IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#764: Again with Emma

Lewis Household is not what prestigious family in California, is not any resounding name in the United States upper circles of society, but its household wealth actually in entire California can arrange on number. Made a wealth taking advantage of the China overseas property upsurge, its family lord Pound Lewis because of having the stock of dream real estate total 700,000,000 USD market value, before reaching Forbes wealth list, 30. 刘易斯家族加州算不上什么名门,在美国上流社会中也不算不上什么响亮的名字,但其家族的财富却是在整个加州都能排的上号。借着华国的海外置业热潮发了一笔财,其家主庞德·刘易斯因持有梦想地产共计7亿美元市值的股票,荣登福布斯财富榜前三十 Only is rich, that at most is nouveau riche. To toot one's own horn to oneself, Pound collects toward the circles of these upper circles of society in a lot. Once again, he to walk that the red carpet of Oscar, but also flower 1,000,000,000 US Dollar became the Warner Bros Company shareholder especially. Like the World Grade evening charity reception, he will certainly not miss. 光是有钱,那顶多算个暴发户。为了给自己脸上贴金,庞德没少往这些上流社会的圈子里凑。又一次,他为了走那奥斯卡的红地毯,还特地花了10亿美金成为了华纳兄弟公司的股东。像这样的世界级慈善晚会,他当然不会错过。 However because the reason in business, he does not have the time to go personally, therefore sent own son Berkeley Lewis, replaces him to attend this evening charity reception. 不过因为生意上的原因,他本人并没时间亲自前往,于是派了自己的儿子贝克莱·刘易斯,代替他参加这次慈善晚会。 However compares his father where to find money, Berkeley Lewis without doubt is a having neither learning nor skill bastard. All day except for opening his father is seeking pleasure for the race car that he buys everywhere, everywhere and Hollywood young girl boy mixes up taking advantage of his father's name, is out-and-out flower Childe. 然而相比起他那有钱的父亲,贝克莱·刘易斯无疑是个不学无术的混蛋。整天除了开着他父亲给他买的跑车四处寻欢作乐,就是借着他父亲的名字到处和好莱坞的小妞厮混在一起,是个不折不扣的花花公子 After seeing Emma Watson, he immediately by her noble elegantly beautiful makings attracting, therefore puts forth the saying something to smooth things over trick that habitually used, goes forward to invite her to dance a dance. However unfortunately, Emma has not given his father's face, rejected his invitation tactfully. 在见到艾玛·沃特森之后,他立刻被她那高贵冷艳的气质给吸引了,于是使出了那惯用的搭讪伎俩,上前邀请她跳支舞。然而不幸的是,艾玛并没有给他老爹的面子,委婉地拒绝了他的邀请。 Had once published the woman of women's rights speech as one in United Nations, Emma not because his father hangs in Forbes wealth list lowers the head. Berkeley good reputation in Hollywood is not the secret, regarding this flower Childe, she is the instinct feels the dislike. 身为一名曾在联合国发表过女权演讲的女人,艾玛可不会因为他老爹是挂在福布斯财富榜上而低头。贝克莱的“好名声”在好莱坞也不是什么秘闻,对于这种花花公子,她是本能地感到厌恶。 As for the Warner Bros shareholder? 至于华纳兄弟的股东? Warner Bros shareholder many went, said that 20 came a little to be few. The United States company universal share is loose, 10% stocks can enter Board of Directors, 30% stocks enough became Chairman of the Board. 华纳兄弟的股东多的去了,说二十来个都有点少了。美国公司普遍股权结构松散,10%的股份就能进董事会,30%的股份都足够当上董事长了。 However Mr. Berkeley has not expected obviously, oneself will be given simple of such rejection by second-tier movie stars unexpectedly. Uses to bring obvious in him. The spoken language of suggestion harasses Emma again and again, and also wants to put out a hand to hug finally when her shoulder, exasperated Emma erupted finally, sprinkled his face the champagne. 然而贝克莱先生显然没有料到,自己居然会被一个二线影星给拒绝的这么干脆。就在他用带着明显性.暗示的言语三番五次地骚扰艾玛,并最终还想伸出手搂在她肩膀上时,忍无可忍的艾玛终于爆发了,将香槟泼了他一脸。 When with the champagne, her hand did not overturn the crystal cup on table carefully, the sound that glass throws down and breaks, attracted the attention of surrounding guest. 在拿香槟的时候,她的手不小心打翻了桌上的水晶杯,以至于那玻璃摔碎的声音,吸引了周围宾客的视线。 Hit the bangs of gel to stick on the face, bringing the liquor juice of azure lemon taste following sending the tree top is low, was sprinkled a face by the champagne thoroughly, Berkeley Lewis compelled ignorant. The line of sight that all around surrounds, making him fall into the awkward vortex, ignorant in eye compelled to be replaced by the anger gradually. 