IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#753: lakeside hut

On March 1, Month of Disaster came in time. 三月 1 号,灾厄之月如期而至。 swamp crab starts to wake up from the hibernation one after another, emitted the head of plump from the shoal, starts to register to sea beach. The biological instinct of hunger and multiplication, urging these lifeform to forward. Any lifeform will look for food, even if Death Claw, does not dare, in these gnaw in front of food all monsters hurriedly. 泥沼蟹开始陆陆续续从冬眠中醒来,从浅滩中冒出了圆滚滚的脑袋,开始向海滩登录。饥饿与繁衍的生物本能,驱使着这些生物向前。任何生物都将被觅食,哪怕是死爪,也不敢在这些啃食一切的怪物面前造次。 Above Wanghai Beach, bundles with the graphene cable certainly becomes the wooden stake of triangle puncturing to display on sea beach, between the wooden stake and wooden stake connect with the wire netting, seems Tank traps. 望海滩之上,用石墨烯缆绳捆成三角刺型的木桩罗列在海滩上,木桩与木桩之间用铁丝网进行连接,就好似一座座坦克陷阱。 This is the idea that the Li Wang adjutant wants to come out, although looks very stupid, but actually accidental/surprised effectiveness. Perhaps these wooden stakes cannot puncture the swamp crab carapace, is heavy enough, enough solidity. Regarding swamp crab this leg short lifeform, can only entire tear down this wooden stake either, either can only push these to insert the sand the wooden stake to the face arch. 这是黎望手下副官想出来的主意,虽然看起来很蠢,但却意外的有效。这些木桩或许刺不开泥沼蟹的甲壳,却足够重,也足够的结实。对于泥沼蟹这种腿短的生物,要么只能将这木桩整个拆掉,要么就只能推着这些嵌入沙地的木桩向前拱。 Before the fence has not constructed, temporarily can only hinder the swamp crab footsteps with this method. Is long to the Wanghai City line of supply from Yizhou Island, Fireball-1 quantity is limited, rocket missile covers to use in the essential place. 在围墙没有建好之前,暂时只能用这种方法来阻滞泥沼蟹的脚步。从夷州岛望海市的补给线过于漫长,“火球-1”数量有限,火箭弹覆盖必须用在关键的地方。 NAC's soldier bases on the bunker that the wooden stake is composing, to attempting swamp crab of cross over defense line launches the attack. nac的士兵凭依着木桩组成的掩体,对试图穿越防线的泥沼蟹展开攻击。 More and more wooden stakes put in the sand beach, wins the time for building of fence. rocket missile intermittently to the sea beach incline hot rain, provides the opportunity that a faint trace pants for breath for the fight in frontline soldier. 越来越多的木桩被投放到了沙滩上,为围墙的修筑争取时间。火箭弹间歇性地向海滩倾斜火雨,为战斗在前线的士兵提供一丝丝喘息的机会。 In expedition Fortress, except for the artilleries and few logistics personnel, the non-combatant has started to evacuate to the flying spatial ship. 远征堡垒内,除了炮兵和少量后勤人员,非战斗单位已经开始向飞空艇上撤离。 Standing that Lin Ling looks pale in the [The Order] cockpit, is looking at certainly the Wanghai Beach direction. That moor crab like surging tides composed a dark blue steel mighty current, is extruding the NAC soldier defense line little...... 林玲面色苍白的站在秩序号的驾驶舱内,望着绝望海滩的方向。那如潮水般的沼蟹组成了一道暗绿色的钢铁洪流,一点点挤压着nac士兵的防线…… The small hands closely pinch in the chest front, she will look at the Datun Mountain direction, small mouth repeatedly twittering same sentence words. 小手紧紧捏在胸前,她将目光投向了大屯山的方向,小嘴反复呢喃着同一句话语。 Big perverted...... do not have the matter.” “大变.态……千万不要有事啊。” ...... …… That is a small log cabin, is situated by Freshlake of resort. Until sees that rusty sign, Jiang Chen knows why this Nuclear Power Station name was not Datun Mountain Nuclear Power Station, but was classified as the name of clear water. 那是一栋小木屋,坐落在度假村的清水湖旁。直到看到那个锈迹斑斑的牌子,江晨才知道这座核电站的名字为什么不叫大屯山核电站,而是冠以清水之名。 