IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#743: mole office

However unfortunately, the 25 th day Taipei had the rainstorm. 然而不幸的是,第25日台北下起了暴雨。 The heavy rain washes out the filthy mud the sand and soil, as the rainwater flows in backward the ground that has not filled up, several Project Robot come to anchor. Because of execution conditions extremely simple and crude, unusual difficulty of engineering progress, even stagnates...... 大雨将沙子和泥土冲刷成污浊的泥浆,随着雨水倒灌进尚未填满的地基,好几台工程机器人都抛了锚。因为施工条件太过简陋,工程进展的异常困难,甚至陷入停顿…… If under this rain continues to get down, we can only fight hand-to-hand on sea beach with swamp crab.” Stands in the Expedition Force Fortress lookout tower, is looking at certainly the work site on Wanghai Beach, Li Wang is deeping frown. “如果这场雨继续下下去,我们就只能与泥沼蟹海滩上肉搏了。”站在远征军堡垒的瞭望塔上,望着绝望海滩上的工地,黎望的眉头紧锁着。 But no one has expected, under this rain meeting is so big. 但谁也没料到,这场雨会下的这么大。 When Hongcheng exterminates Water Plant Gang, regarding these hard to deal with swamp crab, Jiang Chen to is some impressions. The carapace that bullet(s) cannot puncture, can clamp the broken steel the pliers, and ovary and digestive gland of that delicacy...... 洪城清剿水厂帮的时候,对于那些难缠的泥沼蟹,江晨到是有些印象。子弹打不穿的甲壳,能夹碎钢铁的钳子,以及那美味的蟹黄…… However listens to Chen Guangning saying that swamp crab this gadget also divides the river crab and sea crab. The life is deeper in the swamp crab carapace color of marine environment, the build is also huger, the habit is also more flagitious. Any build is smaller than its lifeform, will become the object who it preys on. 不过听陈广宁所言,泥沼蟹这玩意儿还分河蟹和海蟹。生活在海洋环境的泥沼蟹甲壳颜色更深,体型也更庞大,习性也更为凶残。任何体型小于它的生物,都会成为它捕食的对象。 If the boundless protection, fights without doubt the event very not realistic matter in the wilderness with these monsters. 如果没有围墙的保护,与这些怪物在旷野上搏斗无疑事件很不现实的事。 The heavy rain delayed the progress of project, regarding this Jiang Chen does not have a better way. If no odds of success, he must order to evacuate, when the summer solstice shifts Space Elevator again. Let the subordinate not lose one's life for mission that is possible to complete, how regardless of such matter Jiang Chen cannot do. 大雨延缓了工程的进度,对此江晨也没有更好的办法。如果毫无胜算的话,他也只得下令撤离,等到夏至再转移太空电梯。让部下为不可能完成的任务而送命,这样的事江晨无论如何也做不出来。 Deeply after inspiring, Jiang Chen says. 深吸了一口气后,江晨开口说道。 If on March 1 could not complete 80% projects, that removed from the frontline our people, retreated Fortress, in turn evacuation.” “三月 1 号如果完成不了80%的工程,那就将我们的人从前线撤下来,退守堡垒,分批撤离。” These Survivor?” Li Wang inquired. “那些幸存者呢?”黎望询问道。 This matter does not need to ask me.” “这种事不需要问我。” Jiang Chen looked at his one eyes, turned around to leave the lookout tower. 江晨看了他一眼,转身离开了瞭望塔。 If Expedition Force evacuates, how these Survivor destinies will be obvious. 远征军如果撤离,这些幸存者的命运会如何显而易见。 Even if however were Survivor that these cannot hide with enough time therefore died a tragic death, he will still make such choice. 然而哪怕是那些没能来得及躲藏的幸存者因此而惨死,他依然会做出这样的选择。 After all compared with the lives of these strangers, he needs to be responsible for the life of person on one's own side. 毕竟比起这些陌生人的性命,他更需要对自己人的性命负责。 ...... …… The rain lightly knocks down in the cement road surface, the Taipei sky is covering the rich haze. The fear that Month of Disaster brings lingers in each Yizhou Survivor heart, such as Specter can hardly be removed. 雨淅淅沥沥地打落在水泥路面上,台北的上空笼罩着浓郁的阴霾。灾厄之月所带来的恐惧萦绕在每名夷州幸存者心头,如幽灵般挥之不去。 Enters inside following the north, across two street and a station, then can see one to look with shack similar Settlement. This small town does not have the name, acquires fame the No. 79 small town because of Sanctuary Serial Number. People with picking the brick bat and billboard built the house, lived crowded in together, tried to derive the pitiful warmth from this Last of Days. 