IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#760: Future Bank( asked monthly ticket!)

company is just like a wild animal. ¥ f. ¥ f 公司就好比一只野兽。¥f。¥f The hands and feet of this wild animal are more, the body is huger, under the skin sends the blood vessel is also more intriguing, but flows the blood in blood vessel also to be naturally more. Regarding company, the bill then maintains the blood of its normal operation, is each organization blood supply of company, creates the value in the circulation. 这只野兽的手脚越多,躯体越庞大,肤发之下的血管也就越错综复杂,而流淌于血管中的血液自然也就越多。对于一家公司而言,钞票便是维持其正常运转的血液,为公司的各个组织供血,在流通中创造价值。 The business expansion, the operation mistake, the strategy adjustment wait/etc. a series of actions, possibly cause company temporary losing blood. As a rule, at this time the best solution, loaned to bank, but Future Group is actually facing a trouble. 业务扩张、经营失误、战略调整等等一系列的举措,都可能导致公司暂时性的“失血”。通常而言,这时候最好的解决办法,就是向银行贷款,不过未来人集团却面临着一个麻烦。 That is Country of Xin bank, perhaps without that is the ability of Future Group blood transfusion. 那就是新国银行,恐怕没有那个为未来人集团输血的能力。 Thereupon, referred to Boston Financial Group and Rothschild Household approach, Jiang Chen decided that builds a heart of blood supply to own Future Group 于是乎,参考了波士顿财团罗斯柴尔德家族的做法,江晨决定给自己的未来人集团打造一个供血的心脏 Also has what to open bank to loan more convenient 还有什么比自己开一家银行贷款起来更方便 Since decided that that does 既然决定了,那就去做 Next day, Future Group quickly, through affiliated child company, purchased bank that by the 600,000,000 USD price is located in California, and changes name to it is Future Bank. This Future Bank scale is not big, comes to the place in California bank network 20, the depositor does not arrive at the 1 million person, the total deposits also 48 hundred million USD, saves the loan compared with 71, several bad accounts. 次日,未来人集团以迅雷不及掩耳之势,通过旗下子公司,以6亿美元的价格收购了一家位于加州银行,并将其改名为未来人银行。这间未来人银行的规模不算大,在加州银行网点不过二十来座,储户也不到一百万人,存款总额也才四十八亿美元,存贷比71,其中还有几笔坏账。 In people guessed why Future Group must purchase this in California, unknown small bank at the same time, Future Group also announced in high profile, to affiliated Future Bank capital 10,000,000,000 USD, and simultaneously to Asia 11 bank of small scale conducted the premium merger and acquisition situated in North America, Europe and. 就在人们猜测未来人集团为什么要收购这家远在加州的,名不见经传的小银行的同时,未来人集团又高调宣布,对旗下未来人银行注资100亿美元,并同时对位于北美、欧洲、亚洲共11家中小规模的银行进行了溢价并购。 The progress of merger and acquisition is very smooth, the price that because mainly Future Group opens keeps several bank shareholders from rejecting. 并购的进展很顺利,主要还是因为未来人集团开的价钱让几家银行的股东根本无法拒绝。 Future Bank then started the reorganization work, in small scale bank the business these 11 all conformed with under Future Bank this same name, changed directly, became transnational bank. 紧接着,未来人银行便开始了重组工作,将这11家中小规模银行的业务全都整合在了未来人银行这同一个名字之下,直接摇身一变,成了一家跨国银行 The Penglai City open news is still fermenting, Future Group made a serious big movement. So crowded purchase bank, they not only need make Internet, but must directly meddle the finance 蓬莱市开放的新闻还在发酵中,未来人集团又做出了个不得了的大动作。如此密集的收购银行,难道他们不仅仅要做互联网,还要直接插手金融 Future Group this act, immediately causes United States Citigroup, Morgan and other bank the attention. Although they do not think Future Group with being oneself opponent in the financial arena, but the opposite party's fearful influence on Internet, makes their these established bank industry giants not dare to treat it lightly. 