IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#765: Auction

Really irritated me!” “真是气死我了!” Rode the elevator to return to the surface, Berkeley to curse meddlesome Jiang Chen in the heart ruthlessly, curses Emma that is making him lose face. He remembers vaguely, when his dingy to field, what kind of one line of sight the surrounding person uses to visit him. 乘坐电梯回到了地表,贝克莱在心中狠狠地诅咒着多管闲事的江晨,诅咒着让他出丑的艾玛。他依稀记得,当他灰溜溜的离场的时候,周围的人是用着怎样的一种视线在看着他。 He also never has vexed so! 他还从来没有如此的窝囊过! A Porsche stops in the roadside, saw that own young master walks, the driver gets out to open the vehicle door for him immediately. 一辆保时捷停在路旁,见到自己的少爷走来,司机立刻下车为他拉开了车门。 Compared just open several days, the vehicles on Penglai City road were many much. The cruise bringing garages of some rich and powerful people, which the ship arrives, the car(riage) can arrive. But Berkeley is this kind obviously, comes Penglai City time, he is sets sail from the personal harbor of California directly. 相比起刚开放的那几天,蓬莱市公路上的车辆多了不少。有些富豪的游轮自带车库,船开到哪,车就能开到哪。而贝克莱显然就属于这类,来蓬莱市的时候,他是直接从加利福利亚的私人港口启航的。 Sat on the vehicle, the Berkeley whole face was gloomy. 一屁股坐在了车上,贝克莱满脸阴沉。 Drives, returns to the hotel.” “开车,回酒店。” Yes.” “是。” Seeing the young master is sad, the driver can guess correctly with the toe, he definitely experienced some not happy matter at the banquet. As a professional lackey, this is for the good opportunity that the young master shares sorrow! The car(riage) arrives at half, was supposing Berkeley was slightly happy to select, the driver probed is opening the mouth to ask. 见少爷心情不好,司机用脚趾头都能猜到,他肯定是在宴会上遇到了些不愉快的事。身为一名职业狗腿子,这正是为少爷分忧的好机会!车开到一半,估摸着贝克莱的心情稍微好点了,司机试探着开口问道。 Young Master Berkeley, is actually whose such big courage, dares to make you is not unhappy?” 贝克莱少爷,究竟是谁这么大的胆子,敢闹得你不开心?” Jiang Chen.” Berkeley said lightly. 江晨。”贝克莱淡淡地说道。 The driver hit to tremble immediately. 司机顿时打了个哆嗦。 Your Mother, this fundamental non-solution! 尼玛,这根本无解! However quick, Berkeley supplemented the sentence lightly. 然而很快,贝克莱又淡淡地补充了句。 Emma.” “还有艾玛。” Said the cause and effect and his driver named Tate, Berkeley then depended on the seat no longer spoke. Does obeisance this Emma to bestow, he must think now well how should explain to his father. After all his father, looks at compares anything the face to be important. 将前因后果和他这位名叫泰特的司机说了一遍,贝克莱便靠在了座椅上不再说话。拜这艾玛所赐,他现在还得好好想想,该怎么向他的父亲解释。毕竟他那个父亲,将面子看得比什么都重要。 Even to finally, him does not have the least bit wrong is actually own determination. 即使是到最后,他也没有半点错的其实是自己的自觉。 Has Jiang Chen this protective umbrella, this Emma truly no one active. However this cannot baffle Tate, before giving this person silly money many little young masters drives, he is the Hollywood paparazzi reporter. In order to ask for that wage, what underhanded method he hasn't experienced? 有着江晨这顶保护伞,这艾玛确实没人能动的了。然而这难不倒泰特,在给这位人傻钱多的小少爷开车之前,他可是好莱坞的狗仔队记者。为了讨那份薪水,什么下作的手段他没见识过? The eyeball transferred the revolutions, Tate holds the steering wheel, while lowered the sound leaning under. 眼珠子转了转,泰特一边扶着方向盘,一边压低声音偏了下头。 Young master, I have one move.” “少爷,我有一招。” Said.” Berkeley did not say patiently. “说。”贝克莱不耐烦地说道。 Since this table depends protective umbrella on the top of the head to act in a self-serving manner, your we first cast off this the gold/metal umbrella, then moves her person. Only needed......” Tate to pull down the form, at Berkeley nearby low voice whisper several. “既然这表子仗着自己头顶上的保护伞为所欲为,你那我们就先摘掉她这把金伞,再动她的人。只需……”泰特压低了身影,在贝克莱旁边小声耳语了几句。 After listening, the eye of Berkeley is getting more and more bright, suddenly hā hā laughed patted under the thigh. 听完之后,贝克莱的眼睛越来越亮,突然哈哈大笑地拍了下大腿。 