IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#574: This night is not doomed evenly

Black Ship Organization. 黑船组织 The nature is the underground organization, his member is found in the all over the world. Although receives the subsidization of Japan government and Japan enterprise, but this both actually do not know the whole story to its organization. Cooperation between both sides to is one type paid scientific research, rather than former to latter's absolute control. 其性质属于地下组织,其成员遍布世界各地。虽然受到日国政府和日国企业的资助,但此两者对其组织却并非完全知根知底。双方之间的合作更向是一种“有偿科研”,而非前者对后者的绝对掌控。 The action idea of Black Ship Organization does not base on any superficial nationality principle or the individual value view, but based on nearly crazy belief, or a biased idea. 黑船组织的行动理念并非基于任何肤浅的民.族主义或个人价值观,而基于一种近乎疯狂的信仰,或者说一种偏执的理念。 They believe, stems from the common origin with humanity [The Natural Selection], will be Human Civilization will bring eternal Harmony, will save from own misery humanity. And takes the starry sky that Human Civilization is unattainable, asked the fetter of Heart of the Land attraction. 他们相信,与人类出自同源的物竞天择号,将为人类文明带来永恒的和谐,将人类从自身的苦难中拯救。并将人类文明带上遥不可及的星空,拜托地心引力的束缚。 This type is not under any organization directly, does not focus on the new Religion nature group of secular benefit, is almost impossible the Intelligence Organization discovery by various countries. 这种不直接隶属于任何组织,不着眼于世俗利益的新型宗.教性质团体,几乎不可能被各国的情报组织发现。 But this Serial Number Vulture-1 35 fighter aircraft pilot, are one of the Black Ship Organization members. The original plan was used to cope with Jiang Chen's Power Armor, but planned to present the small change, Jiang Chen has not used Power Armor, but used mobile more flexible mechanical exoskeleton. 而这架编号秃鹫1的35战机飞行员,便是黑船组织的成员之一。原计划是用来对付江晨的动力装甲,不过计划出现了一点小小的改变,江晨并没有使用动力装甲,而是使用了机动性更为灵活的机械外骨骼 Also therefore, 35 changed used the strategy that the bomb bombed, but used 25 Aerial Artillery to strafe. What makes Gordon not think, this ammunition clip can hit to explode Tank bullet(s), actually by Jiang Chen by intuition hiding. 也正是因此,35改变了使用航弹轰炸的策略,而是使用了25机炮扫射。只不过让戈登没想到的是,这一梭子能打爆坦克子弹,却是被江晨凭借直觉给躲了过去。 Goal miss.” The ear transmitted the loss evaluation report of ground unit. “目标未命中。”耳边传来了地面单位的伤亡评估报告。 Knows. I will come one round again.” “知道。我会再来一发。” Gordon swept coveted the image formation display instrument, discovered that was hanging the heat source near building, curls the lip, pull-up prepared to come a dive highly again. 戈登扫了眼热成像显示仪,发现了那个悬挂在楼边上的热源,不由撇了撇嘴,拉升高度准备再来一次俯冲。 However at this moment, infrared locked Alarm is actually DDD made a sound. 不过就在这时,红外锁定警报却是“滴滴滴”地响了起来。 Criticized one, Gordon presses down immediately tempted the ball hotly. Simultaneously spreads horizontally the operating lever. 暗骂了一句,戈登立刻按下了热诱弹。同时横摆操作杆。 A round of short distance air-to-air missile almost scratches the fuselage to fly, frightens his fine hair to raise up. 一发近距离空空导弹几乎是擦着机身飞过,吓得他汗毛竖起。 Evades Gordon that strikes immediately engine power increase to a big way, tries to get rid of locking of opposite party fighter aircraft. 躲过一击的戈登立刻将引擎功率提升至最大,试图摆脱对方战机的锁定。 