IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#749: Suppression

February 27, is getting more and more near from Month of Disaster. 已经二十七了,距离灾厄之月越来越近了。 Near sea beach swamp crab has started to be in a tumult, some had even ended the hibernation ahead of schedule, starts to move to the ashore. After discovering the situation, Li Wang organizes the manpower to registering immediately swamp crab launches the ambush, these swamp crab solutions on sea beach. 海滩边的泥沼蟹已经开始骚动,有的甚至已经提早结束了冬眠,开始向岸上移动。发现了情况后,黎望立刻组织人手对登录的泥沼蟹展开狙击,将这些泥沼蟹解决在了海滩上。 However has seen storm Expedition Force unlike these, exploded the pot in the Survivor labors of fence work immediately. 然而与这些见过风浪的远征军不同,在围墙边工作的幸存者劳工们顿时炸了锅。 That evening, in the No. 79 small town mixed under labor the instigation of informer, all Survivor put down the tool in hand, gathered before certainly the Wanghai Beach open area. Looking into the distance, a dense piece, under the rough estimate, has the 2000 many people. 当天傍晚,在79号小镇混入劳工中的眼线的煽动下,所有幸存者都放下了手中的工具,聚集在了绝望海滩前的空地。放眼望去,黑压压的一片,粗略估计下,足足有两千多人。 Gives back to us our wages! Does not issue us subcrystal, refuses to begin!” “把我们的工钱还给我们!不把亚晶发给我们,拒绝开工!” Right! Refuses to begin!” “对!拒绝开工!” We are not the free labor forces!” “我们不是免费的劳动力!” Also my hard-earned money!” “还我血汗钱!” „......” “……” NAC's soldier has surrounded these demonstrators temporarily, but has not ordered, at this moment no one knows that should make anything. The adjutant told after the lower control trigs the situation, immediately runs has returned to Command Post to find Li Wang. Marshal is not, at this moment has the decision-making power, only then his Captain. nac的士兵已经暂时将这些示威者围住,但没有命令,此刻谁也不知道该做些什么。副官吩咐手下控制住局势后,立刻跑过回到指挥所找到了黎望元帅不在,此刻拥有决策权的只有他这位艇长了。 How many people does strike have?” After listening to the situation, Li Wang asked a few words lightly. “罢工有多少人?”听完情况后,黎望只是淡淡地问了一句话。 Almost completely.” The adjutant is sweating profusely said. “几乎全部。”副官满头大汗地说道。 Li Wang anything has not said that nods, walks toward out of the door directly. 黎望什么也没说,点点头,径直向门外走去。 ...... …… From this fence operation ten days, regarding all the labors of participation project, NAC had provided food to wrap up very much generously. Therefore regarding these Survivor, subcrystal that succeeds in obtaining all can create surplus. 距离这座围墙开工已经十天了,对于所有参与工程的劳工,nac很慷慨地包吃包住。所以对于这些幸存者来说,到手的亚晶全都可以结余下来。 Day of wages are five subcrystal, ten days are 50! But enters the Sanctuary admission ticket , is 50 selects subcrystal! 一天的工钱是五亚晶,十天就是五十!而进入避难所的门票,也正好是五十亚晶 Takes this 50 subcrystal, everyone has the opportunity to pay to enter the Sanctuary admission ticket, does not absolutely need with the NAC's person together, the destiny to bet on broken wall that in this is impossible to finish. 拿着这五十亚晶,所有人都有机会缴纳进入避难所的门票,根本没必要和nac的人一起,将命运赌在这道不可能完工的破墙上。 Also therefore, what voice of these survivors protests is so intense. 也正是因此,这些幸存者们抗议的声浪的是如此的强烈。 Stood in these Survivor front, faced that line of sight, Li Wang is actually being lost in thought. 站在了这些幸存者的面前,面对着那一道道视线,黎望却是陷入了沉思。 At this time if issues them the wage, had them of escape route, will disperse instantly inevitably runs to Sanctuary. No matter what who knows, Sanctuary is impossible to install everyone, but also the remaining that positions can the stopper 1000 person go at most again. 此时如果将薪水发给他们,有了退路的他们,势必会一哄而散地跑向避难所。任谁都知道,避难所不可能装下所有人,还剩下的那点位置顶多能再塞个一千人进去。 Who runs quickly, who can go on living. 谁跑得快,谁就能活下去。 But the remaining people, can only die. 而剩下的人,就只能去死。 What is interesting is that Li Wang can from each of them's pupil, read out that to long for going on living lust intensely. When a person has the intense seeking livehood desire, this will undoubtedly become the boost that he goes on living. When everyone in a collective had the intense seeking livehood desire, will only accelerate demise of this collective. 