IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#758: Penglai City opening!

The space is fluttering point Little Rain, in the sea level is blowing the wind is actually not general big. The billowing mighty waves whip in the broad side, the water splash splashes in the bow recklessly, the staff throw over the raincoat to carry the photograph top of the head in front, but the reporter actually spells stands in the bow, one is hand-held the parapet, is grasping the microphone single-handedly, took away the first-hand news for the audience before television. 天上飘着点点小雨,海面上刮着的风却不是一般的大。滚滚波涛拍打在船舷,水花在船头肆意飞溅,工作人员披着雨衣扛着摄像头顶在前面,而记者却是更拼地站在船头,一手扶着栏杆,一手握着话筒,为电视机前的观众带去了第一手消息。 Now, behind us is Penglai City in that legend. You possibly cannot see, because our nearest harbors also had are about the 15 into the sea|nautical mile probably! Looks at that sunspot, what now we can see is the Penglai City Central Building spire. The Star Ring Trading maritime police ship blockaded this sea area temporarily, when high noon a 12 blockade can relieve, at the appointed time this station reporter will bring the further report for you......” “现在,我们背后就是那座传说中的蓬莱市。你们可能看不见,因为我们距离最近的港口还有大概有十五海里左右!看那个黑点,现在我们能够看到的是蓬莱市中央大厦的塔尖。星环贸易的海警船暂时封锁了这片海域,等到正午十二点封锁会解除,届时本台记者将为您带来进一步的报道……” Face blown glowing red, however a temperature does not have. Roared the last character, Lu Xiao wiped water drop on face. She who the both legs become tender, under supporting by the arm of staff, walked from the bow. 脸被吹的红彤彤的,然而一点温度都没有。吼完了最后一个字,卢筱抹了一把脸上的水珠。双腿发软的她,在工作人员的搀扶下,从船头走了下来。 Returned to the cabin, senior team leader Li Hanliang of interview group walked, handed over one bottle of mineral water to her. 回到了船舱内,采访组的老组长李汉良走了过来,向她递了一瓶矿泉水。 Xiao Xiao, thank you for your troubles.” 筱筱啊,辛苦你了。” „It is not laborious!” Is holding up the head to drink half bottle, Lu Xiao restored some mental finally, the vitality returned on that shy face, „did team leader Li, Star Ring Trading agree with our applications?” “不辛苦!”昂着头喝了半瓶,卢筱的总算是恢复了些精神,朝气重新回到了那青涩的脸上,“李组长,星环贸易同意我们的申请了吗?” Li Hanliang shakes the head, sighs, sits on nearby chair. 李汉良摇了摇头,叹了口气,坐在了旁边的椅子上。 This matter is not easy to do, how I said that they do not nod. However other television stations are also the same, at this matter they have not favored anyone, their Country of Xin television station is also treating as a stranger in the blockade area sea area.” “这事儿不好办,我怎么说他们也不点头。不过其他电视台也都一样,这事儿上他们没有偏袒谁,就连他们自己的新国电视台也是在封锁区海域外待着。” hears word, the Lu Xiao expression somewhat is strange. 闻言,卢筱表情不由有些古怪。 Where this seems like the interview, is racing completely probably! On nearby that ship is the bbc reporter, again the distant point is the Colombia television, can make so many media expertises rent a ship to wait, this Future Group also enough has the face. 这哪里像是采访,完全像是在赛跑!旁边的那艘船上就是bbc的记者,再远点就是哥伦比亚电视,能让这么多家媒体专门租条船来等着,这未来人集团也是够有面子。 The time passes quickly, no to the high noon, on the maritime police ship will also make the green light. 时间过得很快,没一会就到了正午,海警船上也随之打出了绿灯。 Received the message of contact blockade, encircles starts to go forward in the Penglai City surrounding cruise and skiff, toward that city that is called the miracle navigated the past. 收到了接触封锁的消息,围在蓬莱市周围的游轮、小艇开始前进,向着那座被称为奇迹的城市航行了过去。 Stands overlooks on the helicopter, that ship is dragging the white wave mark, from rushes to the Penglai City scene in all directions, really on such as a mammoth picture scroll! According to the travel agency counts, applies for first batch of the population of landing on the island reach as high as 127,000 people, the goal sea area big and small shipping is over 9000! 站在直升机上俯瞰,那一艘艘船拖着白色的浪痕,从四面八方涌向蓬莱市的场景,简直就如一副波澜壮阔的画卷!