IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#757: Placement of Space Elevator

Presently the world, east of Ange Island 7 nautical miles, here is the Country of Xin territorial waters border. Goes toward the southeast again is the vast international waters, the nearby cannot see, even if islands. However because applied for the reason of manganese nodule mining recently here, Future Mining towed an offshore platform with Construction Boat. 现世,安加岛以东七海里,这里是新国的领海边境。再往东南方去便是一望无际的公海,附近看不见哪怕一座岛屿。不过因为最近在这里申请了锰结核开采的缘故,未来人矿业工程船拖来了一座海上平台。 However mentioned also strangely, this Future Mining threw this offshore platform alone after this sea, sign that had not actually begun construction. Except for arranged several standing guard soldier above, outside civilians who several seem like the staff, fishes the ore the equipment unable to see continually. 不过说来也奇怪,这未来人矿业将这座海上平台孤零零地丢在这片海上后,却是一直没有开始动工的迹象。除了在上面安排了几名站岗的士兵,几名貌似工作人员的平民外,连捞矿的设备都看不到。 Does Future Group want to do? 未来人集团想干啥? Is completed after Penglai City has been staring at Future Group United States, without doubt is most curious. But turns over to curiously curiously, they are not good to ask directly, therefore White House then used the technique of habitually using, leaked out this information through some anonymous White House official, then made these reporters inquire the news. 蓬莱市竣工后就一直盯着未来人集团美国,无疑是最好奇的。可好奇归好奇,他们也不好直接开口问,于是白宫便用起了惯用的手法,通过某不愿透露姓名的白宫官员将这个情报泄露出去,然后再让这些记者去打探消息。 However Future Group does not eat reporter set obviously, asked Future Mining in that Taiwan sea upper mounting plate of marine deployment, the answer arranged for everybody to give the same story is a few words legal act, the no comment.” 然而未来人集团显然不吃记者这一套,问起未来人矿业在海上部署的那台海上平台,答案统一口径都是一句话“合法行为,无可奉告。” Future Group concealing, made the public more curious on the contrary. Suddenly, all kinds of rumors cause a clamor, various group of keyboard heroes state views are analyzing the Future Group action, reason that unearths the deep level. Some people said that is Future Heavy Industry is constructing second Penglai City, some people said that they are constructing Undersea City, even some people said, they discovered Alien relic under seabed...... 未来人集团的“掩饰”,反倒让公众们更好奇了。一时间,各种各样的谣言甚嚣尘上,各路键盘侠各抒己见地分析着未来人集团的举动,挖掘深层次的原因。有的人说是未来人重工在建第二座蓬莱市,也有的人说他们在建海底城市,甚至有人说,他们在海底下发现了外星人遗迹…… The public opinion was guided to approach the strange place easily. 舆论被轻而易举地引导向了奇怪的地方。 Actually is Future Group doing? 未来人集团究竟在干什么? Everyone is very curious this issue...... 所有人都很好奇这个问题…… ...... …… What that is?” “那个是什么?” Was on the offshore platform, Star Ring Trading Aerospace Technology Center C CEO Kelvin took a look at right above a platform, there horizontally a roughly 20 square meter board. Externally look, like the solar electrical energy generation board, he really cannot find out this gadget the function. 登上海上平台,星环贸易航天科技中心的ceo克尔温瞅了眼平台正上方,那里横着一张约莫二十平米的板子。从外观上看,不像太阳能发电板,他实在想不出这玩意儿的功能。 Anti-Satellite Laser Array. Introduced that is too troublesome, in a nutshell, is enables the spy satellite on our top of the head only to see more than a ten square kilometers luminous point, the radio signal of monitor all turns into one group of chaotic noises.” Jiang Chen patted the guard rail that fears the offshore platform, looks that the Kelvin smile said that here is one of the Future Group top secrets, currently you have to renege on a promise 2 opportunities.” 