IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#752: Reward( asked monthly ticket!)

Scary blood hole seal in the Mist Demon volume, the vicious pupil was gradually lax, the ice-cold basement returned silent. 骇人的血洞印在了雾魔的额上,凶狠的瞳孔渐渐涣散,冰冷的地下室重新回归了寂静。 Confirmed this fellow has died cannot die again, Jiang Chen then receives the spear/gun, relaxes slowly. 确认这家伙已经死的不能再死了,江晨这才收起枪,缓缓松了口气。 The battle efficiency of this fellow is truly strong, two dagger really play and Specter results. If not for opened Unparalleled, he really did not have the assurance that wins steadily. 这家伙的战斗力确实很强,两把匕首简直耍的和幽灵似得。若不是开了无双,他还真没有那个稳赢的把握。 The light of flare creakies, takes care of that to lose the face of vitality. 照明弹的灯光摇摇欲坠,照应着那张已经失去生机的脸。 Taking advantage of the light that flickers, Jiang Chen notices on his neck to hang a necklace. 借着那忽明忽暗的灯光,江晨注意到他的脖子上挂着一条项链。 Out of curiosity, the Jiang Chen squatting lower part of the body, turned from his neckband that silver chain. 出于好奇,江晨蹲下身,将那银链子从他的领口中翻了出来。 That is together rusty stain stained dog tag, can see clearly only has four characters. 那是一块锈迹斑斑的兵牌,能看清的只有四个字。 Qin Chuan, Captain 秦川,上尉】 Turns inside out, the dog tag back is carving one line of small characters crooked. 翻过来,兵牌的背面歪歪扭扭地刻着一行小字。 Code number: mole 【代号:鼹鼠 Has not said anything, returned to his collar the dog tag stopper silent, Jiang Chen put out a hand to close his eyes. 没有说什么,沉默地将兵牌塞回了他的领子,江晨伸手合上了他的双眼。 At this moment, he notices suddenly, in the collar pocket of this Captain Qin Chuan, the stopper notebook seems to be resulting in the thing. Took that wrinkled notebook, Jiang Chen read conveniently, besides code word that cannot understand, he also discovered one above with the ball pen picture map. 就在这时,他突然注意到,在这位秦川上尉的领子兜里,似乎塞着一个笔记本似得东西。将那皱巴巴的笔记本取了出来,江晨随手翻看了下,除了那根本看不懂的暗语外,他在上面还发现了一张用圆珠笔画的地图。 Map direction position, as if in this resort. 地图指向的位置,似乎就在这座度假村内。 What will there have? 那里会有什么? Hesitated, Jiang Chen threw storage space the notebook. 迟疑了下,江晨将笔记本扔回了储物空间 The troublesome matter had almost solved in any case, waits goes to one is not in the way on the way. 反正麻烦事儿差不多都已经都解决了,等回去的时候顺路去一趟也不碍事。 Returned to Nuclear Power Station, Jiang Chen the news that died had told underground survivors Mist Demon. At first hears this news, their first response is unbelievable. Afterward they recommended that through the voting two representatives, a face stepped the elevator solemnly and stirringly, goes to the surface to confirm whether Mist Demon had really died. 回到了核电站中,江晨雾魔已死的消息告诉了地下的幸存者们。起初听到这个消息,他们的第一反应是难以置信。随后他们通过投票推举出了两名代表,一脸悲壮地踏上了电梯,前往地表确认雾魔是否真的已经死去。 Has not paid attention to Survivor that these rub gently, Jiang Chen found Zhao Tianyu, similarly told these No. 79 Sanctuary people the news. 没有理会那些磨磨蹭蹭的幸存者,江晨找到了赵天羽,同样将消息告诉了这些79号避难所的人。 Died? Really?” Zhao Tianyu looks at Jiang Chen. “死了?真的?”赵天羽愣愣地看着江晨 The 100 many people only have 20 that fellow kills to come, he is not really able to imagine, Jiang Chen only depended on one's effort solving that terrorist|terrifying devil. 一百多人都被那家伙杀的只剩下二十来个,他实在无法想象,江晨仅凭一己之力就将那个恐怖魔鬼给解决掉了。 Yes.” Jiang Chen nods, looked that asked to Zhao Tianyu, these survivors plan to go to the surface, but before then, they as if plan first to send to represent to search to explore the way. Then you? You and your person then have anything to plan.” “是的。”江晨点了点头,看向了赵天羽问道,“那些幸存者们打算去地表,不过在此之前,他们似乎打算先派个代表上去探探路。那么你呢?你和你的人接下来有什么打算。” Zhao Tianyu hesitated the moment, without answering the Jiang Chen's issue, but is opens the mouth to say towering. 赵天羽沉吟了片刻,没有回答江晨的问题,而是突兀地开口道。 You are not the No. 79 Sanctuary person, mercenary that also does not work for Yuan Yi, I said right?” “你不是79号避难所的人,也不是替袁毅打工的佣兵,我说的对吗?” Why did oh? say?” After being seen through the status, Jiang Chen did not deny, but visits him to ask interestingly. 