In all Fourth-gen machines. 35 can be said as one of the world's most expensive fighter aircraft. Because the strengthening in air-to-ground strike gave up some air superiority, therefore its battle efficiency, although is good. But the mobility is not really outstanding. 在所有四代机中。35可以说是全球最贵的战机之一。因为在对地攻击方面的强化而放弃了部分空中优势,所以其战斗力虽然不俗。但机动性却不甚出众。 But even if so, the Fourth-gen machine after all is the Fourth-gen machine, the air fight in the apparent distance has powerful that Third-gen Machine is unable to look disdainfully as before. 可纵使如此,四代机终归是四代机,在视距内空战依旧拥有着三代机无法睥睨的强悍。 Gordon does not think that sneak attacks own fighter aircraft is also the Fourth-gen machine, he has gotten rid of locking of allied force radar now, before US Military makes the response pursuit, he has completed air-to-ground strike mission, secret military base of landing Malay area. But in this world has the country of Fourth-gen machine is extremely rare, he does not think that Country of Xin can be one of them. 戈登并不认为偷袭自己的战机也是四代机,他现在已经摆脱了友军雷达的锁定,在美军作出反应追击之前,他早已经完成对地攻击任务,降落马来地区的秘密军事基地了。而这个世界上拥有四代机的国家可谓是凤毛麟角,他不认为新国会是其中之一。 How even Russia and Country of Xin relate well again. Also impossible to sell to them own Fourth-gen machine. 就算俄国新国关系再怎么好。也不可能将自己的四代机卖给他们。 The corners of the mouth raised wiped to sneer, Gordon is restraining the blood of upwelling, prepared after throwing off this tail comes on round of ai20 to him. 嘴角扬起了一抹冷笑,戈登克制着上涌的血液,准备在甩掉这个尾巴之后对他来上一发ai20。 But in him speed increase to biggest, simultaneously looked one when backward, his sneering was actually the solidification on the face. 可就在他将速度提升至最大,同时向后回望了一眼时,他的冷笑却是凝固在了脸上。 Behind that frame cannot see the model the airplane, unexpectedly slightly not by the sign that he throws off 后面那架看不出型号的飞机,竟然丝毫没有被他甩掉的迹象 How Gordon is possibly clenching teeth, glances eye that to be close to the speed dial plate of red label, pulled up the control handle fiercely. “怎么可能”戈登咬着牙,瞟了眼那接近红标签的速度表盘,猛地拉起了操纵杆。 35 noses jack fiercely, from the sky put forth is approximate in Cobra Maneuver anxious stops, pushes down the speed straight line. The blood that upwells almost must make him dizzily in the past. But Gordon to the corners of the mouth actually raised wiped happily the smiling face. 35的机头猛地抬升,在空中使出了近似于眼镜蛇机动的急停,将速度直线拉低。上涌的血液几乎要使得他晕眩过去。但戈登对的嘴角却是扬起了一抹得意地笑容。 At the humanity reaction speed, at all impossible to make to deal with the response in so high-speed short distance air fight. 人类的反应速度,根本不可能在如此高速的近距离空战中做出应对反应。 So long as the enemy airplane flew front, prey and hunter's status will invert 只要敌机飞到了前面去,猎物猎人的身份就将颠倒过来 However at this moment. Gordon glimpsed with the line of sight of hyperemia let his unbelievable one. 然而就在这时。戈登用充血的视线瞥见了让他难以置信地一幕。 Pulls up the flash of nose in him, pursued made into the screen in rear Aurora-20 Aerial Artillery twinkle Aerial Artillery bullet(s) his fuselage and wing. 就在他拉起机头的一瞬间,追击在后方的极光20机炮闪烁机炮子弹将他的机身和机翼打成了筛子。 Such as he expected, Aurora-20 broke through from his private car unsuspensefully. 如他预料的那样,极光20毫无悬念地从他座驾之下冲过。 