顺着北部进入市内,穿过两条街和一座车站,便可以看见一座看上去和窝棚差不多的聚居地。这座小镇没有名字,因避难所编号而得名79号小镇。人们用捡来的砖块和广告牌搭成了房子,拥挤地居住在一起,试图从这末世中汲取可怜的温暖。 However this warmth, when the danger approaches is actually such paleness. 然而这份温暖,在危险来临之际却是那样的苍白。 Accumulated the subcrystal enough person to hide in Sanctuary early, but person who did not have subcrystal can only look at already the numb guard with the entreaty vision. Few people will go on living, but another part of people can only run its own course in the disaster, islands that even if renounces society and lives alone, is still difficult to escape this to put the universal axiom in Last of Days. 攒够亚晶的人已经早早地躲进了避难所,而没有亚晶的人只能用哀求地目光看着早已麻木的卫兵。一部分人将活下去,而另一部分人只能在灾难中自生自灭,即便是遗世独立的岛屿,也难逃过这条在末世中放之四海皆准的公理。 Guard who the entrance stands guard by under obstructing rain shed, is relying on dirty assault rifle, slightly is wavering agitated the line of sight. 门口站岗的卫兵靠在遮雨的棚子下,倚着脏兮兮的突击步枪,略显烦躁地游移着视线。 Regarding the passing pedestrian, they sweep two in a hurry, is disinclined the careful interrogation. In the island is resource-deficient, the economy relatively seals up, on Yizhou Island almost cannot see to form Plunderer of settlement, is only going on living some Survivor, occasionally the deal of concurrent job bandit. 对于过往的行人,他们只是匆匆地扫上两眼,根本懒得去仔细盘问。岛上资源匮乏,经济相对封闭,夷州岛上几乎看不到形成聚落的掠夺者,只是有些活不下去的幸存者,偶尔兼职土匪的勾当。 Inherits the No. 79 Sanctuary arsenal, the No. 79 small town is stationed in 500 fully-armed soldier, can be the entire Taipei hugest Survivor influence, generally is impossible the bandit who has does not enlarge ones vision to come to this nearby to look for trouble. 继承79号避难所的军火库,79号小镇驻扎有500名全副武装的士兵,可以算是整个台北最庞大的幸存者势力,一般不可能有不开眼的土匪来这附近找不自在。 In heavy rain, one group of people who are throwing over the raincoat moved toward the small town. hood of raincoat solid, how to see what kind of suspiciousness that these three people of faces obstruct. However the guard also looked at three people of one, then turned away. 大雨中,一行披着雨衣的人走向了小镇。雨衣的兜帽将这三人的脸遮的严严实实的,怎么看怎么的可疑。然而卫兵也就是多看了三人一眼,便移开了视线。 Successfully passed the front door of small town, Lin Ling shrank shrinking own sleeve cuff toward the raincoat, whispered the small sound said. 顺利通过了小镇的大门,林玲将自己的袖口往雨衣中缩了缩,嘀嘀咕咕地小声道。 These sloppy fellows, cannot cultivate/repair oneself house clean?” “这些邋遢的家伙,就不能把自己的房子修的干净点吗?” Repaired again attractively also useless, waits for Month of Disaster to cross, here only complete estimate also only had the egg of swamp crab.” Chen Guangning brought into full play character of oneself this moment guide, to Lin Ling and Jiang Chen introduced. “修的再好看也没用,等灾厄之月一过,这里唯一完好的估计也就只剩下泥沼蟹的卵了。”陈广宁充分发挥了自己此刻向导的角色,向林玲江晨介绍道。 The scavenger kind of lifeform is very sensitive to humanity smell, whenever Month of Disaster arrives, swamp crab will close up to the humanity Settlement direction spontaneously. 食腐类生物对人类的气味儿很敏感,每当灾厄之月降临,泥沼蟹都会自发地向人类聚居地的方向靠拢。 Jiang Chen sized up all around architecture one, has not made many commentaries to the habits and customs of these survivors. On a size basis, this small town should be able to accommodate five 6000 people. However at this moment, on the crooked street actually cannot see anyone 's shadow. Just like Chen Guangning said that by this time, most people had run into Sanctuary, or escaped to the small town outside. 江晨打量了四周的建筑一眼,没对这些幸存者们的生活习惯做过多的评论。从规模上看,这座小镇应该能容纳个五六千人。然而此刻,歪歪扭扭的街道上却看不到什么人影。正如陈广宁所说的,到了这个时候,大多数人已经逃进避难所,或逃到小镇外面去了。 This time he comes to the No. 79 small town to inquire the Nuclear Power Station whereabouts, actually long what takes a look at this to establish on Yizhou Island small town while convenient. Li Wang opposes his go it alone from the beginning very much, but Jiang Chen persisted in doing that. 