IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#750: Mist Demon true body( four asked ticket!)

Bang! 砰! The sound of gunfire cut the silence in sand beach, fought for subcrystal survivors to stop the movement on hand, looked to here. When they that named Lin Zhengyang the man pushes have not thought that the NAC's person will execute him...... 枪声划破了沙滩上的寂静,争抢亚晶幸存者们停下了手上的动作,愣愣地看向了这边。他们将那个叫林正阳的男人推出来时可没想过,nac的人会毙了他…… „!” “啊!” Sees to work in partnership is killed, the remaining two people were screaming goes out. However they have not run two steps, stood soldier near sand beach then lifted the muzzle, deducted the trigger without hesitation, made into the screen the two. 见同伙被击毙,剩下的两个人尖叫着向外跑去。然而他们还没跑出两步,站在沙滩边上的士兵便抬起了枪口,毫不犹豫地扣下了扳机,将那两人打成了筛子。 The spear/gun smoke dissipates, looks to pour three people in pool of blood, the audience keeps silent. 枪烟消散,看着倒在血泊中的三人,全场噤若寒蝉。 No one thinks, very has been good to speak NAC, unexpectedly will execute that three people that suddenly takes the lead in causing trouble. Looks at Li Wang that ice-cold line of sight, all Survivor hearts raised a faint trace chill in the air. 没人想到,一直很“好说话”的nac,居然会突然处决了那带头闹事的三人。看着黎望那冰冷的视线,所有幸存者的心头都不由升起了一丝丝寒意。 We can definitely discard here to leave.” Li Wang referred to own under foot, then referred to the space. “我们完全可以扔掉这里走掉。”黎望指了指自己的脚下,然后又指了指天上。 We have airship. When like we come such, if cannot defend, we first withdraw from here at the worst, when Month of Disaster passed came back again. Loss? You think that these domestic animals can arch go bad our Fortress? Even they can, we still definitely be able to reconstruct one. But you can only wait for death here, wait to feed the crab.” “我们有飞艇。就像我们来时那样,如果守不住,我们大不了先从这里撤走,等到灾厄之月过去了再回来。损失?你们认为那些畜生能拱坏我们的堡垒?就算他们能,我们也完全可以再建一个。而你们只能在这里等死,等着喂螃蟹。” survivors turned very quiet. 幸存者们屏住了呼吸。 They have to consider this reality, but everyone harbors same by luck at heart. 他们不是没有考虑过这个现实,只是所有人都怀着同样的侥幸心里。 Sanctuary can also install under 1000 personally many. 50 percent probability, again how unlucky, that person of dying should not be I. 避难所还能装得下一千多个人。百分之五十的概率,再怎么倒霉,死的那个人应该也不会是我。 Li Wang observed the situation survivors one. 黎望环视了幸存者们一眼。 He knows, as the Month of Disaster biggest gainer, No. 79 Sanctuary most has the motive to do these matters. He also knows, No. 79 Sanctuary buries bothering in these Survivor definitely not only then these three. 他知道,作为灾厄之月的最大得利者,79号避难所最有动机做这些事。他同时也知道,79号避难所埋在这些幸存者中的搅局者肯定不会只有这三个。 But regardless of these mouse also several, he must say that will not change. 但无论这些老鼠还有几只,他要说的话都不会改变。 We have said from the beginning, the wage after the project is completed provides. Now I add a point, if the project is unable to be completed finally, we will also issue you these sparkling gadget before the evacuation. However I ensure when the time comes you have this money, without this life goes to the flower.” “我们一开始就说过,薪水会在工程完成后发放。现在我补充一点,如果工程最终无法完成,我们也会在撤离前将这些亮晶晶的玩意儿发给你们。不过我保证,到时候你们就是有这个钱,也没这个命去花。” Our armies will win the time for you, but can go on living, all depends on you. Do not count on that I will issue you subcrystal ahead of time, making you reduce the facing set of head in toward Sanctuary. I told you, this was having a dream!” “我们的部队会为你们争取时间,而能否活下去,全都取决于你们自己。别指望我会提前把亚晶发给你们,让你们削减了脑袋往避难所里面钻。我告诉你们,这是在做梦!” You only have two choices now.” “你们现在只有两个选择。” Completes the project either, goes on living. Either discards the tool in hand, rolls in your kennel to wait for death!” “要么完成工程,活下去。