IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#571: Frail

( Today before dawn (3 - 5 am), stays up late for two days to make. Later before going to under the Hospital inspection......, does not believe that does this guild to have the occupational disease, but really under the multi- attention exercises. These naive are the whole body cannot eat meal uncomfortably, hoping is only the psychological process...... (今天五更,熬夜两天弄出来的。待会儿去医院检查下……以前不相信干这行会有职业病,但果然还是得多注意下锻炼。这几天真是浑身难受吃不下饭,但愿只是心理作用…… Under wants to comfort my words, under subscription this book......) 想安慰下我的话,就订阅下本书吧……) In the East City District liveliest section, is flooding the grating flute cry. 东城区最繁华的地段,充斥着刺耳的笛鸣。 On not the spacious avenue, the vehicle stopped up a long line that does not look at to the end and tail. Does not make clear the front situation, the telephone cannot make a connection, people must divulge disaffection in the heart with the loudspeaker and bad language. 本就不宽敞的大街上,车子堵成了一条看不到头和尾的长龙。搞不清楚前面的情况,电话也打不通,人们只得用喇叭和脏话宣泄自己心中的不满。 „Can the front person a bit faster! Is doing anything, mother.!” Lorry driver river Naodai finds out the glass, is scolding to the front person. “前面的人能不能快点!在搞些什么,妈.的!”货车司机江脑袋探出车窗,对着前面的人骂道。 Sees the crowded stream of vehicles not to advance, the man went down the car(riage), relied on the vehicle door to look around under all around, chats with the driver of side that car(riage). 见拥挤的车流迟迟没有推进,男人走下了车,倚着车门张望了下四周,和旁边那辆车的司机聊起了天。 Shit, when this must stop up to goes.” 谢特,这要堵到什么时候去。” Hopes is not tomorrow. You know that what front had?” “但愿不是明天。你知道前面发生了什么吗?” Ghost knows, the telephone cannot make a connection, the network does not link on, my wife is also waiting for me at home. Fuck, really the unluckiness, said that our here has trafficked jams?” “鬼知道,电话打不通,网络也连不上,我的妻子还在家里等着我。法克,真特么的晦气,说起来咱们这里堵过车吗?” „...... Does not have probably. No, one year ago has probably stopped up.” “大概……没有。不,一年前好像堵过。” Heard that our East City District fell an airplane, perhaps because of that.” The driver of another car(riage) also joined two people of talks. “听说咱们东城区摔了一架飞机,没准是因为那个。”另一辆车的司机也加入到了二人的谈话。 Aha, a moment ago that was an airplane? I also think that is the meteor...... anything, do not fall in my family courtyard.” Depends on the glass, the truck operator whispers crassly. “啊哈,刚才那个是飞机?我还以为是流星……无论是什么,别落我家院子里。”靠着车窗,卡车司机骂骂咧咧地嘀咕道。 At this time, the distant place transmitted an explosive. Everyone shrank the neck subconsciously, later then restored chatting. 这时,远方传来了一声爆响。所有人下意识地缩了缩脖子,随后便恢复了闲聊。 This war has hit for a half year, the Mindanao Island crackle of gunfire sound of gunfire has not stopped. From the beginning they will also scream, but now most shrinks the neck. The person is the animal that is good at the custom, when is unable to change this condition, they will then start to be familiar with life in this flames of war. 这场战争已经打了半年了,棉兰老岛的炮声枪声就没有停过。一开始他们还会尖叫,而现在最多缩缩脖子。人是善于习惯的动物,当无法改变这种状况时,他们便会开始习惯这种战火中的生活。 „Are the people of guerrilla force firing a gun?” “游击队的人又在放炮?” That group of reckless lunatics...... wait/etc., what is that?” Depended on the man of vehicle door to notice the road front tumult suddenly, frowns. “那群不要命的疯子……等等,那是什么?”靠着车门的男人突然注意到了公路前方的骚动,不由皱起了眉头。 Some people are dashing about wildly. 有人在狂奔。 No. Is one group of people are dashing about wildly. They run from the gap of vehicles, before stepping on , the window crossed from the vehicle roof, plunges the live person crazily. 不。是一群人在狂奔。他们从车辆的间隙跑过,踩着前窗从车顶翻过,疯狂地扑向活人。 On their faces...... 他们的脸上…… Is the blood! 是血! Realized the situation is not right, the man locks the vehicle door. Hesitates slightly is running backward two steps, clenches teeth to disperse the step to start to escape. Everyone ran, lunatic who to avoid that group of bewildered seeing people gnaws. 意识到了情况不对,男人锁上车门。犹豫着向后小跑两步,一咬牙撒开步子开始逃跑。所有人都跑了起来,为了躲避那群莫名其妙的见人就啃的疯子。 