IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#755: Places the reactor

On airship is not very steady, Jiang Chen does not dare activate(d) cross over on this, therefore returned to expedite in Fortress. His personnel guard team strongly opposes this, if frontline once falls into enemy hands, but also stays in the ground is the extremely dangerous matter, but he persisted in doing that. 飞艇上不是很稳,江晨不太敢在这上面启动穿越,于是回到了远征堡垒中。他的亲卫队极力反对这点,如果前线一旦失守,还留在地面上是极其危险的事,但他还是坚持这么做了。 Arrived expediting Fortress is two kilometers from certainly Wanghai Beach, on these swamp crab feet inserted rocket missile? I believe that Li Wang can defend, even if he disappointed me, I did not believe these two kilometers buffer distances, but also insufficiently I shifted to airship on!” Jiang Chen such as is said to his personnel guard team captain. “从绝望海滩到远征堡垒怎么也有个两公里,难道那些泥沼蟹脚上都是插了火箭弹的吗?我相信黎望能守住,即便他让我失望了,我不信这两公里的缓冲距离,还不够我转移到飞艇上面去!”江晨如是对他的亲卫队队长说道。 However what not as he expected is, heard that he planned after returning to the surface to live, Lin Ling this small girl also persisted in returning to the surface. 不过出乎他意料的是,听说他打算回地表住后,林玲这个小丫头也坚持回到了地表。 As for reason...... 至于理由…… You are planned that the present world that side makes that generator is right, in this case, I treat in your room, good to report here situation to you promptly. If by some chance had the panic stations, is insufficient the guard to knock on a door had not responded, rushes and cannot see the person.” Facing the Jiang Chen's question, Lin Ling said. “你是打算回现世那边去弄那个发电机对吧,这样的话,我待在你的房间里,也好及时向你汇报这边的情况。万一发生了紧急状况,也不至于卫兵敲门没反应,闯进来又看不到人。”面对江晨的疑问,林玲如是说道。 Then, under the others ambiguous vision, Jiang Chen brought Lin Ling to be admitted to the same room. 就这样,在旁人暧昧的目光下,江晨带着林玲住进了同一间房间。 However and does not have any to make the matter of one blushing heartbeat happen. 不过并没有什么令人脸红心跳的事发生。 Jiang Chen after entering the room on activate(d) cross over, kept here a small girl person shortly, returned to the present world alone. 江晨在进屋没多久后就启动穿越,将小丫头一个人留在了这边,独自返回了现世。 ...... …… Time axis synchronization, even if there is a 1~2 hour of time difference of that at this moment presently the world is still at night. 时间轴同步,即便有那么一两个小时的时差,此刻现世也是黑夜。 Sits from the bed, Jiang Chen looked at time on the wrist watch, seeing only at this time is 10 : 00 pm 从床上坐起来,江晨看了眼腕表上的时间,只见此时已经是晚上 10 点了 The Ayesha daily schedule is very stable, if he is not at home, in the past at this time she, if not for is taking a bath, went to sleep. 阿伊莎的作息时间很稳定,如果他不在家,往常这时候她若不是在洗澡,就是已经睡下了。 Sure enough, when Jiang Chen comes to the second floor corridor end, then heard that the falling in the water sound, saw behind the frosted glass that wonderful graceful and petite body. 果不其然,当江晨走到二楼走廊尽头的时候,便听到了那哗哗落水声,看到了磨砂玻璃背后那妙曼而娇小的身躯。 The corners of the mouth raised wiped the happy expression, Jiang Chen put the light footsteps to approach the bathroom, opened the door to walk gently. 嘴角扬起了一抹笑意,江晨放轻脚步靠近了浴室,轻轻推开门走了进去。 Short screams resound, but submerged quickly in lightly the sound of water. Chants in a low voice along with several, this persuasive and wonderful music, has fluttered from the bathtub to the bedroom. Ayesha was gentle with her, unloaded on Jiang Chen all exhausted...... 一声短促的惊呼声响起,但很快淹没在了淅淅沥沥的水声中。伴随着几声低吟,这场婉转而美妙的乐曲,一直从浴缸飘向了卧室。阿伊莎用她温柔,卸下了江晨身上所有的疲惫…… A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next day, when Jiang Chen wakes up from the sleep, Ayesha from his crook of the elbow has drilled, goes to the kitchen for him to prepare the breakfast. 次日,当江晨从睡梦中醒来时,阿伊莎早已经从他的臂弯中钻出,去厨房为他准备好了早餐。 