IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#756: To Cosmos key( four asked ticket!)

Nuclear Fusion Generator, changes a more specialized view, should call Nuclear Fusion Reactor. , 核聚变发电机,换个更专业的说法,应该叫核聚变反应堆。∑, However the volume of this closet size, really makes people unable and in Nuclear Power Station the reactor of small house volume it relates like that. 然而这衣柜大小的体积,实在让人无法将它和核电站中小房子那般体积的反应堆联系起来。 However the fact is so, Nuclear Fusion Reactor of 22 centuries generally are this size. Although the reactor of Iron Man Tony where chest is not pocket-sized, but at the present scientific and technological standard, these five Nuclear Fusion Reactor, as before is the miracle that is inconceivable. 不过事实就是如此,22世纪的核聚变反应堆普遍都是这个大小。虽然不似钢铁侠托尼那个安在胸口的反应堆那么袖珍,但以现在的科技水平,这五台核聚变反应堆,依旧是难以想象的奇迹。 Right, is unable to use the phenomenon of existing knowledge descsiption, can only describe with the miracle. 没错,无法用现有知识描述的现象,只能用奇迹来形容了。 This is at this moment, complete feelings of Penglai City Ministry of Electricity long Mr. Zhang Haiwang. When sees this generator deployment in the power house, connects power network it personally, places storage Daoguan in the energy trough personally, presses down the switch of trial operation personally...... 这便是此时此刻,蓬莱市电力部张海旺先生的全部感想。当看到这台发电机部署在动力室内,亲手将它接入电网,亲手将储氘罐安置在能量槽中,亲手按下试运行的开关…… He has felt in a flash, oneself studied dozens years of knowledge, is not different from the craftsmanship of primitive man. 他有那么一瞬间觉得,自己学了数十年的知识,就和原始人的手艺没什么两样。 generator satisfies the illumination of entire city sufficiently, two generator undertake the entire city electricity demand sufficiently, remains Shimosandan as spare, when another two generator have problems or needs to maintain forces up. However this situation would hardly appear, Clear Water Nuclear Power Station takes the battle storage facility, the security and considers as most important from the running ability of reactor, the designer has solved the problem that these possibly had in the blueprint. 一台发电机就足以满足整个城市的照明,两台发电机就足以承担整个城市的电力需求,剩下三台只是作为备用,当另外两台发电机出现故障或需要维护的时候顶上去。不过这种情况几乎不会出现,清水核电站作为战储设施,反应堆的安全性和自运行能力都是作为重中之重来考量的,设计师早在图纸上就已经解决了这些可能存在的问题。 After completing work of Nuclear Fusion Generator placement, the staff were allowed to re-enter the close floor work. Everyone was guessing why must seal up these three floors temporarily, however no one can guess correctly a reason why. 在完成了核聚变发电机安置的工作后,工作人员被允许重新进入封闭的楼层工作。所有人都在猜测,为什么要临时封闭这三个楼层,然而没有任何人能猜出个所以然。 I can ask that produces these deuteriums the costs? I quite set the new electricity price.” After completing the relocation work, Zhang Haiwang asked another essential issue. “我可以问下生产这些氘的成本吗?我好制定新的电力价格。”当完成了安置工作后,张海旺问起了另一个关键的问题。 Cost? The issue of this actually difficult office, because Jiang Chen obtains these nuclear fuel one cent not to have flower. 成本?这倒是个难办的问题,因为江晨得到这些核燃料一分钱都没花。 After hesitating the moment, Jiang Chen says. 沉吟了片刻后,江晨开口说道。 Deuterium production cost is not good to calculate, I have no way to give you an accurate figure. However is a little affirmed that Nuclear Fusion Power Generator cost, only then wind power one tenth. As for the electricity price, you refer to this Koro Island electricity price, presses downward can, in name declared to the outside Future Group implements the electricity price subsidy to Penglai City.” “氘生产成本不好计算,我没法给你个准确数字。不过有一点是肯定的,核聚变发电的成本只有风力发电的十分之一。至于电价,你参考这科罗岛的电价,往下压一压便可,名义上还是对外宣称未来人集团蓬莱市实行电价补贴。” The Nuclear Fusion Power Generator technology is the secret item, naturally cannot foreign public. Cancelled ocean current Group generator and electricity-generating algae project under-construction, although is easy to arouse suspicion, but also being insufficient reminds on nuclear energy, not mental association to nuclear fusion on. 核聚变发电技术属于机密事项,自然不能对外公开。取消了在建的洋流发电机发电海藻项目虽然容易让人引起怀疑,但却还不足以让人联想到核能上,更不会联想到核聚变上。 