IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#754: Descender does not kill

Clings to tenaciously the defense line! Insists to me!” “死守防线!都给我坚持住!” On sea beach is flooding howling of rocket missile, roaring of warrior, the swamp crab field littered with corpses, curled up burned black coal briquettes on sea beach. However foreign-species does not know inborn what for fears, Death of companion not only has not made them retreat, aroused their ominous on the contrary. 海滩上充斥着火箭弹的呼啸,还有战士的咆哮,泥沼蟹尸横遍野,在海滩上蜷成了一个个焦黑的煤球。然而异种天生就不知道何为恐惧,同伴的死亡非但没有让他们退却,反倒是激起了他们的凶性。 Several times, swamp crab moved the arch to put on the NAC's defense line, put on mechanical exoskeleton soldier to with these foreign-species engage in hand-to-hand combat, resisted the foreign-species steel mighty current with the flesh and blood, waited for Fireball-1 to cover the battlefield, after exterminating the breakthrough defense line swamp crab, displayed the wooden stake again. 好几次,泥沼蟹动拱穿了nac的防线,穿着机械外骨骼士兵不得不与这些异种短兵相接,用血肉之躯抗住异种的钢铁洪流,等待火球-1覆盖战场,剿灭突破防线的泥沼蟹后,再重新摆上木桩。 All day engaging in fierce battle, when dusk arrives, the swamp crab offensive slows down finally. Perhaps is because swamp crab of conclusion hibernation had been emptied, remaining swamp crab choose ambushes temporarily in the water, waits for more companions to regain consciousness from the hibernation, on the defense line to Wanghai Beach opens up an offensive again certainly. 一整天的鏖战,当黄昏降临,泥沼蟹的攻势终于减缓。或许是因为结束冬眠的泥沼蟹都已经被清空,剩下的泥沼蟹们选择暂时潜伏在水中,等待更多的同伴从冬眠中苏醒,再对绝望海滩上的防线展开攻势。 But on this day NAC inclines the ammunition on sea beach, has been able to pile to become a hill. 而这一天nac倾斜在海滩上的弹药,已经可以堆成一座小山。 Li Wang turned on the helmet mask, sits falls on the stool, received nutrition mixture from the logistics personnel hand, held up the head to fill two bottles fiercely. He has stood in the frontline fought bravely one all day, his water drop has not entered to the present from early morning. 黎望打开了头盔的面罩,一屁股坐倒在凳子上,从后勤人员手中接过了营养合剂,昂起头猛灌了两瓶。他已经站在前线奋战了一整天,从凌晨到现在他还滴水未进。 At this time, the adjutant walked up, reported the frontline condition to him. 这时,副官走上前来,向他汇报起了前线的状况。 From early morning to the present, we hit to empty the 100 7 box of ammunition, remaining ammunition only enough we insisted again for two days.” “从凌晨到现在,我们足足打空了一百零七箱弹药,剩下的弹药只够我们再坚持两天。” Fence construction how?” “围墙修建的怎么样?” Also is left over 10 percent.” “还剩下百分之十。” Li Wang nods. 黎望点了点头。 Very good, preserves this momentum to work, should be able to complete before noon tomorrow. 很好,保持这个势头进行下去,应该能在明天中午之前完成。 Looked to the sea level of distant place, the ocean waves curled up the gray bubble, does not know that was the sea tide of whirling around, swamp crab that is regaining consciousness from the hibernation spat the foam that obtained. No one knows swamp crab to them the time of many respite, but soldier after drinking up nutrition medicament, steps onto the sand beach, seeks some swamp crab ovary and digestive glands, returning to behind the position the rise to be on fire, strings together to roast eating with the branch. 望向了远方的海平面,海浪卷起了花白的泡沫,也不知是翻卷的海潮,还是正在从冬眠中苏醒的泥沼蟹吐得出的白沫。没有人知道泥沼蟹会给他们多少喘息的时间,不过士兵们还是在喝完营养药剂后,走上沙滩,去寻些泥沼蟹的蟹黄,回到阵地后方升起火,用树枝串起来烤着吃。 Places usually, they will come two pot young wine careful tastes absolutely, but apparently does not have this condition at this moment. Wiped the ovary and digestive gland in hand, they raised rifle to return to the front again, rested, while is waiting for the new round offensive. 放在平时,他们绝对会来上两壶小酒细细品味,但此刻显然没有这个条件。抹完了手中的蟹黄,他们再次提起步枪回到战线上,一边休息,一边等待着新一轮的攻势。 While this neutral gear, Li Wang called the subordinate in Command Room, made the adjustment to the frontline deployment. 