IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#759: The common problem in big enterprise

The Central Building top layer, Jiang Chen stands by the window of apartment, gets a panoramic view the entire city street view. Regarding this Penglai City open grand meeting, here without doubt is the top grade seat that watches best. 中央大厦的顶层,江晨站在公寓的落地窗旁,将整个城市的街景尽收眼底。对于这场蓬莱市开放的盛会来说,这里无疑是最佳观看的特等席。 Distant place human head|number of people sways, takes a broad view to look at dense one piece. Although cannot see clearly in the crowd the expression of each face, but is away from distant him to feel people that intense enthusiasm. 远处人头攒动,放眼望去黑压压的一片。虽然看不清人群中每张脸的表情,但隔着远远的他就感受到人们那强烈的热情。 The islands edge is spreading the sand beach, is scattered the emerald green coconut tree, along the street inward, the roadside is planting the trees of subtropical character and style. Although the emphasis point of Penglai City is the high tech, importance that but Jiang Chen has not neglected the afforestation. Looking into the distance, in the jungle of trim steel cement, can obvious sees that to spread all over emerald green that. 岛屿边缘铺着沙滩,错落着翠绿的椰树,沿街道向内,路旁栽种着亚热带风情的树木。虽然蓬莱市的侧重点是高科技,但江晨也并没有忽视绿化的重要性。放眼望去,整片钢铁水泥的丛林中,可以明显的看到那星罗棋布的翠绿。 The sea breeze strokes the road surface, the tree's shadow has rocked slightly, sent to for the burning hot air wiped cool. 海风拂过路面,树影微微晃动,为炎热的空气送去了一抹清凉。 Besides ar, holographic imaging and electro-magnetic levitation beyond train transportation and other selling points, this Penglai City also big selling points are drone. 除了ar、全息影像磁悬浮列车交通等卖点之外,这座蓬莱市还有一大卖点就是无人机 Future Heavy Industry was Penglai City designs Beta Series to arrange in order drone, beta1 was fire drone, beta2 for the police with drone, these two drone is the Penglai City fire prevention and public security will provide the intellectualized service. 未来人重工蓬莱市设计了beta系无人机,其中beta1为消防型无人机,beta2为警用无人机,这两款无人机将为蓬莱市的消防和治安提供智能化服务。 If where had the fire, did not need the fire engine to set out, fire fighter to brave death to go into the scene of fire, direct dozens drone flew, immediately can control the state. If where presented the crime, after receiving the warning, will deploy will emit drone in nearby Drone Hive immediately, before police officer will rush will control the criminal. 哪里要是发生了火灾,也不用消防车出动、消防员冒死闯入火场了,直接数十架无人机飞过去,在第一时间就能控制火情。哪里要是出现了犯罪,接到报警后,部署在附近的无人机蜂房立刻就会放出无人机,在警察赶到之前控制住罪犯。 Eases the traffic pressure at the same time also promoted to carry out the efficiency, and cut massive municipal expenditures. With the coordination of drone, originally the work that needs five police officer to complete, now only needs police officer to have more than enough to spare. 缓解交通压力的同时还提升了执行效率,并且削减掉了大量的市政开支。在无人机的配合下,原本需要五名警察完成的工作,现在只需要一名警察就绰绰有余。 Penglai City as fire prevention and public security drone pilot, if proved the feasibility of this pattern, that side Presidential Palace in Country of Xin throughout promotion. 蓬莱市将作为消防、治安无人机化的试点,如果一旦证明了这种模式的可行,总统府那边将在新国全境推广。 Meanwhile, Logistics Drone that Future Heavy Industry is designing will also soon go into production, first and completes the Penglai City logistics center and orders of various Penglai City markets. At the appointed time, 500,000 puts up Logistics Drone will support entire city express, goes to send the business, even if confined at home, can still buy the commodity that admires, enjoys the good food of five-star restaurant 与此同时,未来人重工正在设计的物流无人机也即将投产,并首先完成蓬莱市物流中心以及蓬莱市各家商场的订单。届时,五十万物流无人机将支撑起整个城市的快递、外卖等派送业务,即使是足不出户,也能买到心仪的商品,享用五星级餐厅的美食 Is looking at the street view of out of the window when Jiang Chen, is giving free reign to the imagination the Penglai City happy future, the Jane's total information bust appeared on nearby table. 