IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#751: Fierce combat in basement

Right, is I, hey hey......” “没错,是我,嘿嘿……” The white mist leaks off from his mouth seam, mole is grinning, curls up the body of trembling to stand from the ground. 白色的雾气从他的嘴缝中漏出,鼹鼠咧着嘴,蜷着瑟瑟发抖的身子从地上站了起来。 Scattered the dry ice in basement to make the temperature flash drop to the freezing point. 撒在地下室内的干冰让气温一瞬间下降至了冰点。 Not only mole, Jiang Chen notices, on own tactical helmet screen also started to separate out the ice crystal gradually. However these ice crystals were not in the way, compare to be stuck Mist Demon of face by the dry ice powder, he felt somewhat coldly. 不只是鼹鼠,江晨注意到,自己的战术头盔的屏幕上也渐渐开始析出了冰晶。不过这些冰晶并不碍事,相比起被干冰粉末糊了一脸的雾魔,他只是感到有些冷而已。 This does your line of customs of?” Looks to fall back on mole of corner, Jiang Chen ponders smiles, Intelligence Dealer and Cannibal Race?” “这就是干你们这行的规矩?”看着退到墙角的鼹鼠,江晨玩味地笑了笑,“情报贩子食人族?” Intelligence Dealer is my side occupation, what but also there is able killing people are more interesting than?” mole licked under the corners of the mouth, fished out two dagger from the pocket, horizontally in chest front, good, dry ice gadget is actually very troublesome, particularly in this small place.” 情报贩子是我的副业,还有什么能比杀人更有趣?”鼹鼠舔了下嘴角,从兜里摸出了两把匕首,横在胸前,“不错,干冰这玩意儿却是挺麻烦,尤其是在这种小地方。” Saying, the eye of mole looked at eye his behind gate. 说着,鼹鼠的眼睛瞄了眼他身后的门。 Has not thought that can bump into here similar.” “没想到能在这里碰到同类。” I do not think we are similar.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “我可不认为咱们是同类。”江晨笑道。 Ability that oh? vanished a moment ago, is not you unties third layer genetic code to obtain?” In the pupil of mole appeared the look of being interested, lowered the hoarse voice, „, if I have not guessed wrong, you and other abilities...... can only reappear in the disappearance place.” 哦?刚才消失的能力,难道不是你解开第三层基因代码获得的吗?”鼹鼠的瞳孔中浮现了感兴趣的神色,压低了嘶哑的嗓音,“如果我没猜错,你等能力……只能重新出现在消失的地方吧。” Heard the mole words, in the Jiang Chen's eye appeared several points of accident/surprise. 听到鼹鼠的话,江晨的眼中不由浮现了几分意外。 Has not thought that the head of this fellow is actually very miraculous, does the information worthily agent, although cannot guess correctly that the essence of his ability is cross over, but actually looked through the only weakness. 没想到这家伙的脑袋倒是挺灵光,不愧是搞情报的特工,虽然没能猜到他能力的本质是穿越,但却看破了唯一的弱点。 However and egg, even if he looked through this move, Jiang Chen still has to hang to hit his confidence. 然并卵,就算他看破了这一招,江晨也有吊打他的信心。 In the hand is grasping the circular pipe shook, quiet blue light edge emerges together baseless, Jiang Chen danced two swords to be colored conveniently. 手中握着的圆管抖了下,一道幽蓝色光刃凭空涌现,江晨随手舞了两个剑花。 Also has what last words, I will write an epitaph for you.” “还有什么遗言,我会替你写个墓志铭。” Sees that the mole pupil reduces, but the quick corners of the mouth then brought back a happy expression. 见状,鼹鼠瞳孔紧缩,但很快嘴角便勾起了一丝笑意。 