趁着这个空档,黎望指挥室内召集了部下,对前线部署做出了调整。 At this moment, a person tucked in the Command Room curtain, entered in the barracks. 就在这时,一个人撩起了指挥室的门帘,走进了营房内。 Marshal?!” Saw clearly the future, Li Wang opened the eye immediately joyfully, welcomed, was good, you came back finally!” 元帅?!”看清来者,黎望顿时欣喜地睁大了眼,迎了上来,“太好了,您终于回来了!” Miss Lin comes back after Datun Mountain Natural Park, Li Wang very much has been worried about the Jiang Chen's security. If not the frontline really cannot branch out the manpower, Jiang Chen personally ordered not to need to manage, he prepared to send people to go to that side to look for him. 林小姐大屯山自然公园回来之后,黎望一直很担心江晨的安全。如果不是前线实在分不出人手,江晨亲自下令不用管,他都准备派人去那边找他了。 Jiang Chen nods to him with a smile, immediately asks the frontline situation. 江晨笑着向他点点头,立刻问起了前线的情况。 Frontline situation how?” “前线情况怎么样?” „Very stern, the swamp crab quantity are too many, but we caught up finally before the early morning of February 28, completed 80 percent of project. Most latter Ming dynasty day ago, we can complete this fence!” Li Wang said categorically. “很严峻,泥沼蟹数量太多,不过我们总算赶在二十八之前,完成了工程的百分之八十。最晚明天之前,我们就能完成这道围墙!”黎望斩钉截铁地说道。 Casualties?” Jiang Chen asked his most issue of concern. “伤亡呢?”江晨问起了他最关心的问题。 Seven dead five wounded...... in these swamp crab some variant individuals, can spray the corrosive acid liquid, the casualties are mainly these variant individuals create.” “七死五伤……这些泥沼蟹中有些变种个体,能够喷射腐蚀性酸液,伤亡主要就是这些变种个体造成的。” Seven dead five wounded, this battle loss still in the acceptable range, Jiang Chen also relaxes. 七死五伤,这个战损还在可以接受的范围内,江晨也松了口气。 If really cannot defend, he favors evacuates from Yizhou Island temporarily, when the summer solstice returns to this islands again, completes this defense line. Although wants to start the construction of Space Elevator sooner, but if therefore makes Expedition Force present massive casualties, this rather on some gains don't equal the loss. 如果实在守不住,他还是更倾向于暂时从夷州岛上撤离,等到夏至再重返这座岛屿,完成这道防线。虽然想要早些开始太空电梯的建设,但若是因此而使远征军出现大量的伤亡,这未免就有些得不偿失了。 Died in battle the soldier family member I to make Wang Qing appropriately place, this defense line asked you.” Jiang Chen “阵亡士兵的家属我会让王晴妥善安置,这道防线就拜托你了。”江晨 Compliant!” The Li Wang salute said, stopped the moment, he has then says, „ also has a matter I “遵命!”黎望敬礼道,停顿了片刻,他有接着开口说道,“还有一件事我得向您禀报。” What matter?” Jiang Chen stopped the footsteps that is about to leave, has turned round to ask. “什么事?”江晨停住了正准备离开的脚步,回过身问道。 A while ago, Survivor under the instigation of person of harboring ulterior motives, had the strike phenomenon, nearly made the project stagnate completely. According to me investigates hand/subordinate afterward, discovered secret agent that these people of harboring ulterior motives, No. 79 Sanctuary send.” “前段时间,幸存者在别有用心之人的煽动下,出现罢工现象,险些使工程完全停滞。根据我手下事后调查,发现那些别有用心之人,正是79号避难所派来的细作。” secret agent? 细作 Jiang Chen narrowed the eye slightly, in the eye pupil flashed through an anger. 江晨微微眯起了眼睛,眼眸中闪过一丝怒火。 Damn, father's person braves death to help you go against in front, keeps off these ghost things on sea beach, but you actually practice dirty tricks in behind, but also especially the idea of hitting fence? 草泥马的,老子的人冒死帮你们顶在前面,将这些鬼东西挡在海滩上,而你们却在后面搞小动作,还特么的打围墙的主意? really was tired of living! 简直是活腻了! Li Wang looks at Jiang Chen, calmly is waiting for his instruction. 黎望看着江晨,静静地等待着他的吩咐。 First gives to defend this defense line, then branches out the 200 person to take over control of the No. 79 small town.” “先把这道防线给守住,然后分出两百人去接管79号小镇。” These No. 79 Sanctuary people?” “那些79号避难所的人呢?” The Jiang Chen eyebrow selected selecting, the corners of the mouth brought back one to sneer. 