要么扔掉手中的工具,滚回你们的狗窝里等死!” ...... …… Mistization, is not sneaking of simple, but integrates the fog color the body, in the true sense conceals the figure. 雾化,并非简单的潜行,而是将身体融入到雾色当中,真正意义上的匿去身形。 Compared Madness wait/etc. to strengthen the ability, Mistization this ability is somewhat close to the supernatural category without doubt, after all the thermal imagery or the heartbeat induced not to catch the trail of user. However unlike ability that other have not verified, the data about Mistization this ability, has to file in the Pan-Asia Cooperation Hidden Genetic Code research file. 相比起狂化等自身强化型能力,雾化这种能力无疑是有些接近于超自然的范畴了,毕竟无论是热成像还是心跳感应都捕捉不到使用者的踪迹。不过与其它未探明的能力不同,关于雾化这项能力的数据,在泛亚合作隐藏基因代码研究档案中是有备案的。 So-called Mistization, does not turn into the water vapor to disseminate the body to the air. But after the air humidity breaks through certainly marginal value, has to make the body complete material hide into three dimension and fourth dimension slits, creates conceals the trace in fact the ability. 所谓雾化,并非是将身体变成水汽弥散到空气中。而是当空气湿度突破一定临界值后,拥有使身体全部物质躲入三次元与四次元的缝隙,造成事实上匿踪的能力。 The fog is not the origin of phenomenon, but is the condition that the phenomenon presents. 雾并非现象的成因,而是现象出现的条件。 simple, only then in having the situation of fog, he can hide oneself figure. However at the humanity existing technical standards, is unable to explain fog temporarily and positive connection between this/should abilities. Even the 22nd Century scientific and technological standard, still slightly knows the fur/superficial knowledge regarding the research of fourth dimension merely. 简单的来讲,只有在有雾的情况下,他才能隐藏自己的身形。不过以人类现有的技术水平,暂时无法解释“雾”与该能力之间的必然联系。即便是二十二世纪的科技水平,对于四次元的研究也仅仅只是略知皮毛而已。 When hears here, on the Jiang Chen's face appeared suddenly wiped the strange expression. 当听到这里时,江晨的脸上突然浮现了一抹古怪的表情。 As if any ability Evolution to Level 3, is related with fourth dimension Klein Particle. 似乎任何能力进化到第三级,都与四次元克雷恩粒子有关。 However these are not the key points. 不过这些都不是重点。 Since knows that Mist Demon weakness, he has thought how good to deal with that fellow. 既然知道了那个雾魔的弱点,他已经想好该如何对付那家伙了。 At noon next day. 次日中午。 Said goodbye to Zhao Tianyu, Jiang Chen stepped elevator that returned to the basement. 告别了赵天羽,江晨踏上了返回地下室的电梯。 Front door opening of elevator, Jiang Chen has not emitted drone from the back backpack, throws to act directly the illumination, then walks toward out of the door. 电梯的大门开启,江晨没有从背后的背包中放出无人机,直接扔出了手中的照明,尔后向门外走去。 Fills murderous aura in thick fog, is similar to like that viscous, that moist air that the entity exists, is similar to the hand that Death God extends. Under flare that thin brilliance, all around appear indistinctly. 弥漫在浓雾中的杀气,就如同实体存在的那般粘稠,那潮湿的空气,就如同死神伸出的手。在照明弹那稀薄的的光耀下,周遭的一切都显得影影绰绰。 Jiang Chen breathed this viscous air, said in a soft voice. 江晨呼吸了一口这粘稠的空气,轻声说道。 I guess you in the , where although I do not know you, I said right?” “我猜你就在附近,虽然我不知道你在哪里,我说的对吗?” He did not determine whether Mist Demon heard his words, did not determine that its whether also survival humanity state of mind, can understand his words. 他不确定雾魔是否听见了他的话,也不确定它是否还残存者人类的神志,能够理解他的话。 The rifle end in the hand, Jiang Chen observed the situation around the eye the empty room, the corners of the mouth brought back one to sneer. 步枪端在手中,江晨环视了眼四周空荡的房间,嘴角勾起了一丝冷笑。 Regarding grasping it of cold weapons, if it decides will not let off everyone who leaves from here, then this Hospital absolutely is his last chance. Once puts the spacious region the battlefield, its odds of success at least drop half. 对于手持冷兵器的它而言,如果它打定主意不会放过每一个从这里离开的人,那么这间医院绝对是他最后的机会。一旦将战场放到空旷地带,它的胜算至少得下降一半。 