IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#748: Cannibal is a neighbor

20 many years ago, the war broke out. 二十多年前,战争爆发了。 First nuclear bomb explodes in Europe, is Wanghai, NATO declares war to Pan-Asia Cooperation. All happen is such sudden, the trouble that although the economic crisis and energy crisis can foresee, actually no one equates with the war these two. 第一枚核弹在欧洲爆炸,紧接着便是望海,北约泛亚合作宣战。一切发生的都是那样的突然,虽然经济危机与能源危机都是可以预见的麻烦,却没有任何人将这两者与战争画上等号。 Human Civilization the peace is too long, since Cold War . 人类文明已经和平太久了,自从冷战以后。 Just like Pan-Asia Cooperation other areas, this is located in the resort in Datun Mountain, after Wanghai City Holy Shield System crashes one hour of adduction to war Alarm. However regarding being far away from the resort of urban district, rushes to Sanctuary situated in urban district in one hour, this is almost a impossible matter. 泛亚合作的其它地区一样,这座位于大屯山中的度假村,在望海市圣盾系统崩塌后的一小时内收到了战争警报。然而对于远离市区的度假村来说,在一小时内赶往位于市区的避难所,这几乎是一件不可能的事。 Arrived desperately on the body of everyone. 绝望降临在了每一个人的身上。 Facing being doomed Death result, everyone displays helplessly, except for weeping and wailing and praying anything cannot achieve. 面对注定死亡的结局,所有人都表现地手足无措,除了哭喊和祈祷什么也做不到。 At this moment, a person stood. 就在这时,一个人站了出来。 He said that is Pan-Asia Cooperation Intelligence Personnel, is protecting the secret of underground nuclear power facility. As one of the strategic reserves, the design of Clear Water Nuclear Power Station is the accurate Sanctuary rank, although has not stockpiled the living materials, but the resistance nuclear strike is a cinch. 他自称是泛亚合作情报人员,守护着地下核电设施的秘密。作为战略储备之一,清水核电站的设计是准避难所级别,虽然没有储备生活物资,但抵御核打击还是不在话下的。 „...... Then, under his leadership, people brought in entire resort the food, drugs, tent and other living materials of Clear Water Nuclear Power Station.” Zhao Tianyu tells the cause of story. “……然后,在他的带领下,人们将整个度假村的食品、药品、帐篷等生活物资都搬进了清水核电站中。”赵天羽将故事的起因娓娓道来。 What relations this and that does Mist Demon have?” Jiang Chen asked. “这和那个雾魔有什么关系?”江晨问道。 After this has the matter that did not believe.” Zhao Tianyu shrugs, then said, you have certainly heard Genetic Medicine.” “在此之后发生了一件不信的事。”赵天羽耸了耸肩,接着说道,“你一定听说过基因药剂。” Right.” “没错。” Some lucky fellows can through the Genetic Medicine unlocking special ability, quite common has Madness, Quick Healing, Visual Enhancement wait/etc., but also some quite special ability, even achieved the nature unable to explain category......” “部分幸运儿能通过基因药剂解锁特殊的能力,比较常见的有狂化快速愈合视觉强化等等,而还有些比较特殊的能力,甚至达到了自然无法解释的范畴……” For example that Mist Demon?” Jiang Chen knits the brows saying that „...... I also think that is foreign-species.” “比如那个雾魔?”江晨皱眉道,“……我还以为那是个异种。” No, he is individual, moreover once was a great person. Between the responsibility and human nature, made the correct choice, because of something, he cannot obtain the forgiveness of people finally, but encountered the pursuit of Survivor.” Zhao Tianyu said with a smile. “不,他是个人,而且曾经是个伟大的人。在职责与人性之间,做出了正确的选择,只不过最终因为某件事,他没能得到人们的宽恕,而遭到了幸存者的驱逐。”赵天羽笑道。 What did he do unforgivable matter?” Jiang Chen asked. “他做了什么不可饶恕的事?”江晨问道。 13 year ago, was Nuclear Power Station Survivor provides food the pipeline immersed in seawater to enter swamp crab. Has not seen them of these ghost gadget, swamp crab is hit by quick fainted hungrily flees to the wilderness. Not only discarded the deuterium refinery, but also discarded the worker dormitory. In order to expel these swamp crab, he injected not through the illegal drugs of clinical trial, the unlocking Hidden Genetic Code, expelled forcefully swamp crab that is wresting away the pipeline, and smashed their lair.” 