IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#572: Air raid!

South of Cagayan City foothill. A bird helicopter, two person's shadows. 卡加延市以南的山麓。一架小鸟直升机,两道人影。 A person is squatting, a person is standing. 一人蹲着,一人站着。 Seemed like squats tired, Tanaka stood up, faces half to fall into dark Cagayan City to open the both arms, smiled was saying. 似乎是蹲累了,田中站起身来,面对着一半陷入黑暗的卡加延市张开了双臂,微笑着说道。 Saw? My masterpiece.” “看到了吗?我的杰作。” The one who stands by him is a man of suit and dress shoes, at this moment is grasping the heavy/thick powerful telescope, is observing and emulating the unrest in city. 站在他旁边的是一名西装革履的男人,此刻正握着厚重的高倍望远镜,观摩着城市中的骚乱。 On weapon, good.” “就武器而言,不错。” On the merchant, he gave such appraisal. 就商人而言,他给出了这样的评价。 Worthily is President Tanimura, the conduct or the expression, have the attitude of villain very much.” Tanaka smilingly said. “不愧是谷村社长,无论是做派还是言辞,都很有反派的作风呢。”田中笑眯眯地说道。 Does not have the support of fund and personal connection, any plot is out of the question. Black Ship the plan of organization can be carried out, without the Japan government and Japanese investment enterprise provides the soil and nutrient is impossible. This type of military value economic value impeccable weapon, regarding positive lifting of embargo collective from. health/guard authority the Japan government and can fish Takeda Pharmaceutical from the vaccine business, is a perfect plan. 没有资金与人脉的支持,任何阴谋都无从谈起。“黑船”组织的计划之所以能够实现,没有日国政府和日资企业提供土壤和养分是不可能的。这种无论是军事价值还是经济价值都无可挑剔的“武器”,对于积极解禁集体自.卫权的日国政府和能从疫苗生意中捞一笔的武田制药来说,都是一个完美的计划。 Draws an analogy, if this virus in their repugnant neighboring country, how in their lord families/home does spread to be able? Is grasping antiviral vaccine Takeda Pharmaceutical only, will become the world's first rich enterprise in one night, but control Takeda Pharmaceutical Japan, will complete in one night cannot last century the long-cherished wish of line of sight. 打个比方,假如这个病毒在他们讨厌的邻国,或者他们的主子家里爆发会怎样?唯一掌握着抗病毒疫苗的武田制药,将在一夜之间成为世界第一富有的企业,而控制武田制药日国,也将在一夜之间完成上个世纪未能视线的夙愿。 If just, let the Japan government and Takeda Pharmaceutical knows the Tanaka Yoshihiro true plan, does not know they can think as before. 只不过,要是让日国政府和武田制药知道了田中义裕真正的计划,不知道他们会不会依旧这么想。 However they never possibly know, like no one believes truly Jiang Chen can travel in the future, no one believes that Tanaka is landing a no resistivity the star to prepare the ground for Alien. Even if a person makes the company name by Future, a person names own organization by Black Ship. 但是他们永远不可能知道,就像没人会真正相信江晨可以往返未来一样,也没有人会相信田中是在为“外星人”登陆一个毫无抵抗力的星球做铺垫。即便一个人以“未来人”做公司名,一个人以“黑船”命名自己的组织。 Tanimura Hiroshi received the telescope, swept Tanaka one, without the speech, moved toward the helicopter directly. 谷村弘收起了望远镜,扫了田中一眼,没有说话,径直走向了直升机。 No longer looks at a while?” Tanaka turns around to say with a smile. “不再看一会儿吗?”田中转身笑道。 Does not use, Board of Directors only needed to determine the actual combat value of virus on the line.” Tanimura Hiroshi is turning away from Tanaka, said lightly. “不用,董事会只需要确定病毒的实战价值就行了。”谷村弘背对着田中,淡淡地说道。 