IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#741: Chen Guangning smiles reluctantly.

2018 Spring Festival just a day after Valentine's Day, Jiang Chen returned to Last of Days the day of February 14 Valentine's Day, after accompanying Sun Jiao wonderful Valentine's Day, then passed the Spring Festival with the females with the Fishbone Base subordinates together and lunar New Year's Eve. 18年的春节刚好在情人节后一天,江晨在2月14日情人节那天返回了末世,陪着孙娇过了一个美妙的情人节后,接着又与众女和鱼骨头基地的部下们一同度过了春节与除夕。 …… …… …… …… Second day of the lunar New Year, arrived with the time of White Whale Seabed Investigation Station agreement on the 17 th, Jiang Chen rode to transport the supplies airship to arrive at Yizhou Island, this time with has Lin Ling that he went together. Heard that Yizhou Island Taipei has a deuterium refinery, as well as a preserving high small-scale Nuclear Fusion Power Generator station. 17日大年初二,与白鲸海底考察站约定的时间到了,江晨乘坐运送补给的飞艇来到了夷州岛,这次与他一同前往的还有林玲。听说夷州岛台北有一座氘提炼厂,以及一座存留度较高的小型核聚变发电站。 Because long-distance electric transmission and reason of Moon Helium-3 mining base, before the station , the Earth nuclear fusion power plant basically shifted on Moon, some big Nuclear Power Station that only saved also received the baptism of nuclear strike in the wartime, wanted to find a complete Nuclear Fusion Power Generator station really ratio to ascend to heaven on this piece of Wasted Earth also difficultly. 因为远程输电和月球氦3开采基地的缘故,站前地球核聚变电站基本都转移到了月球上,仅存的一些较大的核电站也在战时受到了核打击的洗礼,想要在这片废土上找到一座完好的核聚变发电简直比登天还难。 Therefore, when Jiang Chen heard that on Yizhou Island has such Nuclear Power Station, immediately then has the interest in it. Especially necessary deuterium refinery, although takes the nuclear fuel not to have the Helium-3 environmental protection with the deuterium, but now is not selecting food time. 所以,当江晨听说夷州岛上有这么一座核电站,立刻便对其产生了兴趣。尤其是配套的氘提炼厂,虽然用氘作为核燃料没有氦3环保,但现在可不是挑食的时候。 Regarding having subcrystal as energy Sixth Block, Nuclear Power Station is is not very as if attractive, but regarding the present world, the energy depends entirely on the import particularly Country of Xin, the Nuclear Fusion Power Generator station has the rare value. 对于拥有亚晶作为能源的第六街区来说,核电站似乎并不是特别的具有吸引力,但对于现世,尤其是能源全靠进口的新国来说,核聚变发电站将有着超乎寻常的价值。 Especially soon open Penglai City. 尤其是即将开放的蓬莱市 If can utilize Cold Fusion Technology, If nothing else, was originally scheduled for the 100,000 mu electricity-generating algae project that the coastal water additionally built to cancel directly, 12 large-scale ocean current generator units and 150 wind power generator can also cancel. Moreover, but can also reduce the electric power cost to a fearful level. 如果能够运用冷聚变技术,别的不说,原定于附近海域增设的10万发电海藻项目将可以直接取消,12座大型洋流发电机机组和150座风力发电机也可以取消。不仅如此,还能将电力成本压低到一个可怕的水平。 Naturally, this technology uses secretly well, when Lane Space Elevator came out be public to wonderfully. 当然,这项技术偷偷用就好,等太空电梯出来了再公开为妙。 Entire Wanghai City nuclear expert such several, know on Jiang Chen secret only has Lin Ling, therefore he then brought to go to the side her together. The work of Garden of Eden also has just come to an end, after beginning of the spring, made the last project, time-consuming more than one year of Garden of Eden then can announce completion. 整个望海市的核专家就那么几个,知道江晨身上秘密的只有林玲,所以他便将她带在了身边一同前往。刚好伊甸园的工作也已经接近尾声,等开春后弄完了最后一道工程,耗时一年多的伊甸园便可以宣告竣工了。 Transports Space Elevator Foundation, recycles the nuclear technology, as well as solves the small trouble that Expedition Force bumps into while convenient, this is the Jiang Chen goal. 搬运太空电梯基座,回收核技术,以及顺带解决远征军碰上的小麻烦,这便是江晨此行的目的。 ...... …… From Expedition Force landing already over the past month. 距离远征军登陆已经过去一个月了。 After Jiang Chen arrives in Yizhou Island, held the post of Captain Li Wang to arrange the clean comfortable room for him immediately, the acquired information and mission diary compiled this month presents in his front, and delivered the temporary command jurisdiction. 