IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#742: Builds the defense line!

Deals with the Month of Disaster best method, is it passed. Cleans up the swamp crab egg total feeling better upfront and swamp crab internecine strife. Over ten thousand swamp crab encircle, is Tank does not have idea. Since you are ride airship to come, when that early March time hides airship, or when simply the summer solstice does come should also to have no issue again?” “应对灾厄之月最好的方法,就是等它自己过去。清理泥沼蟹的卵总好过正面和泥沼蟹火拼。上万只泥沼蟹围上来,就是坦克也没辙。既然你们是乘坐飞艇来的,那么等到三月初的时候躲上飞艇,或者干脆等到夏至再来应该也没什么问题吧?” We need to handle matters on the island, cannot wait is so long.”, Jiang Chen then asked that you? What is Month of Disaster your plan?” “我们在岛上需要办点事,等不了那么久。”顿了顿,江晨接着问道,“你呢?灾厄之月你的打算是什么?” I originally planned am to go to Survivor Settlement of Southern Fujian province to treat the summer solstice, but my ship has a small condition this year. Without the peer is willing to take When only needs 50 subcrystal to the summer solstice, this price is just.” Chen Guangning replied. “我原计划是去闽南省的幸存者聚居地待到夏至,但今年我的船出了点小状况。如果没有同行愿意捎我一程,我可能会选择去台北79号避难所。待到夏至只需要50亚晶,这个价钱还算公道。”陈广宁答道。 Good, Mr. Chen, we just lack a guide, then does not know that you do have the interest and we treat in the same place?” Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “好的,陈先生,我们刚好缺一个向导,那么不知道你有没有兴趣和我们待在一起?”江晨笑着问道。 Hears Jiang Chen's to invite, the Chen Guangning great happiness, says immediately: very interested. If there is anything to be useful my place, Chen is glad to work for!” 听到江晨的邀请,陈广宁大喜,立刻说道:“非常感兴趣。如果有什么用得上我的地方,陈某乐意效劳!” When the guide was OK, other does not need you to make anything. Went out to say the sound with the guard, they will arrange the residence for you. A day I pay your 10 subcrystal wage, if you do not have other opinion, can get down.” “当好向导就可以了,别的不需要你做什么。出去和卫兵说声,他们会替你安排好住所。一天我支付你十亚晶的薪水,如果你没有别的意见的话,可以下去了。” Thanked Marshal!” “谢元帅!” Chen Guangning on traded the name very much purely, but Jiang Chen oneself am not interested in these over-detailed formalities very much, beckons with the hand to say. 陈广宁很上道地换了称呼,不过江晨本人对这些繁文缛节并不是很感兴趣,摆了摆手说道。 Goes.” “去吧。” After Chen Guangning walks away, after Jiang Chen hesitated the moment, is slightly excessive, looked that stood to standing at attention in body side Li Wang. 陈广宁走远后,江晨沉吟了片刻后,微微偏过头,看向了立正站在身侧的黎望 How do you see?” “你怎么看?” According to our patrol acquired information, we can build the defense line in north Wanghai Beach with the cement certainly, encircles swamp crab in the shoal.” Li Wang said categorically. “根据我们侦察队收集到的情报,我们可以在北部绝望海滩用水泥修筑防线,将泥沼蟹围剿在浅滩。”黎望斩钉截铁地说道。 Jiang Chen nods. 江晨点了点头。 This truly is a feasible plan, the only flaw is, wants defense line that will build entire Wanghai Beach to sphere together certainly, the needed cement and ammunition perhaps will not be a small number. The sand can make use of local materials, can with supplying airship ships in as the graphene manages and cement of skeleton. The only troublesome matter, now is on February 18, was only left over from the arrival of Month of Disaster is less than one week. 这确实是个可行的计划,唯一的缺陷就是,想要修筑一道将整个绝望海滩围住的防线,需要的水泥和弹药恐怕不是一个小数目。沙子可以就地取材,作为骨架的石墨烯管以及水泥都可以用补给飞艇运来。唯一麻烦的事,现在已经是2月18日,距离灾厄之月的到来只剩下不到一个星期了。 Leaves the Expedition Force time is not many. 留给远征军的时间不多。 Needed ammunition and cement will send as soon as possible, you begin construction immediately, with utmost effort catches up before Month of Disaster, builds the defense line.” “需要的弹药和水泥会尽快送来,你们立刻开始动工,尽一切可能赶在灾厄之月前,将防线修筑完毕。” Yes!” Li Wang stands at attention to salute, immediately receives an order to go. “是!”黎望立正行礼,立刻领命而去。 