IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#573: Aurora-20, attacks!

su771 will be shot down by the missile near the Philippines territorial airspace, Mr. Aquino, I need your explanation. ” su771会在菲国领空附近被导弹击落,阿基诺先生,我需要你的解释。” Please note your excuse. Mr. Zhang Yaping, I am not your subordinate, I do not need to give any explanation to you,”, although is in the wrong, but Aquino spoke with this tone to oneself less than President of projectile small country as before very much, adopted the hard stance, our people have deferred to the procedure/program to launch the rescue. However you know, the airplane crashes in Cagayan City, had big difficulty our people in the area of war rescue commercial aircraft already in diligently. Moreover. I do not know that you from where hearing rumor, you have what evidence to show that the passenger plane was shot down by the missile “请注意你的说辞。张亚平先生,我不是你的下级,我无需对你做任何解释,”虽然理亏,但阿基诺依旧很不满一个弹丸小国的总统用这种语气对自己说话,不由摆出了强硬的姿态,“我们的人已经按照程序展开救援。不过你知道,飞机是坠毁在卡加延市,在战争地区救援民航客机有很大的难度我们的人已经在努力了。另外。我不知道你是从哪听到的谣言,你有什么证据能证明客机是被导弹击落的” While airplane cup hitting. u771 flight air captain reported the situation to the Wanghai City airport. But the Wanghai City airport, will have recorded to transmit to our embassies and consulates.” “在飞机杯击中的同时。u771航班机长望海市机场汇报了情况。而望海市机场,已经将录音转交给了我们使领馆。” „. God, but an excerpt the approach of Wanghai City airport about does not gather the procedure/program not to mention, you only depend on an excerpt to recognize that is the airplane that the missile hits who can guarantee runs upon the airplane is not seagull us also has the evidence accident time, no equipment has the warship navigation of anti-aircraft defense, in accident area before Black Box was found, your any excuse will be regarded as to the provocation of Philippines “哦。上帝,只是一段录音而已且不说望海市机场的做法合不合程序,你们只凭一段录音就能认定是导弹击中的飞机谁能保证撞上飞机的不是一只海鸥我们这边也有证据事发时间,没有一艘装备有防空设备的军舰航行在事发海域在黑匣子被找到之前,你的任何说辞都将被视作对菲国的挑衅” Zhang Yaping clenches teeth, restrains the impulsion of ignition diligently. 张亚平咬了咬牙,努力克制住发火的冲动。 I do not want with you to discuss that now is whose responsibility. Now a half hour had passed by, your rescue crew where this is ought to have in your local 1~2 fire fighter, if you really do not want to move, that makes our people go “我现在不想和你讨论是谁的责任。现在已经半个小时过去了,你们的救援队在哪里这还是在你们的市内一两个消防员总该有吧如果你们实在不想动,那就让我们的人去” Does not have gate Aquino to overrule without hesitation said. “没门”阿基诺毫不犹豫地否决道。 Let the neighboring team did not have the iron since territory the relations of Philippines and Country of Xin of oneself country to that degree let alone, the viral crisis happening in Cagayan City, making Aquino feel the panic of instinct. The tourism is the Philippines economic pillar, if the epidemic situation and scared proliferation, will make Philippines the stern economy and order situation have one misfortune after another without doubt. 让邻队进入自己国家的领土菲国新国的关系还没有铁到那种程度更何况,发生在卡加延市的病毒危机,让阿基诺感到了本能的恐慌。旅游业是菲国的经济支柱,如果疫情和恐慌扩散,无疑将让菲国本就严峻的经济、治安形势更加雪上加霜。 Not only cannot make the rescue crew of foreign country enter, Philippines team will also block the entire city anybody not to pass in and out at will, before the viral strain research and development present the progress, the paths and harbors of Cagayan City to other city must close thoroughly 不仅不能让外国的救援队进入,菲队还将封锁整个城市任何人都不得随意进出,在病毒疫苗研发出现进展之前,卡加延市通往其余城市的道路和港口必须彻底关闭 Actually you are concealing anything the Zhang Yaping facial color to say gloomy. “你们究竟在隐瞒什么”张亚平面色阴沉地说道。 