IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#744: First PAC Intelligence Personnel

Clear Water Nuclear Power Station?” The eye of mole narrowed the eyes. 清水核电站?”鼹鼠的眼睛眯了起来。 Has the issue?” Jiang Chen asked. “有问题吗?”江晨问道。 Naturally no,” hears the issue of employer, he shakes the head immediately, hey hey smiled saying with a smile, respect customer **, does our line of fundamental laws. However I have to remind under you, there is not the interesting place.” “当然没有,”听到雇主的问题,他立刻摇了摇头,嘿嘿地笑了笑道,“尊重客户的**,是干我们这行的基本法。不过我不得不提醒你下,那里不是什么有趣的地方。” The view of mole makes Jiang Chen smile. 鼹鼠的说法让江晨笑了笑。 What does there have?” “那里有什么吗?” Hearsay, merely is the hearsay,” stopped the moment, mole sold fully the climax, raised up a finger, 10 subcrystal.” “传闻,仅仅是传闻,”停顿了片刻,鼹鼠卖足了关子,竖起了一根手指,“十亚晶。” The Jiang Chen brow pulled out pulling out, Chen Guangning pounded on the table to stand directly. 江晨眉头抽了抽,陈广宁则是直接拍着桌子站了起来。 Your this really puts the bite on “你这简直是敲竹杠” Jiang Chen lifted the hand to stop Chen Guangning that prepared to go forward with the mole theory, waved the arms about to throw thumb-sized subcrystal, guāng dāng lost on the table. The mole pupil shrank shrinking fiercely, at his eyesight, where cannot see clearly this subcrystal from lose unexpectedly. 江晨抬手制止了准备上前与鼹鼠理论的陈广宁,甩手扔出了一块拇指大的亚晶,咣当一声丢在了桌子上。鼹鼠瞳孔猛地缩了缩,以他的眼力,竟然没能看清这枚亚晶是从哪丢出来的。 Looks again to the Jiang Chen's eye, took for several points to dread. 再次看向江晨的眼中,不由带上了几分忌惮。 Thanks Boss.” Ridiculed, mole took back admitted the hand in sleeve, put out a hand to pick up on the table that dark green subcrystal. “谢谢老板。”讪笑了下,鼹鼠收回了放进袖子里的手,伸手拾起了桌上那枚墨绿色的亚晶 Deal that year to year does things stealthily dry/does, he does not need the quality instrumentation. The finger rubs toward the subcrystal surface, he can suppose this subcrystal to be able content. 常年干偷鸡摸狗的勾当,他根本无需质量检测仪。手指就这么往亚晶表面上一搓,他就能估摸出这亚晶能的含量。 Since had collected the commission, naturally should manage the proper business. mole turned around to enter in black black compartmented, in a while, then took out one to read and traveling handbook has such several points of being an excellent likeness maps. 既然已经收了佣金,自然是该办正事了。鼹鼠转身走进了黢黑的隔间中,没过多久,便从中取出了一张看着和旅游手册有那么几分神似的地图。 Unfolds the map in the desktop, the withered finger has delimited several streets following the City Center main road, finally stopped in Taipei expedited that forest Fortress with north, in that in position that writes Datun Mountain gently place. 将地图铺开在桌面,干枯的手指顺着市中心的主干道划过了几条街,最终停在了台北与北部远征堡垒中间的那片森林,并在那个写着大屯山的位置上轻轻地点了点。 Here.” “在这里。” Datun Natural Park?” The Jiang Chen brow wrinkled gently, looked to mole. 大屯自然公园?”江晨眉头轻轻皱了起来,看向了鼹鼠 Read out the distrust in Jiang Chen eye, mole smiles, the wrinkle of cheeks twisted the mouth sidewise gullies, I know that you may have the question, how for example Natural Park and Nuclear Power Station relate together. You might as well think why Clear Water Nuclear Power Station can evade Doomsday Nuclear War.” 读出了江晨眼中的不信任,鼹鼠笑了笑,脸颊的皱纹咧开了一道道沟壑,“我知道你可能会有疑问,比如自然公园核电站是怎么联系到一起的。你不妨想想,清水核电站为什么能躲过末日核战。” Jiang Chen by the sofa, looked at outside the eye piece not to stop the rain that the purpose in coming thinks of slightly, spoke thoughtlessly to say. 江晨靠在了沙发上,望了眼窗外丝毫没有停下来意思的雨,随口说道。 I do not have so many time to accompany you to guess a riddle, you might as well told me directly.” “我没那么多时间陪你猜谜,你不妨直接告诉我。” mole shrugs, no longer keeps guessing, said on employer's request directly. 