IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#570: The virus is proliferating

Walks on the deserted street, squad of 15 person is carrying rifle in hand, has a non- cotton wool to open fire alternately, is killing zombie on street. In their muzzles is loaded with the silencer, opening fire sent out chirp chirp the short cry. These zombie had often not realized that here situation, was then killed dead. 走在空寂的街道上,十五人的小队端着手中的步枪,有条不絮地交替开火,射杀着街上的丧尸。他们的枪口上装有消音器,开枪只是发出了“啾啾”的短鸣。那些丧尸往往还没意识到这边的情况,便被击毙身亡。 Occasionally they will bump into them regard the civilians of Philippines army, brandishes the arm to pray for rescue from them. But these civilians have not recognized the military uniform of these people not to belong to any country obviously, on their shoulders also does not have any mark status badge. 偶尔他们会碰到将他们当成菲国陆军的平民,挥舞着手臂向他们求救。但那些平民显然没有认出这些人的军服并不属于任何国家,他们的肩膀上也没有任何标明身份的徽章。 zombie or civilians, in their killing scopes. 无论是丧尸还是平民,都在他们的射杀范围之内。 Has not eaten peppermint candy won't the person be infected?” Killed raises both hands to pray for rescue, while runs to their civilians, Radisv asked to Giles with the Cold Blood sound. “没有吃‘薄荷糖’的人也不会被感染吗?”击毙了一边举起双手求救,一边跑向他们的平民,拉迪斯夫冷血的声音向吉尔斯问道。 Not everyone will infect. Like smallpox, although mortality rate high scary, but always has a 1~2 lucky fellow that to this gadget immunity.” Carries rifle, Giles was saying relaxed. “并不是所有人都是会感染。就像天花一样,虽然死亡率高的吓人,但总有那么一两个幸运儿会对这玩意儿免疫。”端着步枪,吉尔斯语气轻松地说道。 „Is this gadget area of influence much big?” Radisv asked. “这玩意儿影响范围多大?”拉迪斯夫问道。 Only needs 2.5 l, can let this world many dead cities.” Giles said happily. “只需要2.5l,就能让这个世界多一座死城。”吉尔斯愉快地说道。 Radisv glanced Giles one, moved back on the line of sight the total information telescopic sights. 拉迪斯夫瞟了吉尔斯一眼,将视线移回到了全息瞄准镜上。 Also is really the terrorist|terrifying gadget.” “还真是恐怖的玩意儿。” Such 2.5 l venom, the construction cost reaches as high as 250,000,000 USD. Although the diffusivity is extremely strong, but the viral outside the body survival capability is very weak, the ordinary ultraviolet ray can kill it. Therefore this gadget can only spread in the night, implements the first round of infection. Therefore , is a half-finished product.” Giles smilingly said. “就这么2.5l的毒液,造价就高达2.5亿美元。虽然扩散能力极强,但病毒体外生存能力很弱,普通的紫外线就能将其杀死。因此这玩意儿只能在夜间扩散,实施第一轮感染。所以说,是个半成品。”吉尔斯笑眯眯地说道。 Although is only a half-finished product, but the lethality as before is impeccable. Does not need one in the evening, only takes one hour, tens of thousands of people will turn into zombie. Even if lucky immunity the first round of infection, after being turned the zombie relatives and friends gnaw to nip, still by an infectious stronger indirect infection assimilating zombie. 虽然只是个半成品,但杀伤力依旧是无可挑剔。不需要一晚上,只需要一小时,就将成千上万的人变成了丧尸。即使是侥幸免疫了第一轮感染,在被变成丧尸的亲友啃咬后,也会被传染性更强的间接感染给同化成丧尸 Radisv has not said anything again, the attention will return on present mission. 拉迪斯夫没再说什么,将注意力放回到了眼前的任务上。 At this moment, the street in distant place transmitted a slight gunshot. 就在这时,远方的街道传来了一丝轻微的枪响。 „Did you hear?” Giles stopped the footsteps. “你听到了吗?”吉尔斯停下了脚步。 Heard. Is the sound of gunfire.” Radisv gestures to the team, hints his person to stop. “听到了。是枪声吧。”拉迪斯夫向队伍打了个手势,示意他的人都停下。 Narrows the eye to look at the flame of distant place, Giles was saying in a soft voice: Two possibilities, a possibility is Philippines government forces has discovered the situation. A possibility is, is the spear/gun that Jiang Chen fires.” 眯着眼睛望着远处的火光,吉尔斯轻声说道:“两种可能,一种可能是菲国政府军已经发现情况。还有一种可能是,是江晨开的枪。” Jiang Chen? This is impossible, although he is an important person, but conducts the firearms airplane some is not realistic.” The Radisv denial said. 江晨?这不可能,虽然他是要员,但携带枪械上飞机还是有些太不现实了。”拉迪斯夫否定道。 