有趣的是,黎望能从他们每个人的瞳孔中,读出那强烈渴望着活下去的欲.望。当一个人产生强烈的求生欲,这无疑会成为他活下去的助力。然而当一个集体中的所有人都产生了强烈的求生欲,只会加速这个集体的灭亡。 Project only conducted 75%, according to the order of Marshal confession......” adjutant said in his nearby low voice reminder. “工程只进行到了75%,根据元帅交代的命令……”副官在他旁边小声提醒道。 If cannot complete 80% of project before March 1, that evacuates from Yizhou Island temporarily. However the adjutant has not spoken these words, he because of the meaning of his also indefinite Captain. 如果在三月 1 号之前没能完成工程的80%,那就从夷州岛暂时撤离。不过副官并没有将这句话说完,他因为他还不确定艇长的意思。 Marshal has not come back,”, Li Wang then said that „, moreover from March 1, eight hours.” 元帅还没回来,”顿了顿,黎望接着说道,“而且距离三月 1 号,还有八个小时。” The adjutant smiled bitterly, anything had not said that but looked at the crowds of these protests. 副官苦笑了下,什么也没说,只是将目光投向了那些抗议的人群。 Let alone only then eight hours, even if gives again two days, only feared that this fence cannot repair completely the remaining parts. 别说只有八个小时了,就算是再给个两天,只怕这围墙也修不完剩下的部分。 Your wage here!” “你们的薪水就在这里!” The Li Wang roar interrupted the protest of survivors. 黎望的吼声打断了幸存者们的抗议。 Or the keyword in his words, attracted the attention of all Survivor. 或者说,他话中的关键词,吸引了所有幸存者的注意。 The voice of protest stands still gradually, Li Wang gestures to adjutant, whisper two. 抗议的声音渐渐停歇,黎望对身旁的副官打了个手势,耳语了两句。 After listening to the Li Wang words, the expression of adjutant is somewhat strange, but selected, receives an order to go. 听完黎望的话后,副官的表情有些古怪,但还是点了下头,领命而去。 Quick, enough half person of high box was moved by two soldier. 很快,足足半人高的箱子被两名士兵搬了上来。 The box falls on the ground layer on layer/heavily, pounded a pit on the sand. Li Wang swept the eye, then said lightly. 箱子重重地落在地上,在沙地上砸出了个坑。黎望只是扫了眼,然后便淡淡地说道。 Opens.” “打开。” Yes!” “是!” Shouldered box soldier good a military salute, is in front of everyone, turned on the box. 扛箱子上来的士兵行了个军礼,当着所有人的面,打开了箱子。 In a flash, that dark green ray made each Survivor turn very quiet, mapped a set the pupil of that both black neatly the green! 一瞬间,那墨绿色的光芒让每一名幸存者都屏住了呼吸,将那一双双黑色的瞳孔齐刷刷地映成了绿色! subcrystal of entire box! 整整一箱子的亚晶 They have not seen so many subcrystal! 他们从来没见过这么多的亚晶 Looks at that greedy line of sight, Li Wang sneered, said lightly, heard...... some people suspected we can't pay money?” 看着那一道道贪婪的视线,黎望冷笑了一声,淡淡地说道,“听说……有人怀疑我们付不起钱?” Protest survivors look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that at this time should say any good. 抗议的幸存者们面面相觑,不知道这时该说些什么好。 Saw with own eyes that the situation was soon controlled, these people of harboring ulterior motives were naturally unable to continue watching. At this time, some people hid in the crowd, called to shout with high voice. 眼见局势快要被控制住,那些别有用心之人自然是看不下去了。这时,有人躲在人群中,尖声叫喊道。 Since you have money, why that does not issue us the wage!” “既然你们有钱,那为什么不把薪水发给我们!” The quick, echoed sound resounds from the crowd. 很快,附和的声音从人群中响起。 „Is! Since you cannot put out subcrystal to come, why not to issue us our wages!” “就是就是!既然你们也不是拿不出亚晶来,干嘛不把我们的工钱发给我们!” The momentum of protest elevates temperature again. 抗议的势头再次升温。 Li Wang stands there, looks at that indignant face unemotionally, from that crowd, he saw a mean face suddenly. In a flash, he understood anything probably, the corners of the mouth brought back one to sneer gradually. 黎望站在那里,面无表情地看着那一张张义愤填膺的脸,从那人群中,他忽然看见了一张幸灾乐祸的脸。一瞬间,他好像明白了什么,嘴角渐渐勾起了一丝冷笑。 Calmly waits for that to ask for the firewood the call to vent, he held up Pistol , to of this day deducted the trigger spatially. 静静地等待着那讨薪的呼声发泄完,他举起了手枪,对这天空扣下了扳机。 Bang!” “砰!” The sound of gunfire resounds, scene immediately calm. 枪声响起,现场顿时安静了下来。 