IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#766: Code Book from Berlin

This Code Book from Berlin, is donated by generous Mr. Woodley Fergus. Mentioned this Code Book origin, but must trace 70 many years ago. As Churchill's translation, after Hugh Lancy is considered as captures Berlin, first is allowed to enter British of bunker Hitler hides. In that is cloudy and in the wet bunker, he was informed by the Soviet Union sentry, he can take something to bring back to London to take commemorating from the bunker. In the Hitler conference room, he took away Bruckhaus encyclopedia one volume, as well as this was placed Code Book on bookshelf.” “这个密码本来自柏林,由慷慨的伍莱·弗格斯先生捐赠。说起这个密码本的来历,还得追溯到七十多年前。作为邱吉尔的翻译,休·朗西被认为是攻陷柏林后,第一个被允许进入希特勒藏身的地堡的英国人。在那座又阴又湿的地堡中,他被苏联哨兵告知,他可以从地堡中拿一些东西带回伦敦作为纪念。在希特勒的会议室中,他拿走了布鲁克豪斯百科全书其中的一卷,以及这个被放在了书架上的密码本。” „After returning to homeland, he transmitted Code Book to Churchill, but this Code Book had not attached great importance. The war had won, what kind of information regardless of above records, regarding has defeated devil British, this is unimportant. After symbolically does broke the work, this Code Book then with other souvenirs together sent in London museum. After going through, this Code Book to a collector hand from Berlin , is also our generous Mr. Woodley Fergus.” “回国后,他将密码本转交给了丘吉尔,不过这个密码本并未受到重视。战争已经胜利了,无论上面记载着怎样的情报,对于已经战胜恶魔英国人来说,这都已经不重要了。在象征性地做了破译工作后,这个密码本便被与其它纪念品一道被送入了伦敦博物馆中。后来几经辗转,这个密码本到了一位来自柏林的收藏家手中,也就是我们慷慨的伍莱·弗格斯先生。” Was saying at the same time, host looked with smile on the face to Woodley Fergus, the latter also nods with a smile, expressed that did not use politely. 说着的同时,主持人面带微笑地看向了伍莱·弗格斯,后者也笑着点了点头,表示不用客气。 No one knows that above writes anything, the chaotic character seems like the doodle of lunatic. If it is not some leader at the final moment nonsense, he buries what startled day secret...... these is not unimportant inevitably. It once belonged to devil, but it will be used in the great enterprise now. Starting bid price 1 million USD, cannot increase price less than 100,000 each time, will auction obtained will be used to rescue these because of the war, but homeless person!” “没人知道上面写着什么,杂乱无章的字符就好像是疯子的涂鸦。如果它不是某个领袖在最后时刻的胡言乱语,那他必然埋藏着什么惊天的秘闻……不过这些都已经不重要了。它曾属于一位恶魔,但现在它将被用于伟大的事业。起拍价一百万美元,每次加价不得少于十万,拍卖所得将被全部用于救助那些因战争而无家可归的人!” The words should just fall, under the stage then some people held up the sign. 话应刚落,台下便有人举起了牌子。 1 million! Thank this first , god, 2 million! Mr. Fergus from Paris increases price directly 1 million USD! Thank your generous......” 一百万!感谢这位先,哦,天啊,两百万!来自巴黎弗格斯先生直接加价一百万美元!感谢您的慷慨……” The auction is conducted in the public way, to each bidder, regardless of increases price many, host will offer the blessing the words. Perhaps increased price time of financial resource daunting by this Mr. Fergus directly, the hammer in host hand knocked two no one to hold up the display board. 拍卖以公开的方式进行,对每位竞拍者,无论加价多少,主持人都会献上祝福的话语。或许是被这位弗格斯先生直接加价一倍的财力给吓住了,主持人手中的锤子敲了两下都没有人举牌。 Jiang Chen glanced the Carmen Rothschild direction, sees only him indifferently the red wine, as if in the appearance that this commodity is not interested. 江晨瞟了眼卡门·罗斯柴尔德的方向,只见他正无动于衷地品着红酒,似乎对这件商品不怎么感兴趣的样子。 Also has the buyer of being interested? If no, 3 million!” “还有没有感兴趣的买家?