原本打着发胶的刘海黏在了脸上,带着青柠味的酒汁顺着发梢低落,被香槟泼了一脸,贝克莱·刘易斯彻底懵逼了。四周围观的视线,让他陷入了尴尬的漩涡,眼中的懵逼渐渐被怒火所取代。 Recovers from the impulsion, the Emma's complexion also gradually became pale. 从冲动中回过神来,艾玛的脸色也渐渐变得苍白了起来。 At that time she sprinkled angrily, may calm down her then to realize suddenly, oneself as if somewhat did excessively. 当时她是一气之下就泼了上去,可冷静下来她便突然意识到,自己似乎有些做过头了。 Very good, very good......” the lip of air/Qi trembles, Berkeley is staring at Emma stubbornly, the haze that the vision could not say. “很好,很好……”气的嘴唇发抖,贝克莱死死地盯着艾玛,目光说不出的阴霾。 If not nearby some people looks, he only feared will unable to bear begin. 如果不是旁边有人看着,他只怕会忍不住动手。 However he cannot, begin to the female guest at the banquet, let alone he cannot throw this person, if this passes on, his being concerned about face-saving father can not chop him exactly! 但是他不能,在宴会上对女宾动手,别说他丢不起这个人,这要是传出去,他那个爱面子的老爸不得活劈了他! Saw Boss to be sprinkled a face, followed in side to the bodyguard walked up, looks that Emma said a word lightly. 老板被泼了一脸,跟在旁边对的保镖走上前来,看着艾玛淡淡地说了一个单词。 Apology.” “道歉。” The tall and strong muscle bulging, probably that the western-style clothes support an orangutan that wore person of clothes. Sees Emma not to respond, the bodyguard pinched tightly the fist unemotionally, the sound that pī pā made noise even more frightened the Emma complexion to be pale. 魁梧的肌肉将西服撑的鼓鼓囊囊的,就好像一只穿了人衣服的猩猩。见艾玛没反应,那保镖面无表情地捏紧了拳头,噼啪作响的声音吓得艾玛脸色愈发的苍白了。 Threatening the woman is not the action of gentleman.” “恐吓女士可不是绅士之举。” Arrived at side with a laugh, Jiang Chen had not gone to look at that bodyguard, but looked to that Mr. Lewis. 笑呵呵地走到了旁边,江晨没有去看那保镖,而是看向了那位刘易斯先生。 Sees some people to mind others' business, the Berkeley eyebrow selects, turns around to look to that person. When sees clearly the Jiang Chen's face, his face immediately is green. 见有人管闲事,贝克莱眉毛一挑,转身向那人看去。可当看清江晨的脸时,他的脸顿时绿了。 If one year ago some people had not known that Jiang Chen this face is excusable, but was brushed the screen some entire one year of people unable to recognize by various types of news his words, that can only say that he came apart with this time. 如果说一年前还有人不认识江晨这张脸还情有可原,但被各种新闻刷屏了整整一年还有人认不出来他的话,那只能说他与这个时代脱节了。 Berkeley also planned to put some aggressive statements, waited for California to ask several blacks to tidy up her again, but when saw Jiang Chen toward here station, he cancelled the thought that this made immediately. 原本贝克莱还打算放些狠话,等回了加州再找几个黑鬼去收拾她,可当看到江晨往这里一站,他顿时打消了这个作死的念头。 How Future Group said that is also and a Boston Financial Group rank, such colossus was not rich and powerful people on the Forbes wealth list can compared with. Others get angry to punch the person, this fellow got angry to punch a country. Annoyed this god of plague, let alone was his father, was ten fathers adds unable to save him! 未来人集团怎么说也是和波士顿财团一个级别的,这样的庞然大物可不是什么福布斯财富榜上的富豪们就能比得了的。别人发起火来揍人,这家伙发起火来揍了一个国家。惹上了这个瘟神,别说是他爸了,就是十个爸爸加起来也救不了他! Sorry.” “对不起。” Admits mistakes very much honestly, Berkeley lowered the head to pull under own bodyguard, left without delay. 很老实地认了个错,贝克莱低头扯了下自己的保镖,二话不说就走掉了。 Although he playboy, but is not silly. 他虽然纨绔,但也不傻。 Sees this Berkeley such dingily walked, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth bring back the happy expression at the same time, cannot help but feel somewhat bored. 见这贝克莱就这么灰溜溜的走了,江晨嘴角勾起笑意的同时,也不免觉得有些无聊。 Not the happy atmosphere dissipated quickly, the guest on the scene mostly was not the busybody, the party returned to the lively auspicious atmosphere. Sees that flower Childe to bring his bodyguard dingy leaving, Alex that is afraid of getting into trouble timidly relaxes finally, walks up, was comparing a middle finger to the back of two ruthlessly. 不愉快的气氛很快就消散了,在场的宾客大多也不是什么好事之徒,晚会重新回归了热闹祥和的氛围。见那个花花公子带着他的保镖灰溜溜的走掉,胆小怕事的亚历克斯终于松了口气,走上前来,对着那两人的背影狠狠比了个中指。 God, my elder sister, are you all right?” “上帝,我的姐姐,你没事吧?” How you did not come a moment ago!” Emma stared her younger brother one ruthlessly, the meaning of but not having blamed. “你刚才怎么不来!”艾玛狠狠地瞪了她弟弟一眼,不过却没有责怪的意思。 