After all Jiang Chen can also talk nonsense to the media, said that Penglai City used latest Tidal Energy Generator, installs in each corner of Penglai island, invests xx hundred million US Dollar, how to say in any case is also not he decides. 毕竟江晨还可以对媒体胡扯嘛,就说蓬莱市采用了最新型的潮汐能发电机,安装在蓬莱岛的各个角落,投资xx亿美金,反正怎么说还不是他说了算。 As for these spy that comes to the island to look around, was the work of Specter Agent, this did not need him excessively to worry much. 至于那些来岛上探头探脑的间谍,就是幽灵特工的工作了,这个也无需他过多操心。 Processed Nuclear Fusion Generator, Jiang Chen brings Ayesha to leave Penglai City. However he has not returned to New Moon Island actually immediately, but opened the function of integral imaging, four sides the bulkhead of arc turned into the diaphanous glass probably, the two people in Droplet really stood in transparent Droplet probably. 处理完核聚变发电机的事后,江晨带着阿伊莎离开了蓬莱市。不过他倒是没有立刻回到新月岛上,而是打开了全景成像的功能,四面弧形的舱壁就好像变成了透光的玻璃,水滴内的两人就好像真的站在透明的水滴中。 Jiang Chen raised most greatly the [The Droplet 1] cruising speed, bringing Ayesha to enjoy a rapidness of recklessly shuttle under the sea. The feeling, played one after insanely, returned to New Moon Island before the noontime, stopped Droplet in the underground installation. 江晨水滴一号的巡航速度提升到了最大,带着阿伊莎在海下享受了一番肆意穿梭的快.感,疯玩了一阵后,才在午时之前回到了新月岛上,将水滴停在了地下设施。 Goes home, Jiang Chen made Ayesha prepare the lunches of three people of shares, that came out hit to pack, naturally for the Lin Ling preparation. 回到了家中,江晨阿伊莎准备了三人份的午餐,多出来的那一份打包装好,自然是为林玲准备的。 Lin Ling has not contacted with him, the situation of that proof frontline is not bad. It seems like Li Wang has not really disappointed his expectation, successfully defended certainly Wanghai Beach. Then, he at the last matter that Yizhou Island also needs to do shifting Space Elevator Foundation. 林玲没有与他联系,那证明前线的情况还不算糟糕。看来黎望果然没有辜负他的期望,成功守住了绝望海滩。如此一来,他在夷州岛还需要做的最后一件事就是将转移太空电梯基座了。 After finishing eating the lunch, Jiang Chen returned to the room to take a nap the moment, probably two o'clock time then returned to Last of Days. 吃完午餐后,江晨回到房间午睡了片刻,大概两点钟的时候便返回了末世 ...... …… When he returns to Last of Days, certainly Wanghai Beach is erupting cheering of victory. 当他回到末世时,绝望海滩的正爆发着胜利的欢呼。 Passed through engaging in fierce battle of more than 40 hour, the fence was completed finally, constructed frontline soldier to start a minute of raid to withdraw on sea beach, mounted the cement manufactured tall wall. The swamp crab carapace is sincere, the tooth and pliers are sharp, but has not climbed up the ability only. 经过了四十多小时的鏖战,围墙终于竣工,在海滩上构筑前线的士兵开始分批次后撤,登上了水泥制的高墙。泥沼蟹的甲壳厚重,牙齿、钳子锋利,但唯独没有攀爬能力。 Four meters many tall wall, to these livestock, really is together the insurmountable iron wall! So long as shares several very machine guns in each city wall, ten marksman, clean up wall nearby swamp crab promptly, then these swamp crab not cross the defense line certainly the possibility! 四米多的高墙,对这些畜.生来说,简直就是一道不可逾越的铁壁!只要在每段城墙上分摊几挺机枪,十来个射手,及时清理掉墙边上的泥沼蟹,那么这些泥沼蟹就绝无越过防线的可能! After the fence finishes, survivors also relaxes, sits down exhausted on the sand. 围墙完工后,幸存者们同样松了口气,瘫坐在了沙地上。 July 1 arrived, the No. 79 Sanctuary front door was closed as scheduled, the person who is still hitting the wishful thinking stopped immediately. If the fence does not fix, perhaps the NAC's person cannot die, but they have no place to go absolutely. 七月 1 号一到,79号避难所的大门如期关闭,所有还在打小心思的人顿时消停了下来。如果围墙不修好,nac的人或许死不了,但他们绝对是无处可逃。 However is good, in the fence catches up before the defense line collapsed finishes. 不过好在围墙赶在了防线崩溃之前完工。 After all finished, they are unbelievable, this year's Month of Disaster, that arrives at the nightmare of island, was prevented?! 当一切结束后,就连他们自己都难以置信,今年的灾厄之月,那降临全岛的噩梦,就这么被阻止了?! In the afternoon 4 o'clock, the reinforcement from Wanghai City arrived in the battlefield. Hence, NAC has surpassed the 2000 person in the troops of Yizhou Island deployment. And the 1000 person guards certainly the fence before Wanghai Beach, moreover 1000 person as Hunting Tiger II Tank, advanced the urban district, took over control of the control of No. 79 small town. 