江晨抵达夷州岛后,担任艇长黎望立刻为他安排了干净舒适的房间,将这一个月来收集到的情报与任务日志汇总呈递在了他的面前,并上交了临时指挥权。 The earliest possible time after landing, Li Wang then sent out Expedition Force soldier explores to Taipei and suburb, and constructed simple cement Fortress and lighthouse in the Yizhou Island north sea cliff, as well as may for the elevator that airship anchors. 在登陆之后的第一时间,黎望便派出了远征军士兵台北及其郊区探索,并在夷州岛北端的海崖修建了简单的水泥堡垒与灯塔,以及可供飞艇停靠的升降梯。 Compares inland that flame of war are flying, Yizhou Island, although also has the trace that suffers the flames of war, does not have Wanghai City to be like that frigid. Has not suffered the nuclear strike directly, the tall buildings in urban district are mostly complete, in the island is filling the radiation, mostly from the radioactive dust that blows from eastern South Asia. 相比起战火纷飞的内陆,夷州岛虽然同样有遭受战火的痕迹,却没有望海市那般惨烈。没有直接遭受核打击,市区内的高楼大厦大多完好,岛上弥漫着的辐射,大多是源自于从东南亚吹来的放射尘。 However here is actually and on the land is a little almost the same, that is the plants of these abnormal growth, as well as repulsive in appearance foreign-species and zombie. 不过这里有一点却是和陆地上相差无几,那就是那些畸形生长的植物,以及面目可憎的异种丧尸 The vine vine and withered branch cover tall buildings, in the road surface of chapping are blooming the close crater, in the shadow hides a wolf lifeform of sharp mouth sharp claws, Expedition Force soldier is calling it food corpse ghost, any by the lifeform that it attacks, often will not leave behind many skeleton. 蔓藤和干枯的枝桠均覆盖着高楼大厦,皲裂的路面上绽放着鳞次栉比的弹坑,阴影中躲藏着一种尖嘴利爪的狼型生物,远征军士兵称其为“食尸鬼”,凡是被它攻击的生物,往往连骸骨都不会留下多少。 However this is also not most terrorist|terrifying. 然而这还不是最恐怖的。 Although these food corpse ghosts are fearful, but two rounds of bullet(s) tú tú were also died in the past. However, facing the carapace thickness not inferior steel, traveling speed unambiguous swamp crab, rifle is not such can make one have the security sense. 这些食尸鬼虽然可怕,但两发子弹突突过去也是个死。但是,面对甲壳厚度不逊色钢铁,移动速度毫不含糊的泥沼蟹,步枪也不是那么的能令人产生安全感。 Especially these swamp crab are also action in groups, really is a nightmare. 尤其是这些泥沼蟹还都是成群结队的行动,简直是一场噩梦。 But these Expedition Force bump into to trouble, is with these swamp crab related...... 而这些远征军碰上对的麻烦,正是和这些泥沼蟹有关…… Next day, the patrol leaders in exploration island such as went out on duty in the past same, returned to the camp before the darkness. 次日,探索岛内的巡逻队如往常一样出勤,在天黑之前返回了营地。 Unlike, this time them also led a native in the past. 与往常不同,这次他们还带回来了一名本地人。 personnel guard team has searched for him behind, him on ******** with the crossbow bolt demonstrated that took care, then led in front of him Jiang Chen's. 亲卫队搜过他的身后,将他身上的********和弩箭展示保管了起来,然后将他带到了江晨的面前。 Wasted Earth of February/two months is snowing as before, even by some south Yizhou Island, can still see the trace that is snowing. Sees only this person of jacket that puts on old becoming gray, the body also brings some sloppy slimes. The skin exposes to the sun dark, on the head is shaving the board inch, seems like the overly cautious and prudent farmer, then but to looked at the small eye everywhere randomly is actually expose his astuteness. 二月的废土依旧在下着雪,即便是靠南些的夷州岛,也是可以看到落雪的痕迹。只见这人穿着旧的发灰的夹克,身上还带着些邋遢的泥渣。皮肤晒得黝黑,脑袋上剃着板寸,看上去像是老实巴交的农民,但那对四处乱瞄小眼睛却是暴.露了他的精明。 „Is your name?” Jiang Chen sizes up “你的名字是?”江晨打量 My Chen Guangning, does business in Taipei and Continent coast Southern Fujian. If the Sir needs the guide, I will certainly become the rightest candidate.” Chen Guangning smiles simple and honest, respectful say/way. “鄙人陈广宁,在台北大陆沿海闽南一带经商。如果大人需要向导,我一定会成为最合适的人选。”陈广宁憨厚地笑了笑,恭敬道。 Other natives have not possibly heard the NAC's given name, but as one frequently the merchant who runs toward Southern Fujian, he slightly has hearing regarding this rise in the Wanghai City name. Two years, put down the Wanghai City major influences by the potential of thunder, take back oneself to govern entire Wanghai City and even Suhang Province Survivor Settlement. 