When he goes to the restaurant, sees only puts on little girl of apron, the delicious omelette will be carrying the table. Looks at this beautiful enough to eat one, Jiang Chen swallowed a spit subconsciously, but has not made anything. Today he also has the matter to manage, Great Qing already such **, this he does not want to go out all day. 当他来到餐厅时,见只穿着一件围裙的小姑娘,正将可口的煎蛋端上餐桌。看着这秀色可餐的一幕,江晨下意识地咽了口吐沫,不过并没有做些什么。今天他还有正事儿要办,一大清早就这么**,这一整天他都别想出门了。 Detected very much keenly the Jiang Chen's idea, Ayesha returned to the room to change not that attractive clothes, comes to the dining room, sat in his side. 很敏锐地察觉到了江晨的想法,阿伊莎回屋换上了一件不那么诱人的衣裳,来到餐室,坐在了他的旁边。 Thing has transported to the New Moon Island underground installation.” “东西已经运到新月岛的地下设施了。” Very good, a while I must have a gate.” “很好,一会儿我要出一趟门。” Needs me to help?” Ayesha asked. “需要我帮忙吗?”阿伊莎问道。 Jiang Chen will clamp the bread of omelette to send in the mouth, after swallowing the food in end opening, said with a smile: „It is not the specially troublesome matter, the words that but you want to come, with come together.” 江晨将夹着煎蛋的面包送入了嘴里,咽下口中的食物后,笑着说道:“不是什么特别麻烦的事,不过你想来的话,就跟着一起来吧。” Nuclear Fusion Generator has succeeded in obtaining, open Penglai City power network will not have turned focuses on nuclear energy, wind energy solar energy for no pollution environment-friendly city. This time he goes to New Moon Island, to install on this Nuclear Fusion Generator Penglai City. 核聚变发电机已经到手,尚未开放的蓬莱市电网也将随之变成以核能为主,风能太阳能为辅的零污染环境友好型城市。这次他前往新月岛,就是为了将这核聚变发电机安装到蓬莱市上。 Arrived at the underground installation, Jiang Chen brings Ayesha, went to the security highest-ranking warehouse. In this empty room, seeing that to make the whole world for it crazy machine Nuclear Fusion Generator sufficiently. 来到了地下设施,江晨带着阿伊莎,前往了保密级别最高的仓库内。在这空空荡荡的房间,看见了那足以令整个世界都为之疯狂的机器核聚变发电机 Directs Project Robot, shifted on these five Nuclear Fusion Generator [The Droplet 1], Jiang Chen and Ayesha then sat [The Droplet 1], left this underground installation from the exit|to speak situated in New Moon Island not far away seabed fault/chasm sidewall, drove in the Penglai City direction. 指挥工程机器人,将这五台核聚变发电机转移到了水滴一号上,江晨阿伊莎便坐上了水滴一号,从位于新月岛不远处海底断层侧壁的出口离开了这座地下设施,向着蓬莱市的方向驶去。 Because arrival of Penglai City is extremely explosive, unavoidably caused the idea of the world Intelligence Organization. In order to prevent these spy agent sneaks Penglai City to steal the material, Star Ring Trading goes on patrol in the islands coastal water day and night, and deployed the life signal detection installment in seabed, through the numerous secure identification procedures, ceased the possibility of the sea infiltrating thoroughly. 因为蓬莱市的登场太过劲爆,难免引起了全世界情报组织的主意。为了防止那些间谍特工潜入蓬莱市内部盗取资料,星环贸易在岛屿附近海域日夜巡逻,并在海底部署了生命信号探测装置,通过重重安全识别程序,彻底杜绝了从海下渗透的可能。 However these recognizers aim at others, regarding Jiang Chen this island lord, these gadget does not exist. 不过这些识别程序只是针对别人,对于江晨这位岛主来说,这些玩意儿都不存在。 When is close to Penglai City, Jiang Chen through the iris, voice control, fingerprint and other three-phase recognition methods, showed own ID Card clear(ly), soon was under the entry permission. When has ascended the island are many staff to open the seabed cabin door, waits for [The Droplet 1], immediately opened the second cabin door, breaks surface to enter the Penglai City submarine storehouse for it. 在接近蓬莱市的时候,江晨通过虹膜、声控、指纹等三相识别手段,出示了自己的身份证明,很快便得到了入境许可。已经登岛多时的工作人员打开了海底舱门,等待水滴一号进入后,随即开启了第二段舱门,供它上浮进入蓬莱市潜艇库。 Just from [The Droplet 1], Penglai City head Feng Kaiping then welcomed. 刚从水滴一号上下来,蓬莱市的负责人冯凯平便迎了上来。 Jiang Chen rubbish, told to him directly. 江晨也不废话,直接向他吩咐道。 „One side other work first put, drives away from sea next 20, 21 and 22 these three jurisdiction rank Grade A following staff temporarily. Moreover, looks to me the electric power Artillery System head, my something must confess.” “其它工作先放一边,将权限级别甲级以下的工作人员从海下20、21、22这三层暂时驱离。