IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#762: The holiday on sea beach

guāng dāng 咣当 Picked up the Cola from the taking goods mouth of automatic sales machine, Jiang Chen opened the link of can, held up the head to fill one fiercely. 从自动贩售机的取货口中捡起了可乐,江晨拉开了易拉罐的环,昂起头猛地灌了一口。 The sweet icy coldness enters the throat, has the carefree feeling of Qing will of the people spleen. The Jiang Chen unexpected discovery, this and inexpensive happiness, unexpectedly compared with happy many that the delicacies of every kind come. 甘甜的冰凉入喉,有种磬人心脾的畅快感。江晨意外的发现,这种久违而廉价的幸福,竟是要比山珍海味来的痛快的多。 The dazzling sunlight is somewhat dazzling, is looking at the sea beach direction, narrowed the eye slightly. 刺目的阳光有些耀眼,望着海滩的方向,不由微微眯起了眼睛。 The emerald green palm leaf drags, in the sand beach in not far away, the child plays in the company of mother, lover plays in the sand beach. Here is the Penglai City biggest sand beach, most does not lack is the bikini and beautiful woman, that both white and shiny big long leg, making Jiang Chen recall to study that little while in Wanghai University, bedroom several buddies went to the seashore swimming together, sat looks at the beautiful woman in the sand beach passing...... 翠绿的棕榈叶摇曳,不远处的沙滩上,孩童在母亲的陪伴下玩耍,情侣在沙滩上嬉戏。这里是蓬莱市最大的沙滩,最不缺的就是比基尼和美女,那一双双白花花的大长腿,让江晨不禁回忆起了在望海大学读书那会儿,寝室几个哥们儿一起去海边游泳,坐在沙滩上看美女的过往…… Not far away, in the sand beach is drawing a standing net, Ayesha and Natasha is competing at the volleyball mutually. Cannot keep up with two human body strength, Xia Shiyu not to participate in their contest very much wisely, looks satisfied by sand beach chair, enjoys the cool air, while leisurely and carefree for two population balls. 不远处的,沙滩上拉着一张网,阿伊莎娜塔莎正在排球上互相较劲。跟不上两人体力,夏诗雨很明智地没有参与到她们的较量中,姿容惬意地靠在沙滩椅上,一边乘凉,一边悠闲地替两人数球。 Two females are rookies that kind at the volleyball, but by the words of physical strength, two people is actually existences of supreme rank. Before one is, KGB agent, another has hit Genetic Medicine, although the latter body attribute is stronger, but the former also has no time to let. 两女在排球上都属于菜鸟那一类,不过论体力的话,两人却都是超人级别的存在。一个是前克格勃特工,另一个打过基因药剂,虽然后者身体属性更强,但前者也不遑多让。 Soars to jump fiercely, made smashing with the brute force. Saw only that volleyball to turn into the remnant shadow, scratched the Natasha's golden hair to fly, shell resulted in rumbles on the sand. Only hears bang one, smashed not a deep great pit this sand beach directly. 猛地腾空跳起,用蛮力打出了一记扣杀。只见那排球变成了残影,擦着娜塔莎的金发飞过,炮弹似得轰在了沙地上。只听见砰的一声,直接将这沙滩砸出了个不深不浅的坑。 „Do you want to murder?” Shot a look at ground that gulf, Natasha must stare ruthlessly to Ayesha. “你这是要谋杀吗?”瞥了眼地上那个深坑,娜塔莎狠狠得瞪向了阿伊莎 Fell in the sand beach lithely, Ayesha did not bring to gasp for breath pulled up under beautiful hair of beside the ear, looks at the Natasha light say/way. 轻盈地落在了沙滩上,阿伊莎丝毫不带喘气地撩了下耳际的秀发,看着娜塔莎淡淡道。 50, was I wins.” 五十,是我赢了。” Although as before is that unemotional to appearance, but carefully looked that then can discover, her corners of the mouth brought back a self-satisfied smile. 虽说依旧是那面无表情对的样子,但仔细看去便能发现,她的嘴角还是勾起了点点得意的微笑。 However her self-satisfied expression has not continued for two seconds. 然而她得意的表情还没持续两秒。 When she treats it lightly, fun extended from the back, pasted by her face. 就在她掉以轻心的时候,一只可乐从背后伸了过来,贴在了她的脸旁。 „!” “呜!” The cheeks transmit Ayesha that frightens icy coldly hit to startle. Looks at Ayesha that lovable appearance, Jiang Chen smiles, placed in the Cola her hand. 脸颊边传来的冰凉吓的阿伊莎打了个激灵。看着阿伊莎那可爱的模样,江晨不由笑了笑,将可乐放在了她的手中。 Must be together well. Played tired? Comes the cup drink.” “要好好相处哦。玩累了吧?