After Li Wang walks, Jiang Chen turns on the wrist watch, input White Whale Seabed Investigation Station to leave his communication screen and channel password, conducted the total information video conferencing with them. 黎望走后,江晨打开腕表,输入了白鲸海底考察站留给他的通讯屏道和频道密码,与他们进行了全息视讯会议。 Be responsible for with as before is Wu Yue that he contacts, from his back background, he should at this moment on warship. 负责与他接触的依旧是吴岳,从他背后的布景来看,此刻他应该在军舰上。 After contact connection, Jiang Chen comes straight to the point to say. 联络接通后,江晨开门见山道。 „Does the sonar on your ship install to drive away swamp crab?” “你们船上的声呐装能不能驱赶泥沼蟹?” Wu Yue as if knows reason that Jiang Chen will ask, but shakes the head as before regrettably. 吴岳似乎知道江晨会这么问的理由,但依旧遗憾地摇了摇头。 „Very regrettable, our sonars cannot accomplish this. Bumps into swamp crab in the epicontinental sea truly is the issue that has a headache about very much, will they try to crawl toward the ship on...... must postpone the work of Space Elevator components delivery?” “很遗憾,我们的声呐办不到这点。在浅海碰上泥沼蟹确实是个很头疼的问题,他们会试图往船上爬……要将太空电梯零件交付的工作延后吗?” Jiang Chen shakes the head. 江晨摇了摇头。 Came as scheduled, you are responsible for first delivering to the epicontinental sea our transport ships, the swamp crab issue I will find the way to solve.” “还是按原计划来,你们负责将我们的运输船先送到浅海,泥沼蟹的问题我会想办法解决。” Such as you hope.” Wu Yue nods slightly said. “如你所愿。”吴岳微微颔首道。 ...... …… Wanghai Beach situated in Yizhou Island northernmost, belongs to northern island topography most low spot certainly. 望海滩位于夷州岛最北端,属于全岛北部地势最低处。 Before the station, here once was one occupied a land area of several thousand mu Water World, from the sand beach has spread following the epicontinental sea to the deep sea sea area edge. However now, here had been exploded the ruins, the shoal place also crookedly but actually a freighter. 在站前,这里曾是一座占地数千亩的水上乐园,从沙滩顺着浅海一直蔓延至深海海域的边缘。然而现在,这里早已被炸成了废墟,浅滩处还歪倒着一艘货轮。 The staggered steel bar skeleton and wreckage, formed an environment of kind of wetland in the shoal. The uncontrolled growth of algae and dried laver under the moist shadow, here are the paradise of scavenger lifeform, the hotbed that Mutated Creature multiplies. 交错的钢筋骨架与残骸,在浅滩形成了一个类湿地的环境。水藻和海苔在潮湿的阴影下不受控制的生长,这里是食腐生物的乐园,变异生物繁衍的温床。 Even experiences in the rich adventurer, does not dare easily to step in that strategic places. Even if Power Armor, in front of the swamp crab pliers and thousand blade advantage teeth, is hard to ask for the advantage. Do not say that these ambushes in other Mutated Creature of littoral water, is relying on the complex terrain, its attack method is virtually impossible to guard against. 即便是经验在丰富的冒险家,也不敢轻易涉足那片险地。哪怕是动力装甲,在泥沼蟹的钳子和千把刀刃利齿面前,都难以讨到好处。更不要说那些潜伏在浅海海域的其它变异生物,凭借着复杂地形,其攻击手段更是令人防不胜防。 This is also this place is called certainly the Wanghai Beach reason, making each step in this's person feels desperate. 这也正是此地被称为绝望海滩的原因,让每一位涉足于此的人感到绝望。 The Li Wang execution efficiency is very high, is receiving the order then to start the defense line to build the work on the same day. 100 puts up Project Robot to do farm work regarding Wanghai Beach certainly, lays the ground of fence. Meanwhile, in frontline work also has Expedition Force employment local Survivor, at the daily 5 subcrystal wages. 黎望的执行效率很高,在接到命令当天便开始了防线修筑工作。一百工程机器人围绕着绝望海滩耕耘着,打下围墙的地基。与此同时,在前线工作的还有远征军雇佣的当地幸存者,以每天五亚晶的工钱。 Not everyone is admitted to Sanctuary richly, let alone Sanctuary space is also more limited. When Month of Disaster approaches, most people choose to hide in itself from the manual diy temporary bunker, passed this to continue several months terrorist|terrifying with the family member trembling. 并不是所有人都有钱住进避难所,更何况避难所空间也是有限的。