IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#763: Evening charity reception

The auction is the last link of evening charity reception, will auction the obtained income to be used to help the civilians in orphan and chaos caused by war area. Besides Julian Schnabel that «Pearl on the Pacific Ocean», the thing that on this Auction many Jiang Chen are also interested in very much, if the price is not too odd, he planned that pats several artwares to go back to hang at home. 拍卖是慈善晚会的最后一个环节,拍卖所得收益都将被用于帮助孤儿和战乱地区的平民。除了朱利安·施纳贝尔的那幅《太平洋上的珍珠》之外,这次拍卖会上还有不少江晨很感兴趣的东西,如果价格不是太离谱,他打算拍几件艺术品回去挂在家里。 Natasha has complained his nouveau riche air/Qi is too heavy, although he does not think that this is damaging him, but since has the opportunity, buys several artwares to go back the sufficient facade is quite good. Naturally, besides these artwares, several rich and powerful people of appearance will also sell some small gadget of collection it is said. Actually the organizer has not publicized these Collection is anything, it may be said that is jokes fully. 娜塔莎一直吐槽他土豪气太重了,虽然他本人不认为这是在损他,但既然有机会,还是买几件艺术品回去充充门面比较好。当然,除了那些艺术品之外,据说到场的几位富豪还将出售一些收藏的小玩意儿。主办方没有公开这些收藏品究竟是什么,可谓是噱头十足。 Without exchanged greetings with the organizer is too long, Mr. Galloway also had other guests to need to greet, therefore Jiang Chen then ended the topic on own initiative. 没有与主办方寒暄太久,嘉乐威先生还有其他客人需要迎接,所以江晨便主动结束了话题。 When he and pulls Xia Shiyu of his hand is walking into the conference site together, the party has started. 当他和挽着他手的夏诗雨一同走入会场时,晚会已经开始了。 The tall and pleasing to the eye hall, does not lose the gorgeous decoration elegantly, at the same time is surrounding the transparent graphene board, in the outside deep blue the complementing of sea and under quiet blue ray, added several to wipe the mysterious cold tone for this conference site. 美轮美奂的大厅,典雅而不失华美的装潢,一面环绕着透明的石墨烯板,在外侧蔚蓝的大海与幽蓝色光线的映衬下,为这会场平添了几抹神秘的冷色调。 Is carrying the waiter of champagne, shuttles back and forth between the long table and crowd, delivers the good wine and towel for the guest. This seabed restaurant is one of the Penglai City famous attractions, the decoration serves, or the good food on table, here builds according to the ranks of Michelin three stars, namely is worth arranging the restaurant that a travel visits specially...... 端着香槟的侍者,穿梭在长桌与人群之间,为客人送上美酒与毛巾。这座海底餐厅是蓬莱市的著名景点之一,无论是装潢还是服务、亦或者餐桌上的美食,这里都是按照米其林三颗星的级别打造的,即“值得特别安排一趟旅行”去造访的餐厅…… In the party conference site, Jiang Chen saw many acquaintances , many strange people greeted to him. 在晚会会场中,江晨看见了不少熟人,也有不少陌生的人向他打招呼。 What most makes his surprised is, he saw Carmen Rothschild here unexpectedly. This fellow ran Penglai City to attend the evening charity reception not making a sound, did not greet with him ahead of time. 最让他惊讶的是,他在这里居然看见了卡门·罗斯柴尔德。这家伙不声不响地就跑来了蓬莱市参加慈善晚会,也不和他提前打个招呼。 Sees Jiang Chen, he revealed the full mouth supercilious look immediately, is smiling the approach, gripped Jiang Chen's to make an effort to shake shaking. 看到江晨,他顿时露出了满口白眼,笑着迎上来,握住江晨的手使劲晃了晃。 We met, my old friend.” “咱们又见面了,我的老朋友。” hā hā, is really long time no see.” Jiang Chen loosened his hand with a smile, this is my female companion, Miss Xia Shiyu.” 哈哈,真是好久不见了。”江晨笑着松开了他的手,“这位是我的女伴,夏诗雨小姐。” Hello, Mr. Rothschild.” The Xia Shiyu smile said. “您好,罗斯柴尔德先生。”夏诗雨微笑道。 Is honored to know you very much, beautiful and brilliant Ms. Xia, your escort also is really an enviable fellow.” Carmen cracks a joke very much magnanimously. “很荣幸认识您,美丽而睿智的夏女士,您的男伴还真是一个令人羡慕的家伙。”卡门很有风度地开了个玩笑。 The Xia Shiyu formality purses the lips to smile, but can look, regarding thinks highly of her to like listening like this very much. 夏诗雨礼节地抿嘴微笑,不过看得出来,对于这样的恭维她还是很爱听的。 Jiang Chen also follows to smile, then says. 江晨也跟着笑了笑,接着开口说道。 