反卫星激光阵列。介绍起来太麻烦,简而言之,就是让我们头顶上的间谍卫星只能看到一个十多平方公里的发光点,监听的无线电信号全都变成一团杂乱无章的噪音。”江晨拍了怕海上平台的护栏,看着克尔温微笑道,“这里是未来人集团最高机密之一,现在你还有反悔二的机会。” But that will let my curious being able to sleep.” Kelvin shrugged, follows behind Jiang Chen's. “但那会让我好奇的睡不着觉。”克尔温耸了耸肩,跟在了江晨的后面。 Droplet stops for side in offshore platform, but the Jiang Chen preparation brings obviously is not this strange submersibles that he experiences. 水滴停在海上平台的正方,不过江晨准备带他见识的显然不是这个古怪的潜水器。 After entering Droplet, Jiang Chen established the route on holographic screen, then opened the integral imaging, turned into worthy of the reputation Droplet entire [The Droplet 1], from inside to outside transparent...... 进入水滴后,江晨全息屏幕上设定了航路,然后便打开了全景成像,将整个水滴一号变成了名副其实的水滴,从内向外透明…… Made the person surprise science and technology.” Kelvin put out a hand to poke the bulkhead, the hand direction poked on the steel plate, „did I see such mysterious submersibles for the first time...... the top secret am this gadget?” “令人诧异的科技。”克尔温伸手戳了戳舱壁,手指向戳在了钢板上,“我还是第一次见到这么神奇的潜水器……最高机密就是这玩意儿吗?” You thought that it has place that needs to keep secret?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “你觉得它有需要保密的地方吗?”江晨笑道。 Kelvin also follows to smile. 克尔温也跟着笑了笑。 Said is also, this gadget compares Future Group already the technology that puts out, highlight that is actually not worth keeping secret. Even Penglai City, Jiang Chen in beginning construction has not concealed anything to the media, even when the project is halfway starts to auction the real estate on this artificial islands. 说的也是,这玩意儿相比起未来人集团已经拿出的技术,却是没什么值得保密的亮点。就算是蓬莱市,在动工的时候江晨也没有向媒体掩饰过什么,甚至在工程进行到一半的时候就开始拍卖起这座人工岛屿上的房产。 Obviously, under this seabed is hiding any serious thing. 很显然,这海底下藏着什么不得了的东西。 However what makes Kelvin puzzled is, why the thing under seabed he looked for himself, own work in aerospace that together! 然而让克尔温困惑的是,海底下的东西他为啥找上了自己,自己的工作可是在航天那一块儿啊! Without the waiting is very long, is two minutes of time, [The Droplet 1] has dived slowly seabed. When the searchlight opens, Kelvin looks with that light beam, immediately stared in a big way the eyes. 没有等待很久,也就是两分钟的功夫,水滴一号已经缓缓下潜到了海底。当探照灯开启,克尔温随着那道光束看去,顿时瞪大了双眼。 A giant metal cube, from top to bottom look, the length and breadth little said that is also the 2000~3000 meter. Compares Penglai City, this cube is not shocks, but why does not know, he can actually feel more intense Science Fiction feeling from this structure...... 一座巨型的金属立方体,从上往下看,长宽少说也有个两三千米。相比起蓬莱市,这座立方体不算震撼,但不知为何,他却能从这结构上感受到更为强烈的科幻感…… Moreover the intuition told him, this gadget was related with aerospace. 而且直觉告诉他,这玩意儿和航天有关。 Associates to the Space Elevator matter that a while ago Jiang Chen and he said that in his heart appeared a clear(ly) to become aware immediately, is it possible that...... 联想到前段时间江晨和他说的太空电梯的事,他的心中顿时浮现了一丝明悟,莫非…… This, is actually this what gadget?” Kelvin flutters to ask. “这,这究竟是什么玩意儿?”克尔温颤声问道。 I also think that you can guess correctly,” Jiang Chen has come back to smile, pressed on holographic screen, making Droplet stop in same place, Space Elevator Foundation, although has not finished.” “我还以为你能猜到,”江晨回过头笑了笑,在全息屏幕上按了下,让水滴停稳在了原地,“太空电梯基座,虽然尚未完工。” Yes, this is only a half-finished product. 