On her younger brother this small physique, ten refer to does not establish the capital city cannot win others finger. 就她弟弟这小身板,十个指不定都打不赢人家一个手指。 I......” Alex blushing flexure the back of the head, got a sudden inspiration, immediately carries out Jiang Chen smilingly, „wasn't my asks the reinforcement to go?” “我……”亚历克斯红着脸挠了挠后脑勺,灵机一动,立刻嬉皮笑脸地搬出了江晨,“我这不是去找救兵去了吗?” Emma and Jiang Chen to the line of sight, the right hand were holding the left arm, somewhat moved out of the way the line of sight embarrassed. 艾玛江晨对上了视线,右手抱着左臂,有些不好意思地挪开了视线。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” To be honest, she is hiding from him. Jiang Chen had not told her, electing her to play " Time-Space Iron Curtain » reason. Because actually not the self-sensation is good, the intuition that excessively protects oneself told her, he was possibly same as that man to oneself attempt a moment ago, was only the performance not that obvious. 老实说,她在躲着他。江晨一直没有告诉她,选她出演《时空铁幕》的理由。倒不是因为自我感觉良好,过度自我保护的直觉告诉她,他对自己的企图可能和刚才那个男人一样,只是表现的不是那么的明显。 Thinks of this, in her heart some taste of not being able to say. 想到这,她心中又有些说不出来的滋味儿。 If his unspoken rule, oneself really can reject the Berkeley energy, rejects him? 如果是他潜.规则自己,自己真的能够有拒绝贝克莱的底气,拒绝他吗? Have mixed feelings turns over to complex, this thanks is actually the say/way very sincere. Because she is very clear, if not Jiang Chen, perhaps even if perhaps oneself this pass/test, had waited for California not to feel better. 心情复杂归复杂,这声谢谢却是道的非常的真诚。因为她很清楚,如果不是江晨,恐怕自己就算过了这一关,等回了加州恐怕也不会好过。 You're welcome.” Jiang Chen smiles, he has not such thought so many to her actually, but saw that the acquaintance met troublesome helped conveniently, „before began, well under the consideration was quite good, after all you cannot count on that always so many some gentlemen of enjoying doing charitable things, worked for you fortunately.” “不用客气。”江晨笑了笑,他倒是没向她那样想那么多,只是见到熟人遇上了麻烦顺手帮个忙,“不过动手之前还是好好考虑下比较好,毕竟你不能指望总有那么多乐善好施的绅士,凑巧地为你效劳。” Is rich, then more treasures own feather. 越是富有,便越是爱惜自己的羽毛。 Concerned about the status reason, most people look toward here. For small celebrity offends the billionaire actually whether to be worth, the person who any can do business will calculate this account. Also therefore, here station this turbid water, only then a Jiang Chen person, only then he does not need to calculate this account. 碍于身份的缘故,大多数人都只是往这边看着。为了一个小明星而得罪亿万富翁究竟是否值得,任何会做生意的人都会算这笔账。也正是因此,这里站出来趟这浑水的只有江晨一个人,只有他没必要算这笔账。 Without exchanged greetings with Emma is too long, Jiang Chen saw the time to be similar, then said goodbye with the sister and brother two people, went to the agreement place, with Xia Shiyu that came out from the washroom can with. 没有和艾玛寒暄太久,江晨见时间差不多了,便与姐弟二人告辞,前往了约定的地点,与从洗手间里出来的夏诗雨会和。 A half hour of Auction must start, while this time, he plans first filling the belly. The food on this long table is the color fragrance is complete, entering the conference site was so long, he bumps unexpectedly continually has not bumped, is really one in a big way to regret. 还有半个小时拍卖会就要开始了,趁着这点时间,他打算先把肚子给填饱。这长桌上的食物可谓是色香味俱全,进了会场这么久,他居然连碰都没碰过,实属一大遗憾。 When arrives at the agreement the place, Jiang Chen discovered that Xia Shiyu had waited there for some time. 当到达约定的地点时,江晨发现夏诗雨已经等候多时了。 Who is she? The feeling...... a little looks familiar.” “她是谁?感觉……有点眼熟。” Emma Watson, the Future Biology affiliated product nutrition mixture spokesman, she gripped the hair, I have started not to recognize.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 艾玛·沃森特,未来人生物旗下产品营养合剂的代言人,她把头发扎起来了,我已开始也没认出来。”江晨笑着说道。 Hermione?” 赫敏?” Right, but you called her, she estimated that cannot be happy.” Jiang Chen said jokingly. “没错,不过你这么叫她,她估计不会开心。”江晨开玩笑地说道。 You and her what relates? 你和她什么关系? Xia Shiyu just wants to ask, but changes mind thinks, actually swallowed in these words the belly. 夏诗雨刚想这么问,但转念一想,却又是将这句话咽回了肚子里。 If asked that what...... I and he are relate?( To be continued.) 如果这么问的话……我和他又是什么关系呢?(未完待续。)
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