十三年前,为核电站幸存者提供食物的海水管道进入了泥沼蟹。从来没见过这些鬼玩意儿的他们,被一只快饿晕了的泥沼蟹打得落荒而逃。不但丢掉了氘提炼厂,还丢掉了工人宿舍。为了赶走这些泥沼蟹,他注射了没有通过临床试验的违禁药品,强行解锁了隐藏基因代码,赶跑了霸占着管道的泥沼蟹,并捣毁了它们的巢穴。” What does this have unforgivable?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “这有什么不可饶恕吗?”江晨笑道。 Unforgivable matter in behind. The illegal drugs do not have the side effect, while untying genetic code, that drugs also make his v127 gene present the sudden change.”, Zhao Tianyu smiled, lowers the sound then saying that v127 gene mutant, is called Cannibalism Gene.” “不可饶恕的事在后面。违禁药品并非没有副作用,在解开基因代码的同时,那个药品也使得他的v127基因出现突变。”顿了顿,赵天羽笑了笑,压低了声音接着说道,“v127基因突变体,也称为食人基因。” „Did he eat the person?” Jiang Chen changes countenance slightly. “他吃人了?”江晨微微动容。 No, but you think one group of spiritless people, will allow a potential food person demon to live own next door? Let alone, what his unlocking sneaks the ability, really is the inborn killer. Moreover in the life, he also truly displays to the hope of flesh and blood.” The Zhao Tianyu expression somewhat smiles cruelly. “没有,但你认为一群懦弱的人,会允许一个潜在的食人魔住在自己的隔壁吗?更何况,他解锁的是潜行能力,简直是天生的杀手。而且在生活中,他也确实表现出了对人肉和鲜血的渴望。”赵天羽表情有些残忍地笑了笑。 The matter that the story, then has at this point, Jiang Chen has been able to guess correctly most. 故事说到这里,接下来发生的事,江晨已经能猜出个大半了。 Saved everyone's Hero, received by the pursuit of saving. Was expelled Nuclear Power Station, he is facing the ruins of nobody left dejected alone, sent into exile in the radioactive dust, becomes Cannibal in the true sense, hunts each to go into here, or the plan humanity that flees from here. 原本拯救了所有人的英雄,受到了被拯救者们的驱逐。被赶出了核电站,心灰意冷地他独自面对着空无一人的废墟,在放射尘中放逐了自我,成为了真正意义上的食人者,狩猎着每一位闯入这里,或打算从这里逃离的人类 I know so many, to understand him, you can ask that Dr. Mike of clinic, that illegal drugs of Mist Demon injection are disposed by him. He is a Portuguese foreigner, good that but Chinese Language said that the person very well is also together.” Zhao Tianyu said with a smile. “我所知道的就这么多,如果想了解他,你可以去问问诊所的麦克医生,雾魔注射的那支违禁药品是由他配置的。他是个葡萄牙籍的外国人,不过汉语说的不错,人也挺好相处。”赵天羽笑着说道。 I will. Jiang Chen nods to say. 我会的。江晨点点头说道。 Weather, I will not arrange a room for you early.” “天色已经不早了,我会为你安排个房间。” I must descend the mountain as soon as possible, but also some people are inferior I in the mountain.” Jiang Chen shakes the head to say. “我得尽快下山,还有人在山下等着我。”江晨摇头道。 In the evening is very dangerous, if daytime Mist Demon is only Specter, then to the evening him is evil spirit.” Zhao Tianyu said earnestly. “晚上很危险,如果说白天的雾魔只是个幽灵,那么到了晚上他就是恶鬼。”赵天羽认真地说道。 All after very advantages, Jiang Chen ultimately accepted his good intention. Although in the underground installation is unable with the outside world through the radio contact, but he and Lin Ling relates does not need radio that type of gadget, but uses even can Klein Particle Wave of cross over time axis. 全很利弊之后,江晨最终还是接受了他的好意。虽然在地下设施中无法与外界通过无线电联系,但他和林玲联系并不需要无线电那种玩意儿,而是用的甚至可以穿越时间轴的克雷恩粒子波 Arrived at Zhao Tianyu for the room that he provided, Jiang Chen inspected under each corner of room, confirmed did not have the wiretap device and so on after the gadget, immediately has the contact with Lin Ling. The telephone conversation just a connection, Lin Ling that anxious face, appeared in the total information image. 来到了赵天羽为他提供的房间,江晨检查了下房间的各个角落,确认没有窃听器之类的玩意儿后,立刻与林玲取得了联系。