IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#767: Provides against contingencies?

Opens the page, obsolete and dry aura heads on. Looks to that line of writing on flyleaf, Jiang Chen exhaled Artificial Intelligence Jane in wrist watch, translated Chinese Language that German. Sure enough, above writes Adolf Hitler name. 翻开书页,一股陈旧而干燥的气息扑面而来。向扉页上的那行文字看去,江晨呼出了腕表中的人工智能,将那段德文翻译成了汉语。果不其然,上面写着的正是阿道夫·希特勒的名字。 If host of Auction field said that opened p. 2, on the yellowing paper writes the dense and numerous characters, could not look at a reason why. 拍卖会场的主持人所言,翻开第二页,泛黄的纸上写着密密麻麻的字符,根本看不出来个所以然。 However thinks is also, famous MI6 spends Code Book that a century had no alternative, changes individual to study only fears also not different. 不过想想也是,大名鼎鼎的军情六处花了一个世纪都无可奈何的密码本,换个人来研究只怕也没什么两样。 Jiang Chen sighed, when he planned to close the page, Jane opens the mouth suddenly. 江晨叹了口气,就在他打算合上书页的时候,突然开了口。 Neumann Cipher, is born in 2059, is the early time to conduct the disorderly high information content password of arrangement by the quantum algorithm, only then can return to original state through the specific algorithm formula. Theoretically, without Code Book, by the secrecy of quantum algorithm, this information to the decipher technology of same time is the non-solution.” 诺依曼密码,诞生于2059年,属于早期由量子算法进行编排的无序高信息量密码,只有通过特定的算法公式才能进行还原。理论上,如果没有密码本,以量子算法的保密性,这段信息对同时代的解密技术来说是无解的。” Hears the Jane's words, Jiang Chen first stares, immediately looks joyfully to nearby Jane. 听到简的话,江晨先是一愣,立刻欣喜地看向了旁边的 Wait, you mean, knows how should crack this password?” “等等,你的意思是,知道该如何破解这密码?” Jane leaning leaning head, told Jiang Chen her to be able with the action. 偏了偏头,用行动告诉了江晨她可以。 Sees only the pupil in that holographic imaging, flashed through one string of quiet green data streams. Roughly a half minute, this felt embarrassed brave ** secret that a sentiment six century, by the Jane translation on holographic screen. 只见那全息影像中的瞳孔,闪过了一串幽绿色的数据流。约莫半分钟的时间,这段为难了英**情六处一个世纪的秘密,就被翻译在了全息屏幕上。 36,000 characters, deferred to the special algorithm to break up by rubbing the big section writing and graph, such as incantations, arrange the level under the Jane's direction. 3.6万个字符,被按照特殊的算法揉碎成大段的文字和图形,如一道道咒文,在简的指挥下排列成层。 When all information release, Jiang Chen in the right bottom surprise discovery of holographic screen, the data that these 36,000 characters release, reaches as high as 2.7 gb unexpectedly! 当所有信息释放完毕,江晨全息屏幕的右下角诧异地发现,这3.6万个字符释放出的数据,竟然高达2.7gb! This Your Mother, can break the code called the ghost! 尼玛的,能破译的了才叫出了鬼! „...... The volume, you determined that you haven't made a mistake?” Jiang Chen looks at the image on total information panel unbelievable, asked to Jane. “……额,你确定你没有弄错?”江晨难以置信地看着全息面板上的图像,向问道。 In breaking work, I moved to take the Quantum Computer 4.7% operation resources.” Jane returns lightly said. “在破译工作中,我调取了量子计算机4.7%的运算资源。”淡淡地回道。 Without operation strength that Quantum Computer that goes against heaven's will, without knowing translation formula, wants to decode the information on this Code Book is almost a impossible matter. Changes a view, even if knows this Code Book translation formula, wants to release the 2.7 gb document more than 36,000 characters, still event extremely difficult matter by pure handwork. 没有量子计算机那逆天的运算力,在不知道翻译公式的情况下,想要破解这密码本上的信息几乎是一件不可能的事。或者换个说法,即使是知道了这个密码本的翻译公式,想要将这3.6万多个字符释放成2.7gb的文件,以纯手工来说也事件极其困难的事。 