IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#569: Biochemical Crisis?

Damage rate/lead: 65% 【损毁率:65%】 Nutrient fluid pulls out to......】 【培养液抽离中……】 From a landing aircraft 500 meters position, iron coffin inserts in the center of crushed stone rubble straightly. A roughly five minutes of dreariness , the weak electric current buzz the whining noise resounds, the Hibernation Cabin cabin door opens along with the sound of air leakage slowly. 距离飞机着落地500米位置,一座“铁棺材”直挺挺地插在碎石瓦砾的中央。约莫五分钟的沉寂,微弱的电流嗡鸣声响起,休眠舱的舱门伴随着漏气的声音缓缓开启。 cough cough, vomits!” 咳咳,呕!” Shakes totteringly from Hibernation Cabin, the arm supported nearby danger wall, Jiang Chen is making an effort to retch several to the tread. 跌跌撞撞地从休眠仓中晃出,胳膊撑着一旁的危墙,江晨对着地面使劲干呕了几下。 Before the crash, had a premonition that the situation does not enter the restroom to him immediately, after the door locks on the other side, took out placed Virtual Reality Hibernation Cabin in storage space. Although the correct usage of this gadget connects Virtual Reality Network, but according to the Pan-Asia Cooperation quality standard, this gadget can regard temporary Sanctuary to use. When the nutrient fluid fills the Hibernation Cabin interior, its anti- falls the effect even also to want on strong many compared with Power Armor. 就在坠机之前,预感到情况不对他立刻走进了厕所,将门反锁后取出了放在储物空间中的虚拟实境休眠舱。虽然这玩意儿的正确用法是接入虚拟实境网络,但按照泛亚合作的质量标准,这玩意儿是可以当成临时避难所来用的。当培养液充满休眠仓内部时,其抗摔效果甚至比动力装甲还要强上许多。 Through gps confirmed that airplane hard landing when city, Jiang Chen placed the time bomb on the wall of restroom, then lay down in Hibernation Cabin. Almost while dormancy activate(d), the time bomb blasted out the sound insulation, whirled around the air current entire to carry over the passenger plane Hibernation Cabin. 通过gps确认飞机将在城市内硬着陆时,江晨在厕所的墙壁上安放了定时炸弹,然后躺进了休眠仓内。几乎在休眠启动的同时,定时炸弹炸开了飞机侧壁,翻卷地气流将休眠仓整个带出了客机。 But Jiang Chen has not thought that this hard landing user User Experience so uncomfortable. It seems like although in this Hibernation Cabin function has the parachute approach, to resist earthquakes these two, but falls from these hundred meters many upper air downward, really some reluctantly. 只不过江晨还是没想到,这硬着陆的“用户体验”会如此的难受。看来虽说这休眠舱的功能中有缓降、抗震这两项,但从这百米多的高空往下摔,果然还是有些勉强了。 Held the wall to rest a while, the Jiang Chen deep breath the one breath, stood the body, started to size up the surrounding environment. 扶着墙壁休息了一会儿,江晨深呼吸了一口气,站直了身来,开始打量起了周围的环境。 architecture that partly collapses does not seem like by the airplane is knocked down, to destroys in the appearance of shell probably. In light of encircling all around yellow line and Mindanao Island situation, here should belong to the hot spot region that government forces and guerrilla force battle. 半倒坍的建筑不像是被飞机撞倒的,到像是毁于炮弹的样子。结合围在四周的黄线和棉兰老岛的局势来看,这里应该属于政府军与游击队交战的热点区域。 Not far away is glittering the flame, succeeds in giving up several sections of fuselages from that this inside passenger should unable to live. 不远处闪烁着火光,从那断成数截的机身来看,这里面的乘客应该是活不了了。 