hā hā, Tate,” Berkeley cancels the shoulder of Tate, hā hā is laughing saying that your boy really was too bad!” 哈哈,泰特,”贝克莱勾着泰特的肩膀,哈哈大笑道,“你小子简直是太坏了!” In a flash, the bad mood sweeps away from his mind. 一瞬间,坏心情从他的脑海里一扫而空。 Just wait! The father will make you pay the price! 等着吧!老子会让你付出代价! Berkeley licked the licking lips corner/horn, he has started to equal in the heart, waits to take that arrogant young girl, how should suffer her. 贝克莱舔了舔嘴角,他已经开始在心中合计着,等将那个高傲的小妞弄到手,该怎么去折磨她了。 ...... …… The waiters removed the dazzling prepared food, after exchanging the fine and delicious meal, dessert. Sweet but not the greasy ice cream is stimulating the Jiang Chen's taste bud, he who even if not like eating the sweets very much, cannot help but fell in love with this ice cream that cannot name the character. 侍者们撤下了琳琅满目的熟食,换上了精致而美味的餐后甜点。甜而不腻的冰淇淋刺激着江晨的味蕾,即便不是很喜欢吃甜食的他,都不由自主地爱上了这个叫不出名字的冰淇淋。 Jiang Chen decides secretly, after the party ended, must go to the kitchen to give to attain the formula of this ice cream, then made Ayesha learn to do eats to him. 江晨暗暗打定了主意,等晚会结束后,一定要去厨房把这冰淇淋的配方给拿到,然后让阿伊莎学会了做给他吃。 Finished attending the dessert, the guests almost also enjoyed oneself to the full, but this party also entered finally and is also most essential link charitable Auction. 上完了甜点,众宾客差不多也都尽兴了,而这场晚会也进入了最后、也是最关键的环节慈善拍卖会 The thing that on Auction bids, the donations from various group of people from all walks of life, for example Jiang Chen contributes he had used the fountain pen, marked price 100,000 USD. Compares Julian Schnabel «Pearl on the Pacific Ocean», a fountain pen without doubt was somewhat poor. However this Auction important did not sell anything, but contributed how much money finally. 拍卖会上竞拍的物件,都是来自各行各界人士的捐赠,比如江晨就捐了一支他曾经用过的钢笔,标价十万美元。相比起朱利安·施纳贝尔的《太平洋上的珍珠》,一支钢笔无疑是有些寒酸了。不过这拍卖会重要的不是卖了什么,而是最终捐了多少钱。 Because is Auction of charitable nature, sits here also mostly is the honored and popular successful person, in the racket the commodity, the organizer bulletin is leaving bids the name of winner, to satisfy the vanity of these contributors. 因为是慈善性质的拍卖会,坐在这里的也大多是有头有脸的成功人士,在拍中商品之后,主办方会报出竞拍得主的名字,以满足这些捐赠者的虚荣心。 Under receiving and instructing of waiter, Jiang Chen and Xia Shiyu arrived in the conference site in next door, sat on the seat of conference site corner. 在侍者的接引下,江晨夏诗雨来到了隔壁的会场内,坐在了会场角落的位子上。 The guests have taken a seat, stand then close in entrance Envoy gently. 宾客都已经入座,站在门口的使者便轻轻关上了门。 Saw almost when the time comes, host Mr. Galloway of party took the stage, grasped the microphone to cough gently, then looked with smile on the face to the honored guest on the scene. 见差不多到时候了,晚会的主持人嘉乐威先生走上了舞台,握着话筒轻轻咳嗽了下,然后面带微笑地看向了在场的嘉宾。 „Very happy, thanks very much can see today here, we gather for the same goal here, for person who these need to help......” “很高兴,也很感谢今天能在这里看到诸位,我们为了同一个目的而聚集在这里,为那些需要帮助的人……” The prologue slight highlight, has not had the sad day to pity the person mood regarding Jiang Chen this one who opposes the belief of God, the content that Galloway said that has not aroused his interest. Compares charitable, what he cares is can pat from this Auction to any interesting gadget. 开场白没有丝毫的亮点,对于江晨这个没有悲天怜人情怀的无神论者,嘉乐威所说的内容并没有引起他的兴趣。相比起慈善,他更在意的是能从这场拍卖会上拍到什么有趣的玩意儿。 Without letting Jiang Chen is disappointed, when this Mr. Galloway said the concluding remark, the beautiful woman who side wear United Nations United Nations Children's Fund can take then walks up, in the hand holds in red brocade wooden box, is lying down a seemingly antique teacup. 没有让江晨失望,当这位嘉乐威先生说出了结束语,旁边穿着联合国儿童基金会会服的美女便走上前来,手中托着的红锦木盒中,躺着一件看上去古色古香的茶杯。 Victoria Queen had once used teacup, with a history of 200 years, the contributor is came from London Duke Edward, starting bid price 5,000,000 USD!” 