通话刚一接通,林玲那张焦急的脸,就浮现在了全息图像中。 You now where? How also not from mountain?” “你现在在哪里?怎么还没有从山上下来?” I have entered Nuclear Power Station...... the situation on mountain to be somewhat strange, I for a short time and you could not explain, in brief here is very dangerous, first do not come up.” “我已经进入核电站了……山上的情况有些诡异,我一时半会儿和你也解释不清楚,总之这里很危险,你先别上来。” Heard that on the mountain has the danger, a paleness that the Lin Ling's small face brushes immediately. 听说山上有危险,林玲的小脸立刻刷的一片惨白。 That, won't you have the danger on the mountain?” “那,那你在山上不会有危险吧?” „, I will not compare to worry that actually you...... this, you and Chen Guangning first returns to Fortress, when I looked for you here problem solve again.” “不会,我倒是比较担心你……这样吧,你和陈广宁先回堡垒,等我把这边的问题解决了再去找你。” After this matter confesses, Jiang Chen then switches off the total information image to finish the communication, walks toward the room. 将这件事交代完后,江晨便关掉全息图像结束了通讯,向房间外走去。 ...... …… Year to year lives in underground, for a long time has not accepted the illumination of sunlight, here person skin very white. However this type white/in vain is not only unaesthetic, is passing on the contrary a unhealthy morbid state. Walks in the corridor of this underground residence, Jiang Chen notices, the surrounding person is using the vigilant line of sight to take a look at him. 常年生活在地下,许久未接受阳光的照射,这里的人皮肤都非常的白。不过这种白非但毫无美感,反倒是透着给人一种不健康的病态。行走在这座地下居所的走廊,江晨注意到,周围的人都在用警惕的视线打量着他。 In that line of sight has, probe curiously, what are more does not trust. 那视线中带着好奇、试探,但更多的还是不信任。 In entire Clear Water Nuclear Power Station only then a clinic, Jiang Chen has not been many time-comsuming to find here, saw that Mike. 整个清水核电站中只有一间诊所,江晨没费多少工夫就找到了这里,见到了那位麦克 Sees Jiang Chen, this Mike recognizes him to come from outside from the skin color immediately, on the face appeared surprised. 一见到江晨,这位麦克立刻从肤色上认出了他来自外面,脸上不由浮现了一丝惊讶。 I guess that you are not see a doctor. However before you asked my question, I want first to ask how you did come here?” “我猜你不是来看病的。不过在你问我问题之前,我想先问问,你是怎么来到这里的?” Jiang Chen previously will repeat to that set of excuse that Zhao Tianyu used. 江晨将先前对赵天羽用的那套说辞复述了一遍。 After listening to his words, Mike understands clearly nods, puts down in the hand has been transferring the pen, sighed to say. 听完他的话后,麦克了然地点了点头,放下了手中一直转着的笔,叹了口气说道。 This...... is really not all hatreds can, as time retrogression.” “这样啊……果然不是所有仇恨都能随着时间消退的。” Compared with the hatred, I felt that urges more like an instinct of wild animal he acts.” “比起仇恨,我感觉驱使他行动的更像是一种野兽的本能。” Heard the Jiang Chen's words, in the eye of Mike flashes through a difference, on the face appeared gradually the interested expression. 听到江晨的话,麦克的眼中闪过一丝异样,脸上渐渐浮现了饶有兴趣的表情。 „Can oh? say in detail with me?” 哦?可以和我详细地说下吗?” Hears the Mike words, Jiang Chen smiles reluctantly. 听到麦克的话,江晨无奈地笑了笑。 Inquired what obviously information is I, how finally to do me to become the inquired that person on the contrary...... 明明来打听情报的是我,怎么搞得最后我反倒成了被提问的那个人了…… When bore the temper, Jiang Chen will be fighting the situation selectively to repeat with Mist Demon. But listened to his repeating, the expression on Mike face also gradually dignified. 耐着性子,江晨将与雾魔交手时的情况选择性地复述了一遍。而听完他的复述,麦克脸上的表情也随之渐渐凝重了起来。 After silent moment, he says slowly. 沉默了片刻后,他缓缓地开口说道。 If I have not guessed wrong, he should already the genetic code unlocking to Third Phase.”( To be continued.) “如果我没猜错的话,他应该已经将基因代码解锁到了第三阶段。”(未完待续。)
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