The squeal continuously, on the crowd road became one group randomly. Does not hate to drop out the driver of automobile, or holds to roll up. The doom is stepping on the accelerator, although many people have looked at Biochemical Crisis, but when really all these go out of the screen, the everyone's first response is at a loss. 尖叫声此起彼伏,拥堵的公路上乱成了一团。舍不得抛下汽车的司机,或抱头蜷缩。或死命地踩着油门,虽然不少人都看过生化危机,但真当这一切走出荧幕,所有人的第一反应都是束手无策。 Are they really zombie? 他们真的是丧尸 Are the live person or the deceased person? 他们是活人还是死人? Once produced hesitation so forth, waits for you to only have Death. 一旦产生了诸如此类的犹豫,等待着你的只有死亡 The truck operator closed the glass flustered, however that leaf partly is closing the window, actually by the hand that extended catching. 卡车司机慌张地关上了车窗,然而那扇半关着的窗,却被一支伸进来的手给卡住了。 Is cursing, he while brandished the steering wheel lock, the doom is striking that only bloody hand, simultaneously stepped on the accelerator. 一边咒骂着,他一边抡圆了方向盘锁,死命地敲打着那只血淋淋地手,同时踩下了油门。 The truck destroys the front BMW. Advanced two meters it, actually cannot move again the half a point. 卡车将前面的宝马撞烂。将它向前推了两米,却是再也动弹不了半分。 On the face of driver a paleness, he realized at this time, when person of one crowd of bloodthirsty throws, keeping on the vehicle is a how stupid choice. 司机的脸上一阵惨白,这时他才意识到,当一群嗜血的人扑来,留在车上是一个多么愚蠢的选择。 That crowd of whole faces are the lunatic of blood have surrounded him. 那群满脸是血的疯子已经将他包围。 The driver trembles is locking the steering wheel in the chest front, looks at that to present the turtle crack glass, his pants caught dirt yellow water stain. 司机哆嗦着将方向盘锁架在胸前,望着那浅浅出现龟裂纹的车窗,他的裤子浅浅染上了污黄的水渍。 At this time, he looked to glimpse with the split vision suddenly, a moment ago also with that taxi driver who he talked of this and that had been clutched from the shatter glass. Is weeping and wailing God and daughter's name, was cut by biting the neck by zombie...... 这时,他突然用余光看瞥见,刚才还在与他谈天说地的那个出租车司机,已经被从破碎的车窗中揪出来。哭喊着上帝和女儿的名字及,被丧尸咬断了脖子…… ...... …… Cagayan City, stretches across on the bridge of Cagayan river, the police vehicle arranged in order one row. Lifts armed police officer of anti-riot shield to protect before the warning line, is preventing the crowd that tries to cross river. 卡加延市,横跨卡加延河的大桥上,警车列成了一排。举着防暴盾的武装警察护在警戒线前,阻挡着试图过河的人群。 East City District has blacked out comprehensively the net, what these police officer use is the municipal special line, therefore directs Artillery System not to have Chaos, what Chaos is only the brain of everyone. 东城区已经全面断电断网,不过这些警察使用的是市政专线,所以指挥系统并没有混乱,混乱的只是每个人的大脑。 Compares people that know nothing about, they then have the information that the front transmitted immediately. 相比起毫不知情的民众,他们在第一时间便掌握了前方传来的情报。 On the passenger plane of crashed carries the unclear virus. The infected person Life and Death condition is unknown, the known clinical response to fall into the hysterical/frenzy, attacks all non- infected person targets. Entire Cagayan City East City District has covered under the shadow of virus completely. In order to prevent the virus disseminates to West City District, they on leading to several bridges of Cagayan river established temporary checkpoint. 坠毁的客机上携带有不明病毒。感染者生死状况不明,已知临床反应为陷入狂乱,攻击一切非感染者目标。整个卡加延市东城区已经全部笼罩在了病毒的阴影之下。为了防止病毒向西城区传播,他们在通往卡加延河的几座大桥上设置了临时检查站 Naturally, these block basic unit police officer of bridge, is impossible to know inside story. 当然,这些封锁大桥的基层警察,是不可能知道其中的内情的。 The order that they receive blocks this bridge merely, no one must pass. But the unrest happening in East City District, is the hoodlum behavior. In order to prevent the hoodlum mixes in West City District along with the tide of people, they follow orders before the security troops control situation, closes off all the path to West City District. 他们接到的命令仅仅是封锁这座大桥,无论是谁也不许通过。而发生在东城区的骚乱,全都是暴徒所为。为了防止暴徒随人潮混入西城区,他们奉命在安全部队控制局势之前,封锁所有通往西城区的道路。 However above person not explicit told them, how this/should to solve this problem. 然而上面的人并没有明确的告诉他们,该多么如何解决这个问题。 