IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#745: The park in dense fog

The construction speed has squeezed the limit, whether however to complete at least the 80 percent progress of work before March/three months, as before is an unknown. Sign that especially this rain has not stood still slightly, was makes the campaign that this has not started cast a shadow. 施工速度已经压榨到了极限,然而能否在三月之前完成至少百分之八十的工程进度,依旧是个未知数。尤其是这雨丝毫没有停歇的迹象,更是让这场尚未开始的战役蒙上了一层阴影。 50 stage Project Robot just went down the production line of Sixth Block factory, was supplied airship to reassign to escort to Yizhou Island urgently. The Survivor labor who even not only hires, some Expedition Force soldier put into the project. 五十工程机器人刚走下第六街区工厂的生产线,就被补给飞艇紧急抽调送往了夷州岛。甚至不只是雇佣的幸存者劳工,就连部分远征军士兵都投入到了工程当中。 Li Wang stood in the first line personally, is supervising the construction conducted. Although he was clear, the mental comfort that does that perhaps is bigger than the practical significance, but he did that. 黎望亲自站在了第一线,监督着施工的进行。虽然他自己都清楚,这么做的精神安慰恐怕大于现实意义,但他还是这么做了。 At this time, an adjutant arrived at his side. 这时,一名副官走到了他的身旁。 „The western construction section has Survivor to cause trouble, they request to settle accounts the wage.” “西部施工段有幸存者闹事,他们要求结算薪水。” The Li Wang eye hides has not moved, said lightly. 黎望眼皮子都没动一下,淡淡地说道。 From the beginning we have said that after wage and other projects were completed, provides.” “一开始我们就说过,薪水等工程完成后发放。” Adjutant hesitant , the report said truthfully. 副官犹豫了下,还是如实汇报道。 They feared that the project could not be completed forever.” “他们怕工程永远完成不了。” After Li Wang silent moment, says. 黎望沉默了片刻后,开口说道。 „In March/three months No. 2 issues salaries. No matter I you use what method, presses their mood.” “三月二号发薪。我不管你用什么方法,将他们的情绪压下去。” Yes!” Adjutant good military salute, “是!”副官行了个军礼, Cannot pay the wage absolutely, Li Wang very clear this point. As for reason, because actually not NAC lacks this money, but once because sent these money, perhaps these people will not treat work here, but took subcrystal to hide in Sanctuary. 绝对不能付薪水,黎望很清楚这一点。至于理由,倒不是因为nac缺这点钱,而是因为一旦发了这些钱,恐怕这些人也不会待在这里工作,而是拿着亚晶躲进避难所里去了。 Even if must issue salaries, must wait till No. 2, after the No. 79 Sanctuary front door closes in March/three months,...... 即便要发薪,也得等到三月二号,79号避难所大门关闭之后…… But at this moment, in No. 79 Sanctuary. 而此刻,79号避难所内。 A man of wear PAC military uniform is standing in the entrance, narrows the eye to look at these facial features thin survivors, is lining up to enter Sanctuary. He enjoys this feeling very much, looks that the pitiful person lowers the head, implores his asylum, and both hands offer oneself only that subcrystal. 一名穿着pac军服的男人正站在门口,眯着眼睛看着那些面容瘦削幸存者们,排着长队进入避难所。他很享受这种感觉,看着可怜的人低着头,祈求他的庇护,并双手奉上自己仅有的那点亚晶 Yuan Yi, the mayor in No. 79 small town, is No. 79 Sanctuary Director. Limited to the Last of Days consciousness, in many Sanctuary rise and fall history, rarely has blue skin to defeat Chaos Wasted Earth in turn refugee, successfully establishes to stabilize the Order precedent on Sanctuary. 袁毅,79号小镇的镇长,同时也是79号避难所所长。受限于对末世的觉悟,在诸多避难所的“兴衰史”中,很少有蓝皮能够反过来战胜混乱废土“难民”,成功在避难所上建立稳定秩序的先例。 The No. 79 small town without doubt is an exception. 79号小镇无疑就是个例外。 Before the Sanctuary front door opens, this Sanctuary Director completed No. 79 Sanctuary, by the freedom to the transformation that the centralization rules as a dictatorship. Has the adequate munitions reserve, in 2000 Sanctuary members, the almost complete male by his indication are soldier. 