Since the unlocking to third layer, you should naive thinking, my ability not have Mistization similarly.” “既然同样解锁到了第三层,你该不会天真的以为,我的能力只有雾化吧。” Jiang Chen notices, his was burnt to the point of festering the face of half by the dry ice, is gradually healing. genetic code that it seems like unties not only gave him superpower and powerful physical quality, but also strengthened his natural recovery ability. 江晨注意到,他那被干冰灼烂了半边的脸,正在逐渐的愈合。看来解开的基因代码不只是赋予了他超能力和强悍的身体素质,还增强了他的自然恢复能力。 Sees only mole is cancelling waist, even more low, simultaneously chest front two dagger that the figure presses interlocked x gradually. 只见鼹鼠勾着的腰,将身形压的愈发的低,同时胸前两把匕首渐渐交错成了x型。 Suddenly, his pupil explodes projects wipes the fine glow, then just like the murderous aura thorn of entity to Jiang Chen. Meanwhile, two dagger strokes a jet black arc, as his form of that instantaneous advance raided together to Jiang Chen. 突然,他的瞳孔爆射出一抹精芒,那宛如实体的杀气刺向了江晨。与此同时,两把匕首划出了一道漆黑的弧线,随着他那瞬间突进的身影一同袭向了江晨 Dies!” “去死吧!” The light shadow interlocks, the blue arc light brandished a semicircle, broke out that two black shadow ruthlessly. Without resounding that gold/metal hands over to call, the Jiang Chen pupil contracted slightly, sees only that two black shadow to make way his vertical to divide in the flash, transforms two remnant shadow thorns to him. 光影交错,蓝色的弧光抡成了一道半圆,狠狠地劈开了那两道黑影。没有金戈交鸣的脆响,江晨瞳孔微微收缩,只见那两道黑影在一瞬间让开了他的纵劈,幻化成两道残影刺向了他。 Hesitated without enough time, Jiang Chen opened Unparalleled in the flash. The light sword dance of right hand had/left a circular arc, the left hand fished out the high-frequency vibration granule cutting dagger, ruthlessly thorn to the left side air. 来不及犹豫了,江晨在一瞬间开启了无双。右手的光剑舞出了一道圆弧,左手摸出了高频震动粒子切割匕,狠狠地刺向了左侧的空气。 Ping! 乒! The sound that the metal collides resounds through in the room. Although the strength is not as good, but the technology content is actually not a rank. The Jiang Chen's granule cutting dagger truncated dagger in mole hand unsuspensefully, was the light sword chops together to his surface gate. 金属碰撞的声音在房间内响彻。虽然力量稍逊,但科技含量却不是一个等级。江晨的粒子切割匕毫无悬念地削断了鼹鼠手中的匕首,接着又是一道光剑劈向了他的面门。 dagger was truncated, mole without hesitation breaking the dagger threw to the Jiang Chen's surface gate, after time that the Jiang Chen standard kept off jumped spread out with him. However Jiang Chen not to the opportunity that he pants for breath, made way the breaking dagger that superficially flew, the light sword side chops a circular arc, light edge broke, is revolving mole that flew to just the coming to a stop footsteps. 匕首被削断,鼹鼠毫不犹豫地将断匕扔向了江晨的面门,借着江晨格挡的功夫后跳与他拉开了距离。然而江晨没有给他喘息的机会,轻描淡写地让开了飞来的断匕,光剑侧劈出了一道圆弧,光刃从中断裂,旋转着飞向了刚刚站稳脚步的鼹鼠 Leaned was reversing to one side, the mole cold sweat braved, evaded fatally this struck. However has not gotten strength back, ammunition clip bullet(s) rifle from Jiang Chen hand hit. 侧着倒向了一边,鼹鼠冷汗直冒,堪堪躲过了这致命一击。然而还没缓过劲来,一梭子子弹又从江晨手中的步枪打了过来。 