鼹鼠耸了耸肩,不再卖关子,应雇主的要求直接说道。 Is equipped with deuterium refinement equipment Clear Water Nuclear Power Station, as well as about over a hundred tons solid state deuteriums take the strategic reserve of PAC, its concrete Coordinate was taken the Grade A secret security. Also therefore, this never activate(d) Nuclear Power Station evaded the NATO nuclear-armed missile. However to me, this is not secret, the password of manager jurisdiction writes in the back of this map, but entrance in Datun Natural Park.” “配备有氘提炼装置清水核电站,以及大约上百吨的固态氘作为pac的战略储备,其具体坐标被作为甲级机密保密。也正是因此,这座从未启动过的核电站躲过了nato的核导弹。不过对于我来说,这并不是什么秘密,管理员权限的密码就写在这张地图的背面,而入口就在大屯自然公园。” You have not told me there to have anything.” Jiang Chen said. “你还没告诉我那里有什么。”江晨说道。 Almost forgetting,” mole tapped the head, hey hey smiles, then says, over a hundred tons deuterium and perfect Nuclear Power Station, hit these gadget attention may, not only you, two years ago. The ruler in this small town also moves has restarted the Clear Water Nuclear Power Station thoughts, after all that is over a hundred tons deuterium, enough this small town uses for several hundred years. However finally is, sent 100 comes the person, has not come back.” “差点给忘了,”鼹鼠一拍脑袋,嘿嘿笑了笑,接着开口说道,“上百吨的氘和完好无损的核电站,打这些玩意儿注意的可不只是你们,两年前。这座小镇的统治者也动过重启清水核电站心思,毕竟那可是上百吨的氘,足够这座小镇用上数百年。然而结果就是,派去的一百来人,一个都没回来。” Speaking of finally, mole rattled on to smile, in that smiling face is passing cruelty beyond description. 说到最后,鼹鼠喋喋地笑了起来,那笑容中透着难以形容的残忍。 Actually does there have what?” Jiang Chen asked. “那里究竟有什么?”江晨问道。 Perhaps is swamp crab, perhaps protects Nuclear Power Station security machine, perhaps is other anything. No one is living, has not gone to gather up dead bodies to these Rotten Egg. If you are curious, might as well asks the mayor in No. 79 small town, but this little while he had hidden in Sanctuary mostly.” mole ridicules was saying. “也许是泥沼蟹,也许是守护核电站保全机器,也许是别的什么。没有人活着回来,也没有去给那些倒霉蛋收尸。如果你好奇的话,不妨去问问79号小镇的镇长,不过这会儿他多半已经躲进了避难所。”鼹鼠揶揄着说道。 The information that mole will have known confessed that in asking to ask only to fear also no harvest. 鼹鼠已经将知道的情报都交代了,在问下求只怕也没什么收获。 Took in that map the pocket, Jiang Chen stands up from the sofa. 将那份地图收进了口袋里,江晨从沙发上站起身来。 However before departure, he looks at mole, asked the last question. 不过在离开之前,他看着鼹鼠,又问了最后一个问题。 Last issue, how do you know these?” “最后一个问题,你是如何知道这些的?” I?” mole rattles on to say with a smile, inquiry ** is not good to be familiar with.” “我?”鼹鼠喋喋笑道,“打探**可不是什么好习惯。” Jiang Chen selected the eyebrow, said with a smile. 江晨挑了挑眉毛,笑着说道。 Wants the price to be appropriate, this was you says.” “只要价格合适,这是你说的。” mole raised up a finger as before. 鼹鼠依旧是竖起了一根指头。 Ten subcrystal?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “十亚晶?”江晨笑道。 100.” mole said lightly. 一百。”鼹鼠淡淡地说道。 Finishes speaking, guāng dāng, subcrystal of baby fist size was then thrown on the table. The pupil contraction of mole, this time he as before the movement that does not notice Jiang Chen to act, but he could not have attended to so many, complete attention by that subcrystal capturing. 话音刚落,咣当一声,一枚婴儿拳头大小的亚晶便被丢到了桌子上。鼹鼠的瞳孔紧缩,这次他依旧没有注意到江晨出手的动作,不过他已经顾不上那么多了,全部的注意力都被那枚亚晶给夺取了。 That dark green gloss, such as the legendary luminous pearl in the black black room is ordinary, Chen Guangning that stands swallowed a spit. 