However he had not expected matter that pilot of opposite party can react that opens fire in the flash. 然而他所没预料到的事,对方的飞行员能在一瞬间做出开火的反应。 Both hands left the control handle, Gordon put out a hand to turn on the ejection seat desperately, floated in the ice-cold nighttime sky, looks helplessly own airplane from the sky disintegrated 双手离开了操纵杆,戈登拼命地伸手打开了弹射座椅,漂浮在冰冷的夜空中,眼睁睁地看着自己的飞机在空中解体 Meanwhile, Aurora-20 pilot ended the Bullet Time condition. Proficiently opened the thermal imagery to enter the air-to-ground strike pattern. 与此同时,极光20飞行员结束了子弹时间状态。熟练地打开热成像进入了对地攻击模式。 Aerial target has been solved, Shooter-1 waiting attack instruction.” “空中目标已经解决,射手1等待攻击指示。” Is looking in the spark that in the air blooms. And that howls, but sketch, Jiang Chen heart immediately one happy. 愣愣地望着于空中绽放的火花。以及那呼啸而过的剪影,江晨心头顿时一喜。 Is Aurora-20 极光20 How when he is worrying to solve that to put up fighter. Has not thought that was actually Ivan solved his urgent matter. 他正在发愁该如何解决掉那架战斗机时。没想到却是伊万解了他的燃眉之急。 Naturally, he does not know, at this important moment, is Xia Shiyu by the Future Group CEO Ivan of status to the attack instruction that issues. Strict sense, this is the action of exceeding authority, because Future Group and Star Ring Trading are entirely different two Artillery System. But in this special period, could not have attended to anything exceeding authority. 当然,他不会知道,在这关键时刻,是夏诗雨未来人集团eo的身份对伊万下达的出击指令。严格意义上来讲,这是越权之举,因为未来人集团星环贸易是截然不同的两个系统。但在这种特殊时期,已经顾不上什么越不越权了。 Under on the rank, Xia Shiyu is most suitable this order. 就级别而言,夏诗雨最适合下这个命令。 Deeply inspires, Jiang Chen carried rifle to leave the bunker, opened carried the radio life signal detection installment on ep. Six red points were marked on his radar . Moreover the acceleration to him is approaching. 深吸了一口气,江晨端着步枪离开了掩体,打开了挂载在ep上的射电生命信号探测装置。六个红点被标记在了他的雷达上,而且正在向他这边加速靠近。 Sees that the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth float off wipe to grin fiendishly, ka draws in the bolt. 见状,江晨嘴角浮起一抹狞笑,咔地一声拉上枪栓。 really tired of living you 简直活腻了你们 However Aurora-20 has not given the opportunity that he goes forth to battle personally obviously, a low altitude dives thunders to resound, the crowded hail of bullets instantaneously one and grinds the disintegrating slag that three red point and zombie together with the street region that they were. The dust has even blown two streets, touched ash of Jiang Chen nose. 不过极光20显然没有给他亲自上阵的机会,一阵低空俯冲的轰鸣响起,密集的弹雨瞬间将那三处红点、丧尸连同他们所在的街区域一并碾成了碎渣。尘埃甚至吹过了两条街,碰了江晨一鼻子的灰。 Six people three, realized they who instantaneously action failure start to disperse retreat. 六个人瞬间死了三个,意识到行动失败的他们开始分散撤退。 However the Star Ring Trading person will make them run away 然而星环贸易的人会让他们逃走吗 Don't lil' bro that who forgot Country of Moro is raises 别忘了摩洛国是谁养的小弟 The distant place transmitted thundering of motorcycle, hits zombie that gathered. Wears on the guerrilla joining the army green truck of gas mask to jump down one after another, arms soldier to launch to encircle to these three running away uncertainty. The stormy sound of gunfire resounded through the entire street, the tangled warfare of guerrilla forces, zombie, unidentified armed three parties opened. 