We have not concealed the information that anything all can disclose I to disclose, how you also want, I to remind you, you should see from the picture of satellite photography, the airplane fell such, you think that inside person is also possibly living “我们没有隐瞒任何事所有能够披露的情报我都已经披露了,你们还想怎样哦,我不得不提醒你,你应该已经从卫星拍摄的照片上看到了,飞机摔成了那样,你认为里面的人还可能活着” We had confirmed through the Sky Eye-1 observation satellite on, Jiang Chen is also living.” “我们已经通过天眼1观测卫星上确认,江晨还活着。” Right that was you misreads certainly. After all you have said that that gadget is Meteorological Observation Satellite.” Aquino acts perversely quibbles. “是吗那一定是你看错了。毕竟你们说过,那玩意儿是气象观测卫星。”阿基诺耍无赖地狡辩道。 You are playing with fire.” Zhang Yaping warned. “你这是在玩火。”张亚平警告道。 „” Regarding the threat of Zhang Yaping, Aquino snorts contemptuously. “呵”对于张亚平的威胁,阿基诺嗤之以鼻。 The telephone was hung up uncouthly. 电话被粗鲁地挂断了。 The Zhang Yaping deep breath the one breath, then made the phone call Ivan that was in New Moon Island. 张亚平深呼吸了一口气,接着将电话打给了正在新月岛伊万 Negotiation failure.” “交涉失败。” As if regarding will have such result is not surprised, Ivan said, might as well, us has been ready.” 仿佛对于会有这样的结果丝毫不感到意外,伊万说道,“无妨,我们这边已经准备就绪。” You act to be really quick.” Zhang Yaping knows how, regardless to persuade him to maintain calm is useless, must smile bitterly to say. “你们动作可真快。”张亚平知道无论怎么劝说他保持冷静都没有用,只得苦笑道。 We act always quickly, will not return empty-handed absolutely.” Ivan said. “我们动作一向很快,而且绝对不会空手而归。”伊万说道。 Do not hit.” Zhang Yaping requested finally. “千万别打起来。”张亚平最后请求道。 I as far as possible.” “我尽量。” Wore mechanical exoskeleton soldier to mount four Black Hawk Helicopter, flew to the aircraft parking area on frigate, and crossed New Zealand and Philippine border along with frigate together, toward the direction navigation of Mindanao Island. 身穿机械外骨骼士兵登上了四架黑鹰直升机,飞往了护卫舰上的停机坪,并随护卫舰一同越过了新菲边境,向着棉兰老岛的方向航行。 Although does not have the declaring war notice, what although on mission briefing writes is only the rescue, but everyone has completed the war preparations. The especially those sit the young fellows of helicopter, is manipulating rifle in hand eagerly. 虽然没有宣战布告,虽然任务简报上写着的只是救援,但所有人都已经做好了战争准备。尤其是那些坐上直升机的小伙子们,正跃跃欲试地摆弄着手中的步枪 Meanwhile, on New Moon Island airport brilliantly illuminated. 与此同时,新月岛的机场上灯火通明。 pilot: Weapons System, normal. Hydraulic balance Artillery System, normal. Fuel tank, normal. Tail wing, normal 飞行员:“武器系统,正常。液压平衡系统,正常。油箱,正常。尾翼,正常” Checkoff, Shooter-1 requested that enters the runway.” “检查完毕,射手1请求进入跑道。” Commander's cupola: Authorization enters.” 指挥塔:“批准进入。” pilot: Shooter-1, has entered the runway.” 飞行员:“射手1,已经进入跑道。” The ground crew made the flag to the airplane: Runway check 地勤人员向飞机打出了旗子:“跑道检查完毕” Commander's cupola: Authorizes to take off. Good luck, Shooter-1. For next month wage, meets to go home our Boss.” 指挥塔:“批准起飞。祝你好运,射手1。为了下个月的薪水,把我们的老板接回家。” pilot: Receives raises while convenient, this is very easy.” 飞行员:“收到顺便一提,这很容易。” The conclusion communication, pilot put out a hand to turn on the throttling cock on dial plate, simultaneously activate(d) Artificial Intelligence guidance. 结束通讯,飞行员伸手打开了表盘上的油门开关,同时启动人工智能导航。 The vortex engine blooms the deep-blue arc light, the fighter aircraft has howled from the runway, belt/bring Gust blows the palm leaf crooked ten several meters away. 涡旋引擎绽放出湛蓝色的弧光,战机已从跑道上呼啸而过,带起的阵风吹歪十数米外的棕榈叶。 Aurora-20, attacks to be continued. 极光20,出击未完待续。
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