Does not need to take the airplane. If he, changes the weapon baseless is not the difficult matter. Therefore a while may other general idea/careless.”, Radisv smiled, then saying that „, we are fighting with the god.” “不用带上飞机哦。如果是他的话,凭空变出武器并不是什么困难的事。所以一会儿可别大意了。”顿了顿,拉迪斯夫神秘一笑,接着说道,“要知道,我们可是和神在战斗。” Talked nonsense you.” Radisv desolate said/tunnel. “扯淡吧你。”拉迪斯夫冷淡地道。 Giles shrugged , to continue to carry rifle in hand. 吉尔斯耸了耸肩,继续端起了手中的步枪 I know that you do not believe. Ok, how regardless to say, we first go to Black Box there. Within three days, he cannot run away. After waiting to get so far as Black Box, we can accompany him to play slowly.” “我知道你不信。算了,无论怎么说,我们先去黑匣子那里。三天之内,他跑不掉。等弄到了黑匣子以后,我们可以慢慢陪他玩。” Is speaking the significance unclear words. Giles walked in front of team, greeted Radisv to continue to start off. 说着意义不明的话。吉尔斯走在了队伍的前面,招呼拉迪斯夫继续上路。 ...... …… Took out the mechanical exoskeleton clothing from storage space on the body, Jiang Chen inspected the equipment on lower part of the body. 储物空间中取出机械外骨骼穿戴在身上,江晨重新检查了下身上的装备。 The Power Armor goal is too big, moreover had exposed in Koro Island, does not suit in this development area uses. If were witnessed in Philippines Cagayan City, very difficult to have certain strange associations to him. 动力装甲的目标太大,而且曾经在科罗岛曝光过,不适合在这种开发地区使用。如果在菲国卡加延市被目击的话,很难不让人对他产生某些奇怪的联想。 For example this „can Biochemical Crisis, be actually related with Country of Xin? Or why so skillful, the same time that the crisis breaks out, did Power Armor appear in Cagayan? 比如这场“生化危机”,会不会其实和新国有关?要不为什么这么巧,危机爆发的同一时间,动力装甲就出现在了卡加延 In comparison, can put on clothes inside mechanical exoskeleton. Many that then must hide. Moreover facing zombie of general degree, a exoskeleton foot. 相比之下,可以穿在衣服里面的机械外骨骼。则要隐蔽的多。而且面对一般程度的丧尸,一件外骨骼足矣。 Was exposed own card in a hand by Tanaka, in the Jiang Chen heart somewhat cared. 田中点破了自己的底牌,江晨心中还是有些在意。 However considering Harmony Camp own standpoint, they should not allow others to know that Jiang Chen can be right cross over to 22 century's ends. If enabled others to have knowledge of the secret to parallel space. It is difficult to say that what kind of influence finally will have. 不过考虑到和谐阵营自身的立场,他们应该不会允许其他人知道江晨能够穿越到22世纪末才对。如果让其它人掌握了通往平行空间的秘密。很难说最终会产生怎样的影响。 Let alone, I come from the future this words, even if says from Jiang Chen own mouth, the media will still only treat as a joke it. 更何况,“我来自未来”这种话就算是从江晨自己的口中说出,媒体也只会将它当作一个玩笑。 Like, if Jiang Chen said before the media, extraterrestrial Colony Ship on road, but someone is ball is deceitful is the same, similarly some people do not believe. 就像如果江晨在媒体面前说,外星殖民舰正在路上,而谁谁谁是“球奸”一样,同样不会有人相信。 What is only lucky is. Jiang Chen has been able to determine now, oneself existence makes them be afraid even is the frightened factor. 唯一幸运的是。江晨现在已经可以确定,自己身上存在着让它们害怕甚至是恐惧的因素。 Has the possibility very much, this then decodes the breach of [The Natural Selection] crisis. 很有可能,这便是破解物竞天择号危机的突破口。 But the issue is, actually that breach is anything. 可问题就在于,那个突破口究竟是什么。 Touched the 12 building cautiously, Jiang Chen opened the iron gate of attic. The cold wind front surface blows, arrives at the building, he narrowed the eyes. 小心翼翼地摸到了十二楼,江晨拉开了顶楼的铁门。冷风迎面吹来,走到大楼边上,他不由眯起了双眼。 Entire city looked like died to be the same, the ice-cold river course divided two world city, the west was brilliantly illuminated, a east darkness. Again far a little, but can also see trace that government forces and guerrilla force exchange fire. 整座城市就像是死掉一样,冰冷的河道将城市分割成了两个世界,西面灯火通明,东面一片黑暗。再远一点儿,还能看到政府军与游击队交火的痕迹。 Before did not determine passenger plane crash reason, he does not plan to contact to control Cagayan City government forces. Although shot down the biggest suspect of passenger plane already dying Tanaka, but was capable of shooting down the flight in that position in ten thousand meters high Airbus machine, only possibly was Philippines. 