Only from actual combat value the angle judges samurai sword, but will make samurai sword lose the gloss.” “只从‘实战价值’的角度来评判一把武士刀,可是会让武士刀失去光泽的哦。” oh? Tanimura Hiroshi has turned around. Looked with the vision of inquiry to Tanaka. 哦?谷村弘转过身。用询问的目光看向了田中 You know, the one who massacres this city is what?” Tanaka smilingly asked. “你知道,杀掉这座城市的是什么吗?”田中笑眯眯地问道。 Tanimura Hiroshi selected the eyebrow, virus?” 谷村弘挑了挑眉毛,“病毒?” Wrong,” Tanaka shook the finger. The smile said, is weak. The civilization society is in sole possession of weak......” “错,”田中晃了晃手指。微笑道,“是软弱。文明社会独有的软弱……” Cagayan City ten several kilometers away, West City District have fallen to the enemy thoroughly. One bridge persevered finally, however from bridge of East City District to West City District, altogether had five. 十数公里外的卡加延市,西城区已经彻底沦陷。只有一座桥坚守到了最后,然而从东城区通往西城区的桥梁,总共有五座。 ...... …… Those who destroy civilization is weak. 摧毁文明的是软弱。 Sympathizes with the weak one. Awe life, awe law, respects human right...... 同情弱者。敬畏生命,敬畏法律,尊重人权…… Every humanity all moral excellence, when facing knockdown difficulty, will become the burden of survival. 人类一切美德,在面对不可抵抗的困难时,都将成为生存的累赘。 Tries to turn into the zombie wife with the hug persuasion, the hand grasps dagger actually not to dare the thorn obviously to the neighbor head, because desperate and does not want to turn into zombie similar chooses to jump from an upper story...... 试图用拥抱感化变成丧尸的妻子,明明手握匕首却不敢刺向邻居头部,因为绝望和不想变成丧尸的同类而选择跳楼…… Stood overlooks the blood to crawl the full street in the roof, Jiang Chen realizes this profoundly. Although he dislikes the country of this rascal, but when sees to happen at the present tragedy, he was the instinct felt the gastric disorder for this cruel one. 站在楼顶俯瞰着鲜血爬满的街道,江晨深刻地体会到了这点。虽然他讨厌这个无赖的国家,可当看到发生在眼前的惨剧,他还是本能地为这残忍的一幕感到了反胃。 This group of bastards......” “这帮混蛋……” Deeply inspires. Of Jiang Chen on to rifle, two steps jumps to leap toward opposite building approach, crossed ten several meters distances with the help of mechanical exoskeleton directly. Is jumping in the buildings, he dashes toward the crash site. 深吸了一口气。江晨步枪上趟,向着对面的大楼助跑两步纵身一跃,在机械外骨骼的帮助下直接越过了十数米的距离。就这么在大楼之间跳跃着,他向着坠机地点飞奔过去。 The exchange of fire of Philippines government forces and unidentified arming had ended. Eight government forces soldier were killed five in the flash of exchange of fire, remaining three under 15 strip muzzle, only insisted for ten seconds. The Black Hawk Helicopter preparation evacuates, was actually shot down by the stinger missile. 菲国政府军与不明武装的交火已经结束。八名政府军士兵在交火发生的一瞬间就被打死了五个,剩下的三个在十五条枪口下,也仅仅坚持了十秒。黑鹰直升机准备撤离,却被毒刺飞弹击落。 The unclear military equipment took over control of the control of crash site rapidly, soldier goes forward, prepares to enter the airplane wreckage to recycle Black Box. 不明武装迅速接管了坠机地点的控制权,一名士兵上前,准备进入飞机残骸回收黑匣子 Whiz! 嗖! Round of bullet(s) passed through the head of that soldier. 一发子弹贯穿了那名士兵的头颅。 The eye that Giles smiles opened fiercely, locked about hundred meters building. 吉尔斯笑眯眯的眼睛猛地睁开,锁定了百米开外的大楼。 Came.” “来了。” Hiding!” Radisv gestures. Everyone hides immediately to nearby bunker, and returns fire to Jiang Chen. “隐蔽!”