哦?为什么这么说?”被识破身份后,江晨也不否认,而是饶有兴趣地看着他反问道。 Because Yuan Yi was impossible to find such strong helper. I did not plan temporarily perhaps No. 79 Sanctuary, later will go back......, if the calendar of my computer right, tomorrow should be on March 1, Month of Disaster first day. Tonight 12 will select the Sanctuary front door to close, even if goes back unable to pass through the gate now.” “因为袁毅不可能找到这么强的帮手。我暂时不打算回79号避难所,或许以后会回去……如果我电脑的日历没错,明天应该就是三月 1 号,灾厄之月的第一天。今晚十二避难所的大门就会关闭,就算现在回去了也进不了门。” Although was deceived, but on the face of Zhao Tianyu actually cannot see the half a point resentful face, but looks earnestly Jiang Chen thanks said that how, regardless to say, you solved outside trouble for us, calculates that my Zhao owed you one.” 虽然被欺骗了,但赵天羽的脸上却看不到半分愠色,而是认真地看着江晨感谢道,“无论怎么说,你替我们解决掉了外面的麻烦,算我赵某欠你一个人情。” Regarding the promise of Zhao Tianyu, Jiang Chen smiles, has not cared. His solemn NAC Marshal, mercenary chiefs of 20 many people, can help oneself what? Those who let him care, imperceptibly, today already 28. 对于赵天羽的许诺,江晨只是笑了笑,并没有放在心上。他堂堂一名na元帅,一个不过二十多人的佣兵头子,又能帮的了自己什么呢?让他在意的是,在不知不觉中,今天都已经二十八号了。 In underground cannot see the sunlight, if not look at the watch, to the feeling of time quite thin. After Jiang Chen turns on the wrist watch, discovered, at this time already 11 : 00 pm, how also did not know the Expedition Force that side situation. 在地下看不到阳光,如果不看表,对时间的感觉是相当的稀薄。江晨打开腕表之后才发现,此时已经十一,也不知道远征军那边情况怎么样了。 Tomorrow was Month of Disaster, I must lead my person to make some preparations, temporarily did not accompany you. If you for Nuclear Power Station Group generator, I can here Nuclear Fusion Generator minute your half, which deuterium fuels including.” “明天就是灾厄之月了,我还得带着我的人做些准备,暂时就不陪你了。如果你是为了核电站发电机,我可以将这里的核聚变发电机分你一半,包括哪些氘燃料。” Zhao Tianyu natural makes Jiang Chen be staggered actually, how he still in wants to open their, good to make several Nuclear Fusion Generator from this Clear Water Nuclear Power Station secretly, has not actually thought that he asked this issue. 赵天羽的大方倒是让江晨感到有些意外,他还在想怎么将他们支开,好偷偷从这清水核电站中弄个几台核聚变发电机,却没想到他主动提出了这个问题。 This is the reward that you earn, you solved troublesome for us, I cannot make you return empty-handed.” Zhao Tianyu said earnestly. “这是你应得的报酬,你替我们解决了麻烦,我怎么也不能让你空手而归。”赵天羽认真地说道。 Stockpiles the deuterium fuel in Clear Water Nuclear Power Station has over a hundred tons, enough before standing Taipei to use previous for several years, let alone this only more than thousand people of small Settlement. Before order to stand the deuterium storage technology, these deuteriums will preserve on for several hundred years not to exhaust because of the natural decay even, in other words, in the next several hundred years, this Settlement does not need to worry for the energy matter. 储备在清水核电站中的氘燃料有上百吨,足够站前的台北用上数年,更别说这区区千余人的小聚居地了。以站前的氘储存技术,这些氘即使保存上数百年也不会因为自然衰变而耗尽,也就是说,在未来数百年内,这座聚居地都无需为能源的事而发愁。 Zhao Tianyu guessed correctly very much keenly, Jiang Chen is having the idea of Nuclear Power Station, or he will not find here. Such being the case, might as well propose that give away half these generator, can put a person under obligation on the contrary. 赵天羽很敏锐地猜到,江晨是在打核电站的主意,要不他也不会找到这里。既然如此,不如主动提出将这些发电机让出一半,反倒能卖个人情。 Accepted with pleasure his good intention, Jiang Chen said with a smile. 欣然接受了他的好意,江晨笑着说道。 Your generous will bring the good luck for you.” “你的慷慨会为你带来好运。” Let us hope so.” Zhao Tianyu smiles frank, in Survivor has the nuclear physics expert, I will convince them , helping you moves the surface generator and deuterium storage container. However I suggested you, when Month of Disaster in the past, walks, where now entire Yizhou Island does not have is safe.” “但愿如此。”赵天羽爽朗地笑了笑,“幸存者中有核物理专家,我会说服他们,帮你将发电机和氘储藏罐搬上地表。