When including facing zombie should open fire? 包括面对丧尸时是否应该开枪? Opens fire? They may be the civilians, even they, because the virus went bad the brain, but they also active, that means that they have not died! To weaponless civilians, the national in oneself country opens fire, such consequence who takes on the responsibility! Let alone, if discovered afterward what to do a better method does solve this problem? For example antidote anything. 开枪?他们可都是平民,即便他们因为病毒坏了脑子,但他们还能动,那就意味着他们还没死!对着手无寸铁的平民,还是自己国家的国民开枪,这样的后果谁来担责!更何况,万一事后发现有更好的方法解决这个问题怎么办?比如解药什么的。 What consequence will cause is not unimportant. 会造成什么样的后果已经不重要了。 Any issues the person who opens fire to order, will certainly face the settlement after the accident, even was also possibly fastened butcher the hat was scolded for several hundred years. 任何下达开枪命令的人,在事故之后必将面临清算,甚至还可能被扣上“屠夫”的帽子被骂上数百年。 Doesn't open fire? But the tear gas and night stick are almost useless to these lunatics. Even if well-trained soldier can depend upon to fight hand-to-hand uniform/subdue that 1~2 only zombie, but facing coming in swarms corpse tide, this individual braveness simply does not have the function. 不开枪?可催泪瓦斯和警棍对这些疯子几乎没用。即便训练有素的士兵能够依靠肉搏制服那么一两丧尸,但面对蜂拥而至的尸潮,这种个人的勇武已经根本没了作用。 No one wants to be responsible, who knows how should do, but under no one thinks that order. 谁也不想负责,谁都知道该怎么做,但谁都不想下那个命令。 When the crisis approaches, the management the attitude of passing the buck responsibility, fully was still reflecting the Philippines government when the crisis deals with weakness. 当危机来临,管理层仍然在互相推诿责任的态度,充分地反映出了菲国政府在危机应对时的软弱。 In this regard, is adequately reflected when several Typhoon transits. 关于这一点,在几次台风过境时已经得到了充分的体现。 When faced with disaster, this country does not depend upon the international rescue squad not to go on living. 面临灾难时,这个国家不依靠国际救援队根本活不下去。 Why you do not make us cross a bridge! There had riot! You do not prevent them, prevents our these poor men to flee from calamity on the contrary?” The men are knocking the anti-riot shield with the fist, shouts angrily. “你们为什么不让我们过桥!那里发生了暴.乱!你们不去阻止他们,反倒阻止我们这些可怜人逃难?”男人用拳头敲着防暴盾,愤怒地喊道。 riot, this is Philippines to the official explanation of virus. 暴.乱,这是菲国对病毒的官方解释。 In order to avoid unnecessary panic. This is well-meaning lie. 为了避免不必要的恐慌。这是善意的谎言 The reporter is harnessing the camera, is retransmitting the Chaos scene through the satellite base depot. 记者驾着摄像机,通过卫星基站转播着混乱的现场。 I in Philippines Cagayan City, 10 : 00 37 minutes, this city altogether have three shocking big events now tonight! Air disaster. The guerrilla forces start the general attack to the south-west military compound, the East City District green church through the Country of Moro guerrilla force of uprising response attack. In the crisis deals, weakness and incompetent that the Philippines government displays. Runs quick Hong Kong reporter compared with Western reporter, reported for you.” “我现在在菲国卡加延市,今夜十点三十七分,这座城市一共发生了三起骇人听闻的大事件!空难。游击队对西南部军营发动总攻,东城区绿色教会通过暴.动响应进攻的摩洛国游击队。在危机应对中,菲国政府表现的软弱而且无能。比西方记者跑得快的香港记者,为您报道。” Obviously, reported the mistake. 很显然,报道出了差错。 Facing people of being filled with righteous indignation. These police officer have mixed feelings. They have to facing railing with the saliva, but actually cannot hit back. 面对义愤填膺的民众。这些警察的心情非常复杂。他们不得不面对谩骂和口水,但却不能还手。 government forces had taken away the one brigade military from the frontline urgently, the street two kilometers away east of the bridge is opening the safety net. So long as bridge here situation controls, a while will establish the physical examination station, will confirm security the people shift to the bridge opposite shore. 政府军已经从前线紧急抽掉了一个旅的兵力,正在大桥以东两公里外的街道拉开防护网。只要大桥这边的局势控制住,一会儿就会建立体检站,将确认“安全”的民众转移到桥对岸。 Thinks of this, Police Captain relaxes slightly. 想到这,警长稍微松了口气。 Although until now, the people of medical department have not drawn up a control epidemic situation plan. 虽然直到现在,卫生部的人也没拿出一个控制疫情方案。 