Jiang Chen can feel that it is waiting for the opportunity to act, but has not actually displayed timidly, but moved toward the entrance of basement. 江晨能感到它在伺机而动,不过却没有表现出胆怯,而是走向了地下室的门口。 The lifted foot hung in the above of basement threshold, Jiang Chen had not walked out of the gate, but closed the door of basement fiercely, oneself and Mist Demon closed/pass in the basement together. 抬起的脚悬在了地下室门槛的上方,江晨没有一脚跨出门,而是猛地关上了地下室的门,将自己和雾魔一起关在了地下室内。 Although can hide into three dimension and fourth dimension slits the body, but this does not mean that he can put on the wall! This is his weakness, after entering this type Mist State, depends on in mist the ability only to be able with the fog to move, but in the wall that the entity has does not have fog type of thing obviously. 虽然能将身体躲入三次元与四次元的缝隙,但这并不意味着他能够穿墙!这就是他的弱点,当进入这种“雾态”之后,依托于雾的能力只能随着雾移动,而实体存在的墙壁中显然不存在雾这种东西。 Almost in same instantaneous, the fresh breeze that he closes the door from raids together behind. 几乎就在他关上门的同一瞬间,一道劲风从身后袭来。 However this strikes cannot hit Jiang Chen, but divided in vacating. 然而这一击没能击中江晨,而是劈在了空出。 Appears Mist Demon of figure, that like the wild animal ugly face on, writes obvious unbelievable. prey vanished in his front, this strange hunting experienced him never to have. 显出身形的雾魔一顿,那张如野兽般丑陋的脸上,写着明显的难以置信。猎物就这么消失在了他的面前,这种诡异的狩猎经历他可是从未有过。 At this time, it noticed suddenly, that prey's backpack kept the ground. 这时,它突然注意到,那个猎物的背包留在了地上。 An intense anxiety climbed up its heart, the instinct of wild animal urged it to react, immediately activate(d) Mistization ability. Almost is at the same time, that package blasts open with a crash. 一股强烈的不安爬上了它的心头,野兽的本能驱使它做出了反应,立刻启动雾化能力。几乎是在同一时间,那包裹砰然炸裂。 The explosion is not very intense, but scene actually exceptionally magnificent. 爆炸并不是很强烈,但场面却异常的壮观。 Holds the enchanting white fog, strings of powder sprinkled to each corner of room, the cold air climbed up each space in room in the flash, corner of the every inchs pea-sized water drop in room sublimated, even crystallized, the air humidity dropped at the visible speed! 托着妖娆的白雾,一串串粉末洒向了房间的各个角落,寒气在一瞬间爬上了房间内的每一处空间,豆大的水珠在房间内的每一寸角落凝华,甚至结晶,空气湿度以肉眼可见的速度下降! Is the dry ice! 是干冰! Dry ice of entire backpack! 整整一背包的干冰! With wailing that eats the pain, from the fog color of that dissipation was appeared the figure by freezing Mist Demon totteringly gradually, illusory black shadow starts to remove from the body, the ugly face starts to restore the humanity appearance gradually. 伴随着一声吃痛的哀嚎,被冻伤的雾魔跌跌撞撞地从那渐渐消散的雾色中显出了身形,虚幻般的黑影开始从身上褪去,丑陋的脸开始渐渐恢复人类的模样。 Similar to the moon/month of round night later werewolf like that returned to the emaciated body. 就如同月圆夜之后的狼人那般,回归了羸弱的身躯。 Also is really accidental/surprised......, although after hearing Mist Demon once was intelligence officer, I guessed that faintly you possibly and this Mist Demon related illegibile. But I have not really thought, you unexpectedly are Mist Demon oneself.” “还真是让人意外……虽然在听说雾魔曾是个情报员之后,我就隐隐猜测你可能和这雾魔关系不清不楚。但我还真没想到,你竟然就是雾魔本人。” When the mist diverges, Jiang Chen returned in the room, in the hand is grasping the lasersword sword hilt, the look looks to roll up complex in the person of ground. 当雾气散去,江晨重新回到了房间中,手中握着激光剑的剑柄,神色复杂地看着蜷缩在地上的人。 It is not others, is Intelligence Dealer of that No. 79 small town, is called the mole person...... 不是别人,正是那个79号小镇的情报贩子,被称作鼹鼠的人…… - - ( Four offer, sways back and forth to ask bill everywhere, tomorrow will have eruption!)( To be continued.) (四更献上,满地打滚求票票,明天还有爆发!)(未完待续。)
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