早在避难所大门开启之前,这座避难所所长就完成了79号避难所,由自由向集权独裁的转变。拥有充足的军火储备,2000名避难所成员中,几乎全部男性都被他征兆为士兵 But in the earliest possible time that Sanctuary opens, he regarding the attitudes of these Wasted Earth refugees is not the aid, but conquers. 而在避难所开启的第一时间,他对于这些废土难民们的态度就不是援助,而是征服。 Obviously, he succeeded. 很显然,他成功了。 Regardless of method is whether extreme, No. 79 Sanctuary success lived the front door to open the first year that and has had the present. 无论手段是否极端,79号避难所都成功的活过了大门开启的第一年,并一直存在到了现在。 In Yuan Yi is appreciating the expressions on these Survivor faces, his subordinate walked, good PAC old-style military salute, then opens the mouth to say. 就在袁毅欣赏着那些幸存者脸上的表情时,他的部下走了过来,行了个pac的旧式军礼,接着开口道。 Reported Director, in certainly NAC Expedition Force of Wanghai Beach construction, the sign that has not evacuated as before.” “报告所长,在绝望海滩施工的nac远征军,依旧没有撤离的迹象。” After hearing this news, Yuan Yi narrowed the eye slightly. 听到这个消息后,袁毅微微眯起了眼。 Every year Month of Disaster, he can come in the pitiful creature hand of refuge to harvest over ten thousand subcrystal from these. But the No. 79 small town can develop until now scale, bases on the people's fear to Month of Disaster. 每年灾厄之月,他都可以从这些前来避难的可怜虫手中收获上万枚亚晶。而79号小镇之所以能够发展到如今的规模,也都是基于人们对灾厄之月的恐惧。 Unlike most Survivor, as Month of Disaster those with vested interests, he is not hopes that this disaster vanishes. 与大多数幸存者不同,身为灾厄之月的既得利益者,他并不是那么希望这场灾难就这么消失。 However at this moment he does not make anything well flagrantly. 然而此刻他也不好明目张胆地去做些什么。 The strength that NAC shows made him feel deep dreading. If nothing else, only looks at that steel and iron airship, he clearly knows very much, strength of both sides completely not in one on heavyweight. nac展现出的实力让他感到了深深的忌惮。别的不说,单是看着那艘钢铁飞艇,他就很清楚地知道,双方的实力完全不在一个重量级上。 Yuan Yi held the both arms to think deeply about the moment, the corners of the mouth brought back suddenly wiped the sinister happy expression. 袁毅抱着双臂思索了片刻,嘴角突然勾起了一抹阴险的笑意。 Lets the ambush under the Survivor preparation in labor, before February 28, the incite collective struck, to beg wage name.” “让潜伏在劳工里的幸存者准备下,在二十八之前,煽.动集体罢工,以讨要薪水的名义。” After that subordinate hears, eye one bright, immediately says. 那名部下听闻后眼睛一亮,立刻道。 Director is wise!” 所长英明!” Yuan Yi beckons with the hand, is saying with a smile. 袁毅摆了摆手,笑着道。 You told for me, if this matter became, the advantage must have their.” “你替我吩咐下去,如果这事儿成了,好处少不了他们的。” Yes!” “是!” The subordinate nod should say, has not actually departed immediately. 部下点头应道,却没有立刻离去。 How to have gone?” Yuan Yi knits the brows to ask. “怎么还不去?”袁毅皱眉问道。 Incident report/give report.” The subordinates lower the head to say. “还有一事禀报。”部下低着头说道。 What matter?” “什么事?” We discovered in scouting of Datun Mountain Natural Park, some people try to enter the park......” “我们在大屯山自然公园的斥候发现,有人试图进入公园……” ...... …… Today is 26, was only left over for two days from Month of Disaster. 今天是二十六号,距离灾厄之月只剩下两天了。 The Yizhou Island heavy rain has slowed down, dark cloud that but that cannot diverge, is lets this ghost weather to the rainy direction transformation. 夷州岛的大雨有所减缓,但那散不去的乌云,却是让这鬼天气正向阴雨绵绵的方向转变。 The muddy water washed out on the road, because no one restores for a long time, the crack rural road had turned into a dirty unsurfaced road. Opens out the mud after two centimeters, under can see the cement road. 