不过我建议你等到灾厄之月过去后再走,现在整个夷州岛没有哪里是安全的。” These swamp crab could not injure me.” Jiang Chen shook the head, declined his good intention, smiled was saying, generator I will find the way to make, the matter of disassemblage had the work you.” “那些泥沼蟹伤不了我。”江晨摇摇头,谢绝了他的好意,微笑着说道,“发电机我会想办法弄走,拆卸的事就有劳你们了。” After Zhao Tianyu said goodbye, Jiang Chen returns to the room to rest a evening. 赵天羽告别后,江晨回到房间休息了一晚。 Next day, Zhao Tianyu found him, told him five Nuclear Fusion Generator to disassemble to transport the surface. Moreover, he still found the truck that can also use near the warehouse in resort, moved Nuclear Fusion Generator and storage Daoguan for Jiang Chen. 次日,赵天羽找到了他,告诉他五台核聚变发电机已经拆卸搬运到了地表。不仅如此,他还在度假村的仓库附近找到了一辆还能用的卡车,替江晨核聚变发电机和储氘罐都搬了上去。 Before the farewell, Zhao Tianyu the USB will hand over in his hand together. 在告别之前,赵天羽将一块u盘交到了他的手上。 Above is the Nuclear Fusion Generator blueprint, and Clear Water Nuclear Power Station executive program, I let these nuclear physics expert copies, perhaps you will be useful.” “上面是核聚变发电机的设计图,以及清水核电站管理程序,我让那些核物理专家拷贝了一份,也许你会用得上。” Added on busy.” Jiang Chen received the USB on his hand with a smile. “帮上大忙了。”江晨笑着接过了他手上的u盘。 Takes care, is predestined friends meets again.” Zhao Tianyu puts out a hand, said goodbye to him seriously. “一路保重,有缘再会。”赵天羽伸出了手,郑重地向他告别道。 Takes care.” Jiang Chen gripped his hand to shake shaking, after loosening, suddenly smiled, supplemented the sentence, how long perhaps could not want, we will meet again.” “保重。”江晨握住他的手晃了晃,松开后,突然神秘一笑,补充了句,“也许要不了多久,我们就会再会。” Left behind this words that made Zhao Tianyu be confused, Jiang Chen walked toward the direction of elevator. 留下了这句让赵天羽一头雾水的话,江晨向电梯的方向走去。 ...... …… Lingers cannot diverge in the Datun Mountain fog as before, but that is hidden the fear in fog, has actually vanished into thin air. 萦绕在大屯山的雾依旧散不去,但那隐没于雾中的恐惧,却已经烟消云散。 The 20 remaining years of life passed by, many people have marched into the maturity from the child, moves toward senilly from the maturity. When looks at this once the resort as beautiful as a painting, is recalling pre-war Beautiful Time, visits it again now the so ruined appearance, sees the thing sorrowful sentiment to arise spontaneously unavoidably. Many people even kneel cover the face, for it flowing, but under tears. 二十余年过去了,不少人都已经从孩子步入壮年,从壮年走向衰老。当看着这曾经风景如画的度假村,回忆着战前的美好时光,再看着它现在这般破败的模样,睹物伤怀之情难免油然而生。不少人甚至跪地掩面,为之潸然而泪下。 That sob, just like to mourn this elapses the elegy that civilization plays. 那一声声哭泣,宛若为悼念这逝去文明而奏响的挽歌。 Was born the person in Nuclear Power Station as for these, because sees outside world for the first time, therefore compares the sadness of person of father's generation, what displays is yearned, rather than desperate. Once they think that Clear Water Nuclear Power Station is the whole world, the mushroom garden is Paradise, but now they discover, this world originally so broad, is covering the Datun Mountain corner every inchs emerald green...... 至于那些出生在核电站中的人,因为还是第一次看到外面的世界,所以相比起父辈的哀伤,更多表现出的是向往,而非绝望。曾经他们认为清水核电站就是整个世界,蘑菇园就是天堂,而现在他们才发现,这个世界原来是如此的广阔,翠绿覆盖着大屯山的每一寸角落…… Has not gone to manage these survivors, after leaving Hospital, Jiang Chen took out the map obtained by search from Captain Qin Chuan from storage space. 没有去管这些幸存者们,离开了医院后,江晨储物空间中取出了从秦川上尉身上搜到的地图。 Before leaving here, he planned first to go to the position on this map to have a look, to could find some interesting gadget from inside. 在离开这里之前,他打算先去这地图上的位置看看,说不定能从里面找到些有趣的玩意儿。 For example...... secret- about unlocking third layer genetic code 比如……关于解锁第三层基因代码的秘密- ( The eruption sequela, allowing me to think to write well again, the eruption will make up qaq tomorrow. Asked a bill weakly, under encouraged me......)( to be continued.) (爆发后遗症,容我好好想一想再写,爆发明天补上吧qaq。弱弱地求个票票,鼓励下我吧……)(未完待续。)
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