IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#746: Ghost layer on layer/heavily( asked monthly ticket!)

More forwards, fills the air in the mist of ravine is rich, but waits for the line to halfway up the mountainside, the visibility already less than two meters. 越是向前,弥漫在山间的雾气便越是浓郁,而等行至半山腰处,能见度已经不足两米。 Is stepping on the road that overspreads the mud walks toward the mountain, Jiang Chen discarded the raincoat, the reveal. Left covered in its below paint black mechanical exoskeleton. 踩着铺满泥泞的公路向山上走去,江晨扔掉了雨衣,露.出了掩盖在其下的漆黑色机械外骨骼 With falling of tactical helmet, the pale blue light screen unfolds on the screen, all in sight gradually clear. Although also has some differences from the daytime, but is not in the way. Jiang Chen opened the insurance, the rifle palate, enhanced the security secretly. 随着战术头盔的落下,淡蓝色的光幕在屏幕上铺开,视域中的一切都渐渐清晰了起来。虽然与白昼还有些许的差别,但已经不那么碍事了。江晨打开了保险,将步枪上膛,暗暗提高了警戒。 Here all filled strangely. 这里一切都充满了古怪。 Properly speaking, the rain and fog are appear very much difficultly simultaneously, particularly heavy rain. 按理来说,雨和雾是很难同时出现的,尤其是大雨。 Passed through the numerous dense fog, Jiang Chen came to the end of road. That is a resort, but on a size basis, must say that will be the small town no one will also think where will not be right. The roadside sign is drooping, rusty stain motley that emerald-green surface. 穿过了重重迷雾,江晨走到了公路的尽头。那是一座度假村,但从规模上看,要说是小镇也没人会觉得哪里不对。路旁的牌子耷拉着,锈迹斑驳了那翠绿色的表面。 However Jiang Chen can from white Qi of that surviving, sneak a peek at several lines of characters as before. 不过江晨依旧可以从那残存的白漆中,窥见几行字。 Terminal: Datun Mountain Resort 【终点站:大屯山度假村 Is here?” “就是这儿吗?” Whispering, Jiang Chen was opening the holographic map, confirmed the Coordinate. mole gave his map to be scanned the electronic files by him, including that password that entered underground Nuclear Power Station, recorded in the wrist watch. 嘀咕着,江晨打开了全息地图,确认了坐标。鼹鼠给他的地图已经被他扫描成了电子档,包括那段进入地下核电站的密码,也都记录在了腕表中。 The resort that dead ahead, the mist fills looks quite infiltrates the person, seems in the terrorist|terrifying piece these ghost numerous small towns. 正前方,雾气弥漫的度假村看上去颇为渗人,就好似恐怖片中那些鬼影重重的小镇。 A word braved from the Jiang Chen's brain towering. 一个词突兀地从江晨的脑子里冒了出来。 Silent Hill? 寂静岭 Carefully looked that also really has such several points to be an excellent likeness, but is also an excellent likeness merely. 仔细一看还真有那么几分神似,不过也仅仅是神似而已。 As one firm Materialistic Warrior, Jiang Chen hits slightly does not believe the class/flow of what demons and monsters, although this obviously not normal small town makes him feel that the scalp somewhat tingles with numbness, but he started to walk the step following muddy road stand forth. 身为一名坚定的“唯物主义战士”,江晨打小就不信什么神魔鬼怪之流,虽然这明显不正常的小镇让他感到头皮有些发麻,但他还是迈开了步子顺着泥路向前走去。 But at this moment, his heart raises suddenly one type was sneaking a look the feeling. 可就在这时,他心头突然升起一种被窥觑着的感觉。 Turns head fiercely, lifted the muzzle, however there except for dusky thick fog, anything does not have. 猛地回过头去,抬起了枪口,然而那里除了一片灰蒙蒙的浓雾,什么也没有。 Misconception?” “错觉吗?” Jiang Chen whispered low voice the sentence, pulled down the rifle muzzle slowly. 江晨小声嘀咕了句,缓缓压低了步枪的枪口。 The billboard of resort crooked has been inserting in the roadside but actually, street both sides window is pitch-dark, if did not determine through the radio life detection installment there no one, he does not dare to step into this street decisively rashly. 度假村的广告牌已经歪倒着插在路旁,街道两旁的窗口黑洞洞的,如果不是通过射电生命探测装置确定了那里没人,他断然不敢贸然踏入这条街道。 Has not gone to manage these suspicious houses, way of Jiang Chen on according to map, arrived by abandoned Hospital directly. 没有去管这些可疑的房子,江晨照着地图上的路径,径直来到了一间废弃的医院旁。 When across the front gate, he notices, in the garage is stopping many expensive cars. 在穿过院门的时候,他注意到,车库里停着不少豪车。 