IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#747: Clear Water Nuclear Power Station

By the sidewall of elevator, Jiang Chen calmly is waiting for the drop section. 靠在电梯的侧壁上,江晨静静地等待着下降到底部。 Spare electric power Artillery System is revolving as before, this elevator perhaps is in the entire resort only also the operation electric power facility. Previously met black shadow in the basement, could hardly be removed in his heart as before. 备用电力系统依旧在运转,这座电梯恐怕是整个度假村中唯一还运作的电力设施。先前在地下室遇见的“黑影”,依旧在他心头挥之不去。 He has not called Lin Ling to climb mountains, but is the choice first enters Nuclear Power Station to search the bottom alone. That black shadow attack really is virtually impossible to guard against, the life detection installment cannot search its trail, Jiang Chen really does not have that confidence, during self-preservation also takes care of a noneffective person. 他没有叫林玲上山,而是选择独自先进入核电站去探探底。那个黑影的攻击简直防不胜防,就连生命探测装置都搜索不到它的踪迹,江晨实在没有那个信心,在自保的同时还去照顾一个毫无战斗力的人。 Since can be injured by the laser bomb, then has been able to remove that is the Specter ghost and so on gadget. However in the final analysis, Jiang Chen does not believe in this world to have Specter ghost kind of thing as before. However he does not think as before clearly, actually that is anything. 既然能被激光弹打伤,那么已经可以排除那是幽灵鬼魂之类的玩意儿了。不过说到底,江晨依旧不相信这世界上会存在幽灵鬼怪这类东西。然而他依旧想不明白,那究竟是什么东西。 Ding “叮” The train of thought was interrupted by the ting of elevator, Jiang Chen stood firm the body, raised rifle in hand. 思绪被电梯的铃声打断了,江晨站定了身子,提起了手中的步枪 The elevator opens slowly. 电梯缓缓开启。 However what makes his unexpected is, this Nuclear Power Station is not lonely. 然而让他意想不到的是,这座核电站并不孤单。 Here is Clear Water Nuclear Power Station, puts down the weapon, fellow.” “这里是清水核电站,放下武器,伙计。” After elevator opening, six rifle stand in the entrance, the pitch-dark muzzle referred. Jiang Chen first reacted, looked at rifle in hand. Although a spear/gun seems very frail facing six spears/guns, but his also has ten Hummingbird Drone behind. 电梯开启后,六名步枪手站在门口,黑洞洞的枪口直直地指了过来。江晨第一时间做出了反应,将手中的步枪也瞄了过去。虽然一条枪面对六条枪显得很单薄,但他的身后还有十架蜂鸟无人机 Gives me the reason of putting down the weapon.” Jiang Chen has not put down the plan of weapon slightly, said with a smile. “给我个放下武器的理由。”江晨丝毫没有放下武器的打算,笑着说道。 The underground signal is very bad, deploys is unable to have the contact in the drone terminal of surface with underground drone. However in this world still has a thing that called the drone backpack, can be the drone temporary terminal. 地下信号很差,部署在地表的无人机终端无法和地下的无人机取得联系。不过这个世界上还存在着一种叫无人机背包的东西,可以作为无人机的临时终端。 Looks at that ten buzzing drone, stands tingles with numbness in Jiang Chen opposite Zhao Tianyu scalp one. Not to mention that mechanical exoskeleton can anti- under many round of bullet(s), near this man radical that several drone, make him not know how should deal. 看着那十架嗡嗡作响的无人机,站在江晨对面的赵天羽头皮一阵发麻。且不说那身机械外骨骼能抗下多少发子弹,就这人旁边那几架无人机,就让他不知道该如何应对。 Good...... you can take the weapon, but if you are not look for trouble, please explain your purpose in coming.” “好吧……你可以拿着武器,但如果你不是来找麻烦的,请说明你的来意。” After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Zhao Tianyu made the compromise. After all can live is arriving here , non- what ordinary person. 权衡利弊之后,赵天羽做出了妥协。毕竟能活着走到这里,想必也非什么等闲之辈。 Jiang Chen's vision rifle in their hands stayed the moment. 江晨的目光在他们手中的步枪停留了片刻。 Uniform pk2000, although looks very obsolete. This PAC standard automatic rifle, common in Sanctuary or the pre-war military installation, Jiang Chen understands immediately such that the status of these people, it seems like that the fact not such as mole said that five years ago that 100 many people who enter the resort exploration, have not died completely certainly. 清一色的pk2000,虽然看上去很是陈旧。这种pac制式自动步枪,常见于避难所或战前军事设施,江晨立刻明白了这些人的身份,看来事实并非如鼹鼠所说的那样,五年前进入度假村探索的那一百多人,并没有完全死绝。 