是的,这只是个半成品。 From White Whale Seabed Investigation Station that lane Space Elevator Foundation was the components after disassemblage, Jiang Chen mobilizes to be brought here complete Amphibious Project Robot to present world by him, assembles to assemble present this appearance these components for half a month. 白鲸海底考察站那弄来的太空电梯基座是拆卸后的零件,江晨动员了被他带到现世这边的全部两栖工程机器人,组装了半个月才将这些零件拼装成了现在这个样子。 Kelvin silent long time, later sighed. 克尔温沉默了半晌,随后才叹了口气。 Why does not know, I always have a regrettable feeling.” “不知为何,我总有种遗憾的感觉。” Jiang Chen asked: oh? why?” 江晨问道:“哦?为什么?” Will not always have studied the display the pinnacle, the rocket time had finished.” Kelvin with ridiculing the tone said. “还未将平生所学发挥到极致,火箭的时代就已经结束了。”克尔温用揶揄地口吻说道。 At least, the aerospace rocket time had ended. 至少,航天火箭的时代已经结束。 If can reduce from tens of millions USD the aerospace cost to 1000 USD, but also who will pay for aerospace rocket? Even x- spae Falcon rocket, impossible small advantage to this degree. What can foresee, grasps Space Elevator Star Ring Trading, will assume full responsibility of global all satellite launching projects unsuspensefully...... at least is the commercial satellite launch project. 如果能将航天成本从数千万美元压缩到一千美元之内,还有谁会为航天火箭买单?就算是x-spae的猎鹰火箭,也不可能便宜到这种程度。可以预见的是,掌握太空电梯星环贸易,将毫无悬念地包揽全球所有的卫星发射项目……至少是商业卫星发射项目。 This saying said also too early.” Jiang Chen shakes the head with a smile, after stopping the moment, then said, Space Elevator only completes the first phase at present, is the Space Elevator base, but the part that remains, needs jointly completes by Aerospace Technology Center and Future Heavy Industry.” “这话说的还太早了。”江晨笑着摇了摇头,停顿了片刻后,接着说道,“太空电梯目前只完成了一期工程,也就是太空电梯的基座,而剩下来的部分,需要由航天科技中心未来人重工共同去完成。” On all architecture unlike Earth, this to synchronous orbit exceedingly high tower opened from top to bottom built. First constructs synchronous orbit space station, then starts the terminal balance simultaneously and construction of 36,000 kilometers track. 地球上所有的建筑都不同,这座通往同步轨道的“通天塔”是从上往下开始建的。先建好同步轨道空间站,然后再同时开始末端平衡物和3.6万公里轨道的建设。 This also means, all construction materials must pass rocket launch to Outer Space. Did not discuss regardless material's cost, is only the rocket launch cost is not a small number. This was also Jiang Chen starts to merge the private aerospace enterprise from last year, developed the Star Ring n th series rocket reason. Only will then launch the cost to pull down to a relatively reasonable price, Future Group has that condition that constructs Space Elevator. 这也就意味着,所有的建造材料都必须通过火箭发射外层空间。抛开材料本身的成本不谈,光是火箭发射的成本就不是一笔小数字。这也正是江晨从去年就开始并购私人航天企业,发展星环n号系列火箭的原因。只有将发射成本压低到一个相对合理的价格,未来人集团才有那个建造太空电梯的条件。 last year, Jiang Chen is preparing this for this moment. 早在去年,江晨就在为这一刻准备这了。 All the technical data about Space Elevator has researched and developed, then we must do moves from the blueprint it. The budget of entire project I will not set the upper limit, but your only mission, completes this exceedingly high tower for me.” “所有关于太空电梯的技术资料都已经研发完毕,接下来我们要做的就是将它从图纸上搬下来。整个工程的预算我不会设上限,而你唯一的任务,就是替我完成这座通天塔。” After stopping the moment, Jiang Chen then smiles to say. 停顿了片刻后,江晨接着微笑道。 If became, your my name, will go down in history.”( To be continued.) “如果成了,你我的名字,都将载入史册。”(未完待续。)
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