如果没有的话,三百万!” Jiang Chen held up the sign. 江晨举起了牌子。 3 million one time! 3 million two! Three times! Deal! Thank Mr. Jiang Chen, your generous will be always remembered by everyone!” 三百万一次!三百万两次!三次!成交!感谢江晨先生,您的慷慨会被所有人铭记!” 3 million buys a notebook, looked like in the people who do not know the truth eats to the full supported is being all right to do. Collection of no artistic value, the final home to return to are most is historical museum, not by too many appreciation space. However this is at the evening charity reception, no one believes that look to the Jiang Chen's line of sight, more commends and blessing. 三百万买个笔记本,在不明真相的人看来是吃饱了撑着没事干。毫无艺术价值的收藏品,最终的归宿最多是历史博物馆,不会由太多的升值空间。然而这是在慈善晚会上,没人会这么认为,那一道道望向江晨的视线中,更多的都是赞许与祝福。 Everyone believes, he from the heart wants to make anything for these poverty-stricken people, therefore increases price directly 1 million, asked for the 3 million USD high price. 所有人都认为,他是发自内心地想要为那些穷苦的人做些什么,所以才直接加价一百万,开出了三百万美元的高价。 Two people do not believe, one is Jiang Chen, but another sits in Rothschild of conference site that head. 只有两个人不这么认为,一个是江晨自己,而另一个则是坐在会场那头的罗斯柴尔德 Auction continues, bidding actually no interesting thing that but then displays. Jiang Chen paid attention to under that side Carmen, besides oneself have used that fountain pen, he only patted two things. Western European Knight armor of 15 century, a restaurant that is located in Croatia. 拍卖会继续进行,不过接下来展出的竞拍品却没什么有趣的东西了。江晨关注了下卡门那边,除了自己用过的那支钢笔外,他只拍了两件东西。一件十五世纪的西欧骑士甲,一座位于克罗地亚的酒庄。 Actually Jiang Chen is very interested in that restaurant, but changes mind thinks, Croatia seems located in Balkan Peninsula, his thought then pale many. 其实江晨对那个酒庄挺感兴趣的,不过转念一想,克罗地亚似乎位于巴尔干半岛,他这个念头便淡了不少。 Balkan Peninsula seems like the refugee's gateway to Europe, now is chaotic does not make sense. Buys a restaurant in this place, Jiang Chen felt oneself only feared that also no interest goes to that side to take vacation. Moreover said, he as if bought the engineer brigade that a golf club that in Japan is located in Mount Fuji, he hires is changing to the non- opening to the outside world that golf club personal Manor. 巴尔干半岛似乎是难民通往欧洲的门户,现在更是乱的不像话。在这地方买上一座酒庄,江晨觉得自己只怕也没什么兴趣去那边度假。而且说起来,他似乎才在日国买下了一座位于富士山脚下的高尔夫球场,他雇佣的工程队正在将那座高尔夫球场改成不对外开放的私人庄园 Waits after a period of time, to hire several gardeners again, plants a piece of grapevine in that Manor, we also make a restaurant to play anything. 等过段时间,再雇几个园丁,在那个庄园里种上一片葡萄树,咱也弄个酒庄玩玩什么的。 When Jiang Chen is thinking, Mr. Rothschild had defeated the bidding opponent by 9000 ten thousand USD, successfully patted that Manor. 就在江晨这么想着的时候,罗斯柴尔德先生已经以九千美元战胜了竞拍对手,成功拍下了那座庄园 Auction came to an end, Adam Galloway read out the fund that this Auction raised to the guest on the scene, altogether 420,000,000 USD. Receives the public principle, Mr. Galloway pledged to people according to the convention, would and other in international United Nations Children's Fund and international Red Cross the official sites of charities, can the real-time monitoring the whereabouts of this great sum of money, the invitation people from various circles jointly supervise. 拍卖会宣告结束,亚当·嘉乐威向在场的宾客宣读了本次拍卖会筹集到的资金,一共4.2亿美元.秉承公开的原则,嘉乐威先生按照惯例向人们承诺,在国际儿童基金会、国际红十字总会等多家慈善机构的官网,都能够实时监控到这笔巨款的去向,邀请社会各界人士共同监督。 