What kind of, did my old friend, your side trouble solve?” “怎么样,我的老朋友,你那边的麻烦都解决完了吗?” From the daily international press, situation in Europe even more is not peaceful. Last year, Germany New Choice Party mounted the stage, the political arena of entire Europe started to turn right, particularly at the end of the year several financial group investments constructs refugee camp in Norway and forest of Swedish common border, lit thoroughly evilly. The social contradiction of believer and mainstream society...... also has the contradiction of Holy Mother and normal person. 从每天的国际新闻上看,欧洲的局势愈发的不太平。去年,德国新选择党上台,整个欧洲的政坛都开始向右走,尤其是年底几个财团出资在挪威与瑞典交界的森林中修建难民营,更是彻底点燃了邪.教徒与主流社会的社会矛盾……还有圣母与正常人的矛盾。 Troublesome cannot solve forever.” Carmen has proficiently taken a Champagne from the tray of waiter, made a clinking glasses posture to Jiang Chen, self-ridiculed that shrugs saying that at champagne like this party.” “麻烦永远也解决不完。”卡门熟练地从侍者的托盘中取过了一支香槟,对江晨做了个碰杯的姿势,自嘲地耸了耸肩说道,“就像这晚会上的香槟。” In this world also has the trouble that Rothschild Household could not solve?” Jiang Chen hehe smiles, takes champagne to clink glasses with him. “这个世界上还有罗斯柴尔德家族解决不了的麻烦吗?”江晨呵呵笑了笑,取过一支香槟与他碰杯。 Naturally has, for example spent money unable to solve to trouble.” Saying, Carmen will be emptying the wine glass to place with a smile one side, I recommend your attention next a while Auction, but on that many good things.” “当然有,比如用钱解决不了对的麻烦。”说着,卡门笑着将空酒杯放在了一边,“我推荐你关注下一会儿的拍卖会,那上面可是有不少好东西。” For example?” “比如?” Inquired facing Jiang Chen's, Carmen smiled not to answer, then said goodbye to it temporarily. 面对江晨的提问,卡门只是神秘一笑而不作答,然后便向其暂时告辞了。 Carmen that does intentionally straight the mysterious smiling face makes Jiang Chen at heart curious itchy, since Auction must start immediately, he has not gotten to the bottom again, receives the climax that Carmen sold. 卡门那故作神秘的笑容让江晨心里好奇的直痒痒,不过既然拍卖会马上就要开始,他也就没有再刨根问底,承下了卡门卖的这个关子。 Party that although holds in the name of charitable, but at the party actually and has no charitable shadow. In such upper circles of society, charitable this common hobby, but is gives these wealthy man celebrities one to gather together the reason, meets the social need in the party, as well as knows the partner in business. 虽然是以慈善的名义而举办的晚会,但晚会上却并没有任何慈善的影子。在这样的上流社会中,慈善这个共同的“爱好”,不过是给予这些富翁名流一个聚在一起的理由,在派对中满足社交需求,以及结识生意上的伙伴。 Naturally, does not remove some people really to want for these poor men to make anything. 当然,也不排除部分人是真的想要为那些可怜人做些什么。 Walks in the conference site of party, feels temperature that the arm is transmitting no longer that stiffly, Jiang Chen somewhat says towering with a smile. 走在晚会的会场内,感受着臂膀传来的温度不再那么的僵硬,江晨有些突兀地笑着开口说道。 „Very beautiful.” “很美。” Em?” Xia Shiyu gawked, does not understand his anything meaning. “恩?”夏诗雨愣了下,不明白他什么意思。 I mean, today's you are very beautiful.” “我的意思是,今天的你很美。” Was saying these words at the same time, Jiang Chen looked with a smile to her. However the latter was made by his sincere line of sight somewhat embarrassed, brings the elegant face of red cloud, avoided the line of sight stiffly. 说着这句话的同时,江晨笑着看向了她。然而后者被他那真诚的视线弄得有些不好意思,带着点点红云的俏脸,僵硬地躲开了视线。 Is, why mentioned this suddenly?” “为,为什么突然说起这个?” I notice, since you enter the conference site to the present, has the 100 person at least to look to you, but in this 100 person, there is a 99 person to avoid your line of sight.” Jiang Chen said with a smile near the Xia Shiyu ear badly. “我注意到,从你走进会场到现在,已经有至少一百人看向了你这边,而这一百人中,有九十九人躲开了你的视线。”江晨夏诗雨耳边坏笑道。 The were clothes that really I wear too strange?” Xia Shiyu somewhat lowers the head anxiously rapidly, sized up under clothing, as well as surrounding other female clothes. “果,果然我穿的这件衣服太奇怪了吗?”夏诗雨有些不安地迅速低下头,打量了下自己身上的着装,以及周围其他女性的衣服。 This long skirt evening dress is Ayesha taking advantage of her, she wears this type of clothes for the first time. By a Jiang Chen such saying, she was felt somewhat irritable immediately. 这件长裙晚礼服是阿伊莎借她的,她还是第一次穿这种类型的衣服。