These mathematical formula Jiang Chen cannot understand, but the graph he can actually recognize a general idea. 那些数学公式江晨看不懂,但图形他却能认个大概。 v2 rocket, the jet engine, the me163 comet interceptor aircraft and bv246 glide missile and ho- 229 experiment fights and original bullet(s) design proposals...... as well as some Jiang Chen searches for the strange gadget that the chart cannot obtain by search. Obviously, until the last minute, Germany cannot complete to the translation of this Code Book. v2火箭、喷气式发动机、me163彗星截击机、bv246滑翔导弹、ho-229试验战斗、原子弹设计方案……以及部分江晨就是搜图也搜不到的怪玩意儿。很显然,直到最后一刻,德国也没能完成对这个密码本的翻译。 Even if in keeping abreast of the situation of translation formula. 即使是在掌握着翻译公式的情况下。 Unbelievable, these Third Reich Black Technology, unexpectedly record in these 36,000 characters.” “难以置信,这些第三帝国黑科技,居然就记载在这3.6万个字符上。” Jiang Chen looks at holographic screen to hesitate the long time, finally changed to one to sigh lightly. 江晨看着全息屏幕沉吟了半晌,最终化作了一声轻叹。 Who can think, the entire Empire destiny, pins in such a booklet. However it is a pity that this booklet cannot save the Empire final destiny. 谁能想到,整个帝国的命运,都寄托在这么一个小册子上。然而遗憾的是,这个小册子并没能挽救帝国最后的命运。 Golden Apple and Code Book......” finger strikes gently on the arm rest of seat, Jiang Chen is recalling he and Lin Ling had discussed the issue about that Colony Ship. They through Klein Particle Wave to the Earth transmitting message of this dimension, and by the person receive of Wiley Society. 金苹果密码本……”手指轻轻地敲打在座椅的扶手上,江晨回忆着他和林玲曾经讨论过的关于那艘殖民舰的问题。他们通过克雷恩粒子波向这个次元的地球发射信号,并被维利会的人接收。 Lin Ling had told him, works information content and limited that simple and crude Golden Apple can receive. The significance that words then, this Code Book has was easy to understand. 林玲曾经告诉过他,做工简陋金苹果所能接收的信息量及其有限。如此一来的话,这个密码本存在的意义就很好懂了。 Golden Apple this small water pipe obviously is insufficient through the 2.7 g document, therefore that Colony Ship that enters Void, first passed to through Golden Apple these 36,000 characters the hand of state head, is passing on the translation character to Code Book. 金苹果这个“小水管”显然不足以通过2.7g的文件,于是那艘进入虚空殖民舰,先是将这3.6万个字符通过金苹果传到了元首的手中,在传过来了翻译字符对的密码本 Is equivalent to this 2.7 g file compression wrapped gift, then decompression tool and compression package threw together. 相当于将这2.7g的文件压缩封包,然后将解压工具和压缩包一起扔了过来。 Although does not know that for what reason, the person on Colony Ship chose Germany to take their benefit spokesmen, but their abacuses have hit obviously spatially. Even had these Black Technology, Third Reich perished as in two Superpower to steel mighty current. 虽然不知道出于何种理由,殖民舰上的人选择了德国作为他们的利益代言人,但显然他们的算盘都已经打空了。即使拥有了这些黑科技,第三帝国依旧灭亡在了两个超级大国对的钢铁洪流中。 These Black Technology base on the 40 age obviously the background technology, putting could not have said that now was Black Technology. Casual rocket engine, can end to explode on this v2 rocket that type of antique. 这些黑科技显然都是基于四十年代的背景的技术,放到现在已经称不上是黑科技了。随随便便一个火箭发动机,也能完爆这上面v2火箭那种老古董。 Realized this, Jiang Chen slightly somewhat is unavoidably disappointed. 意识到了这点,江晨不免稍稍有些失望。 He was also counting on can find some interesting gadget from this note, for example Black Technology from Void. However these lost Survivor in Void as if to consider, the advanced science and technology not only will not have the benign effect on Third Reich, will make it pour into the large amounts of scientific research resources on the contrary in the insignificant project. Probably throws to Einstein one group of nuclear fusion equations, he is impossible to cross original bullet(s) to make hydrogen bomb to be the same. 