就在江晨望着窗外的街景,畅想着蓬莱市的美好未来时,简的全息半身像浮现在了一旁的桌上。 Some out of the door people look for you, is your CEO.” “门外有人找您,是您的eo。” Makes her come.” “让她进来吧。” Yes.” Jane nods, the image vanished from the table. “是。”点点头,影像从桌上消失了。 The back transmitted a light sound, the gate of elevator opens. Xia Shiyu enters in the room, stood his side. 背后传来一声轻响,电梯的门开了。夏诗雨走进屋内,站到了他的旁边。 thank you for your troubles.” Has turned around to look to Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen said. 辛苦你了。”转过身看向了夏诗雨,江晨说道。 Xia Shiyu shakes the head, the corners of the mouth bent several points of happy expression. 夏诗雨摇了摇头,嘴角弯起了几分笑意。 This is my work, being far to be laborious.” “这是我的工作,谈不上辛苦不辛苦。” Does not know that because of previous time sincerity, Jiang Chen always thought Xia Shiyu looked took several points of different color to own vision. He cannot say that what kind of color that is, when nonchalant to, somewhat inexplicable making one palpitates with excitement. Before work and not different, if to personal space, this feeling especially obvious. 不知道是不是因为上次的“坦诚相见”,江晨总觉得夏诗雨看向自己的目光中带上了几分不一样的色彩。他说不上来那是一种怎样的色彩,只是在不经意对上的时候,有些莫名的令人怦然心动。在工作中还是和以前没什么两样,但是一旦到了私人空间,这种感觉就尤为的明显。 How outside situation has not presented the safety incident.” Jiang Chen asked. “外面的情况怎么样没出现安全事故吧。”江晨问道。 Star Ring Trading proper of very trouble-free service processing, it seems like we have nothing to be worried about.” Xia Shiyu said. 星环贸易将安全工作处理的很到位,看来我们没什么可担心的。”夏诗雨说道。 Hears this, Jiang Chen nods. 听到这,江晨点了点头。 127,000 people flood into Penglai City simultaneously, is without doubt huge to the load that the transportation creates, if happened even the slightest misstep stepped on or other what accident, without doubt will make Penglai City this name cast the shadow. 12.7万人同时涌入蓬莱市,对于交通所造成的负荷无疑是巨大的,若是稍有不慎发生了踩踏或别的什么事故,无疑会让蓬莱市这个名字蒙上阴影。 That side Boston Financial Group spread the news, Mr. Carson Rocky inquired that we do have the interest are Hawaii build Satellite City. Comes from the Saudi news, Saudi Royal Family hopes that we can build marine Imperial Palace for them, constructs in Persian Gulf 波士顿财团那边传来了消息,卡森洛奇先生询问我们有没有兴趣为夏威夷打造一座卫星城。还有来自沙特的消息,沙特王室希望我们能为他们打造一座海上皇宫,建在波斯湾上” You said many orders directly.” The Jiang Chen perspiration said. “你直接说有多少份订单吧。”江晨汗道。 Future Heavy Industry has not signed, therefore could not be the order.” Xia Shiyu pushed the picture frame on bridge of the nose, from wearing the accent in uture in wrist/skill took the total information image, advanced in front of Jiang Chen's gently, before 1 hour, Future Heavy Industry had received total 218 with the Maritime City project related letter of intention, including 14 come from the state organization, 204 from private enterprise.” 未来人重工还没签下来,所以还不能算是订单。”夏诗雨推了推鼻梁上的镜框,从戴在手腕上的uture中调取了全息图像,轻轻推到了江晨的面前,“截止到一个小时前,未来人重工已经收到了共计218份与海上城市工程相关的合作意向书,其中有14份来自国家组织,204份来自私人企业。” The investment of 20 billion USD, created a 100 billion USD value, so high investment return ratio, the been jealous enterprise group naturally is many. To Oceanic Expansion is one of the many coastal state strategic priorities, opportunity really is inestimable 两百亿美元的投资,创造了一千亿美元的价值,如此高的投资回报率,眼红的企业集团自然是不少。向海洋扩张本来就是不少沿海国家的战略重点之一,这其中的商机简直是不可估量 After Jiang Chen thought deeply about the moment, says. 江晨思索了片刻后,开口说道。 Future Heavy Industry temporarily not new Maritime City construction plan, but the opening to the outside world order, first may reply them next year temporarily.” 