是大功一件,升职发财不是梦啊有木有! That fiery vision made Jiang Chen hit to tremble immediately, cannot help but this fellow spread out. 那火热的目光让江晨顿时打了个寒颤,不由自主地和这家伙拉开了距离。 damn, this fellow should not that...... 握草,这家伙该不会好那口吧…… - - ( Went home on the cold, yesterday took under the body temperature, 38.1 degrees, finished eating the medicine to sleep, the head was dizzy. The code had/left two chapters, how unable to boil...... the eruption of commitment only to postpone for day, really sorry, I made contribution t.t)( to be continued.) (一回家就感冒了,昨天量了下体温,38.1度,吃完药睡了一觉,脑袋晕乎乎的。码出了两章,怎么都熬不出来了……承诺的爆发只能推迟一天了,实在抱歉,我尽力了t.t)(未完待续。)
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