远方传来了机车的轰鸣,撞开了聚集过来的丧尸。戴着防毒面具的游击队员陆续从军绿色的卡车上跳下,对这三名逃窜的不明武装士兵展开围剿。密集的枪声响彻了整个街道,游击队、丧尸、不明武装三方的混战拉开了帷幕。 Meanwhile, a armed forces' green fierce-tempered horse stopped in front of Jiang Chen's, wore on one side General of army cap to go down from the truck, to Jiang Chen good military salute, said with full mouth local characteristics English. 与此同时,一辆军绿色的悍马停在了江晨的面前,歪戴着军帽的将军从卡车上走下,对江晨行了个军礼,用满口地方特色的英语说道。 Mr. Jiang Chen, we have received the request in your country, comes to take you to go home. Please along with us board, we will take to the safe area you.” 江晨先生,我们已经接到贵国方面的请求,前来接你回家。请随我们上车,我们会将你带往安全区。” Switched off ep of left arm, Jiang Chen looked at the direction of airplane wreckage, flung rifle in the back. 关掉了左臂的ep,江晨望了眼飞机残骸的方向,将步枪甩在了背后。 That three people “那三个人呢” Our people had launched the pursuit to them, decides will offer their severed heads that General to say immediately. “我们的人已经对他们展开了追击,定会献上他们的首级”那名将军立刻道。 With the expansion of Civil War scale, Country of Moro has heavily relied on the Star Ring Trading supplies now. Attitude of Country of Moro to Star Ring Trading, turned into nowadays respectful from the initial vigilance. After their independence, can maintain this not to say as before respectfully, but at least currently speaking, these even ordnance machine shop no guerrilla force, without the Jiang Chen's support does not go on living. 随着内战规模的扩大,现在摩洛国已经严重依赖于星环贸易的补给。摩洛国星环贸易的态度,也从最初的警惕变成了现如今的恭敬。等他们独立后会不会依旧保持这份恭敬不好说,但至少就目前来看,这些连军工厂都没有的游击队,若是没有江晨的支援就活不下去。 Also therefore, this General treats the Jiang Chen's attitude, looks like the subordinate to be like that humble to the higher authority completely. 也正是因此,这位将军对待江晨的态度,完全就像是下级对上级那般谦逊。 I do not want the head, I want live at least takes one to live.”, Jiang Chen aimed at that frame crashing passenger plane, then said, other, I need that Black Box.” “我不要脑袋,我要活的至少要一个活的。”顿了顿,江晨指向了那架坠毁的客机,接着说道,“另外,我需要那个黑匣子。” Wraps on us “包在我们身上” Then, that General greeted nearby correspondent, told two to him. 说完,那名将军招呼旁边的通讯员,向他吩咐了两句。 Afterward, Jiang Chen sat his fierce-tempered horse, to guerrilla force in Cagayan City suburb camp evacuation. 随后,江晨坐上了他的悍马,向游击队在卡加延市郊区的营地撤离。 Radisv and Giles retreat fighting, but does not beat the human wave attack of guerrilla force eventually. Giles is being resisted stubbornly with another team member died, but Radisv chose the surrender, was pressed the truck by the guerrilla, starts to evacuate to the suburban. 拉迪斯夫吉尔斯且战且退,但终究不敌游击队的人海战术。吉尔斯与另一名队员在顽抗中死去,而拉迪斯夫选择了投降,被游击队员压上了卡车,开始向市外撤离。 Philippines reenforced the two divisions military, repelled Country of Moro guerrilla force that attacks Cagayan City. Meanwhile, controlled the Cagayan City three masters to deploy checkpoint in Cagayan City each entrance, announced that blocked throughout. 菲国增援了两个师的兵力,击退了进攻卡加延市摩洛国游击队。与此同时,控制卡加延市的三个师在卡加延市各个入口部署了检查站,宣布封锁全境。 Coming to naught is difficult, two airplanes. 一场空难,两架飞机。 Even to the whole world, this night is not doomed evenly. To be continued. 即便是对于整个世界来说,此夜注定不平。未完待续。
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