来杯饮料。” Graciousness......” looked at Jiang Chen one suffering, Ayesha received the Cola, small sipped the mouth. “恩……”委屈地看了江晨一眼,阿伊莎接过可乐,小小的抿了口。 She does not like the carbonated drink very much, but Jiang Chen gives her thing, she will not always reject. 她并不是很喜欢碳酸饮料,但江晨给她的东西,她从来都不会拒绝。 Looks at two people show love the appearance, Natasha shows the whites of the eyes ill-humoredly. At this time, her line of sight has swept Ayesha suddenly ****, the corners of the mouth brought back a playing a dirty trick curve. Sees only her to walk up, flung gently under was moistening the golden hair of beads of sweat, handed in the volleyball in bosom the hand of Ayesha very much honestly. 看着两人秀恩爱的样子,娜塔莎没好气地翻了个白眼。这时,她的视线突然扫过了阿伊莎的****,嘴角不由勾起了一丝使坏的弧度。只见她走上前去,轻轻甩了下沾着汗珠的金发,很坦诚地将怀中的排球递到了阿伊莎的手中。 Volleyball was I loses.” “排球是我输了。” Snort......” Ayesha snort/hum the sound, the nose raised gently slightly. “哼……”阿伊莎轻轻哼了声,鼻子微微扬了起来。 Perhaps is the reason that because Jiang Chen stands, Natasha's admitting defeat makes her rare was somewhat floating. 或许是因为江晨站在旁边的缘故,娜塔莎的认输让她罕见的有些飘飘然了。 Looks at the Ayesha self-satisfied expression, Natasha smiles badly. 看着阿伊莎得意的表情,娜塔莎坏坏地笑了笑。 But other ball won't I lose oh? to with me compete with?” “但别的球我可不会输哦?要和我比试比试吗?” Is glad to accompany.” The Ayesha eyebrow selects, did not ask that the content of competition, then received her challenge refreshedly. “乐意奉陪。”阿伊莎眉毛一挑,也不问比试的内容,便爽快地接下了她的挑战。 Roar? Then this special competition, but also lacks a gentleman to be the referee. What kind of, is interested?” Natasha then blew a whistling to Jiang Chen, teased at the same time also threw out the chest. “哦吼?那么这场特别的比赛,还缺一位绅士担任裁判。怎么样,感兴趣吗?”娜塔莎转而对江晨吹了个口哨,调侃的同时还挺了挺胸。 That several wisps of gores are wrapping soccer, really must jump out from that cotton material. 那几缕布片包裹着的“足球”,简直要从那布料中跳出。 russians race talent as if entire in big this character, Tank caliber or Moscow beautiful woman. A few years ago, meddlesome Google still did on ap all countries in the world woman **** big or small atlas, an orange red Russia no suspense was first. 毛子的种族天赋似乎全点在了“大”这个字上,无论是坦克的口径还是莫斯科的美女。几年前,好事的谷歌还在ap上搞了个“世界各国女性****大小图谱”,一片橙红色的俄罗斯毫无悬念的名列第一。 As long as is the normal man, said that is not interested that to be definitely false. May gentleman as one, lust performance bare naked extremely not be a graceful matter...... 但凡是正常的男人,说不感兴趣那肯定都是假的。可身为一名“绅士”,将欲.望表现的太过赤果可不是一件优雅的事…… Good, said were many gave a pretext, if were not behind the line of sight of Xia Shiyu that murder, Jiang Chen also really wants to make anything. 好吧,说了多了都是借口,如果不是背后夏诗雨那杀人的视线,江晨还真想做些什么。 In the Natasha's supercilious look, the Jiang Chen righteousness expression rejected temptation, will be confused Ayesha to draw one side, warned that does not know world dangerous little girl, easily do not receive the bewildered competition and so on. 娜塔莎的白眼中,江晨义正言辞地拒绝了诱.惑,将一头雾水地阿伊莎拉到了一边,告诫不知人间险恶的小姑娘,不要轻易接下莫名其妙的比试云云。 Played one lively insanely all day, dyed the horizon until the setting sun golden yellow, four talents left sea beach, returned to the Central Building hotel. 热热闹闹地疯玩了一整天,直到夕阳将天边染成了金黄,四人才离开了海滩,回到了中央大厦的酒店。 Following the Venus Water World that in several days, four people also opened newly, by Robot museum that the tourist welcome, and Penglai City biggest seabed shopping strip...... almost visits the entire Penglai City fun place. 接下来的几日里,四人还去了新开张的维纳斯水上乐园,最受游客欢迎的机器人博物馆,以及蓬莱市最大的海底购物街……几乎将整个蓬莱市好玩的地方都玩了个遍。 Traveling last day, the Jiang Chen plan is to return to Koro Island, but actually caught up with a special evening charity reception exactly, at the appointed time will have the world eminent figures from all circles to visit. But was Penglai City and even the world's richest rich and powerful people, Jiang Chen very natural received the invitation. 