当灾厄之月来临,大多数人还是选择躲进自己从手动diy的临时掩体,与家人战战兢兢地度过这持续数月的恐怖 Although time from the beginning, the arrival of Expedition Force made them feel vigilant, after all excellent arming from them, how these people did not seem like the good kind. When these survivors see they start along certainly the Wanghai Beach construction fortification, they then completely changed the original idea. 虽然一开始的时候,远征军的到来让他们感到了警惕,毕竟从他们身上精良的武装来看,这些人怎么都不像是善类。可当这些幸存者们看到他们开始沿着绝望海滩修建防御工事时,他们便彻底改变了原本的想法。 Even if they do not think that these people can block ten several tens of thousands swamp crab that comes ashore to spawn, but in their hearts has one to be approximate in faintly luckily at heart. 即便他们不认为这些人能挡住十数万只上岸产卵的泥沼蟹,可他们的心中还是隐隐有着一丝近似于侥幸的心里。 If by some chance these people repel from Wanghai Beach swamp crab certainly, will puzzle of Yizhou Island ten several years Month of Disaster thoroughly to be eradicated. The optimistic point thinks, if swamp crab is hit to hurt by the NAC's person this year, cannot succeed in Yizhou Island spawns, perhaps next year they will be forced to change oneself living habits, starts to move to other places. 万一这些人将泥沼蟹从绝望海滩打退,困扰夷州岛十数年之久的灾厄之月将被彻底根除。乐观点来想,若是今年泥沼蟹nac的人打疼了,没能成功在夷州岛产卵,说不定来年他们就被迫改变了自己的生活习性,开始向其它地方迁徙。 Then, needed these survivors to boil the past season to be short of one. 如此一来,需要这些幸存者们熬过去的季节又少了一个。 Therefore, when the Expedition Force person enters the Taipei peripheral Survivor Settlement hiring, these Survivor ginseng/partake arrive at also the unusual coordination, has not at least cooperated to before like that. 所以,当远征军的人进入台北周边幸存者聚居地招人的时候,这些幸存者参到也非常的配合,至少没有向以前那般不合作。 On the other hand, Jiang Chen had had the contact with Fishbone Base, reassigned the 1000 person to enroll in the Expedition Force team from Third Army. 另一方面,江晨已经与鱼骨头基地取得了联系,从第三兵团抽调了一千人编入到远征军的队伍中。 At present stationed in Taipei Expedition Force soldier altogether only then the 500 person, wants to fill up several thousand meters width the front at this military is not obviously realistic, if cannot recruit enough soldier from the native, that can only reassign the reinforcement from Wanghai City. 目前驻扎在台北远征军士兵一共只有五百人,想要以这点兵力填满数千米宽度的战线显然不现实,如果不能从当地人中招募足够的士兵,那就只能从望海市那边抽调增援了。 According to the Expedition Force respective military engineer class Nachu plan, the battlefield width Chief Head 5.1 kilometers, first build 52 5 meters high defense towers along the edge position, then high, half meter wide cement wall connects these 52 defense towers with 3 meters. The cement wall following stack sandbag, the front supposes the trench and wooden stake, preventing swamp crab to advance. 根据远征军所属工兵班拿出的方案,战场宽度总长5.1千米,先沿边缘位置修筑52座五米高的防御塔,然后用三米高、半米宽的水泥墙将这52座防御塔连接。水泥墙后面堆积沙袋,前方设壕沟和木桩,阻止泥沼蟹突进。 Altogether has the 1000 400 labors to invest into the work that in the defense line builds, with the coordination of Project Robot, completing this defense line should be nothing issue. 一共有一千四百余劳工投入到防线修筑的工作中,在工程机器人的配合下,完成这道防线应该是没有任何问题。 As the new batch of supplies ship , a straight heavy machine gun was moved constructed the good wall pile, the orange yellow ammunition belt link crowded the ammunition box, such as the gold is like that glaring. rocket missile puts up to become Lie in the Expedition Force Fortress open area, the artillery is proficiently installing the discharger, completed Fireball-1 the deployment of Artillery System. 随着新一批的补给运达,一挺挺重机枪被搬上了建好的墙垛,橙黄色的弹链塞满了弹药箱,如黄金那般晃眼。火箭弹架成列在远征军堡垒的空地,炮兵熟练地安装着发射架,完成了“火球-1系统的部署。 When sees this, these practical training in frontline Survivor dispelled the misgivings in heart immediately, works also has the working zeal. 当看到这一幕,那些劳作在前线的幸存者顿时打消了心中的顾虑,干起活来也更有干劲了。 Has so powerful arming, perhaps these people, really can achieve......( to be continued.) 拥有如此强悍的武装,或许这些人,真能做到……(未完待续。)
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