Can look, this is located in the resort in Natural Park, in pre-war is popular with rich man very much. 看得出来,这间位于自然公园中的度假村,在战前很受有钱人的欢迎。 According to that mole gives his information, the Nuclear Power Station entrance here. 根据那个鼹鼠给他的情报,核电站的入口就在这里。 Stood hesitates the moment in the entrance of Hospital main building, Jiang Chen took out the drone terminal from storage space, deployed in the Hospital entrance. Although from entering resort to the present, he dangerous shadow had not seen, but this strange atmosphere is to let him does not dare to have any treating it lightly. 站在医院主楼的门口迟疑了片刻,江晨储物空间中取出了无人机终端,部署在了医院的门口。虽然从进入度假村到现在,他连危险的影子都没见到,但这诡异的氛围却是让他不敢有任何的掉以轻心。 Ten several Hummingbird Drone depart from the drone terminal, goes to the corner exploration of Hospital. The orange yellow light under the haziness of mist, presented the cream-colored halo. Although looks that is not so still pleasing to the eyes, but compared with previous one piece black black was actually good many. 十数架蜂鸟无人机无人机终端中飞出,向医院的角落探索而去。橙黄色的灯光在雾气的迷蒙下,呈现了米黄色的光晕。虽然看着依旧不那么顺眼,但比起先前的一片黢黑却是好了不少。 Is carrying rifle, treads the Hospital front door, accompanied by drone, the Jiang Chen's line of sight is inspecting each corner carefully. 端着步枪,踏医院的大门,在无人机的陪同下,江晨的视线仔细地检查着每一处角落。 In the hall is very messy and dirty, the chair falls down crookedly, the document scatters everywhere is. However from this Wasted Earth in common one, Jiang Chen discovered a faint trace unusual place as before. 大厅内很脏乱,椅子歪倒在地上,文件散落的到处都是。然而从这废土上在寻常不过的一幕中,江晨依旧发现了一丝丝不寻常的地方。 Here was too clean, cannot see unexpectedly, even if a skeleton! 这里太干净了,竟然看不见哪怕一具尸骸! This is not very normal. 这很不正常。 The war breaks out unusual is sudden, to the coastal area of Yizhou Island this bordering on frontline, even without were patronized by the NATO missile with emphasis, but will leave the evacuation time of native is not definitely many. Moreover at this time he suddenly thought, in the Hospital garage is stopping many car(riage)s. 战争爆发的非常突然,向夷州岛这种濒临前线的沿海地区,即便没有被nato的导弹重点光顾,但留给当地人的撤离时间肯定不会太多。而且这时他突然想起来,医院车库里停着不少车。 This also explained from one side, when the war happened, the person in Hospital has not walked. 这从侧面也说明了,当战争发生时,医院中的人根本就没走。 Thinks of here, Jiang Chen frowns slightly. 想到这里,江晨微微皱起了眉头。 But will they go? 可他们会去了哪儿呢? Passed through the dark corridor, in the moist air brings strong stale taste. Turned on the filter on tactical helmet, Jiang Chen felt that the nose felt better slightly. 穿过了阴暗的走廊,潮湿的空气中带着一股浓重的霉味。打开了战术头盔上的过滤器,江晨才感觉鼻子稍稍好受了点。 Nuclear Power Station entrance in basement. 核电站的入口就在地下室。 As Jiang Chen more is close to the goal, in his heart on the contrary was anxious. So far, he has not met that so-called danger as before. He will certainly not think optimistically for five years later today from is once different, if that was true, why does the No. 79 Sanctuary person no longer come one time? 然而随着江晨越是接近目标,他的心中反倒越是紧张了起来。到目前为止,他依旧没有遇上那所谓的危险。他当然不会乐观的认为五年后的今天与曾经不同了,如果真是这样的话,79号避难所的人为什么不再来一次? Again nothing compared with unknown more discomforting. 再没有什么比未知更令人不安的了。 Opened the front door of basement, Jiang Chen backhanded a flare to throw, lifted rifle to move sideways to enter in the gate, the muzzle security shook shaking toward all around. 推开了地下室的大门,江晨反手一枚照明弹扔了进去,抬起步枪闪身进入了门内,枪口警戒地向着四周晃了晃。 The obsolete medical supplies pile up disorderly in the corner of basement, seems like for a long time no one to come here appearance very much. 陈旧的医疗器材杂乱地堆放在地下室的角落,看上去很久都没有人来过这里的样子。 Pulled down the muzzle slightly, Jiang Chen opened the holographic map, confirmed after Sanctuary entrance exact location, approached left side of the basement carefully the wall, put out a hand to follow the ceramic tile to touch upwardly, stopped in left number/count the seventh ceramic tile position, put out a hand according. 