根据旅游局统计,申请第一批登岛的人数高达12.7万人,目标海域大小船只总数超过九千艘! Another side, a luxurious medium cruise also moved slowly, what above is carrying goes to the passenger of Penglai City visit. 另一边,一手豪华的中型游轮也缓缓的动了,上面载着的是前往蓬莱市参观的旅客。 The weather change in sea is quick, first two hours are still raining, now have had Sun, the deck did not have a while to expose to the sun feel hot. Wears a sand beach casual attire, Wei Wendong stands in the bow of cruise, looked at the Penglai City direction, the corners of the mouth is bringing back wiped the happy expression of anticipation. 大海上的天气变化很快,前两个小时还在下雨,现在已经出了太阳,甲板没一会儿就晒得发烫。穿着一身沙滩休闲装,魏文东站在游轮的船头,望着蓬莱市的方向,嘴角不由勾起了一抹期待的笑意。 That was Penglai City, that he once in Virtual World has seen the marvelous sight...... 那就是蓬莱市了,那座他曾在虚拟世界中见过的奇观…… Actually regarding this city in the present world can be any appearance, can say that he filled with the anticipation. 对于这座城市在现世中究竟会是一副什么模样,可以说他是充满了期待。 Year later the days , the Divine Grade Continent a2 season ended, Royals Guild seized individual athletics at one fell swoop first, and semi-final's fifth proud result! The given name of this champion, naturally belongs to him Shadow Demon. In order to celebrate his winning, the sponsor gave him to wrap a 20 million rmb red package directly. 年后那几天,神级大陆a2赛季结束,王族公会一举夺下了个人竞技第一,以及小组赛第五的傲人成绩!这个冠军的名号,自然非他“影魔”莫属。为了庆祝他的夺冠,赞助商直接给他包了一个两千万rmb的红包。 Many? Actually are not many. 很多吗?其实不算多。 Not to mention the Divine Grade Continent world's first player number, as a result of the irritability of Virtual Reality Net roaming, as well as that hangs ornamental that explodes, the person who even if many does not play the game, joined in the fun puts on helmet to apply for the tourist seat, surrounded the large-scale sports event of this internaionally broadcast. 且不说神级大陆世界第一的玩家数量,由于虚拟实境网游的火爆,以及那吊爆的观赏性,即使不少不玩游戏的人,都凑热闹地戴上头盔申请了游客席位,围观了这场全球直播的大型赛事。 According to official data that Future Technologies gives, does not calculate the viewing ratio that these television stations retransmit, the watching population peak value of Arena live broadcast broke through 290 million! 根据未来人科技给出的官方数据,不算那些电视台转播的收视率,竞技场直播的观看人数峰值突破了2.9亿! What concept are 290 million? After the game retransmits watches the population also to rise at least one time! 2.9亿是什么概念?赛后转播观看人数起码还得翻上一倍! Thinks to look that the nba field watches people peak value also more than 20 million. At the advancement in individual race and semi-final, was allowed to paste on the trademark of sponsor enterprise behind the name. Can insert in the attention so terrorist|terrifying sports event. Enters own trademark, beamed with joy in the face of the global ten several hundreds of millions people by own company, commercial value must have high is much self-evident. 想想看吧,nba场均观看人次峰值也不过两千多万而已。在个人赛和小组赛中的出线者,被允许在名字背后贴上赞助商企业的商标。能在关注度如此恐怖的赛事中插.入自己的商标,让自己的公司在全球十数亿人面前露个脸,这其中的商业价值得有多高已经不言而喻。 After Wei Wendong does not know the support trading, gave them specifically trade union how much money, he only knows that this number cannot be smaller than 500 million RMB. 魏文东不知道赞助商事后具体给了他们工会多少钱,他只知道这个数字不会小于五亿软妹币 After the game, Royals Union wrapped an entire luxurious cruise directly, drew the entire guild core member to come time to compel under the standard full line to get together! But destination that under this line gathers , is Penglai City. 赛后,王族工会直接包了一整艘豪华游轮,拉着全公会的核心成员来了次逼格十足的线下聚会!而这次线下聚会的目的地,便是蓬莱市 To wrist/skill volume one uture cell phone selected, above the wrist/skill launched palm of the hand big holographic screen immediately. Photographs to this Penglai City prospect, looks at that city in screen, whatever that sea breeze rubs the chaotic own hair, in the Wei Wendong smiling face took several points of high-spiritedness. 