维多利亚女王曾用过的茶杯,两百,捐赠者是来自伦敦爱德华公爵,起拍价500万美元!” In the conference site broke out the applause, people sent to oneself respect to this generous Duke, then held up the bidding sign in hand. 会场里响起了掌声,人们向这位慷慨的公爵送去了自己的敬意,然后举起了手中的竞价牌。 Finally, this once by Queen has used the teacup, by the sky-high price deal of 17,000,000 USD. 最终,这个曾被女王用过的茶杯,以1700万美元的天价成交。 Second is also an antique, don't even go there. 第二件也是个古董,没什么好说的。 Arrived third, Jiang Chen hit mental immediately. 到了第三件,江晨顿时打起了精神 Because will soon auction, that he has used fountain pen, starting bid price 100,000 USD! 因为即将拍卖的,正是那支他用过的钢笔,起拍价十万美元 To be honest, actually to lay out what kind of price regarding this fountain pen, he very anticipates. However reality actually very brutal, in the auction market calm two seconds, unexpectedly no one shouted out the price. Saw that own fountain pen must flow the racket, the Jiang Chen's expression was awkward immediately. 老实说,对于这支钢笔究竟会拍出怎样的价格,他还是挺期待的。然而现实却是非常的残酷,拍卖场内安静了两秒,竟然没人叫价。眼看着自己的钢笔就要流拍,江晨的表情顿时尴尬了。 Lay a trough, this compelled to install a little excessively! 卧了个槽的,这个逼装得有点过头了! Looks the appearance that Jiang Chen admits defeat, Xia Shiyu is sipping the curved mouth, feels somewhat funnily. 看着江晨吃瘪的样子,夏诗雨抿着弯弯的嘴,不禁感到有些好笑。 Has taken the sign, she wrote down one string of zeros above conveniently, is preparing to pat this fountain pen for him. 取过了牌子,她在上面随手写下了一串零,正准备替他拍下这支钢笔。 However at this moment, another side of conference site held up the sign, host will look at that side immediately, called out in alarm said. 不过就在这时,会场的另一边举起了牌子,主持人顿时将目光投向了那边,惊呼道。 1 million USD! Increases price directly ten times! Bids winner Carmen Rothschild! Let us the applause, gives to this generous mister, gives this generous household......” 一百万美元!直接加价十倍!竞拍得主卡门·罗斯柴尔德!让我们将掌声,送给这位慷慨的先生,送给这个慷慨的家族……” The applause resounding, Jiang Chen feels somewhat embarrassed. 掌声啪啪啪的响起,江晨却是觉得有些不好意思。 At this time he noticed, sat is smiling to him in that Carmen, raised glass distantly. 这时他注意到,坐在那的卡门正向他微笑,遥遥举杯。 Good, finally has to judge the quality of goods. 好吧,总算有个识货的。 The fourth commodity is next to last act «Pearl on the Pacific Ocean», caused wave of small climax on Auction, starting bid price 5 million USD, cannot increase price less than 100,000 each time. However drew just to suspend, was not pressed the common sense to play a card by some nouveau riche directly increases price one time, 10 million USD! 第四件商品是压轴的《太平洋上的珍珠》,在拍卖会上引起了一波小高.潮,起拍价五百万美元,每次加价不得少于十万。然而画刚一摆出来,便被某个土豪直接不按常理出牌地加价一倍,一千万美元 However very much what is a pity, his competitor is Jiang Chen. 然而很可惜的是,他的竞争对手是江晨 After a contest, when the third tone hammer sound falls, this picture finally by the high price deal of 110,000,000 USD, by Jiang Chen eating. A picture sold 110,000,000 USD, even if guest many rich men on the scene, but is flabbergasted for this terrorist|terrifying rate unavoidably. 一番较量后,当第三声锤音落下,这幅画最终以1.1亿美元的高价成交,被江晨给吃了下来。一幅画卖出了1.1亿美元,纵使在场宾客不乏有钱人,但还是不免为这恐怖的成交价而咋舌。 Many celebrity renowned young women threw the line of sight of bare naked to Jiang Chen, to sitting threw in his nearby Xia Shiyu by the envy of naked, the one who wished one could to sit there was oneself. 不少明星名媛更是向江晨投去了赤果的视线,同时也对坐在他旁边的夏诗雨投以了赤果果的嫉妒,恨不得坐在那里的是自己。 The fifth commodity arrives, immediately attracted the Jiang Chen's attention. 第五件商品登场,顿时吸引了江晨的注意。 That is a common notebook. 那是一个毫不起眼的笔记本。 Accurate, that is Code Book. 准确的来说,那是一个密码本 But this Code Book origin, has slightly selects specially......( to be continued.) 而这密码本的来历,稍微有那么点特殊……(未完待续。)
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