At least, stands in his present these six people have not died. 至少,站在他眼前的这六个人没死。 I am mercenary soldier, is employed in No. 79 Sanctuary Director, comes to investigate your...... the cause of death. Has not thought, you are also living.” In order to win their trusts, Jiang Chen lies. “我是一名雇佣兵,受雇于79号避难所所长,前来调查你们的……死因。只是没想到,你们都还活着。”为了取得他们的信任,江晨说了个谎。 That six people looked at each other, on the face appeared as if by prior agreement the forced smile. 那六个人相视了一眼,脸上不约而同的浮现了苦笑。 Is also living? Living also comes on 20 probably.” “都还活着?活着的大概也就二十来个。” Zhao Tianyu depressed rifle in hand, stands five subordinates also complies by him. Since has determined is a person on one's own side, does not need to take the spear/gun to point at again mutually, Jiang Chen also followed to receive rifle, but has not received to follow in drone. 赵天羽压下了手中的步枪,站在他旁边的五名部下也纷纷照做。既然已经确定是自己人,也就没必要再互相拿枪指着了,江晨也跟着收起了步枪,不过并没有收起跟在身边的无人机 Then...... I can come in?” Jiang Chen referred to outside the elevator. “那么……我可以进来了?”江晨指了指电梯外面。 Sure, goes to our stations to chat. Please along with me come.” Zhao Tianyu gave the hand signal of invitation. “当然可以,去我们的驻地聊吧。请随我来。”赵天羽做了个请的手势。 After the elevator, is a hall, above writes Clear Water Nuclear Power Station these large characters. Across the hall, before arriving at an arched entrance, Zhao Tianyu goes forward to press down the fingerprint, opened this to bury Nuclear Power Station under several hundred meters. 电梯之后是一座大厅,上面写着清水核电站这几个大字。穿过大厅,来到了一座拱门前,赵天羽上前按下了指纹,开启了这掩埋在数百米之下的核电站 Stepped into this Clear Water Nuclear Power Station interior truly, Jiang Chen the discovery of surprise. 真正踏入了这清水核电站的内部,江晨才诧异的发现。 Which here is what Nuclear Power Station, really is small-scale Sanctuary! 这里哪是什么核电站,简直是一座小型避难所 Every large or small tent is situated in the spacious room, will walk again in the future can also see to live in the worker dormitory of person. Although the design of this Clear Water Nuclear Power Station is, can revolve at least 50 years(1950) under unmanned the condition of maintenance, but here designs as before housing space that may live for 500 people. 大大小小的帐篷坐落在空旷的房间内,再往后走还能看到住着人的工人宿舍。虽然这座清水核电站的设计是,在无人维护的状况下也能自行运转至少50年,但这里依旧设计有可供500人生活的居住空间 Although pushes now the incessantly 500 people here, under rough estimate, over a thousand. 虽然现在挤在这里的不止500人,粗略估计下,怎么也得上千。 These are the Nuclear Power Station indigenous people...... call should no issue.” A Zhao Tianyu sideband Jiang Chen is walking forward, at the same time is reporting here situation to him. “这些都是核电站的原住民……这么称呼应该没什么问题。”赵天羽一边带着江晨向前走着,一边向他介绍着这里的情况。 From the Zhao Tianyu words, Jiang Chen understands immediately, why he has not seen any remains in that resort, sign that the expensive car in garage has not driven away. Originally these people when Doomsday Nuclear War erupts, has not run away to Sanctuary several kilometers away, but nearby hid in Nuclear Power Station directly. 赵天羽的话中,江晨立刻明白了,为什么他在那座度假村中没有看到任何遗骸,车库里的豪车也都没有开走的迹象。原来那些人在末日核战爆发的时候,并没有逃向数公里外的避难所,而是直接就近躲进了核电站 It seems like when Nuclear War erupts some people of consciences found, has not arrived at the battle storage secret conservatively finally, but brought a troop to fall into desperate Survivor to hide. 看来在核战爆发的时候有人良心发现,没有将战储的秘密保守到最后,而是带着一大群陷入绝望的幸存者躲了进去。 Originally these worker dormitories are occupied by swamp crab, after we came, will empty here.” “原来这些工人宿舍被泥沼蟹占据着,我们来了之后,才将清空了这里。” In underground waited the time to grow, the man of optimism becomes will constrain. These bottom person is not quite easy getting along with, but they also need us to maintain Order, has unnecessary food they to divide our point.” “在地下待时间长了,再乐观的人都会变得压抑。这些地底人不太好相处,不过他们也需要我们维持秩序,有多余的食物他们还是会分我们一点。” Food? Where do you make food?” Jiang Chen puzzled say/way. “食物?你们从哪里弄食物?”江晨困惑道。 