被江晨这么一说,她顿时觉得有些别扭了起来。 No, because you put on are too beautiful.” Jiang Chen said smilingly. “不,只是因为你穿着太美了。”江晨嬉皮笑脸地说道。 Blindly, talked nonsense anything.” Xia Shiyu is blushing, shames the anger to stare Jiang Chen one. “瞎,瞎说些什么。”夏诗雨红着脸,羞怒地瞪了江晨一眼。 Relayed several in the conference site, because drank the champagne of many low number of degree, the Xia Shiyu midway went to the washroom, Jiang Chen then wandered in the conference site. 在会场中转了几圈,因为喝了不少低度数的香槟,夏诗雨中途去了洗手间,江晨便独自一人在会场中转悠了起来。 At this moment, some side people called his name suddenly. 就在这时,旁边突然有人喊出了他的名字。 Jiang Chen?!” 江晨?!” „Are you?” Jiang Chen looks man who puzzled that and he greeted, he does not remember oneself and he knew. “你是?”江晨困惑地看着那名和他打招呼的男人,他不记得自己和他认识。 Even by the aesthetic appreciation of Asian, this man is still counted is long quite graceful that moreover with the European and US aesthetic culture in thick crazy is two clearly opposite directions. However is looked by the man earnestly, in the Jiang Chen heart does not have the least bit favorable impression, particularly this person is long quite gracefully, the really goosebumps must fall. 即使是以亚洲人的审美,这位男人也算上长得比较帅的那种,而且与欧美审美文化中的粗狂是两个截然相反的方向。然而被男人热切的看着,江晨心中没有半点好感,尤其是这人还长得比较帅,简直鸡皮疙瘩都要掉出来了。 You will certainly not know me, I am Alex Watson.” Alex extended the right hand on own initiative. “您当然不会认识我,我是亚历克斯·沃特森。”亚历克斯主动伸出了右手。 Alex Watson? 亚历克斯·沃特森 Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly, even if this Alex said own name, he absolutely does not have the least bit impression. 江晨微微皱眉,即使是这位亚历克斯说出了自己的名字,他也完全没有半点印象。 Sees that Alex must smile reluctantly, spreads out the hand to say. 见状,亚历克斯只得无奈地笑了笑,摊开手说道。 Good, it seems like my elder sister outside rarely mentioned younger brother that her does not make every effort to succeed.” “好吧,看来我的姐姐在外面很少提到她那个不争气的弟弟。” Suddenly, Jiang Chen noticed his surname, is unifying younger brother that he said. 突然,江晨注意到了他的姓氏,在结合他说的弟弟 „Are you...... Emma's younger brother?” “你是……艾玛的弟弟?” Right, you recognized me finally. My does elder sister also at the party, want me to lead you to see her?” Alex · Emma said warmly. “没错,您终于认出我了。我姐姐也在晚会上,要我带您去见她吗?”亚历克斯·艾玛热情地说道。 Does not use, if she wants to see me, can look for me.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “不用了,如果她想来见我的话,一定会来找我。”江晨笑着说道。 Two people came is not ripe, as if not need to meet to greet especially. Let alone Emma is Future Biology Image Spokesperson, the river can be said as the immediate superior of her immediate superior. Trading to do is Jiang Chen, does not hope that bumps into own Boss in the time of rest. 两人本来就不熟,似乎也没必要特地见面打个招呼。更何况艾玛未来人生物形象代言人,江可以说是她顶头上司的顶头上司。换做是江晨自己,也不怎么希望在休息的时间碰上自己的老板 At this moment, side broadcasts the sound that the glassware threw down and broke suddenly. 就在这时,旁边突然传来了玻璃器皿摔碎的声音。 Including Jiang Chen, nearby guest follows that sound the direction looks like...... 包括江晨在内,旁边的宾客都顺着那声音的方向看来过去…… - - ( Today, only then one, here Morningstar apologized to everyone. Visited the friends of my public possibly to know, Wuhan had the flood. Yesterday is catching up with Sun, I hurried to buy moved the ticket to go home, the time driver who finally went to the train station with me said that the road was flooded, must detour to go to the station. Saw the time definitely without enough time, I hurried to change the ticket, when I arrived at the station, the motorcoach Your Mother was late...... (今天只有一更了,这里晨星得向大家道个歉。看了我公众的朋友们可能已经知道了,武汉这边发大水了。昨天赶着出太阳,我赶紧买了动车票回家,结果去火车站的时候司机却和我说路被淹了,得绕道去车站。见时间肯定来不及了,我赶紧改签了车票,然而当我到了车站,动车又尼玛晚点了…… Tosses about finally, proficiently is the evening, only the code comes out this chapter, owed can only tomorrow make up, the day after tomorrow will erupt to apologize qaq)( to be continued.) 总算折腾回来,到家已经是晚上了,只码出来这一章,欠的更只能明天补上了,后天爆发谢罪qaq)(未完待续。)
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