Grass! Spear/Gun where comes? 草!哪来的枪? The mole pupil stares almost soon protrudes from the eye socket, he remembers clearly, Jiang Chen comes out spatial! 鼹鼠瞳孔瞪的几乎快要从眼眶中凸出来,他记得清清楚楚,江晨出来的时候的空着手的! Taking advantage of the light edge stroke that mist, short activate(d) Mistization, as the mist of ablation fluttered in a flash two meters, avoids bullet(s) that this concentrated fire came. 借着光刃划出的那道雾气,短暂启动雾化,随着转瞬消融的雾气飘开了两米,躲开了这攒射而来的子弹 The Jiang Chen pupil scales slightly, the eyes of no mighty waves lock the form that mole is running away, hit spatial bullet(s) rifle to throw to one side, such as the passing clouds and flowing water took out the second submachine gun. 江晨瞳孔微微缩放,毫无波澜的双眼锁定着鼹鼠逃窜的身影,打空子弹步枪扔向了一边,如行云流水般地取出了第二把冲锋枪。 The sentiment strips from the body, brain unprecedented clear, the fight as if drinks water with ease like that on such as the breath enjoyable. 感情从躯体剥离,大脑前所未有的清晰,战斗仿佛就如呼吸喝水那般轻松写意。 The large flame of emitting is glittering in the room, bullet(s) resulted to eye steadily is pursuing behind the mole buttocks. Had no place to go mole to throw a back of surgery table, raised it fiercely in the shoulder, withstood/top the great shield to hit to Jiang Chen equally. 喷吐的火舌在房间中闪烁着,子弹向长了眼睛似得追着鼹鼠屁股后面。无处可逃的鼹鼠扑到了一座手术台的背后,猛地将它掀在了肩头,顶着巨盾一样向江晨撞了过去。 However has not run two steps, he together with on his shoulder is going against the surgery table, such as was hit a upfront by the train same, flew upside down straightly. Blood water spray results in whirlwind to leave, the mole whole person and shatter surgery table together, pounded ruthlessly on the wall of basement. 然而还没跑出两步,他连同他肩上顶着的手术台,就如被火车撞了个正面一样,直挺挺地倒飞了出去。一口鲜血洒水似得飚出,鼹鼠整个人与破碎的手术台一道,狠狠地砸在了地下室的墙壁上。 guāng dāng 咣当 Jiang Chen discarded the power hammer in hand, flung the numb wrist/skill, in the pupil restored the pure brightness gradually. 江晨扔掉了手中的动力锤,甩了甩酥麻的手腕,瞳孔中渐渐地恢复了清明。 Coughs the blood, mole is covering the chest, looks walks Jiang Chen that to here, moves is grasping the right hand of dagger, discovery that hand has actually been cut off. 咳着鲜血,鼹鼠捂着胸口,看着向这边走来的江晨,动了动握着匕首的右手,却发现那只手已经断掉了。 „...... Your good thing really to be many.” mole is grinning, coughs a blood, said difficultly. “……你的好东西还真不少。”鼹鼠咧着嘴,咳出了一口鲜血,艰难地说道。 Pitifully you do not have the opportunity to recognize.” Jiang Chen smiles, without the idle talk, lifted Pistol to deduct the trigger. “可惜你没机会认个遍。”江晨笑了笑,没有废话,抬起手枪扣下了扳机。 ...... …… Bang! 砰! The raindrop sound of gunfire resounds, the orange yellow hail of bullets covered certainly Wanghai Beach. 雨点般的枪声响起,橙黄色的弹雨覆盖了绝望海滩 As the night falls, being ready to make trouble swamp crab gathers to the ashore gradually. Listens to that entire ear to want the deaf sound of gunfire, survivors is suppressing the fear in heart, is repeating the movement in hand mechanically, piles the cement block on the wall, and smears the cement. 随着夜幕降临,蠢蠢欲动的泥沼蟹渐渐向岸上聚拢。听着那整耳欲聋的枪声,幸存者们强忍着心中的恐惧,机械地重复着手中的动作,将水泥砖摞在墙上,并抹上水泥。 