其它当地人可能没听说过nac的名号,但身为一名经常往闽南跑的商人,他对于这个崛起于望海市的名字还是略有耳闻的。两年时间,以雷霆之势扫平望海市各大势力,将整个望海市乃至苏杭省幸存者聚居地收归自己治下。 But the present man, is the NAC's leader. 而眼前的这位男人,便是nac的领袖。 If can make contact with the line with the NAC's person, is of great help regarding his business absolutely. When NAC's Expedition Force comes Taipei Survivor Settlement to find the person, the expression that other Survivor look at each other in blank dismay did not trust time, he volunteered for military service to go without delay on own initiative, arrived at Expedition Force Fortress. 如果能够与nac的人搭上线,对于他的生意来说绝对是大有裨益。所以当nac的远征军台北幸存者聚居地找人,其它幸存者都面面相觑的表示了不信任的时候,他二话不说就主动请缨前往,来到了远征军堡垒 Jiang Chen smiles, opens the mouth to ask directly. 江晨笑了笑,直接开口问道。 I will consider your suggestion. Before then, I have an issue to ask you.” “我会考虑你的建议。在此之前,我有个问题要问你。” Sir please ask.” Chen Guangning respectful say/way. “大人请问。”陈广宁恭敬道。 And I said the Month of Disaster further information.” Jiang Chen asked his most issue of concern. “把灾厄之月的详细情况和我说说。”江晨问出了他最关心的问题。 So-called Month of Disaster, is the native to the name that swamp crab lands. However continues several months disaster regarding this, NAC Expedition Force actually knows little. The natives repel this suddenly to intrude the outcomer in their homeland very much, although both sides live in peace with each other, occasionally also has the commodity transaction, but talked as before placed the limited degree. 所谓灾厄之月,是当地人对泥沼蟹登陆的称呼。不过对于这持续数月的灾难,nac远征军却是所知甚少。当地人很排斥这个突然闯入他们家园的外来者,虽然双方相安无事,偶尔也有物资交易,但对话依旧保持在有限的程度。 Hears Jiang Chen's to inquire, Chen Guangning replies immediately. 听到江晨的提问,陈广宁立刻答道。 When March/three months, ambushes in swamp crab of shallow water will then come ashore to spawn from Yizhou Island. In the past at this time Taipei Survivor will hide in the Taipei city central air-raid shelter, when swamp crab left comes out again. The approaches of other Yizhou Island areas are also the same, these swamp crab quantities, are really not the manpower can resist, therefore was called Month of Disaster.” “每到三月,潜伏在浅水区的泥沼蟹便会从夷州岛东北岸上岸产卵。往常这时候台北幸存者都会躲进台北市中央的防空洞,等到泥沼蟹离开再出来。夷州岛其它各地区的做法也不禁相同,那些泥沼蟹的数量,实在不是人力能够对抗的,所以被称之为灾厄之月。” In the powerhouse as scavenger lifeform, these swamp crab especially likes Survivor living in the place. Whenever they come time, is ordinary with the locust transit, inconsistency that Survivor Settlement arches, simultaneously leaves behind big pile of follicle that mounts the flour gruel. 身为食腐生物中的强者,这些泥沼蟹尤为喜欢幸存者居住过的地方。每当他们来的时候,就和蝗虫过境一般,将幸存者聚居地拱的七零八落,同时留下一大堆黏糊糊的卵泡 Cleaning up these follicle is dangerous, does not pay attention, inside has possibly succeeded to hatch small swamp crab, destroys follicle also put these small swamp crab. Although is inferior to mature swamp crab that terrorist|terrifying, but small swamp crab can cause big casualties to Survivor as before. 清理这些卵泡非常危险,一个不注意,里面可能已经成功孵化出了小泥沼蟹,破坏卵泡的同时也将那些小泥沼蟹放了出来。虽然不如成熟的泥沼蟹那么恐怖,但小泥沼蟹依旧能对幸存者造成不小的伤亡。 This can Month of Disaster finish to several months probably?” Jiang Chen hesitates to say. “这灾厄之月大概到几月才能结束?”江晨沉吟道。 Generally speaking is the summer solstice.” Chen Guangning replied. “一般来说是夏至。”陈广宁答道。 Summer solstice? 夏至吗? That three months later, the first batch of Space Elevator Foundation material must deliver, Jiang Chen is not willing to wait for on that long time. Moreover on the other hand, was affected by Month of Disaster, the exploration to Nuclear Power Station also has to delay. 那得三个多月之后了,第一批太空电梯基座的材料已经要交付了,江晨可不愿等上那么长的时间。而且另一方面,受到灾厄之月的影响,对核电站的探索也将不得不延缓。 If possible, he wants to solve as soon as possible these two matters. 如果可能的话,他想尽快将这两件事解决掉。 Knits the brows slightly, Jiang Chen opens the mouth to ask again. 微微皱眉,江晨再次开口问道。 What solution...... you have regarding these swamp crab?” “对于这些泥沼蟹……你有什么的解决办法吗?”
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