江晨眉毛挑了挑,嘴角勾起了一丝冷笑。 Descender does not kill.” 降者不杀。” As for doesn't surrender? That dies! 至于不投降的?那就去死吧! Entrusted the defense line matter after Li Wang handled, Jiang Chen around the frontline turns circle, revealed a face before the officers. When saw that Marshal arrives at the frontline to supervise combat, warriors that these are exhausted, the morale markedly rose a new altitude, pledged to cling to tenaciously the defense line, certainly not retreat half step. 将防线的事委托给黎望处理后,江晨绕着前线转了圈,在众将士面前露了个脸。当看到元帅亲临前线督战,这些疲惫不堪的战士们,士气明显上升到了一个新的高度,纷纷誓言死守防线,绝不后退半步 Regarding this Marshal that unified Suhang Province, their these loafed in Wasted Earth get up are crossing hard times Survivor, from the heart is respecting. This personality cult, even rose the altitude of belief. 对于这位统一了苏杭省元帅,他们这些曾经游荡在废土上过着苦日子的幸存者,是发自内心的崇敬着。这种个人崇拜,甚至上升到了信仰的高度。 After all on the land of this atheism, can treat as the mental sustenance the thing is not many...... 毕竟在这片无神论的土地上,能当做精神寄托的东西已经不多了…… Without does on sea beach excessively stays, Jiang Chen then returned to [The Order] airship. 没在海滩上做过多停留,江晨紧接着便回到了秩序号飞艇上。 When he mounts airship, Lin Ling is standing in the airship cockpit, is looking at out of the window lost. 当他登上飞艇时,林玲正站在飞艇的驾驶舱内,出神地望着窗外。 Darkness, already over the past two days, however Jiang Chen has not come back. Although knows that Jiang Chen will not have the matter, but she cannot bear the worry, can he meet troublesome on the mountain. 天黑了,已经过去两天,然而江晨还是没有回来。虽然知道江晨不会有事,但她还是忍不住担心,他会不会在山上遇到了麻烦。 At this time, resounded the sound that opened the door, Lin Ling has turned around, that pair of reddish black unusual look double pupil, bloomed immediately the joyful color. 这时,身后响起开门的声音,林玲转过身,那双红黑异色的双眸,顿时绽放了欣喜之色。 However quick, she then showed off power to hide this joyfully, hmph hmph two. 不过很快,她便逞强地将这欣喜藏了起来,哼哼了两声。 „Did you, you come back finally?” “你,你终于回来了?” The transformation of this expression was also too stiff. The worry spoke frankly...... the care person is not the bad matter, as for concealed? 这表情的转变也太僵硬了点吧。担心就直说嘛……关心人又不是什么坏事儿,至于这么掩饰吗? Jiang Chen has not said anything, arrived at her side with a smile, put out a hand to conjure to result to change a USB, handed in her hand, model I could not understand, in brief this was in Clear Water Nuclear Power Station the Nuclear Fusion Generator design paper, but compatible deuterium, tritium, Helium-3 and other nuclear fuels. Inside also has management ai of nuclear power facility, the matter of conformity asks you.” 江晨没说什么,笑着走到了她的旁边,伸手变戏法似得变出了一张u盘,递到了她的手上,“型号我看不懂,总之这就是清水核电站核聚变发电机的设计图纸,可兼容氘、氚、氦3等三种核燃料。里面还有核电设施的管理ai,整合的事就拜托你咯。” Ahem, white/in vain I will not work one received the USB from the Jiang Chen's hand, Lin Ling just thought arrogant tender two, however the words have not said, Jiang Chen with a smile one box of mango pudding stopper in her hand. “哼哼,我可不会白干活的”一把从江晨的手中接过了u盘,林玲刚想傲娇两句,然而话还没说完,江晨就笑着将一盒芒果布丁塞在了她的手上。 Was seen through the innermost feelings directly, Lin Ling elegant face one red, should not be excessive. 被直接看穿了内心,林玲俏脸一红,别过了头。 Made you be worried.” Jiang Chen rubbed her small head with a smile, evening do not eat too, earlier rests.” “让你担心了。”江晨笑着揉了揉她的小脑袋,“晚上就别吃太多了,早点休息吧。” Em.” “恩。” Lin Ling complied with the sound subconsciously. 林玲下意识地应了声。 When she recovers, Jiang Chen had left Command Room. Looks direction that he is leaving, in her eye appeared confused mist. 当她回过神来,江晨已经离开了指挥室。望着他离开的方向,她的眼中浮现了一丝迷茫的水雾。 Long time, that small mouth spoke haltingly slightly two characters. 良久后,那小嘴才微微嚅动出了两个字。 idiot......”( to be continued.) 笨蛋……”(未完待续。)
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