他原本还指望着能从这本笔记中找到些有趣的玩意儿,比如来自虚空中的黑科技。不过那些迷失在虚空中的幸存者似乎考虑到了,过于超前的科技非但不会对第三帝国产生良性的影响,反倒会使其倾注大量的科研资源在无意义的项目上。就好像扔给爱因斯坦一组核聚变方程,他也不可能越过原子弹造出氢弹一样。 Even but if has no Black Technology, the good and evil still comes to select the Third Reich buried treasure and so on gadget! Although Jiang Chen he does not lack this money now, but did not inquire about that for the buried treasure that the world knows, that is the romantic of boy! 可即便没有什么黑科技,好歹也来点第三帝国的宝藏之类的玩意儿啊!虽然江晨他现在不缺这点钱,但探寻不为世人所知的宝藏,那可是男孩子的浪漫! Finger hundred bored has delimited holographic screen, all various professions the eliminated technology from has delimited at present. 手指百无聊奈地划过了全息屏幕,一行行已经被淘汰的技术从眼前划过。 However is having the yawn in him, turned the last chart time, he was actually shocked suddenly. 然而就在他打着哈欠,翻到了最后一张图的时候,他却是突然愣住了。 What on holographic screen is drawing is Fortress, in Fortress situated in glaciers. lost people in these Void, not only offered the weapon to the Third Reich state head, but also offered a castle for him...... blueprint. 全息屏幕上画着的是一座堡垒,位于冰川雪山之中的堡垒。那些虚空中的遗民,不但向第三帝国的元首献上了武器,还为他献上了一座城堡……的设计图。 How should conduct the construction, in this blueprint already detailed that very records, even the working place will write above clearly. 该如何进行施工,在这张图纸上已经记载的很详细,甚至将施工地点都明明白白地写在了上面。 The Jiang Chen's vision has swept the final two lines of image, caught three key words. 江晨的目光扫过了图像的最后两行,捕捉到了三个关键字。 Sanctuary, South Pole and providing against contingencies. 避难所南极、以防万一。 Provides against contingencies? 以防万一? Jiang Chen frowns slightly. 江晨微微皱起了眉头。 What is looking at?” “在看什么呢?” The gate of study room shoved open, threw over the loose white bath towel, Ayesha is carrying the coffee to arrive at side Jiang Chen's. She who just had/left the bath, on the fair neck moistened pearl to result in the water drop, that played musical instruments the flesh that may break seemed the tofu to be tender and delicate. 书房的门推开了,披着宽松的白色浴巾,阿伊莎端着咖啡走到了江晨的身边。刚刚出浴的她,白皙的脖子上沾着珍珠似得水珠,那吹弹可破的肌肤就好似豆腐般娇嫩。 Pushed to holographic screen one side, Jiang Chen has transferred the chair, the result the coffee from her hand, carried to sip the mouth gently. 全息屏幕推向了一边,江晨转过椅子,从她的手中结果了咖啡,端起来轻轻抿了口。 The sweet bitter taste spreads with the taste bud, relaxes the nerve that he racked brains, as well as that tight brow. 甘甜的苦味随着味蕾扩散,舒缓了他苦思冥想的神经,以及那绷紧的眉头。 Puts down the coffee, Jiang Chen looked with a smile to clever Ayesha, said in a soft voice. 将咖啡放下,江晨笑着看向了乖巧的阿伊莎,轻声说道。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Ayesha purses the lips to smile, bends down the petite and wonderful graceful body, kissed the mouth before his volume gently. 阿伊莎抿嘴微笑,俯下娇小而妙曼的身子,在他的额前轻轻地吻了口。 Earlier rests, dear.” “早点睡吧,亲爱的。” Was brought back that string in heart by this loving kiss, the Jiang Chen heart also burnt gradually the flame of fluttering flags. 被这充满爱意的吻勾起了心中的那根弦,江晨心头也是渐渐燃烧起了旖旎的火焰。 Em, rests again after a while.” Patted the racket in the waist of Ayesha gently, Jiang Chen set out from the chair, approaches near her ear to blow the tone gently, went to the bedroom I.”( To be continued.) “恩,再过一会儿就去睡。”轻轻在阿伊莎的后腰拍了拍,江晨从椅子上起身,凑近了她的耳边轻轻吹了口气,“去卧室等我。”(未完待续。)
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