未来人重工暂无新的海上城市建造计划,不过明年可能会对外开放订单,暂时就先这么回复他们吧。” Several 10 billion projects seem like make money very much, but compares its capacity of occupancy, the return has not actually imagined is so high. At present the Future Group industrial capacity basically depends upon in its Ange Island high technology and new technology industry park, as well as Xin-Ma Special Region on Papua Island, the capacity did not have to be casual waste the degree high. 百亿的工程看似很赚钱,但相比起其占用的产能而言,回报率却并没有想象中的那么高。目前未来人集团的工业能力基本上依靠于本国的安加岛的高新技术工业园,以及巴布亚岛上的新马特区,产能还没有高到能够随便“浪费”的程度。 Let alone, he must make one exceedingly high tower 更何况,他还要造一座“通天塔” Regarding the Jiang Chen's choice, Xia Shiyu nods. Although stands in the group CEO standpoint, she favors outputting the Maritime City project, expands the profit of company. However she also believes that such decision that Jiang Chen makes definitely has his reason. 对于江晨的选择,夏诗雨只是点了点头。虽然站在集团eo的立场,她更倾向于输出海上城市工程,扩大公司的盈利。不过她同时也相信,江晨做出的这样的决定肯定有他的原因。 Tacit understanding that this type not trusts reserved, at the beginning of Future Technologies was established has established. 这种毫无保留信任的默契,早在未来人科技成立之初就已经建立了。 Behavior that just, sometimes Jiang Chen makes a decision without authorization, lets her some headaches is 只不过,有时候江晨擅做主张的行为,也让她有些头疼就是 Said, after you recently also had what movement stopped the moment, Xia Shiyu opens the mouth to ask. “说起来,你最近又有什么动作了吗”停顿了片刻后,夏诗雨开口问道。 Em, is related with aerospace.” The Jiang Chen nod said. “恩,和航天有关。”江晨点头道。 Xia Shiyu sighed, put out a hand to push the eye on bridge of the nose. 夏诗雨叹了口气,伸手推了推鼻梁上的眼睛。 Really , if secret, I did not inquire. However later you through company finance allocation time, makes a sound ahead of time company with me, although makes money, but the floating capital is not very ample. Suddenly to Star Ring Trading capital 20 billion, finance department to collect these money, Future Biology that side already batch the fund gave to truncate, Tao Ming was still protesting to me a moment ago, asked actually I how returned to the matter, these money were used to expand production “果然吗如果是机密的话,我就不打听了。不过以后您通过公司财务拨款的时候,还是提前和我吱个声好吗公司虽然赚钱,但流动资金并不是很宽裕。突然向星环贸易注资两百亿,财务部为了凑出这些钱,把未来人生物那边已经批下去的款项都给削了,刚才陶明还在向我抗议,问我究竟是怎么回儿事儿,那些钱都是用来扩大生产” Speaking of this, Xia Shiyu has not continued, the look that but with complained looked at Jiang Chen one. 说到这,夏诗雨也没继续说下去了,而是用略带埋怨的眼神看了江晨一眼。 Saw the careless action to hold unexpectedly this grade of basket, the Jiang Chen's expression was also somewhat awkward. At that time he has not considered so many actually, that side Kelvin will budget the report to give him, he approved directly. Only can construct this Space Elevator with 20 billion, he at that time the only idea was also really cheap 见自己草率的举动居然捅出了这等篓子,江晨的表情也是有些尴尬。当时他倒是没考虑这么多,克尔温那边将预算报给他,他就直接批了下去。只用两百亿就能把这太空电梯建起来,他当时唯一的想法也就是真便宜 Sorry, later I can say one with you.” “抱歉,以后我会和你说一声的。” Has been familiar with scratch bottom Xia Shiyu not to say anything in the group operation for Jiang Chen, but made to hope such expression. 已经习惯替江晨在集团经营上擦屁.股夏诗雨没说什么,只是做了个但愿如此的表情。 At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly thought an issue. 就在这时,江晨突然想起来了一个问题。 Right, you said that our floating capital are not very ample right “对了,你说我们的流动资金不是很宽裕对吗” Xia Shiyu replied very much specialized. 夏诗雨很专业地回答道。 This is the common problem that any big company has , only if “这是任何大公司都存在的通病,,除非” Only if we open family/home bank.” Jiang Chen says immediately. “除非我们开家银行。”江晨立刻说道。 Xia Shiyu gawked staring, what although she wants to say is bank maintains the good relations of cooperation, comment that but Jiang Chen gave as if also right. 夏诗雨愣了愣,虽然她想说的是和银行保持良好的合作关系,但江晨提出的意见似乎也没错。 After stopping the moment, she nods to say. 停顿了片刻后,她点了点头说道。 Right, only if we open family/home bank.” To be continued. “没错,除非我们开家银行。”未完待续。
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