微微压低了枪口,江晨打开全息地图,确认了避难所入口的具体位置后,小心地靠近了地下室左侧墙壁,伸手顺着瓷砖向上摸去,停在了左数第七块瓷砖地位置,伸手按了下去。 With mole in such that at the back of the map prompts, the back of ceramic tile has the mechanism/organization hidden. 鼹鼠在地图背面提示的那样,瓷砖的背后暗藏有机关。 Pale orange holographic screen appeared from the wall, stops in front of Jiang Chen's. Put out a hand to input the password, the floor vibrated gently, that pile of medical supplies sent out to bite the sound, made way not a wide not narrow trail. 淡橙色的全息屏幕从墙壁中浮现,停在了江晨的面前。伸手输入了密码,地板轻轻地抖动了起来,那堆医疗器材发出叮叮咣咣的声响,让开了一条不宽不窄的小径。 Finally to? 总算是到了吗? Jiang Chen relaxes, puts out a hand on the wrist watch, prepares to call Lin Ling to climb mountains. Transporting nuclear power facility need Lin Ling this expert instruction, moves heedlessly inside equipment possibly to initiate the special condition casually, this is also he leads her to come the Yizhou Island reason. 江晨松了口气,伸手点在了腕表上,准备招呼林玲上山。搬运核电设施需要林玲这个内行的指导,随便乱动里面的设备可能引发特殊状况,这也是他带她来夷州岛的原因。 holographic screen launches, but at this moment, his finger actually framed in the midair. 全息屏幕展开,可就在这时,他的手指却是定格在了半空中。 On the wall surface, he saw a shadow. 墙面上,他看到了一个影子。 That is the axe that lifts...... 那是一把举起来的斧头…… Slight hesitation, Jiang Chen fiercely from not plunging one side, rolls, simultaneously took out Nitrogen Shield and laser Pistol from storage space. 没有丝毫的犹豫,江晨猛地从扑向了一边,就地一个滚翻,同时从储物空间中取出了氮气护盾和激光手枪 The arm long short axe threw over ruthlessly on the wall, deducted the fragment the ceramic tile. 胳膊长的短斧狠狠地披在了墙壁上,将瓷砖劈成了碎片。 Jiang Chen pupil contraction. 江晨瞳孔紧缩。 That form such as the smog is generally indistinct, can see the entity only, merely is that axe. 那身影如烟雾一般缥缈,唯一能看到实体的,仅仅是那柄斧头。 zī zī 滋滋 The electric current sound has delimited from the ear, cannot hit, that form swift and violent earth movement, in the hand the short axe flung ruthlessly to Jiang Chen. 电流声从耳边划过,一击不中,那身影迅猛地动了,手中短斧狠狠地甩向了江晨这边。 The heavy pressure air inflates instantaneously, short axe ball to one side. Meanwhile, the quiet blue laser bomb sprays suddenly, such as raindrop concentrated fire, Laser Gun incisiveness of short distance fire superiority display! The laser hail of bullets will then cover that black shadow shortly, as well as nearby it all dodges space. 高压气流瞬间膨胀开来,将短斧弹向一旁。与此同时,幽蓝色的激光弹骤然喷射,如雨点般攒射而出,将激光枪的短距离火力优势发挥的淋漓尽致!激光弹雨顷刻间便覆盖了那黑影,以及它附近所有闪避空间 This ammunition clip laser bomb hits, little said that ten sent to hit in the tangible. 这一梭子激光弹打过去,少说有十来发打在了实处。 That shadow miserable howling, but has not lost the ability to act as before. 那阴影惨嚎了一声,可依旧没有丧失行动能力。 While the firepower intermittence neutral gear, it leaps backward fiercely, then like the smog figure, integrates immediately in the fog color of corridor. 趁着火力间歇地空档,它向后猛地一跃,那如烟雾般的身形,立刻融入在了走廊的雾色中。 Jiang Chen pursues immediately, at the same time, Hummingbird Drone also with. 江晨立刻追了出去,与此同时,蜂鸟无人机也跟了上来。 When he stood when the corridor, opened the life signal detection installment, he actually discovered accidentally/surprisingly. 然而当他站在了走廊上,打开生命信号探测装置时,他却意外地发现。 The pale blue ripple has swept, on the screen is actually blank, simply does not have foreign-species or the trail of humanity activity...... 蓝色的波纹扫过,屏幕上却是一片空白,根本没有异种人类活动的踪迹…… The heart raised a light chill in the air, the Jiang Chen brow wrinkled gently. 心头升起了一股淡淡的寒意,江晨眉头轻轻皱起。 That is black shadow, actually what gadget? 黑影,究竟是什么玩意儿? - - ( Was sorry, yesterday a little matter, only the code came out this. I very ashamed...... as compensation, in the next two days at least four will erupt. Here, Morningstar asked a monthly ticket brazenly, had the reader of bill to request earnestly you to cast a ticket for this book, asked!)( To be continued.) (抱歉,昨天有点事,只码出来这一更。我很惭愧……作为补偿,明后两天至少四更爆发。在这里,晨星厚着脸皮求个月票,有票票的读者恳请您能为本书投上一票,拜托了!)(未完待续。)
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