Plants mushroom, raises the algae, and kelp, here environment is very suitable to raise these gadget.” Zhao Tianyu grins to smile, in the Nuclear Power Station deuterium refinery has one with the pipeline of sea connection, not only can get so far as algae, occasionally can also get so far as several small fish.” “种蘑菇,还有养水藻、以及海带,这里的环境很适合养这些玩意儿。”赵天羽咧嘴笑了笑,“核电站的氘提炼厂内有一条与大海连通的管道,不但能弄到海藻,偶尔还能弄到几条小鱼。” mushroom in Nuclear Power Station, but also really has emotional appeal. 核电站里种蘑菇,还真是别有一番情.调 However Jiang Chen has not complained their meals, all the way remains silent, few speeches can avoid giving oneself away. 不过江晨没有吐槽他们的伙食,一路上保持沉默,少说话才能避免露出马脚。 Came to the end of worker dormitory, two guards defend in the entrance of corner, from this stance, here should be the station of No. 79 Sanctuary search party. After entering so-called Command Room, Zhao Tianyu moved in a chair for Jiang Chen. 走到了工人宿舍的尽头,两名卫兵守在拐角处的入口,从这架势来看,这里应该就是79号避难所探索队的驻地。走进了所谓的指挥室后,赵天羽江晨搬来了一把椅子。 Sits casually.” “随便坐吧。” Jiang Chen sat on the chair, rifle by side. 江晨坐在了椅子上,将步枪靠在了旁边。 Zhao Tianyu sat in his opposite, ten fingers on desktop overlapping, looks at Jiang Chen to ask earnestly. 赵天羽坐在了他的对面,十指在桌面上交叉,认真地看着江晨问道。 Mist Demon also in?” 雾魔还在吗?” If you refer to that with black shadow of axe, I think him should also.” Jiang Chen said. “如果你是指那个用斧子的黑影,我想他应该还在。”江晨说道。 On the face of Zhao Tianyu appeared wiped the bitter and astringent smiling face. 赵天羽的脸上浮现了一抹苦涩的笑容。 Really...... can say how you evade it to chase down?” “果然吗……可以说下你是怎么躲过它追杀的吗?” He sneak attacks from the back, I discovered it, then has turned round to injure him.” “他从背后偷袭,我发现了它,然后回过身打伤了他。” What although Jiang Chen said is that superficial, but Zhao Tianyu feels the bad risk that in his words described. 虽然江晨说的是那么的轻描淡写,但赵天羽还是感受到了他话中描绘的凶险。 My goodness, could not look that you have real skill. We 117 brothers, lived at that time is running here only have 20 to come. If I have not guessed wrong, has died toward these brother affirmations that under the mountain runs.” “好家伙,看不出来你还有两下子。我们当时有117名兄弟,活着跑进这里的却只有二十来个。如果我没猜错,往山下跑的那些弟兄肯定已经死了。” Why did you affirm?” Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “你为什么这么肯定?”江晨笑着问道。 This is very easy to guess, if they lived were returning to the No. 79 small town, Director so many years will definitely not have sent people to gather up dead bodies to us.” Zhao Tianyu ridicules saying that present? What do you have to plan?” “这很容易猜出来,如果他们活着回到了79号小镇,所长肯定不会过了这么多年才派人来给我们收尸。”赵天羽揶揄道,“现在呢?你有什么打算?” After hesitating the moment, Jiang Chen says. 沉吟了片刻后,江晨开口说道。 Leads you to go back, takes these people while convenient.” “带你们回去,顺便也带上这些人。” In Nuclear Power Station some people treat are not facilitating him to shift these Group Nuclear Fusion Generator and nuclear fuel . Moreover the person who these depend upon the nuclear energy survival will not definitely allow him to move these generator. However if can go out from here belt/bring them, believes that they will be glad to offer this Nuclear Power Station both hands very much. 核电站里有人待着不方便他转移那些核聚变发电机以及核燃料,而且这些依靠核能生存的人肯定也不会允许他动那些发电机。不过如果能将他们从这里带出去,相信他们会很乐意地将这座核电站双手奉上。 Cannot go out.” Zhao Tianyu shakes the head, has Mist Demon to defend outside, goes to many people dead. The thick fog is his domain, in his domain, we “出不去。”赵天羽摇了摇头,“有雾魔守在外面,去再多的人都是死。浓雾就是他的领域,在他的领域中,我们” What that so-called is Mist Demon?” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “那所谓的雾魔到底是什么?”江晨皱眉道。 Hears Jiang Chen to ask this issue, Zhao Tianyu sighs. 听到江晨问起这个问题,赵天羽不由叹了口气。 It is said that he once was the person in this Clear Water Nuclear Power Station.” “据说,他曾经是这座清水核电站里的人。” , He then said. 顿了顿,他接着说道。 Moreover is that opens the front door, admits the person in Nuclear Power Station these poor men......”( to be continued.) “而且是那位打开大门,将这些可怜人放进核电站里的人……”(未完待续。)
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