IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#761: Oriental Hawaii

Smooth that the Future Bank listing progresses, it is expected that distributes 30% stocks by 11,900,000,000 USD, how the operation IPO, Jiang Chen fully authorized gave Future Bank CEO David Smith specifically. Before this , the Citibank executive is the financial arena expert, handles the company listing business the ability to be naturally a cinch. Therefore at this matter, Jiang Chen has no need to look for the Boston Bank help, oneself can handle this matter. 未来人银行上市进展的很顺利,预计以119亿美元发行30%的股份,具体如何运作上市计划,江晨全权委托给了未来人银行eo大卫·史密斯。这位前花旗银行的高管是金融领域的行家,办理公司上市业务的能力自然是不在话下。所以在这事儿上,江晨用不着在找波士顿银行帮忙,自己就能将这件事办下来。 After completing listing financing, Future Bank will continue to merge small-scale bank with this 100 hundred million USD, the behavior that will make a snowman carries through to the end, expands the heart of Future Group this only grand beast! 等完成上市融资后,未来人银行将用这一百多亿美元继续并购中小型银行,将滚雪球的行为进行到底,壮大未来人集团这只巨兽的心脏! Another side, in early April, with immigration continues to move into, Penglai City also gradually took the stock rail. 另一边,四月初,随着移民的持续迁入,蓬莱市也逐渐走上了正轨。 The Penglai City economic structure is mainly primarily the tourism, work industry next best, small-scale manufacture and light processing for auxiliary. 蓬莱市的经济结构主要以旅游业为主,办公产业次之,小型制造与轻加工为辅。 According to the Country of Xin travel agency statistics, hand Penglai City opening and other influences, the travel Country of Xin tourist number presented the explosion -type growth in March. Compares 18 of February. the 90,000 people, rose to 797,000 people straightly. But according to the Country of Xin aviation company data, the navigation Airbus transportation amount also broke through the 1 million time in the same month, set the record of the historical peak value! 新国旅游局统计,手蓬莱市开放等影响,三月份旅新国游客数量呈现了爆炸式的增长。相较于二月份的18.9万人次,直线上升至了79.7万人次。而根据新国航空公司的数据,当月航空客运量也突破了百万次,创下了历史峰值! Was shocked by this high-tech intensive city, many tourists after going, published the feeling in the network, expressed in oneself heart to shock. 被这座高科技化的城市所震撼,不少游客在去过之后,纷纷在网络上发表了感慨,表达了自己心中对的震撼。 Inconceivable city! Never expected that I can see Atlantis in legend in the lifetime! Entire city constructs in completely marine, you actually could not feel that completely a point jolts.” “不可思议的城市!没想到我能在有生之年见到传说中的亚特兰蒂斯!整座城市完全建在海上,你却完全感觉不到一点颠簸。” What most makes my impression profound is here public security. Regardless where had robbing, from receiving to report to the police the scoundrel to be expelled in the ground absolutely not over five minutes. I personally see, snatches hold/container Zei not to run half Tian Street, by the police with drone catching. He tries to escape, directly hitting to urinate the pants by the rubber ball. hā hā , compared with Detroit, here really is Paradise. Sees again United States, I must move.” “最让我印象深刻的是这里的治安。无论在哪里发生了抢劫,从接到报警到歹徒被撵在地上绝对不会超过五分钟。我亲眼看见的,一个抢包贼还没跑出半天街,就被警用无人机给逮了个正着。他试图逃跑,直接被橡胶弹给打尿了裤子。哈哈,和底特律比起来,这里简直天堂。再见美国,我要搬家了。” Street is very clean, Cleaning Robot of these plump were really lovable, does not know where can buy?” “街道很干净,那些圆滚滚的清洁机器人实在是太可爱了,不知道哪里能买到?” Shopping User Experience is very good, the aquatic entertainment project is also very good, the transportation is also impeccable, I really think that does not deliver the reason that the difference comments. Right, here air is really wonderful! I plan to buy one 1 level of household house here, in the winter of every year comes to here to take vacation.” “购物体验很棒,水上娱乐项目也很棒,交通也无可挑剔,我实在想不出给差评的理由。