First constructs good 50 odd/surplus Zuo to defend the tower to divulge the firepower of machine gun, the rear support company exhibited the assault artillery position, is projecting the shell of electromagnetic launch to the sand beach. 最先建好的五十余座防御塔宣泄着机枪的火力,后方支援连摆出了迫击炮阵地,向沙滩抛射着电磁弹射的炮弹。 The injury of ordinary rifle ball to swamp crab is minimal, the firepower network that but the machine bullet composes, has the deterrent force to swamp crab very much. 普通的步枪弹对泥沼蟹的伤害微乎其微,但机枪弹组成的火力网,对泥沼蟹还是很有威慑力的。 Ten Power Armor stand before sea beach, is supporting the rotating disk barrel of super revolving, is divulging the aggressive firepower. But these, stand is being Captain Li Wang. Throws over T-4 Power Armor to go forth to battle personally, he of taking the lead raises the frontline morale immediately, took the lead to mount sea beach swamp crab these to suppress stubbornly in the beach head. 十台动力装甲站在海滩前,挺着高速旋转的转轮枪管,宣泄着凶悍的火力。而这其中,就站着身为艇长黎望。亲自披着t-4动力装甲上阵,身先士卒的他立刻鼓舞了前线的士气,将那些率先登上海滩泥沼蟹死死地压制在了滩头。 Just woke up from the hibernation is attacked, swamp crab immediately by this crowd of reckless humanity enraging, six legs are brandishing under the heavy/thick jacket fast, rushes over to the person who these opened fire. 刚从冬眠中醒来就遭到了攻击,泥沼蟹们顿时被这群不知死活的人类给激怒了,六条腿飞快地在厚重的夹克下挥舞着,向那些开枪射击的人冲了过去。 Their carapaces were too thick! I thought that we should move the Anti-tank artillery!” Squats in Li Wang nearby covering within the body, put on the exoskeleton adjutant to exchange the new cartridge clip, is clenching teeth to say. “它们的甲壳太厚了!我觉得我们应该把反坦克炮搬上来!”蹲在黎望旁边的掩体内,穿着外骨骼的副官换上了新弹夹,咬着牙说道。 If we have so many Anti-tank artillery.” Li Wang moved out of the way the red heat barrel, throws to act ruthlessly the signal flare. “如果我们有那么多反坦克炮。”黎望挪开了红热的枪管,狠狠地扔出了手中的信号弹。 Not far away, the expedition Fortress direction, glitters a flame. 不远处,远征堡垒的方向,闪烁开一片火光。 Then, low and deep buzz the cry comes, sent rocket missile to drop from the clouds innumerably, covered the entire battlefield, changed to a sea of fire sea beach. 尔后,低沉的嗡鸣呼啸而至,无数发火箭弹从天而降,覆盖了整个战场,将海滩化作一片火海。 The raging fire embezzled swamp crab, even melted the gravel. The soldier end of mission, depressed the muzzle in abundance, looks that was only submerged swamp crab in sea of fire, in the pupil does not have the half a point relaxed meaning. 烈火吞没了泥沼蟹,甚至融化了沙砾。士兵们纷纷停止射击,压下了枪口,看着那一只只被淹没在火海中的泥沼蟹,瞳孔中却没有半分轻松的意思。 Even if assembles this supplies online NAC's all airship, is impossible to make this fire burn. 就算将nac的所有飞艇调集到这条补给线上,也不可能让这大火一直烧下去。 swamp crab was suppressed in the sea by the fire temporarily, the dark green small eye is glittering vicious of hatred, moves restlessly waits for the fire to extinguish. 泥沼蟹被大火暂时压制回了海中,墨绿色的小眼睛闪烁着仇恨的凶狠,躁动地等待着大火熄灭。 Yes, without the fire can burn forever......( to be continued.) 是的,没有火能够永远的烧下去……(未完待续。)
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