泥水被冲刷到了公路上,因为许久没人修缮,龟裂的乡村公路已经变成了一条脏兮兮的土路。拨开两厘米后的泥巴,才能看见底下的水泥路。 Is throwing over the raincoat, entrance that one line of three people stood in Datun Natural Park. 披着雨衣,一行三人站在了大屯自然公园的入口处。 Jiang Chen took off head hood, the line of sight observed the situation in the surroundings. The both sides pitch-dark forest is discomforting, but after starting the radio life detection installment, has not actually caught the trail of foreign-species activity, from this angle, this forest security cannot be safe. 江晨摘下了头上的兜帽,视线在周围环视了一圈。两旁黑洞洞的森林让人不安,但开启射电生命探测装置后,却没有捕捉到异种活动的踪迹,从这个角度来看,这片森林安全的不能再安全。 However this was also too unusual. 不过这也太反常了。 Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly. 江晨不由微微皱眉。 Month of Disaster chooses refuge, not only humanity, many foreign-species will also hide in the cavern or in the building ruins, avoids crab that these anything eats.” Saw the confusion in Jiang Chen eye, Chen Guangning answered to him. 灾厄之月选择避难的不只是人类,很多异种也会躲进洞穴或者楼房废墟中,躲避那些什么都吃的螃蟹。”看出了江晨眼中的困惑,陈广宁向他解释道。 So that's how it is.” Jiang Chen nods. “原来如此。”江晨点了点头。 I said that...... we really can come up?” Looks at that road to Datun Natural Park, on the Lin Ling's face wrote all over timidly. “我说……咱们真的要上去吗?”看着那条通往大屯自然公园的公路,林玲的脸上写满了胆怯。 Sees this trembling appearance, Jiang Chen smiles. 看到她这幅战战兢兢的样子,江晨不由笑了笑。 This small girl obviously is Cyborg, is timider than humanity. 这小丫头明明是个电子人,却比人类还要胆小。 Chen Guangning hesitant, also follows to open the mouth saying that I and Miss Lin viewpoint is the same. mole said that here is possibly hiding some not good thing, we are discrete the point is quite good. Moreover, really doesn't need the Expedition Force help? No. 79 Sanctuary sent the 100 many people to plant here, here only had three people. Let alone......” 陈广宁犹豫了下,也跟着开口道,“我与林小姐的观点一样。鼹鼠说这里可能藏着些不好的东西,我们还是谨慎点比较好。另外,真的不需要远征军帮忙吗?79号避难所派了一百多人都栽在了这里,我们这里只有三个人。更何况……” Let alone you are NAC's Marshal. 更何况你还是nac的元帅 How do big group of people follow also toward the present world transporting nuclear device and material? As for the danger, Jiang Chen to was not worried very much. So long as put on Power Armor, does not have by second kills the possibility. What danger meets, he can be separated from here rapidly. 一大堆人跟着还怎么往现世搬运核装置和材料?至于危险,江晨到不是很担心。只要穿上了动力装甲的话,根本不存在被“秒杀”的可能。无论是遇上什么样的危险,他都能够从这边迅速脱离。 Let alone in storage space is hiding that pile high tech, pounds unscrupulously, he has to compare favorably with the battle efficiency of 100 person. 更何况储物空间里面藏着的那堆高科技,肆无忌惮地砸出来,他一个人都有着媲美一百人的战斗力。 You waited to be OK here. You, Lin Ling, wait to notice that my signal comes up again.” “你在这里等着就可以了。还有你,林玲,等看到我的信号再上来。” Left behind these words, Jiang Chen no matter also Chen Guangning and Lin Ling make what response, revealed Ripper Rifle under raincoat, then walks to the mountain road that mist fills. 留下了这句话,江晨也不管陈广宁林玲做何反应,亮出了雨衣下的撕裂者步枪,独自一人便向那雾气弥漫的山路走去。 - - ( Tested finally, exploded two branches...... yesterday and schoolmate drinks, a little faint. The symbol to two points, rested on the keyboard finally. Today renews is late, was really sorry that...... allows me to rest for two days, two days later erupts.)( To be continued.) (终于考完了,炸了两科……昨天和同学喝了点酒,有点晕。码字到两点,结果睡键盘上了。今天更新晚了点,实在抱歉……容我休息两天,两天后爆发。)(未完待续。)
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