在不确定客机坠毁原因之前,他不打算联络控制卡加延市政府军。虽说击落客机的最大嫌疑人是已经“死掉”的田中,但在那个位置有能力击落飞行在万米高空客机的,只可能是菲国 Unfriendly the relations between him and Philippines, Jiang Chen has good reason to suspect that Tanaka and Philippines have the relation. 考虑到他和菲国之间不友好的关系,江晨有充分的理由怀疑田中菲国存在联系。 After all one is Japanese, one is the Philippines person, both are not the good thing. 毕竟一个是日国人,一个是菲国人,两者都不是什么好东西。 Does obeisance at night and war bestows, on the street the pedestrian is few. After the unknown virus spreads, paces back and forth zombie on street are not many. 拜黑夜与战争所赐,街上行人很少。当未知病毒扩散之后,徘徊在街上的丧尸并不多。 Although so, counts the 100,000 population bases, causes this city abnormal risk. 可虽说如此,数十万余的人口基数,也使得这座城市异常危险。 The fire sound is unceasing, west of the rivers city also starts to have the non- cotton wool power failure. Also does not know these are slaughtering people, notices themselves to compete for the soil, had turned into a tomb. 炮火声不断,河流以西的城区也开始有条不絮地断电。也不知道那些厮杀着的人们,有没有注意到自己争夺着的土壤,已经变成了一座坟墓。 Actually does the virus where start to proliferate? 病毒究竟是从哪里开始扩散的? Had such issue, Jiang Chen to take out the telescope, started to search this piece of street. 带着这样的问题,江晨取出了望远镜,开始搜索这片街道。 His vision stopped on the passenger plane of that frame damage. 紧接着,他的目光就停在了那架损毁的客机上。 Is it possible that...... source of infection on passenger plane? 莫非……感染源在客机上? His pupil contracts slightly. 他的瞳孔微微收缩。 In his sight, presented two groups of people. 他的视域中,出现了两伙人。 The group of people put on the poor|Fei ** the clothing/taking, wears the gas mask, seem to should be local government forces. Their belts blood, not far away hovering Black Hawk Helicopter. Whether opens fire to kill these to fall into the Chaos civilians, their internal opinions as if had the difference. 一伙人穿着菲**服,戴着防毒面具,看上去应该是当地政府军。他们身上带着血,不远处悬停着黑鹰直升机。就是否开枪射杀这些陷入混乱的平民,他们内部的意见似乎出现了分歧。 However finally, their captain set firm resolve for them. Lifts the muzzle killed in the ground mob, then led the team member to approach the airplane wreckage. 不过最终,他们的队长替他们下定了决心。抬起枪口射杀了地面上的“暴.民”,然后带领队员靠近了飞机残骸。 Another gang wears the city camouflage clothing, but has not dressed any anti-poison equipment, badge that on the military uniform has not marked the status. The equipment from their hand, the army of which country's Jiang Chen cannot distinguish them is only. But what is a little certain, they are not Philippines government forces, absolutely possibly is not a guerrilla force. 另一伙人穿着城市迷彩服,但没有穿戴任何防毒设备,军服上也没有标明身份的徽章。单从他们手上的装备,江晨分辨不出他们是哪国的军队。但有一点可以肯定的是,他们不是菲国政府军,也绝对不可能是游击队。 Because of the weapon of guerrilla force, is he provides. 因为游击队的武器,都是他提供的。 Compares the hesitations of these government forces, this group of people obviously want decisive many. It seems them to know, these lose the sane person are zombie are the same, they regarding approaching zombie all kills, without the hesitation of half a point. 相比起那些政府军的犹豫,这伙人明显要果断的多。就好像他们知道,那些失去理智的人就是丧尸一样,他们对于靠近的丧尸一律射杀,没有半分的犹豫。 The government forces person noticed this goods unexpected visitor, lifted gun the security at the same time, shouted the bird song to them. 政府军的人注意到了这货不速之客,举枪警戒的同时,向他们喊出了鸟语。 However that group of people's response as before is such without hesitation. It seems like these government forces is zombie is also the same, they deducted the trigger. 然而那伙人的反应依旧是那么的毫不犹豫。就好像那些政府军也是丧尸一样,他们扣下了扳机。 - - ( Sways back and forth to ask bill everywhere!) (满地打滚求票票!) ( Has an advertisement while convenient, has the WeChat baby shoe to add my WeChat public number Morningstar LL, is my pen name. In the benefits I put, hey hey, you understood.)( To be continued.) (顺便打个广告,有微信的童鞋可以加下我的微信公众号“晨星ll”哦,就是我的笔名。福利我都放里面了,嘿嘿,你们懂的。)(未完待续。)
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