旅游的最后一天,原本江晨计划是回科罗岛上,不过却恰好赶上了一场特殊的慈善晚会,届时会有世界各界名流参访。而身为蓬莱市乃至世界最有钱的富豪,江晨很自然地收到了邀请。 This party and other charities is jointly sponsored by United Nations United Nations Children's Fund, the International Red Cross, craves by global ten several in the charitable rich and powerful people support. But conducts the conference site of party, under banquet hall situated in the Penglai City sea. However these are not the keys, is universally recognized as the present age most influential painter, Julian Schnabel will auction own latest work «Pearl on the Pacific Ocean» at this evening charity reception. 这场晚会由联合国儿童基金会、国际红十字会等多家慈善组织联合举办,由全球十数名热衷于慈善的富豪赞助。而举办晚会的会场,位于蓬莱市海下宴会厅。不过这些都不是关键,被公认为当代最具影响力的画家,朱利安·施纳贝尔将在这慈善晚会上拍卖自己的最新作品《太平洋上的珍珠》。 Only listened to the name to know, this picture used Penglai City as the main source. 光听名字就知道了,这幅画是以蓬莱市为蓝本。 The one who accompanies him to attend this party is Xia Shiyu, because two people just received the invitation. Jiang Chen also planned to take Ayesha, but Ayesha actually on the grounds of own work not too suitable frequent openly to make an appearance declined. 陪他出席这次晚会的是夏诗雨,因为两人刚好都收到了邀请。原本江晨还打算带上阿伊莎,但阿伊莎却以自己的工作不太适合频繁公开露面为由推辞掉了。 Is holding Jiang Chen's, today's Xia Shiyu seems especially beautiful. A black evening dress, keeps not to lose beautifully, is serving as contrast that appearance and snow white of collar bone place, showed her perfectly usually the feminine qualities of few revealing. 挽着江晨的手,今天的夏诗雨显得格外美丽。一身黑色的晚礼服,保守而不失明媚,衬托着那容颜与锁骨处的雪白,完美的展现了她平时很少流露的女人味。 When she steps into the front door of conference site, immediately captures the innumerable shocking attention. These face value good movie star singers, are overshadowed in her front. 当她踏入会场的大门,立刻吸引了无数惊艳的目光。就连那些颜值不俗的影星歌手,在她的面前都不由黯然失色。 However these shocking vision are only the flash. 不过这些惊艳的目光只是一瞬间。 Who when sees clearly she is pulling the man is, the interested party also gave up very much tactful to her interest. Quarrels out of jealousy jealous (eating vinegar) with the recognized world's richest, that was looks for trouble purely. 当看清她挽着的男人是谁时,原本感兴趣的人也都很识趣地放弃了对她的兴趣。和公认的世界首富争风吃醋,那纯粹就是自己找不自在了。 Sees the main honored guest arrival of this evening charity reception, organizer Adam Galloway smiled to welcome, extended the right hand to Jiang Chen warmly. 见到本次慈善晚会的主要嘉宾到来,主办者亚当·嘉乐威微笑着迎了上来,热情地向江晨伸出了右手。 Thank your generous, Mr. Jiang Chen!” “感谢您的慷慨,江晨先生!” Person who and these needs to help for the world children.” Jiang Chen also shook his hand with a laugh. “为了世界儿童和那些需要帮助的人。”江晨也是笑呵呵地握了握他的手。 Although he has no mood of sad Heaven pities person, but this does not hinder him internationally to brush the prestige. 虽然他本人没有什么悲天怜人的情怀,但这并不妨碍他在国际上刷声望。 In the conference site has the reporter, after all these rich and powerful people spent money cannot the white bloom, at least also probably brush to select the reputation. 会场中是有记者的,毕竟这些富豪们花了的钱也不能白花,至少也得刷点好名声吧。 However these reporters were not permitted the interview, even was not allowed to exchange with the honored guest, can only work as own transparent person, is being the party flow recorder silently. After all arrives is internationally the honored and popular characters, where tolerated these reporters casually to promote a flash news?( To be continued.) 不过这些记者不被允许采访,甚至不被允许和嘉宾交流,只能当自己的透明人,默默地做着晚会流程的记录者。毕竟到场的都是国际上有头有脸的人物,哪能容得了这些记者随便搞个大新闻?(未完待续。)
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