未来人集团此举,立刻引起了美国花旗、摩根银行的关注。虽然他们不认为未来人集团在金融领域配做自己的对手,但是对方在互联网上可怕的影响力,还是让他们这些老牌的银行业巨头不敢掉以轻心。 But the fact showed, their worries are not unnecessary. 而事实证明,他们的担心并非多余。 Future Bank after completing reorganization, immediately holds the press conference, announced in high profile to the media, Future Bank already and achieved the cooperation with Group's child company Future Technologies, the payment procedure to the Virtual Reality content will conduct simplify. After handling the Future Bank bank card, Future Technologies will register net silver ID for it automatically, only after needing the status information to confirm, can activate the use. 未来人银行在完成重组之后,立刻召开新闻发布会,向媒体高调宣布,未来人银行已经和同集团的子公司未来人科技达成合作,将对虚拟实境内容的支付手续进行简化。办理未来人银行银行卡后,未来人科技会自动为其注册一个网银id,只需要身份信息验证之后,就可以激活使用。 This act, the Future Bank depositor management quantity rises a rank immediately. However urges actually not because of what simplify payment procedure that truly people save money, because the Future Bank demand deposit interest rate reaches as high as 1, interest rate of one year of deferral was 4, regarding most average people, this is the actual benefit of being able to see 此举一出,未来人银行的储户办理量立刻上升了一个等级。不过真正促使人们去存钱的倒不是因为什么简化支付手续,而是因为未来人银行活期储蓄利率就高达一,一年定存的利率就达到了四,对于绝大多数的普通人来说,这才是看得见的实惠 At the press conference, facing reporter's inquiry, Future Bank CEO is the expression of speaking frankly. 在新闻发布会上,面对记者的提问,未来人银行eo更是直言不讳的表示。 Right, our Future Bank key business makes loans to Future Group to Future Group makes loans possibly presents the bad account to have a look at Robot Little Gem in your family, uture that in the wrist/skill wears, you think that Future Group possibly goes out of business, therefore please feel relieved has here money, only if Future Group goes bankrupt, otherwise you never with will unable to take to worry for your deposit.” “没错,我们未来人银行的主要业务就是向未来人集团放贷向未来人集团放贷可能出现坏账吗看看你们家里的机器人小琳,还有手腕上戴着的uture,你认为未来人集团可能倒闭吗所以请放心的将钱存在我们这里,除非未来人集团破产,否则你永远不用为自己的存款取不出来担忧。” Naturally, the sound of question also has. For example some peers then hired the financial arena expert and scholar, is unitary from the Future Bank fund allocated proportion, the risk tolerance is bad and other angles to cut into, questioned the security of Future Bank deposit. 当然,质疑的声音也不是没有。比如有些同行便雇佣了金融领域的专家和学者,从未来人银行资金配比过于单一,抗风险能力较差等角度切入,质疑未来人银行存款的安全性。 However even if has these not Harmony sound to exist, could not prevent Future Group to pitch into the financial industry as before the footsteps. Future Bank in announcing after the parent company cooperation program, the depositor number and total deposits grow in the speed to being able to see. By the end of March, this digit has grown an astonishing situation 然而纵使有这些不和谐的声音存在,依旧阻挡不了未来人集团进军金融业的脚步。未来人银行在宣布与母公司的合作内容后,储户数量和存款总额在以看得见的速度增长。截止到三月底,这个数字已经增长到了一个惊人的地步 Currently Future Bank globally has 17.41 million depositors, the total deposits convert USD according to the exchange rate are 112,100,000,000, saves the loan compared with 77. At present, Future Bank CEO proposed to us listing financing, then merges the opinion that other bank expand with the money of financing, how you saw that” Xia Shiyu asked. “目前未来人银行在全球范围内已经拥有1741万储户,存款总额按照汇率换算成美元1121亿,存贷比77。