Then...... so long as then has the contact with the guerrilla force, should be able to leave the country. However only then “那么……接下来只要和游击队取得联系,应该就能离境了。不过只有我一个生还者,有点麻烦啊……”叹了口气,江晨休眠仓收进储物空间,跨过了一根翻卷的钢筋,走到了街上。 Why does not know. At this time on street static fearfulness. 不知为何。此时街上静的可怕。 From this unnatural silence, Jiang Chen smells immediately wiped the unusual flavor. 从这不自然的寂静中,江晨立刻就嗅到了一抹不寻常的味道。 Had such matter, on the street an ambulance could not see.” “发生了这样的事,街上连个救护车都看不到吗。” Knits the brows slightly, Jiang Chen pulls out the telephone. Allocated the Ayesha number. 微微皱眉,江晨掏出电话。拨出了阿伊莎的号码。 „The user who you called not in the service area, or has closed down......” “您呼叫的用户不在服务区,或已关机……” Jiang Chen hung up the telephone, took a look at the upper left of cell phone. 江晨挂断了电话,瞅了眼手机的左上方。 Without the signal? 没有信号? General knowledge that here has to popular science most people be able to make a mistake, the ordinary cell phone telephones is the signal base depot and signal fiber optics, if the international call. Then adds a seabed electric cable again. Only the special satellite phone( e.g. the United States Yixing cell phone) telephones to pass the satellite. 这里不得不科普一个大多数人都会搞错的常识,普通手机打电话走的都是信号基站和信号光缆,如果是国际长途。则再加一条海底电缆。只有专门的卫星电话(比如美国铱星手机)打电话才通过卫星。 If the telephone cannot make a connection, only possibly has two reasons. 如果电话打不通,只可能有两个原因。 One was the airplane collided and damaged all signal base depot antennas, another was the Philippines aspect closed the Cagayan City signal base depot on own initiative. 一个是飞机撞坏了所有的信号基站天线,另一个则是菲国方面主动关闭了卡加延市的信号基站。 The former is not obviously realistic, then only possibly was the latter. 前者显然不现实,那么只可能是后者了。 Closure communication base depot? But why.” Received the cell phone, Jiang Chen knit the brows to think. “关闭通信基站?可为什么。”收起了手机,江晨皱眉思索着。 Must say, because had the air disaster, the telephone cannot hit to also to understand, but Phili side closed the communication base depot directly, this somewhat was thought-provoking. 要说因为发生了空难,电话打不出去到还能理解,可菲方直接关闭了通信基站,这就有些耐人寻味了。 After the air disaster blocks off the flow of news, didn't they think the disaster relief? 在空难发生后封锁消息,难道他们不想救灾了? Said, in Cagayan City has the matter that what they have to conceal. 还是说,卡加延市里发生了什么他们不得不隐瞒的事。 Artillery sound that the distant place transmits once for a while. Can look outside Cagayan City to erupt into the war. Under supporting of distant noise, the silence on street seems especially strange, seems area this is not city, but is a tomb...... 远方时不时传来的炮响。看得出来卡加延市外正在爆发战争。在远方喧嚣的承托下,街上的寂静显得格外诡异,就好似这一带不是什么城市,而是一座坟墓…… ahhhhh! Go away! shi.t!” 啊啊啊!滚开!shi.t!” The pitiful yell sound resounds, cut graveyard the dreariness towering. 惨叫声突兀地响起,划破了“墓园”的沉寂。 The bloody taste floats following that miserable howling sound, in the dimness of flame is absent-minded the illegibile person's shadow. 血腥味儿顺着那惨嚎声飘来,火光的朦胧中似是恍惚着不清不楚的人影。 Jiang Chen swallowed a spit, puts in the hand in pocket, fished out Pistol from storage space. 