这次他来79号小镇是为了打听核电站的下落,顺便瞧瞧这座建立在夷州岛上的小镇究竟长的什么样。黎望一开始很反对他单独行动,不过江晨还是坚持这么做了。 The person who side follows are too many, does not facilitate him to the present world transporting nuclear device. 旁边跟着的人太多,不方便他向现世搬运核装置。 As for Chen Guangning is whether reliable, this does not need to be worried completely. 至于陈广宁是否可靠,这点也完全不用担心。 Regardless of the person can lie, Enslavement Chip will not lie. 无论人会不会说谎,奴役芯片都是不会说谎的。 Three people turned around two alleys, arrived at a bar entrance. Chen Guangning arrives at before scoring that is growing the moss, stretched out handles gently tapped three. In a while, the gate then pulled open. 三人拐过了两个小巷,来到了一间酒吧门口。陈广宁走到一间长着青苔的破门前,伸出手轻轻敲了三下。没过多久,门便拉开了。 Under the shadow, an unemotional face appeared behind the gate. That is one mixes in the populace face that in the crowd cannot look, must say that on this face has anything to make a profound impression, probably is his to the sharp eye. 阴影之下,一张面无表情的脸出现在了门背后。那是一张混在人群中就找不出来的大众脸,要说这张脸上有什么能给人留下点深刻的印象,大概便是他那对锐利的眼睛。 Sees Chen Guangning, he is very obviously surprised. 见到陈广宁,他明显很惊讶。 Old Chen?” The vision stayed the moment on Chen Guangning, then fell on his behind two people, that person grinned to smile, also led the guest?” 老陈?”目光在陈广宁身上停留了片刻,接着又落在了他身后的两人上,那人咧嘴笑了笑,“还带了客人?” Is been very uncomfortable, timid Lin Ling that this vision looks shrank shrinking to Jiang Chen's. Jiang Chen pinched her hand gently, hints her not to use anxiously. 被这目光看的很不舒服,胆小的林玲江晨的旁边缩了缩。江晨轻轻捏了捏她的手,示意她不用紧张。 Right, Month of Disaster first 5 days I also consider your business, do you look give a preferential price?” Chen Guangning spreads out the hand to say. “没错,灾厄之月的前五天我还来照顾你的生意,你看是不是给个优惠价?”陈广宁摊开手说道。 You know that looking for me handles matters is always the fixed-price.” Saying, that person has been turning around, moved toward in the dim room, welcome arrives at my office, so long as the price is appropriate, does not have the matter that I cannot accomplish on Yizhou Island. Prestige guarantee.” “你知道的,找我办事从来都是一口价。”说着,那人转过了身,走向了昏暗的屋内,“欢迎来到我的事务所,只要价钱合适,在夷州岛上没有我办不到的事。信誉保证。” Strided in the gate, Jiang Chen sized up under the layout in room, the first feeling maybe gloomy and cold and moist, is the second feeling then this he meow really can be occupied by the person? 跨入了门内,江晨打量了下屋内的布局,第一感觉别是阴冷和潮湿,第二感觉便是这他喵真的能住人? Sits casually, here does not provide the tea.” That person grins to smile, the eye stares is staring at Jiang Chen. “随便坐吧,这里不提供茶水。”那人咧嘴笑了笑,眼睛直勾勾地盯着江晨 The intuition told him, this was his employer. 直觉告诉他,这位才是他的雇主。 Without taking off the raincoat, Jiang Chen sat on the obsolete sofa at will, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 没有脱掉雨衣,江晨就这么随意地坐在了老旧沙发上,随口问道。 How to call?” “怎么称呼?” You can call me mole.” mole said with a smile. “你可以叫我鼹鼠。”鼹鼠笑着说道。 From his expression, he did not care about Jiang Chen to moisten his sofa very much. 从他的表情上看,他并不是很在意江晨打湿了他的沙发。 I need you to help me find a place, can accomplish?” “我需要你帮我找个地方,能办到吗?” This is very easy, so long as you can pay this price.” “这很容易,只要你能出得起这个价钱。” Can pay this price? 出得起这个价钱? Jiang Chen hehe smiles, very long no one has asked he such interesting question. 江晨呵呵笑了笑,已经很久没有人问过他这么有趣的问题了。 Has not gone to ask that concrete price , he opened the mouth to say directly. 没有去问具体的价钱,他顿了顿,直接开口道。 Clear Water Nuclear Power Station, I wanted you to help me find its exact location, as well as gained the password of manager jurisdiction. What kind of, can accomplish?” 清水核电站,我要你帮我找到它的具体位置,以及获取管理员权限的密码。怎么样,办得到么?” - - Recommends book that this friend writes, «Stock Sea Refining up Monster».( To be continued.) 推荐本朋友写的书,《股海炼妖》。(未完待续。)
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