目前,未来人银行eo向我们提出了上市融资,然后用融资的钱并购其它银行扩张的意见,你怎么看”夏诗雨问道。 Completes the merger and acquisitions of 11 bank to Future Bank capital 10 billion, is counted previous capital Star Ring Trading 20 billion, now the Future Group floating capital has stretched a piano wire. 未来人银行注资一百亿完成11家银行的并购,算上先前注资星环贸易两百亿,现在未来人集团的流动资金已经绷成了一根钢琴线。 Listing whether means information disclosure Jiang Chen sinking sound asked. “上市是否意味着信息披露”江晨沉声问道。 Xia Shiyu nods, „, if listing company presents the significant investment project, or likely causes the significant business adjustment that the stock price fluctuates, has the duty to disclose the project detail to the public, but merely is the disclosure investment detail, moreover involves the business secret part also to choose to retain. My suggestion is, if you planned supports the parent company business with Future Bank, might as well agrees to go on the market.” 夏诗雨点了点头,“如果上市公司出现重大投资项目,或可能引起股价波动的重大业务调整,有义务向公众披露项目细节,不过仅仅是披露投资细节而已,而且其中涉及到商业机密的部分也可以选择保留。我的建议是,如果您只是打算用未来人银行支撑母公司的业务,不妨同意上市。” After all be only scale enough big, can haunch Future Group this elephant. 毕竟只有规模足够的大,才能撑得起未来人集团这头大象。 But the listing, without doubt is the optimization of expansion business 而上市,无疑就是扩张业务的最佳选择 Including Citigroup and bank financial giant, without exception is not listing company. By money that the listing finances, they can accelerate to expand, crush the competitor who these are conservative and complacent. 包括花旗、银行在内的金融巨头,无一例外不是上市公司。正是凭借上市融资到的钱,他们才能够加速扩张,挤垮那些故步自封的竞争对手。 Probably Rothschild Bank like this established financial giant, although is in itself very rich, but could not have compared Citigroup and Morgan in the influence. Has a very essential reason is, the stock in Rothschild opponent extremely has been parsimonious, has not considered the issue of listing. 像是罗斯柴尔德银行这样的老牌金融巨头,虽然本身很有钱,但在影响力上已经比不上花旗和摩根了。这其中有个很关键的原因就是,罗斯柴尔德一直对手中的股份极度吝啬,从来没考虑过上市的问题。 In some sense, Jiang Chen is also this kind of person, but the good and evil made recently complied with the change of time. 从某种意义上,江晨也是这类人,不过最近好歹是做出了些顺应时代的改变。 In the financial arena, Jiang Chen cannot put out what easy-to-use Black Technology to come, works hard in the depositor information security at most. However the light is the depositor information security, perhaps is unable to take absorbing depositors'funds the selling point. Wants in a short time the expansion Future Bank business, that only then listing circle money, then with encircling money merger and acquisition, the competitor will buy 在金融领域,江晨拿不出什么好用的黑科技来,顶多在储户信息安全上下下功夫。不过光是储户信息安全,恐怕无法作为吸储的卖点。想要在短时间内扩张未来人银行的业务,那就只有上市圈钱,然后用圈来的钱并购,将竞争对手买下来 30 enough Jiang Chen hesitated after the long time, opens the mouth to ask. “30够吗”江晨沉吟了半晌后,开口问道。 Was enough.” The Xia Shiyu nod said. “足够了。”夏诗雨点头道。 Very good, that this. Listing beforehand one side places, I need Future Bank to tighten the lending policy outward temporarily, saves the loan compared with maintain at 80 as before, first satisfies the Future Group loan demand “很好,那就这样。上市的事先放在一边,我需要未来人银行对外暂时收紧放贷政策,存贷比依旧维持在80,优先满足未来人集团的贷款需求” Yes to be continued. “是”未完待续。
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