Suddenly, the rear area of crowd transmitted the pitiful yell. 突然,人群的后方传来了惨叫。 Several zombie tumbled crossed the parapet of bridge head, charges into crowd that may draw back roadless. 几只丧尸连滚带爬地翻过了桥头的栏杆,冲向了无路可退的人群。 zombie had broken through the defense line of army! 丧尸已经突破了军队的防线! In the position that unrest erupts, Police Captain saw puts on the poor|Fei ** zombie that a clothing/taking. His ear was nipped. On the shoulder is also hanging rifle, but on rifle also brings the blood stain...... 在那骚乱爆发的位置,警长看见了一名穿着菲**服的丧尸。他一支耳朵被咬下。肩膀上还挂着步枪,而步枪上还带着血污…… Crashes in zombie of crowd to seem like the bullying, people with the handbag and umbrella, even are the cameras of reporter, is striking zombie crazily, however facing these crazy wild animals, does not help matters. 冲进人群的丧尸就好像虎入羊群,人们用皮包、雨伞、甚至是记者的摄像机,疯狂地敲打着丧尸,然而面对这些疯狂的野兽,根本无济于事。 People are entreating the special police officer who is lifting the anti-riot shield, entreating them to let the opening. police officer is all looking at the Police Captain direction, is waiting for his order. But Police Captain is grasping the intercom, after said the first few words anxiously, is then silent. 人们哀求着举着防暴盾的特警,哀求他们让开路。警察全望着警长的方向,等待着他的命令。而警长则握着对讲机,焦急地说出了第一句话后,便沉默不语。 Facts showed. So long as stood in the specific position, even the unimportant person can still determine the destinies of tens of thousands of person. 事实证明。只要站在了特定的位置,即使是小人物也能决定成千上万人的命运。 police officer see oneself boss, shakes the hand of intercom to dangle, then relaxes gradually...... 警察们看到自己的上司,握着对讲机的手垂下,然后渐渐地松弛…… The intercom falls from the hand. He drew out the police of waist with the revolver, aimed at the crowd. 对讲机从手中滑落。他拔出了腰间的警用左轮,对准了人群。 Bang! 砰! In a flash, everyone calm. 一瞬间,所有人都安静了下来。 The person who that fights for the police officer anti-riot shield, is staring the unbelievable eyes, fell down slowly. 那个争抢警察防暴盾的人,瞪着难以置信的双眼,缓缓地倒在了地上。 No one thinks that police officer will open fire. police officer has not thought, own leader can fire the first spear/gun. 没有人想到警察会开枪。就连警察这边也没想到,自己的领导会开第一枪。 Also in anything! Opens fire! Thinks your back family members. They are the infected people, is not a hoodlum! Has not seen! All was scratched the person who bites to become their similar! The responsibility all calculates my, I order you, opens fire! Open fire! Opens fire!” Police Captain exhausts the strength of whole body, hiss is exclaiming to own subordinate. “还在等什么!开枪啊!想想你们背后的亲人。他们是感染者,不是暴徒!没看见吗!所有被抓伤咬伤的人都会成为他们的同类!责任全都算我的,我命令你们,开枪!开枪!开枪!”警长用尽全身的力气,对着自己的部下嘶吼道。 The roar blew off the fear. 吼声吹散了恐惧。 Sound of gunfire scattered resounding, in initial hesitant will start from now on crowded. 枪声稀稀落落的响起,在最初的犹豫过后开始密集。 Discarded people once protected their people facing these desperately, that from pain to renouncing, again to indifferent look. 被舍弃的人们绝望地面对那些曾守护他们的人,还有那从痛苦到决绝,再到冷漠的眼神。 In order to count the life of 100,000 person, made several thousand people of sacrifices. 为了数十万人的性命,做出数千人的牺牲。 Police Captain has not fulfilled higher authority's the order of ambiguous defending stubbornly, issued the order of opening fire arbitrarily. The person who does not want dead starts to jump into the river, the desperate person opened the both arms, is not resigned to the discarded person with the final strength, threw the stone to the explosion-proof shield 警长没有履行上级的模棱两可的固守的命令,独断地下达了开枪的命令。不想死的人开始跳河,绝望的人张开了双臂,不甘心被舍弃的人用最后的力气,向防爆盾扔出了石块 The stone pounded on the face of Police Captain, destroyed his forehead. The blood stays behind following his frontal eminence, filthy his left eye. 石块砸到了警长的脸上,砸破了他的额头。鲜血顺着他的额角留下,污浊了他的左眼。 However he is smiling. 然而他在笑。 Correct order has issued, actually finally how, is not he can expect. “正确的命令”已经下达,最后究竟会怎样,已经不是他能预料的了。 He lifted Pistol again, closed the eye. 他再次抬起了手枪,闭上了眼。 But this time, what he aims is own temples. 只不过这次,他对准的是自己的太阳穴。 Bang!( To be continued.) 砰!(未完待续。)
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