拉迪斯夫打了个手势。所有人立刻躲向了附近的掩体,并对江晨这边开枪还击。 Looks the militant who rapidly reacts, Jiang Chen pounded under the tongue, to bunker intermittent firing. 看着迅速作出反应的武装分子,江晨砸了下舌,对着掩体继续射击。 From these people's calm facing zombie. And has not carried gas mask these two points, fully explained that it cannot be inseparable from the virus and that Tanaka. 从这些人面对丧尸时的从容。以及没有携带防毒面具这两点,就足以说明其与病毒和那个田中脱不了干系。 The origin of virus is unable the activate(d) cross over reason, Jiang Chen to believe that can find the answer in these people. 无论是病毒的来源还是无法启动穿越的原因,江晨相信都能在这些人身上找到答案。 Therefore, dies! 所以,去死吧! Jiang Chen laid down to avoid several rounds of bullet(s), then lifted the hand to throw ten Hummingbird Drone. 江晨埋下头躲开了几发子弹,然后抬手扔出了十架蜂鸟无人机 The points of finger under on ep, irised out several red circles continually. 手指在ep上连点数下,圈出了数个红圈。 When saw the disc that are raising the muzzle comes. Radisv builds rifle immediately, aims at drone to open fire. 当看到那一架架提着枪口的圆盘呼啸而来。拉迪斯夫立刻架起步枪,对准无人机开火。 Orange yellow bullet|warhead dances in the air in the above of airplane wreckage, in the Radisv shoulder a ball, solved two. In this group of people, his marksmanship is best, is the fight experiences richly. 橙黄色的弹头在飞机残骸的上方飞舞,拉迪斯夫肩头中了一弹,解决掉了两架。在这伙人中,他的枪法是最好的,也是战斗经验最丰富的。 However even so, he is also the thing fight of first time with so terrorist|terrifying. 然而即便如此,他也是第一次与如此恐怖的东西战斗。 Damn! Where these things brave.” Scolded, Radisv while replaced the cartridge clip under the intermittent firepower of teammate. “见鬼!这些东西从哪里冒出来的。”一边骂道,拉迪斯夫一边在队友的间歇火力下更换弹夹。 I have said that we are fighting with the god, therefore do not feel the accident/surprise.” On the Giles forehead is bleeding, depends upon behind the hit pulpy bunker, maintains the stance of fire to open fire as before. “我说过的,我们在和神战斗,所以不要觉得意外。”吉尔斯额头上流着血,依靠在被打的稀烂的掩体背后,依旧保持着射击的姿态开火。 Paid five people of prices, ten drone were shot down finally. 付出了五人的代价,十架无人机总算是被击落。 So powerful war weapon, making these people feel the biting cold chill in the air. 如此强悍的战争武器,让这些人感到了彻骨的寒意。 But Jiang Chen equally felt the surprise. 江晨同样感到了诧异。 Ten couldn't drone have solved them unexpectedly? 十架无人机居然还解决不掉他们? Although the ep operation resources are limited, but also is insufficient even the 15 individual unable to solve. 虽然ep的运算资源有限,但也不至于连十五个人都解决不掉吧。 Only can say, the marksmanship of these people were really good. 只能说,这些人的枪法实在是太好了。 Because ep takes the terminal to be most can only connect ten hummingbird, therefore Jiang Chen has not put in storage space. Stronger Viper and Reptile have, but Jiang Chen does not want too early expose this gadget. 因为ep作为终端最多只能接入十架蜂鸟,所以江晨没有在储物空间内放很多。更强的蝰蛇爬虫还有,但江晨不想太早暴.露这玩意儿。 Let alone, he also has other toy...... 更何况,他还有别的玩具…… Deeply inspires, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth bring back wipe to grin fiendishly, taking advantage of covering up of bunker, fished out one is very thick and long heavy machine gun from storage space. 深吸了一口气,江晨嘴角勾起一抹狞笑,借着掩体的遮掩,从储物空间中摸出了一挺又粗又长的重机枪。 Heavy machine gun! retreat!” “重机枪!