江晨咽了口吐沫,伸进兜里的手,从储物空间中摸出了手枪 Because actually not he feels able to be useful, but is this Pistol metal sense of reality, can bring the security sense. 倒不是因为他觉得能用得上,而是这手枪的金属质感,能给人带来安全感。 That person of face delay. In eyeball densely covered blood threads, under the illumination of street light, even if stands beyond ten several meters still clearly discernible. 那人面孔呆滞。眼球中密布的血丝,在路灯的照明下,即使是站在十数米外也清晰可见。 Suddenly, a fearful thought appeared in the Jiang Chen's heart. 猛然间,一个可怕的念头浮现在了江晨的心中。 . This gadget is...... 难道。这玩意儿是…… This is impossible! 这不可能! Although is thinking, but Jiang Chen is subconscious pulling Pistol , aimed staggered is moving toward his civilians. 虽然这么想着,但江晨还是下意识的拔出手枪,对准了踉跄着走向他的平民。 Stop “stop” No response, heard the Jiang Chen's sound, that whole face was the civilians of blood instead sped up the footsteps, the reveal. Had/Left the contamination bloodstain tooth. 没有任何反应,听到了江晨的声音,那满脸是血的平民反而加快了脚步,露.出了沾染血迹的牙齿。 Has not needed to suspect. Only the dead will not dread the weapon...... 已经无需怀疑。只有死者不会畏惧武器…… Bang! 砰! The sound of gunfire cut the silence of street. 枪声划破了街道的寂静。 Brings the blood hole before volume, glassy-eyed zombie falls to the ground. 带着额前的血洞,目光呆滞的丧尸倒地。 Actually to send anything anything...... the grass.” Dangled crassly the muzzle, Jiang Chen arrived at that zombie, pulled out dagger to cut open its nape. “究竟发什么了什么……草。”骂骂咧咧地垂下了枪口,江晨走到那丧尸的边上,掏出匕首切开了它的后颈。 Unlike Last of Days that side zombie, has not discovered the X1 Bacteria infection trace after the brain of zombie, had not found the grain of rice size the crystal. So, here zombie infects because of completely different pathogenesis mechanism. 末世那边的丧尸不同,在丧尸的脑后并没有发现x1细菌的感染痕迹,也没有找到米粒大小的晶体。如此看来,这边的丧尸感染是因为完全不同的致病机理。 Sees this, Jiang Chen relaxes on the contrary. 看到这,江晨反倒是松了口气。 Hungry......” “饿……” Low and deep shouts to transmit from two of street, Jiang Chen raise your head, sees only zombie not to know when has encircled. In street nearby residents, the terrorist|terrifying countenance pasted in the glass window, smudged the blood stain. 低沉的嘶吼声从街道的两头传来,江晨抬起头,只见丧尸不知何时已经围了过来。街道旁边的民宅内,一张张恐怖的嘴脸贴在了玻璃窗上,将血污涂抹。 Because of sound of gunfire?” Jiang Chen looks at the eye was grasping Pistol , thought aloud, considered as finished, first evacuated temporarily.” “是因为枪声吗?”江晨看了眼握着的手枪,自言自语道,“算了,还是先暂时撤离吧。” Then, he received the weapon, started activate(d) cross over...... 说完,他收起了武器,开始启动穿越…… The cold wind has blown, curled up several sacks. 冷风吹过,卷起了几叶包装袋。 Is maintaining the left hand raise stance, the Jiang Chen's eyebrow jumped jumping awkwardly. 保持着左手平举的姿态,江晨的眉毛尴尬地跳了跳。 Doesn't have activate(d) to succeed? 启动成功? What situation!? 什么情况!? The window of nearby block of flats whish shatter, the person and glass fragment of whole body belt/bring blood fell on the avenue together. The third floor altitude, the normal people should fall remnantly, the person but who this person is actually all right probably is the same, staggered to crawl from the ground, aimed on the pupil of that bloodthirsty this street only living creature Jiang Chen. 