另外,将电力系统的负责人给我找来,我有些事儿要交代。” The Grade A following staff drive away completely, almost made entire 20, 21 and 22 space empty. However Feng Kaiping does not have the slight hesitation, the expression on Jiang Chen face to tell him actually, this is not making playing, but must confess by the truly important matter. 甲级以下的工作人员全部驱离,几乎让整个20、21、22层的空间都空了下来。不过冯凯平倒是没有丝毫的犹豫,江晨脸上的表情告诉他,这不是在闹着玩儿,而是由真正重要的事要交代。 Quick, Penglai City Ministry of Electricity Minister Zhang Haiwang then felt in the submarine storehouse, but also thinks oneself worked to present him of what careless mistake, looks at Jiang Chen trembling. First that however Jiang Chen opens the mouth then dispelled his misgivings, what replaces it is, making him fall into the delay. 很快,蓬莱市电力部部长张海旺便感到了潜艇库中,还以为自己工作出现了什么纰漏的他,战战兢兢地看着江晨。不过江晨开口的第一句便打消了他的顾虑,取而代之的是,让他陷入了呆滞。 Cancels the ocean current generator project under-construction, as well as electricity-generating algae planter project. The wind power generator quantity reduces half, the solar electrical energy generation board laid down also to stop.” “取消在建的洋流发电机项目,以及发电海藻种植项目。风力发电机数量削减一半,太阳能发电板铺设也可以停下来了。” Silent some little time, Zhang Haiwang opens the mouth to ask trembling. 沉默了好一会儿,张海旺才战战兢兢地开口问道。 Chairman of the Board...... our Future Group, was this does not have money?” 董事长……咱们未来人集团,这是没钱了吗?” Doesn't have money?” Jiang Chen gawked, immediately said with a smile, you want to be many, is completely two matters.” “没钱?”江晨愣了下,随即笑道,“你想多了,完全是两回事儿。” Speaking of this, he exchanged the serious expression, looks to stand in his front Feng Kaiping and Zhang Haiwang two people, earnest saying. 说到这,他换上了严肃的表情,看着站在他面前的冯凯平张海旺二人,认真的说道。 From now on, I am then going to explain is the secret of Future Group highest security rank. You know that this means anything, if leaked the least bit wind sound/rumor, you hired the attorney not to have for the opportunity that oneself defended.” “从现在开始,我接下来将要说明的将是未来人集团最高保密级别的机密。你们知道这意味着什么,如果漏出去了半点风声,你们连请律师为自己辩护的机会都没有。” Two people turned very quiet. 二人屏住了呼吸。 They are very clear, this means anything. 他们很清楚,这意味着什么。 If the general business leaked, most also sends, only if caused the serious losses, will be sued to investigate the criminal responsibility. However Future Group is not the pure business organization, at least in Country of Xin is not. 如果是一般商业泄密,最多也就是发个款,除非造成了严重的损失,才会被起诉追究刑事责任。然而未来人集团并非单纯的商业机构,至少在新国不是。 Chairman of the Board...... you're joking, our loyalty, Heaven and Earth is the warning.” Feng Kaiping first recovers, hurrying table loyal say/way. 董事长……您说笑了,我们的忠心,天地为鉴。”冯凯平最先回过神来,赶紧表忠心道。 Right! Yes!” Usually compared with Zhang Haiwang that can say although at this time some stutter, but rushes to tally. “对对!就是!”平时比较能说的张海旺这时虽然有些结巴了,但还是赶忙地符合。 Do not be anxious.” Jiang Chen smiles, after stopping the moment, slowly says, starting today, Penglai City power network will be primarily nuclear energy, is mainly responsible for supplying power by five Nuclear Fusion Generator.” “你们也别太紧张了。”江晨笑了笑,停顿了片刻后,缓缓开口说道,“从今天开始,蓬莱市电网将以核能为主,由五台核聚变发电机主要负责供电。” Ministry of Electricity long Zhang Haiwang was shocked. 电力部张海旺愣住了。 nuclear energy? He thinks that oneself misunderstood, Country of Xin is not Nuclear-possessing Nation, even Nuclear Power Station does not have, nuclear energy where comes? 核能?他以为自己听错了,新国又不是拥核国家,连核电站都没有,哪来的核能 Wait! 等等! In the brain the miraculous glow flashes, he from the Jiang Chen's words, chewed a more explosive news suddenly! 脑中灵光一闪,他突然从江晨的话中,嘴嚼出了一条更劲爆的消息! nuclear fusion...... generator?! 核聚变……发电机?! He looked at the next table subconsciously, the expression was more splendid immediately. 他下意识地看了下表,表情顿时更精彩了。 I bought a watch last year, today is not April Fool's Day!( To be continued.) 我去年买了个表的,今天不是愚人节啊!(未完待续。)
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