那墨绿色的光泽,在黢黑的房间中如夜明珠一般,就连站在旁边的陈广宁都咽了口吐沫。 Removes from the pupil greedily gradually, mole took back the line of sight, the hand had not reached that subcrystal, but fell the vision on Jiang Chen's. His original intention is to let like inquiring that the employer of idle matter gives way before difficulties, has not actually thought that this rich employer really put out 100 to select subcrystal. 贪婪从瞳孔中渐渐褪去,鼹鼠收回了视线,手没有伸向那枚亚晶,而是将目光落在了江晨的身上。他的本意是让爱打听闲事儿的雇主知难而退,却没想到这位有钱的雇主真拿出了一百亚晶 Now finally why he is to know Chen Guangning this fellow has not hidden in Sanctuary not to go on board, but for this man who is throwing over the raincoat worked. Can like throwing the gravel throws 100 subcrystal conveniently, does not bring to wink the person the eye, absolutely is not rich that simple. 他现在总算是知道陈广宁这家伙为什么没有躲进避难所也没有登船,而是在替这个披着雨衣的男人打工了。能像丢石子一样随手扔出一百亚晶,连眼睛都不带眨一下的人,绝对不是有钱那么简单 What's wrong? What you said is 100 blood crystal?” The finger selected on the sofa arm rest, Jiang Chen said with a smile. “怎么了?难道你说的是一百血晶?”手指在沙发扶手上点了点,江晨笑道。 mole shakes the head, silent was very long, opens the mouth to say slowly. 鼹鼠摇了摇头,沉默了很久,才缓缓开口道。 Regarding former Pan-Asia Cooperation Grade A Intelligence Personnel, this is not what secret.” “对于前泛亚合作甲级情报人员来说,这不算什么秘密。” Pan-Asia Cooperation Grade A Intelligence Personnel? In the Jiang Chen pupil enlarged the intent taste of being interested slightly. 泛亚合作甲级情报人员江晨瞳孔中微微放大了感兴趣的意味儿。 If so that's how it is, is PAC Intelligence Personnel, that this Yizhou Island to him is there is no secret. 原来如此,如果是pac情报人员的话,那这座夷州岛对他来说却是没什么秘密可言。 Jiang Chen looked at Chen Guangning one, taking advantage of that ray that only saves, read out similar surprised from his pupil. Obviously, he not this only mole and first Intelligence Personnel links, but regarded simple Intelligence Dealer him. 江晨看了陈广宁一眼,借着仅存的那点光线,从他的瞳孔中读出了类似的惊讶。很显然,他也没有将这只“鼹鼠”和前情报人员联系在一起,只是将他当成了个简单情报贩子 „, First Pan-Asia Cooperation is Intelligence Personnel, interested in working for me?” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “那么,前泛亚合作情报人员,有兴趣为我工作吗?”江晨微笑着说道。 mole sized up Jiang Chen one, has not given the answer immediately, but says discretely. 鼹鼠打量了江晨一眼,没有立刻给出答案,而是谨慎地开口说道。 I will consider.” “我会考虑考虑。” Regarding the reply of mole, Jiang Chen has not felt the too big surprise. Unlike Chen Guangning, regarding the native of life on Yizhou Island, the NAC's name will perhaps not compare remote United District more resounding. 对于鼹鼠的回答,江晨没有感到太大的意外。与陈广宁不同,对于生活在夷州岛上的本地人,nac的名字恐怕不会比遥远的联统区响亮很多。 If before can the Intelligence Personnel income, political power, to NAC without doubt be a good deed. But if cannot, is far from anything to lose. 如果能将前政权的情报人员收入麾下,对nac来说无疑是件好事。但如果不能的话,也谈不上什么损失。 Therefore Jiang Chen also smiles, speaks thoughtlessly to say. 所以江晨也只是笑了笑,随口说道。 If you considered to be clear, can expedite Fortress to look for me.” “如果你考虑清楚了,可以来远征堡垒找我。” Left behind these words, Jiang Chen brings Chen Guangning and already Lin Ling that wants to walk, left this black black hut. 留下了这句话,江晨带着陈广宁和早就想走的林玲,离开了这座黢黑的小屋。 Stands in the entrance of broken room, mole gazes after three people of backs to vanish in the deep place of rain lane, long time latter turned around to return to the room.( To be continued.) 站在破屋的门口,鼹鼠目送着三人的背影消失在雨巷的深处,良久后才转身回到了屋里。(未完待续。)
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