一旁公寓楼的窗户哗地破碎,浑身带血的人与玻璃残片一同摔到了大街上。三楼的高度,正常人都该摔残了,但这人却像是没事的人一样,踉跄着从地上爬了起来,将那嗜血的瞳孔对准了这街上唯一的活物江晨 The fine hair is but actually vertical, Jiang Chen gave up trying activate(d) cross over repeatedly, immediately pulls out Ripper Rifle from storage space. 汗毛倒竖,江晨放弃了反复尝试启动穿越,立刻从储物空间掏出了撕裂者步枪 zombie following stuffed dumpling falls from the building, supported with street both sides zombie together. 丧尸如下饺子似的从楼上摔下,与街道两侧的丧尸一同拥了过来。 Muzzle large flame spraying, concentrated fire bullet(s) tore into shreds recent several zombie. 枪口火舌喷射,攒射的子弹撕碎了最近的几名丧尸 Clamps the butt in the armpit, Jiang Chen is supporting rifle single-handed, another copied out lasersword, did not brandish dilatory to zombie that threw, cleft in two that ugly countenance. 将枪托夹在腋下,江晨单手挺着步枪,另一只手抄起了激光剑,毫不拖沓地抡向了一只扑来的丧尸,将那丑陋的嘴脸劈成两半。 Grass! Made a mistake! This special is not Last of Days!” “草!是不是搞错了!这特么的不是末世啊!” A foot pedal flew to plunge his zombie, Jiang Chen is nipping the pattern that replaced the light sword, flung light edge that revolving danced in the air. Meanwhile, he threw storage space gripping of light sword, pulled out the new cartridge clip in a flash, replaced rapidly hit spatial that. 一脚蹬飞了扑向他的丧尸,江晨咬着更换了光剑的模式,甩出了一道旋转飞舞的光刃。与此同时,他将光剑的握把扔回了储物空间,一瞬间掏出了新弹夹,迅速地替换了打空的那个。 The flesh and bullet(s) fly horizontally, the doom had a bloody road from zombie surrounding, Jiang Chen held rifle to dash about wildly to neighbor that highest block of flats. 血肉与子弹横飞,死命地从丧尸包围中杀出了一条血路,江晨抱着步枪狂奔向了附近那栋最高的公寓楼。 Runs along the way, his hand touches to pickup, receives storage space it. Runs in the unit building, turned around tú tú tú to sweep zombie that upside-down several pursued, the left hand wields then that pickup horizontally in the entrance of unit building. 沿途奔跑中,他一只手摸向一辆皮卡,将它收入储物空间。跑进单元楼中,转身“突突突”地扫倒了几只追来的丧尸,左手一挥便将那皮卡横在了单元楼的入口。 It seems like storage space can also use! 看来储物空间还能用! The zombie noisy crowd wells up, the pickup stubbornly pressed in entrance, huge thrust force, even that metal shell sent out calling out in grief of being unable to withstand the load. But regardless of they are how crowded, impossible to push by the crowded door. 丧尸一窝蜂地涌过来,将皮卡死死地压在了门口,庞大的推力,甚至连那金属外壳都发出了不堪重负的悲鸣。可无论他们怎么挤,也不可能靠挤把门挤开。 Is puffing, Jiang Chen by the entrance of unit building, dangled rifle in hand. 喘着粗气,江晨靠在了单元楼的入口,垂下了手中的步枪 Rested the moment, he outside zombie to this unit building entrance grinned to smile, lifted oneself left hand. 休息了片刻,他对这单元楼入口外的丧尸咧嘴笑了笑,抬起了自己的左手。 Is looking at that say/way clear and is full the energy the trace, Jiang Chen's deeply frowns. 望着那道清晰而充盈能量的纹路,江晨的眉头紧锁。 Lingers in the heart puzzled. 困惑萦绕在心头。 Why in less than?( To be continued.) 为什么用不了?(未完待续。) ps:( Why some people think that the present world will turn into Last of Days, this worry is completely unnecessary =. =) sf0916 ps:(为什么有人认为现世会变成末世啊,这种担心完全是多余的=。=)sf0916
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