对了,这里的空气实在是棒极了!我计划在这里买一套一级户型的房子,每年冬天来这里度假。” „......” “……” The world's most authoritative traveling commentary online, takes a broad view to look at almost a high praise, could not see shadow that several difference comment. 全球最权威的旅游评论网上,放眼望去几乎一片好评,根本看不到几个差评的影子。 Reason that high praise like tide, on the one hand is because people are maintaining the greatest tolerance to the new thing forever, but are more, naturally Penglai City charm. 之所以好评如潮,一方面是因为人们对新鲜的事物永远保持着最大程度的宽容,但更多的,当然还是蓬莱市本身的魅力 The tourism of vigorous development drove with the expense and service related a series of industry chains. The so huge opportunity, various group of capital big alligators naturally cannot let off, brandishes the bill to come in swarms in abundance. According to statistics that the Penglai City city hall gives, closure at the end of March, moves in the Penglai City enterprise to reach 57,000, was Country of Xin provided 5 17,000 employment posts. 蓬勃发展的旅游业带动了与消费、服务相关的一系列产业链。如此庞大的商机,各路资本大鳄自然不会放过,纷纷挥舞着钞票蜂拥而至。根据蓬莱市市政厅给出的统计数据,截止三月底,入住蓬莱市的企业多达5.7万家,共为新国提供了五1.7万个就业岗位。 Then may be glad to grin with ear to ear Country of Xin President Zhang Yaping. With the help of Future Group, the economy of Palau Archipelago with making rocket resulted in flees upward. 这下可把新国总统张亚平乐得合不拢嘴。在未来人集团的帮助下,帕努群岛的经济就和做了火箭似得往上窜。 At present, this 50 ten thousand employment posts were only filled up 1/3, the huge labor force demand attracted large quantities of East Asia, and immigration of eastern South Asia. Comes under the influence of Chinese language cultural circle bu addition, goes to the immigration of Penglai City to be especially numerous from Guangzhou and Fujian area. But Penglai City this name, therefore obtained „the place of opportunity in China and Oriental Hawaii and other reputations. 目前,这五十多万的就业岗位只被填满了三分之一,庞大的劳动力需求吸引了大批来自东亚、以及东南亚的移民。受到华语文化圈这个bu加成的影响,从广州福建一带前往蓬莱市的移民尤为众多。而蓬莱市这个名字,也因此在华国获得了“机会之地”、“东方夏威夷”等诸多美誉。 Moreover, more astonishing Penglai City municipal structure. 另外,更让世人惊讶的还是蓬莱市的市政结构。 Penglai City does not belong to the territory of any country, although in name is Country of Xin part, but the law or the municipal management are responsible for by the Future Group affiliated department Penglai City city hall. 蓬莱市本身不属于任何国家的领土,虽然名义上是新国的一部分,但无论是法律还是市政管理都是由未来人集团旗下部门蓬莱市市政厅负责。 In other words, islands of this float on Pacific Ocean, is one completely city that is ruled by the private enterprise. 也就是说,这座漂浮在太平洋上的岛屿,是一座完全由私人企业统治的城市 Mayor is born by the election, citizen that each has the Penglai City household register can participate in the election through individual terminal, and by the intelligent program was announced that the election result and appoints Mayor. Besides Mayor, Penglai City is also equipped with Citizen Parliament, Representative is born by various electoral district citizen elections similarly, keeps in balance in the power with Mayor mutually. 市长由选举诞生,每名拥有蓬莱市户籍的公民都可以通过个人终端参与选举,并由智能程序公布选举结果并任命市长。除了市长外,蓬莱市还设有公民议会,议员同样由各选区公民选举诞生,与市长在权力上相互制衡。 The independence of judicatures, public securities and military these three from municipal Artillery System, the former have independent one set of Artillery System, carries out under the ai inspector general. Latter both are responsible for by Star Ring Trading, Star Ring Trading gives loyalty to Jiang Chen directly. 