Finally, he thanked Jiang Chen and Rothschild again and other generous entrepreneurs. Especially Jiang Chen and Rothschild, these two donations add, is almost equivalent to the audience to raise the fund half. 最后,他再次感谢了江晨罗斯柴尔德等慷慨的企业家。尤其是江晨罗斯柴尔德,这两人的捐款加起来,几乎就相当于全场筹集到资金的一半。 After the party ended, Jiang Chen on going to the road of elevator bumped into was going to Rothschild of elevator similarly. 在晚会结束后,江晨在去电梯的路上碰到了同样正前往电梯的罗斯柴尔德 „Is that interesting thing that therefore , you said actually what?” “所以说,你说的那个有趣的东西究竟是什么?” „Haven't you patted?” Carmen said with a smile. “你不是已经拍到了吗?”卡门笑着说道。 You refer to that 110,000,000 USD picture, that state head had once used doodle itself.” “你指的是那副1.1亿美元的画,还是那个元首曾用过的涂鸦本。” hā hā, you may really be humorous,” Carmen has not held, smiles to make noise, that is not the doodle itself, but was the original of last century unsolved mystery. Some people said that above records a Third Reich unknown secret. Some also say that is Treasure Map. brave ** sentiment six have not given up to deciphering of Code Book, the reprint lying down in the secret records depository. Naturally, what a little host said is right, that is still no one can solve the secret that on this Code Book records.” 哈哈,你可真是幽默,”卡门没憋住,笑出了声来,“那可不是什么涂鸦本,而是上世纪未解之谜的原件。有人说,那上面记载着一段第三帝国不为人知的秘密。也有人说,那是一张藏宝图。英**情六处从来没放弃过对密码本的破译,复印本一直躺在机密档案库中。当然,有一点主持人说的是对的,那就是至今没有人能够破解这密码本上记载的秘密。” You think that I can decode?” Jiang Chen cracks a joke saying that you too overestimated my strength. Only feared that this original to my hand, same lies down in the records depository falls the grey destiny.” “你认为我能破解?”江晨开玩笑道,“你太高估我的实力了。只怕这个原件到了我手上,一样是躺在档案库里落灰的命运。” That was not my issue,” Carmen hā hā laughed, looks that Jiang Chen ridiculed saying that I said this was an interesting gadget, but I had not said you can certainly find the Nazi buried treasure.” “那就不是我的问题了,”卡门哈哈大笑,看着江晨揶揄道,“我只是说这是个有趣的玩意儿,但我可没说你一定能找到纳.粹的宝藏。” The value on Auction patting surpasses the 1 million thing, generally will be under the charge to specifically the sending under custody personnel, in family/home that bidding will deliver to the winner. However at the Jiang Chen's request, he after paying money, took Code Book from auctioneer there directly. 拍卖会上拍到的价值超过百万的东西,一般会由专门的押送人员负责,将竞拍品送到得主的家中。不过在江晨的要求下,他在付完款项后,直接从拍卖方那里取走了密码本 Returned to the hotel Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen brought that 3 million USD Code Book to return to him the residence situated in Central Building attic. 夏诗雨送回了酒店,江晨带着那个三百万美元密码本回到了他位于中央大厦顶楼的住所。 When going home, Ayesha had put away the taking a bath water for him, the water temperature is just right. 当回到家时,阿伊莎已经替他放好了洗澡水,水温正好合适。 Under taking care of Ayesha, Jiang Chen took a relaxed happy bath. Bound the bath towel to return to the study room from the bathroom, has taken the briefcase that thought of Code Book, Jiang Chen sat at the desk directly. 阿伊莎的服侍下,江晨泡了个轻松愉快的澡。裹着浴巾从浴室中回到了书房,取过装着密码本的公文包,江晨直接坐在了书桌旁。 The black grey boasting, covered the dust of history. 黑灰色的牛皮,蒙上了历史的尘埃。 In the Code Book title page anything has not written, can only in the title page among sees small Swastika Flag that carves......( to be continued.) 密码本的封面上什么也没写,只能在封面的正中间看见一个镂刻出来的小小的万字旗……(未完待续。)
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