向手腕上卷着的uture手机点了下,手腕上方顿时展开了巴掌大的全息屏幕。给这蓬莱市的远景拍了张照,看着屏幕中的那座城市,任由那海风揉乱自己的头发,魏文东的笑容中不禁带上了几分意气风发。 Last year, he bought two sets of real estate in Penglai City, one set of limiting purchases 2 levels of household, with 4 levels of household that one set did not limit purchases. At that time patted these two houses time some of his also meat pains, two houses got down make his deposit go to half directly, but he only regrets now why had not gone out the other half flower initially. 去年,他在蓬莱市买了两套房产,一套限购的二级户型,和一套不限购的四级户型。当时拍下这两套房子的时候他还有些肉痛,两套房子下来直接让他存款去了一半,不过现在他只后悔,为什么当初没有把另一半也花出去。 With completion of Penglai City, is impossible the rumor bankruptcy that completes, such less than one month, in his hand the house prices of these two houses had risen one time, even there are turns a time of trend again. 随着蓬莱市的竣工,不可能完成的谣言破产,就这么不到一个月的时间,他手中这两套房子的房价已经翻上了一倍,甚至有再翻一倍的趋势。 Quick, the cruise anchored in the Penglai City harbor. 很快,游轮停靠在了蓬莱市的港湾。 Entire ring-like man-made island four sides, is situated the every large or small over a thousand harbors, private and public ship storehouse that as well as may come and go out freely, the scene that although the 9000 many ships depend on is very magnificent, but lands on the island time is not crowded. 整个环形人工岛的四面,坐落着大大小小上千座港口,以及可自由出入的私人、公共船库,虽然九千多艘船靠过来的场面很壮观,但登岛的时候并不拥挤。 If such in propaganda, entire city felt that time front Science Fiction feeling. The the big screen of signboard and commercial city roof of billboard and store, all uses the holographic technology of Future Group product. 如宣传中的那样,整座城市充满了那种时代前沿的科幻感。广告牌、商铺的招牌、商城楼顶的大荧幕,无一不是用上了未来人集团出品的全息技术。 Put on the ar eyeglasses that takes from customs there, lovable Navigation Fairy Little Rain appeared in him on hand. Flew around him mischievously several, Little Rain flew his front, on his request, leading him to walk to the real estate that he purchased. 戴上了从海关那里拿的ar眼镜,可爱的导航精灵小雨久违地浮现在了他手边。调皮地绕着他飞了几圈,小雨飞到了他的前面,应他的要求,带着他向他购置的房产走去。 Is walking, Little Rain while chirp was replying his issue, is reporting the Penglai City information to him. 一边走着,小雨一边叽叽喳喳地回答着他的问题,向他介绍着蓬莱市的信息。 So lifelike Augmented Reality technology, even makes his some minutes not clear, actually here is virtual or realistic. 如此逼真的现实增强技术,甚至于让他有些分不清楚,这里究竟是虚拟还是现实。 By the street, all kinds of stores are doing business. To this staff of market, dining as well as service industry, because attains the permission that entered ahead of time, has mounted the islands yesterday, and tidied up the shop, was good to catch up on the city open first day opens the door the business. 街道两旁,各式各样的商铺正在营业。向这种商场、餐饮以及服务业的工作人员,因为拿到了提前进入的许可,早在昨天就已经登上了岛屿,并将门店收拾了出来,好赶在城市开放的首日开门营业。 On the street the vehicles are few, most people walk. However Penglai City good of very transportation planning, installs underground in underground 12 strip suspension train metro line, can make the tourist arrive in this city random place in ten minutes. 街道上车辆很少,人们大多步行。不过蓬莱市的交通规划的很好,埋设在地下一层的十二条悬浮列车轨道交通线,能让游客在十分钟内抵达这座城市的任意地点。 Moreover, it is said this city road installed underground the track at the beginning of the construction, after the Future Heavy Industry Maglev Car technology makes the breakthrough, this city transportation will then move toward from the plane three-dimensional...... 另外,据说这座城市的公路在建设之初就埋设了磁轨,等到未来人重工磁悬浮汽车技术取得突破之后,这座城市的交通便将从平面走向立体…… Thinks of here, Wei Wendong somewhat anticipated faintly. 想到这里,魏文东不禁隐隐有些期待了起来。 Is flooding so numerous leading edge technologies, lives in such city, such life certainly not bored......( to be continued.) 充斥着如此众多的前沿科技,生活在这样的城市,这样的人生一定不会无聊……(未完待续。)
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