司法、治安、军事这三项从市政系统中独立,前者有单独的一套系统,在ai的监督下执行。后两者由星环贸易负责,星环贸易直接效忠于江晨 This is a private kingdom, rather this is a giant enterprise. citizen on each island is staff, after enters duty accepts the regulation of company rules and regulations, enjoys the benefits that the company high tech brings within the framework of law...... 与其说这是一座私人王国,倒不如说这是一座巨型企业。每一名岛上的公民都是“员工”,在“入职”后接受公司规章制度的监管,在法律的框架下享受公司的高科技所带来的福利…… In addition, the residents on island have a special power. 除此之外,岛上的居民还有一个特殊的权力。 That is the voting decision, this year in the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere Christmas and Spring Festival. 那就是投票决定,今年在南半球还是北半球过圣诞节和春节。 ...... …… In early April, work on hand has finished, Jiang Chen also had a false to oneself, bringing Natasha that Ayesha and Xia Shiyu, as well as are unsolicited to go to Penglai City, planned to go through a casual vacation. 四月初,手边的工作都已经忙完,江晨也给自己放了个假,带着阿伊莎夏诗雨、以及不请自来的娜塔莎前往蓬莱市,打算度过一个休闲的假期。 From the beginning Xia Shiyu also uses a pretext to work unable to get out of the way, but Jiang Chen is actually makes a decision without authorization to she opens half compulsion the leave application. 一开始夏诗雨还推说工作上走不开,不过江晨却是擅作主张地给她开了张半“强迫性”的假条。 Work, although is important, but cannot discard the life. This week under relaxes well, do not want to work on matter.” Jiang Chen said. “工作虽然重要,但也不能将生活扔掉。这个星期就好好放松下吧,别想工作上的事了。”江晨如是说道。 To be honest, looks at Xia Shiyu one year 365 days of struggles on the post, his Boss very loves dearly. This does not certainly love dearly that overtime pay, but loves dearly her body. Every day working hard such, the time grew must end sooner or later. 老实说,看着夏诗雨一年365天的奋斗在岗位上,他这个老板还是挺心疼的。这当然不是心疼那点加班费,而是心疼她的身体。每天都这么的操劳,时间长了迟早要完。 In holiday period, the jurisdiction is declined two ranks temporarily, cannot go in the Office gate. 假日期间内,权限会被临时下调两个等级,根本进不去办公室的门。 The behavior that is familiar with Jiang Chen to make a decision without authorization, Xia Shiyu must sigh, accepted his good intention. 已经习惯江晨擅作主张的行为,夏诗雨只得叹了口气,接受了他的好意。 However said, in her heart of hearts, she very wants to go out to play with Jiang Chen. But facing Ayesha, she always has a not being able to say disturbance, is unfair to her to be the same probably. 不过说起来,在她的内心深处,她还是挺想和江晨一起出去玩的。只不过面对阿伊莎,她总有种说不出来的忐忑,就好像对不起她一样。 After all, that night, she as if complied with oneself innermost feelings, crossed the red line and Jiang Chen did some serious matters. Even if usually she pretends anything not to happen results and Jiang Chen is together, but when only then she, she will be for that evening's action, but heatedly shameful. 毕竟,那天晚上,她似乎顺应自己的内心,越过红线和江晨做了些不得了的事。即便平时她都装作什么也没发生似得和江晨相处,但在只有她一个人的时候,她还是会为那晚上的举动而面红耳赤地无地自容。 However what she does not know, Ayesha does not care about Jiang Chen to have several women, and has had long known that late matter. 然而她所不知道的是,阿伊莎并不在意江晨有几个女人,而且早就已经知道那晚的事儿了。 In this country, what but also there is able to escape the eye of Specter Agent? 在这个国家里,还有什么能逃得过幽灵特工的眼睛? Also luckily Ayesha is not the woman who is jealous good, in the traditional ideas can accept harem word, if changed into other woman to grasp Intelligence Department, only feared that must raise foul wind and bloody rain in the harem......( to be continued.) 也幸亏阿伊莎不是善妒的女人,传统观念里能接受后宫这个单词,若是换成别的女人掌握了情报部门,只怕非得在后宫里掀起一场腥风血雨……(未完待续。)
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