Obviously outside everywhere is a room, but does not know that he for what reason, constructed this log cabin by this lake. 明明外面到处都是屋子,但不知道他出于何种理由,偏偏在这座湖旁修建了这座木屋。 Shoved open the decayed wooden door, moist stale taste heads on. 推开了腐朽的木门,一股潮湿的霉味儿扑面而来。 Jiang Chen walks into the room, raised eyes to size up under the pattern of this log cabin. 江晨步入屋内,举目打量了下这木屋的格局。 The pots and pans have it all, but actually does not seem like some people have lived the appearance. The corner tied the thick spider web, in the corner of room is growing willfully the moss and mushroom, the cockroach of sole size entered in the hole fast, performed to reveal this place bleak. 锅碗瓢盆一应俱全,但却不像是有人生活过的样子。墙角结着厚厚的蛛网,房间的角落里恣意生长着青苔和蘑菇,脚掌大小的蟑螂飞快的窜进了洞里,尽显此地的荒凉。 By the cabinet is putting one pile of nutrition mixture, swamp crab of several souses yellow. Can look, here should be he in the Month of Disaster safe house, if not enter Sanctuary, here truly is the good refuge good destination 橱柜旁放着一堆营养合剂,还有几块腌制的泥沼蟹黄。看得出来,这里应该是他在灾厄之月的藏身处,如果不进入避难所,这里确实是个不错的避难好去处 Puts a yellowing diary on the table of log cabin, Jiang Chen is taking up the diary, exposed the dust on title page, read under the content of diary conveniently. 在木屋的桌上放着一本泛黄的日记,江晨拿起日记,抖落了封面上的灰尘,随手翻看了下日记的内容。 This diary writes after he was pursued Nuclear Power Station, recorded his these years risk experience. Unlike that notebook that is drawing the map, is very neat in the writing that on this diary records, the style is also very exquisite, definitely is unable it and that killing without batting an eye devil links. 这本日记写于他被驱逐出核电站之后,记录了他这些年来的冒险经历。与那个画着地图的笔记本不同,在这篇日记上记载的文字很工整,文笔也很细腻,完全无法将其与那个杀人不眨眼的恶魔联系在一起。 The literary style of diary very along with the nature, recorded itself the experience while Yizhou Island, he even also spent entire one chapter to describe first feeling of eating the person. Even looks at the pale writing, Jiang Chen feels in the stomach some surges. 日记的文风很随性,记录了自己在夷州岛上的所见所闻的同时,他甚至还花了整整一章去描写第一次吃人的感觉。即使是看着苍白的文字,江晨都觉得胃里有些翻腾。 Person betrayal when was once protected by oneself, he moved toward Chaotic Evil from Lawful Neutral camp. No longer constrains to the hope of blood, but complies with this hope, is acting Mist Demon this character perfectly. Drops out the bait using the Intelligence Dealer status, hunts each close to Datun Mountain Survivor, hunts each to fall into a trap prey. 当被自己曾守护的人背叛,他从“秩序中立”走向了“混乱邪恶”的阵营。不再压抑对鲜血的渴望,而是顺应这份渴望,完美地扮演着雾魔这个角色。利用情报贩子的身份抛下诱饵,狩猎每一名靠近大屯山幸存者,狩猎每一个落入陷阱中的猎物 However, Captain Qin Chuan, mole, Mist Demon, this man who have the tertiary status, die in the secret entrance that he protected finally. 不过,秦川上尉、鼹鼠雾魔、这个拥有三重身份的男人,最终还是死在了他所守护的秘密门口。 In the final several pages of diary, Jiang Chen achieved wishes to check his record about the third layer genetic code. 在日记的最后几页,江晨如愿查到了他关于第三层基因代码的记载。 According to his description, when he eats a 100 heart, his body presented the strange variation. He looked for the instrument from Hospital, conducted Gene Sequencing to own blood, finally discovered his v127 gene mutant, was Cannibalism Gene, presented the further variation, thus stimulated the hidden gene unlocking to third layer. 根据他的描述,当他吃掉第一百颗心脏的时候,他的身上出现了奇怪的变异。他从医院中找来了仪器,对自己的血液进行了基因测序,最后发现他那个v127基因突变体,也就是食人基因,出现了进一步的变异,从而刺激隐藏基因解锁到了第三层 Eats person Evolution? This also pulled.” Jiang Chen could not bear complain the sentence, put down the diary in hand. “吃人进化?