下午四点钟,来自望海市的增援抵达了战场。至此,nac夷州岛部署的兵力已经超过两千人。其中一千人驻守绝望海滩前的围墙,另外一千人则随着猎虎ii坦克,开进了市区,接管了79号小镇的控制权。 When sees NAC's soldier, survivors welcomed the small town them with the cheers. These people are poverty-stricken Survivor, because does not have payment enough subcrystal, but kept them out by Sanctuary. Compares unreasonable No. 79 Sanctuary, NAC this name naturally has the prestige. 当看到nac的士兵,幸存者们用欢呼声将他们迎进了小镇。这些人都是穷苦的幸存者,因为没有缴纳足够的亚晶,而被避难所拒之门外。相比起不近人情的79号避难所,nac这个名字自然是更具威望。 Li Wang told that 100 soldier set the defense line in the Sanctuary entrance, blocked this only access. 黎望吩咐一百士兵避难所的入口处设置了防线,封锁了这唯一的出入口。 Since they dare to practice dirty tricks in the fence, that do not blame the NAC's person being brutal. 既然他们敢在围墙上搞小动作,那就不要怪nac的人无情了。 The fence establishes, NAC took over control of the Yizhou Island northern defense line, No. 79 Sanctuary did not need of existence. Thereupon, the name of small town was also changed to Yizhou Town, integrated the NAC's economic zone. The administrative mode is the native manages the native as before, NAC sends the Executive Officer supervision, the garrison keeps the peace. 围墙建立,nac接管了夷州岛北部的防线,79号避难所也就没有了存在的必要。于是乎,小镇的名字也被改成了夷州镇,纳入了nac的经济区。管理模式依旧是当地人管当地人,nac派驻执行官监督,驻军维持治安。 Works as by whom as for the mayor, in the Jiang Chen heart has the candidate. He sent for Datun Mountain Natural Park, inquired that Zhao Tianyu was interested in being this mayor. After making clear outside situation, Zhao Tianyu almost not hesitant, then accepted the Jiang Chen's invitation. 至于镇长由谁来当,江晨心中已经有了人选。他派人去了一趟大屯山自然公园,询问赵天羽有没有兴趣当这个镇长。在搞清楚了外面的情况后,赵天羽几乎没有犹豫,便接受了江晨的邀请。 Before arriving in Yizhou Town sees Jiang Chen, he is unable to believe, he once thinks is the ordinary mercenary man, unexpectedly is NAC's Marshal! 在抵达夷州镇见到江晨之前,他怎么也无法相信,他曾以为是名普通佣兵的男人,居然是nac的元帅 However the fact is so, after confirming this point, he lingering fear when the surprise, had not made what hostility secretly luckily initially the action, otherwise please do not go to be the mayor now...... 然而事实就是如此,当确认了这一点后,他在诧异之余也不禁暗自后怕,幸好当初没做什么敌意的举动,否则现在就不是被请去当镇长了…… As for NAC to the decision of No. 79 Sanctuary, he also expressed acceptance. Five years ago he in Sanctuary is not the person who anything was treated specially sees, five years later today, he naturally also has no loyally to that Director. 至于nac79号避难所的决定,他也表示了接受。五年前他在避难所中就不算什么特别受待见的人,五年后的今天,他对那个所长自然也没有什么忠诚可言。 After these trivial matters are calmly good, Jiang Chen then with the White Whale Seabed Investigation Station person had the contact, agreed connected with Space Elevator in Yizhou Island western sea beach. Occupied a land area of Space Elevator Foundation of approximately several soccer fields to be opened scrap scrap components, sealed the back-heavy with the container in seabed. 将这些琐事安顿好后,江晨接着便与白鲸海底考察站的人取得了联系,约定在夷州岛的西部海滩交接了太空电梯。占地约数个足球场的太空电梯基座被拆成了一小块一小块的零件,用集装箱封装后沉在了海底 In addition, they can also the acquired orbital wreckage also one and pack to transport. 除此之外,他们还将能收集到的轨道残骸也一并打包运了过来。 To transport/fortune these things to the present world, Jiang Chen spent two days. Over the two days he almost soaked daily in seabed, was busy at work to throw that side the present world these treasure. 为了将这些东西运到现世,江晨足足花了两天的时间。这两天他几乎天天泡在海底,忙活着将这些宝贝扔到现世那边。 graphene technology has made the breakthrough, Future Group has rationale that constructs Space Elevator. Now also has these tattered to assist, grasps Space Elevator this that picks from 22 centuries leading to the key of Cosmos time is just round the corner!- 石墨烯技术已经取得突破,未来人集团已经具备了建造太空电梯的理论基础。现在又有着这些从22世纪捡来的“破烂”相助,掌握太空电梯这把通往宇宙时代的钥匙指日可待!- ( Should return to present world, sways back and forth to ask monthly ticket everywhere, must be exploded qaq)( to be continued.) (该回现世了,满地打滚求月票啊,要被爆了qaq)(未完待续。)
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