后退!” The Radisv pupil contracts fiercely, simultaneously threw the smoke shell, ran to replace the bunker backward. 拉迪斯夫瞳孔猛地收缩,同时扔出了烟雾弹,向后奔跑更换掩体。 Late!” Jiang Chen carries emphatically the machine gun, pounded the bracket fixing ruthlessly on the ground. “晚了!”江晨拎着重机枪,狠狠地将固定架砸在了地上。 The transparent bulletproof plate of transparent hexagon mesh shape launches, under the flame of airplane wreckage shines is refracting the variegated gloss, is producing an inverted image a grinning fiendishly face. 透明的六边形网格状的透明防弹板展开,在飞机残骸的火光照耀下折射着斑斓的油光,倒映着一张狞笑的面庞。 One string of red points appear on the retina, Jiang Chen aimed at recent that deducted the trigger. 一串红点浮现在视网膜上,江晨瞄准了最近的那个,扣下了扳机。 Dies!” “去死吧!” The wild trajectory band Gust, was ripping open the dense thick smoke. Every by this gigantic bullet|warhead hit, regardless of the bunker or the flesh, is all split up. 狂暴的弹道带着一阵风,撕开了稠密的浓烟。凡被这硕大的弹头命中,无论掩体还是血肉,无一不四分五裂。 The sound of gunfire of not mincing matter brought in zombie, but that agitated heart one and integrated the range of killing by Jiang Chen. 毫不掩饰的枪声引来了丧尸,而那一颗颗令人烦躁的心脏被江晨一并纳入了射杀的范围。 Kill! Kill! Kill! 杀!杀!杀! ...... …… Leans on is breathing heavily in back Radisv of architecture thing still shaken, in the flash, ten team members was only left over six. He cannot think through as before, where that very machine gun comes. 倚靠在建筑物的背后拉迪斯夫惊魂未定地喘着粗气,就在刚才的一瞬间,十名队员只剩下了六个。他依旧想不通,那挺机枪是从哪里来的。 That is, really Jiang Chen? Isn't Philippines or Country of Xin Special Forces?” “那个,真的是江晨?不是菲国新国特种部队?” Hasn't believed to you now? My dear Mr. Radisv. I have said that we in killing a god...... to greet new god.” “到了现在你还不相信吗?我亲爱的拉迪斯夫先生。我说过,我们在弑神……为了迎接新神。” Muttered low voice was supplementing last, Giles took a look at digit on the watch, the corners of the mouth one, removed a signal stick from the waist. 小声喃喃着补充了最后一句,吉尔斯瞅了眼手表上的数字,嘴角一咧,从腰间撤下了一个信号棒。 In any event doesn't plan to use Power Armor? Really regrettable, that tries this!” “无论如何都不打算用动力装甲吗?真是遗憾,那就试试这个吧!” Then, he finds out the bunker, threw the signal stick in hand to Jiang Chen. 说完,他探出掩体,将手中的信号棒扔向了江晨 The signal stick from the sky turns over, blooms the bright red flame. 信号棒在空中翻转,绽放出亮红色的火焰。 Sees that the Jiang Chen's pupil shrinks suddenly, conclusion Madness simultaneously, jumped fiercely to one side. 见状,江晨的瞳孔猛然一缩,结束的狂化同时,猛地跳向了一边。 Almost at the same time, Gale has blown, mixed with the hail of bullets to drop from the clouds, blows the entire building. 几乎就在同一时间,一阵狂风刮过,夹杂着弹雨从天而降,吹垮了整栋大楼。 25 mm Aerial Artillery, ripped the steel bar of cement fragment and fruit reveal the barrier machine gun and building together. 25mm的机炮,将护盾机枪与大楼一同撕成了水泥碎片与果露的钢筋。 A hand grabs the steel bar of security net, Jiang Chen is then looking at first advance party that building, volume forward slip over drop of cold sweat. 一只手抓着防盗网的钢筋,江晨回头望着先前站着的那栋大楼,额前滑过一滴冷汗。 His mother, has not put on Power Armor fortunately...... 他母亲的,还好没穿动力装甲…… Sad thundering disappears, in that jet black nighttime sky, he saw fighter to howl, but sketch.( To be continued.) 沉闷的轰鸣转瞬即逝,在那漆黑的夜空,他看见了一架战斗机呼啸而过的剪影。(未完待续。)
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