Took a fast look around these Survivor one, Li Wang said slowly. 扫视了这些幸存者一眼,黎望缓缓开口说道。 „The person who the person who first opens the mouth to create a disturbance, the second echoing person, the third opens the mouth responded, asking the determination to stand.” “最先开口起哄的人,第二个附和的人,还有第三个开口响应的人,请自觉站出来。” No one moves, some people will not move obviously. 没有人动,也显然不会有人动。 Li Wang sneered snort/hum the sound, then said. 黎望冷笑地哼了声,接着说道。 Reporter, everyone ten subcrystal.” “举报者,每人十亚晶。” Then, Li Wang rubbish, grasps subcrystal to sprinkle on the ground. 说完,黎望也不废话,抓起一把亚晶就洒在了地上。 Does not need to wait till a few days later.” “不用等到几天后。” In a flash, everyone turned very quiet, that vision first focused in that subcrystal of ground, then cannot help but gathers to that person who first created a disturbance. These lines of sight are similar to one sword, pointed out that disturbing mouse. 一瞬间,所有人都屏住了呼吸,那一道道目光先是聚焦在了地上的那一颗颗亚晶,接着又不由自主地向最先起哄的那个人聚拢。这一道道视线就如同一把把剑,指出了那支捣乱的老鼠。 Is looked by the surrounding person, that short man about is shaking the head startled. 被周围的人看着,那个身材矮小的男人惊慌地左右晃着脑袋。 You, you visit me to do, no, is not I first shouts......” “你,你们看着我干什么,不,不是我先喊的……” Ten subcrystal.” Li Wang repeated lightly, then supplemented the sentence, „, be only ten quotas, push him, can attain.” “十亚晶。”黎望淡淡地重复了一遍,接着又补充了句,“只有十个名额,把他推上来,就能拿到。” Such remarks, no one hesitated. 此话一出,没人再犹豫了。 A hand, two hands, when pair of both hands according to the body of that diminutive man, press out the crowd him at all is not somebody's will, but is greedy of one group of people. 一只手,两只手,当一双双手按在那个矮小男人的身上时,将他压出人群的根本不是某个人的意志,而是一群人的贪婪。 No, is not I. The grass, do not push me!” “不,不是我。草,别推我!” How no one pays attention to him to call out pitifully, including him, first starts the person who echoes, altogether three people that as well as creates a disturbance, were all advanced the dead ahead of team. People raid subcrystal that is well-grounded, even wrestled in one, Li Wang has not paid attention to these people, but looked to that diminutive man. 没人理会他如何惨叫,连同他在内,最先开始附和的人,以及紧接着起哄的一共三人,全都被推到了队伍的正前方。人们哄抢着地上的亚晶,甚至扭打在了一起,黎望没有理会那些人,而是看向了那个矮小的男人。 By scalp tingles that Li Wang looks, but that diminutive man braced oneself to look to him, said mystifyingly. 黎望看的头皮发麻,但那矮小的男人硬着头皮看向了他,阴阳怪气地说道。 What's wrong? Towed, to fail to pay the wage to say?” “怎么?拖,拖欠薪水还不让人说了?” He in gambling, if the NAC's person also wants to make this project work, impossible to make anything to him. So long as escaped this tribulation, he can return to No. 79 Sanctuary to receive an award. Although is believing the NAC's person will not make anything to him, but the Li Wang look truly makes him one be scared intermittently. 他在赌,如果nac的人还想让这工程进行下去,就不可能对他做些什么。只要逃过了这一劫,他就可以回79号避难所领赏去了。可虽说坚信着nac的人不会对他做什么,但黎望的眼神确实让他一阵阵发毛。 That look, is giving up on the person to be the same probably. 那眼神,就好像在看死人一样。 I do not know that who your back lords are, has no interest in knowing.” Li Wang said with the sound that everyone can hear. “我不知道你们的背后的主子是谁,也没兴趣去知道。”黎望用所有人都能听到的声音说道。 He did not say that listens to someone, but said to these conceals in crowd, mouse that had not been caught. 他不是说给某一个人听,而是说给那些藏在人群中,尚未被抓出来的老鼠。 You, how you want.” That diminutive men's disturbed say/way. “你,你想怎样。”那矮小的男子忐忑道。 Li Wang grins to smile. 黎望咧嘴笑了笑。 „Do you name?” “你叫什么名字?” Forest, Lin Zhengyang.” The diminutive man shivers was saying. “林,林正阳。”矮小男子颤抖着说道。 Very good, I will write in the grave mound for you.” “很好,我会替你写坟头上。” Finishes speaking, everyone has not responded, Li Wang lifts Pistol to aim at the Lin Zhengyang forehead, deducted the trigger.( To be continued.) 话音刚落,所有人都没反应过来,黎望抬起手枪对准林正阳的额头,扣下了扳机。(未完待续。)
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