这也太扯了吧。”江晨忍不住吐槽了句,放下了手中的日记。 It seems like everyone Evolution path, is not same. Bases on follower's belief Bo Yu Evolution to the third layer reason probably, but this Mist Demon Evolution reason because of food person. Jiang Chen is thinking, actually he road to third layer is anything. 看来每个人进化的路子,都不相同。博宇进化第三层的原因大概是基于信徒的信仰,而这个雾魔进化的原因是因为食人。江晨不禁思索着,他通往第三层的路究竟是什么。 Kept this log cabin the diary, Jiang Chen found him to be used for the Gene Sequencing blood sample, left here. 将日记留在了这栋木屋,江晨找到了他用来基因测序的血液样品,离开了这里。 Returned to the resort, under guard's leadership that in Zhao Tianyu sends, he found that trucks that think of five Nuclear Fusion Generator. 回到了度假村内,在赵天羽派来的卫兵的带领下,他找到了那辆装着五台核聚变发电机的卡车。 Big that these generator he has not imagined, the size of each closet. Five generator just crowded the big packing container of truck with more than ten storage Daoguan, cannot contain again space. Then without leaving behind too the words of farewell, after Jiang Chen received the car(riage) key, started the truck, toward descending the mountain. 这些发电机并没有他想象的那么大,每台只有衣柜的大小。五台发电机与十几储氘罐刚好塞满了卡车的大货箱,再也容纳不下一丝空间。没有留下太多告别的话语,江晨接过车钥匙后便发动了卡车,向着下山开去。 The foggy day visibility is low, Jiang Chen opens is very slow, is very careful. 雾天可见度低,江晨开的很慢,也很小心。 Went the halfway up the mountainside, after he looked at the eye regards as a mirror, after confirming no one followed, the truck stops in the roadside. 行驶到了半山腰,他看了眼后视镜,确认没有人跟着后,将卡车停在了路边。 Gets out, mounted, sees only his hand to put toward that Nuclear Fusion Generator on, generator then took in storage space by him. Moved back to the present world the thing of this truck, Jiang Chen placed the backyard of Koro Island villa them temporarily, then found in gym fitness Ayesha. 下了车,登上了,只见他的手往那核聚变发电机上一放,发电机便被他收进了储物空间中。将这一卡车的东西都搬回了现世,江晨暂时将它们都放在了科罗岛别墅的后院,然后找到了正在健身房健身的阿伊莎 „Has that side matter processed?” Wiped the beads of sweat before volume with the towel gently, arrived at side Jiang Chen's, the Ayesha gentle voice asked. “那边的事已经处理完了吗?”用毛巾轻轻拭去了额前的汗珠,走到了江晨的身旁,阿伊莎柔声问道。 Made quickly. Helped me do a matter, the backyard I put five machines, more than ten cans of nuclear fuels. Let the Specter Agent person come, transports/fortunes these things to the New Moon Island underground installation.” “快弄完了。帮我去做件事,后院我放了五台机器,还有十几罐核燃料。让幽灵特工的人来一趟,将这些东西运到新月岛的地下设施去。” Gave me,” Ayesha nodded to say earnestly. “交给我了,”阿伊莎认真地点头道。 Jiang Chen does not think the backyard of family/home puts is bombing flat the nuclear fuel of entire island sufficiently, although the nuclear fuel storage technologies of 22 centuries are very safe, but on always has a lump at heart in that. 江晨可不想自己家的后院放着足以炸平整个岛的核燃料,虽然22世纪的核燃料储存技术很安全,但心里上总是有个疙瘩在那。 After Ayesha goes out, Jiang Chen suddenly thought that the belly is somewhat hungry, therefore then went to a kitchen, carried one box of intent surface from inside and one bottle of Champagne. Sits on the sofa of living room, solved the lunch carelessly, after eating to the heart's content, his then activate(d) cross over, returned to Last of Days.( To be continued.) 阿伊莎出门后,江晨突然觉得肚子有些饿,于是便去了一趟厨房,从里面端出了一盒意面和一瓶香槟。坐在客厅的沙发上,草草解决掉了午餐,酒足饭饱之后,他这才启动穿越,返回了末世。(未完待续。)
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